CHAPTER 4: Operation
4.2.1 THEAT C
Each command in the Standard AT
Command Set is preceded by the
two-character sequence AT. AT is
short for “Attention!”. You control
and command the modem by first
demanding its “attention” and then
dictating your command. When you
press the return or enter key you
officially initiate the command.
Each AT Command consists of the
following elements:
1. The two-character attention
sequence AT
2. A command
3. A command parameter
4. Press the return key
NOTE: There are two exceptions to this
convention: the A/ and the +++
commands. Both commands are
discussed later in this manual.
A command is not initiated until you
press the carriage return key <CR>.
The modm ignores entries
represented as spaces (that is, if you
press the space bar on your keyboard
the modem does not acknowledge
these characters as part of the
4.2.2 AT C
Not all commands have command
parameters associated with them. If
a parameter is missing from an AT
command statement, the value of
zero is assigned to it. Sometimes
zero is actually a valid command
: The sequence of
characters that follow the AT
sequence constitute the core of the
command. They cause the modem
to enter a command state.
Command parameters give the
modem further details about the
command. Pressing the carriage
return key initiates the command
(that is, the modem goes to work).
If you key in AT without a command,
you are simply sending a “wakeup
call” to the modem, telling it to get
ready to listen to a command.
The modem queues commands in a
40-character command line. The
command line beginning with AT
can have several commands.
NOTE: It is not necessary to have a
separator between the commands.
Here is the command line format:
AT command <parameter>command<parameter>
The carriage return <CR> terminates the command line. When the
modem receives the <CR> the
commands are performed in the
order in which they are sent to the
modem. If more than 40 characters
are sent to the modem an error
occurs; all commands must then be
4.3 The AT Command Set for the
Data Modem
The following table gives the AT
commands supported by Tote-A-Fax
542 modem, including a description
of each command, its command
“range” and size. Pertinent notes
are included within the table.