Black Box ACU3001A, ACU3022A, ACU3009A User Manual

MAY 2002
From CPU or ServSwitch
Local Module
Remote Module
From CPU or ServSwitch
Local Module
ACU3001A ACU3009A ACU3022A
Welcome to the ServSwitch
Thank you for purchasing a BLACK BOX®ServSwitch™Brand CAT5 KVM Extender model! We appreciate your business, and we think you’ll appreciate the many ways that your enhanced keyboard/video/mouse system will save you money, time, and effort.
That’s because our ServSwitch family is all about breaking away from the traditional, expensive model of computer management. You know, the one-size­fits-all-even-if-it-doesn’t model that says, “One computer gets one user station, no more, no less.” Why not a single user station (monitor, keyboard, and mouse) for multiple computers—even computers of different platforms? Why not a pair of user stations, each of which can control multiple computers? Why not multiple user stations for the same computer?
With our ServSwitch products, there’s no reason why not. We carry a broad line of robust solutions for all these applications. Do you have just two PCs, and need an economical alternative to keeping two monitors, keyboards, and mice on your desk? Or do you need to share dozens of computers, including a mix of IBM
, Apple®Macintosh®, Sun Microsystems®, and SGI®compatibles among multiple users with different access levels? Does your switch have to sit solidly on a worktable and use regular everyday cables? Or does it have to be mounted in an equipment rack and use convenient many-to-one cables? No matter how large or small your setup is, no matter how simple or how complex, we’re confident we have a ServSwitch system that’s just right for you.
The ServSwitch
family from Black Box—the one-stop answer for all your KVM-
switching needs!
This manual will tell you all about your new ServSwitch™ Brand CAT5 KVM Micro Extender, including how to install, operate, and troubleshoot it. For an introduction to the Micro Extender, see Chapter 2. The Micro Extender product codes covered in this manual are:
ACU3001A ACU3009A ACU3022A
Document MICRO-1M6
BLACK BOX and the logo are registered trademarks, and ServSwitch, Matrix
ServSwitch, ServSwitch Affinity, ServSwitch Duo, ServSwitch Multi, ServSwitch
Ultra, ServSwitch Wizard, ServSwitch Wizard Pro, ServManager, ServSelect, and
ServShare are trademarks, of Black Box Corporation.
Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
AT&T is a registered trademark of AT&T.
Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
IBM, PC/AT, PS/2, and RS/6000 are registered trademarks, and PC/XT is a
trademark, of International Business Machines Corporation.
Microsoft, IntelliMouse, Windows, Windows Me, Windows NT, and Windows XP
are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United
States and/or other countries.
Sun Microsystems is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the
United States and other countries.
Any other trademarks mentioned in this manual are acknowledged to be the property of the
trademark owners.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy, and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause interference to radio communication. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures may be necessary to correct the interference.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Shielded cables must be used to connect this equipment to computers and peripherals in order to maintain compliance with radio frequency energy emission regulations and ensure a suitably high level of immunity to electromagnetic disturbances.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emission from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulation of Industry Canada.
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la classe A prescrites dans le Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique publié par Industrie Canada.
This is a class A product. In a domestic environment, this product might cause radio interference, in which case the user might be required to take adequate remedial measures.
This product complies with the following harmonized standards:
• EN55022 (1994), EN55024 (1998)
• EN61000-3-2 (1995), EN61000-3-3 (1995), EN60950 (2000)
When you use this product in environments that have high levels of electromagnetic interference, you might experience some slight disturbance in its operation. If this occurs, please refer to the Troubleshooting chapter of this manual or call technical support.
To maintain compliance, use only cables supplied (or recommended) for use with this product.
1. Todas las instrucciones de seguridad y operación deberán ser leídas antes de que el aparato eléctrico sea operado.
2. Las instrucciones de seguridad y operación deberán ser guardadas para referencia futura.
3. Todas las advertencias en el aparato eléctrico y en sus instrucciones de operación deben ser respetadas.
4. Todas las instrucciones de operación y uso deben ser seguidas.
5. El aparato eléctrico no deberá ser usado cerca del agua—por ejemplo, cerca de la tina de baño, lavabo, sótano mojado o cerca de una alberca, etc.
6. El aparato eléctrico debe ser usado únicamente con carritos o pedestales que sean recomendados por el fabricante.
7. El aparato eléctrico debe ser montado a la pared o al techo sólo como sea recomendado por el fabricante.
8. Servicio—El usuario no debe intentar dar servicio al equipo eléctrico más allá a lo descrito en las instrucciones de operación. Todo otro servicio deberá ser referido a personal de servicio calificado.
9. El aparato eléctrico debe ser situado de tal manera que su posición no interfiera su uso. La colocación del aparato eléctrico sobre una cama, sofá, alfombra o superficie similar puede bloquea la ventilación, no se debe colocar en libreros o gabinetes que impidan el flujo de aire por los orificios de ventilación.
10. El equipo eléctrico deber ser situado fuera del alcance de fuentes de calor como radiadores, registros de calor, estufas u otros aparatos (incluyendo amplificadores) que producen calor.
11. El aparato eléctrico deberá ser connectado a una fuente de poder sólo del tipo descrito en el instructivo de operación, o como se indique en el aparato.
12. Precaución debe ser tomada de tal manera que la tierra fisica y la polarización del equipo no sea eliminada.
13. Los cables de la fuente de poder deben ser guiados de tal manera que no sean pisados ni pellizcados por objetos colocados sobre o contra ellos, poniendo particular atención a los contactos y receptáculos donde salen del aparato.
14. El equipo eléctrico debe ser limpiado únicamente de acuerdo a las recomendaciones del fabricante.
15. En caso de existir, una antena externa deberá ser localizada lejos de las lineas de energia.
16. El cable de corriente deberá ser desconectado del cuando el equipo no sea usado por un largo periodo de tiempo.
17. Cuidado debe ser tomado de tal manera que objectos liquidos no sean derramados sobre la cubierta u orificios de ventilación.
18. Servicio por personal calificado deberá ser provisto cuando:
A: El cable de poder o el contacto ha sido dañado; u
B: Objectos han caído o líquido ha sido derramado dentro del aparato; o
C: El aparato ha sido expuesto a la lluvia; o
D: El aparato parece no operar normalmente o muestra un cambio en su
desempeño; o
E: El aparato ha sido tirado o su cubierta ha sido dañada.
Chapter Page
1. Quick Start Guide ...................................................................................... 9
2. Specifications ........................................................................................... 10
3. Introduction ............................................................................................. 14
3.1 Compatibility ..................................................................................... 15
3.2 Key Features ...................................................................................... 17
4. Checklist of System Components ............................................................ 18
4.1 The Complete Package ..................................................................... 18
4.2 The Cables You’ll Need .................................................................... 19
4.2.1 To Connect a CPU to the Local Unit .................................... 19
4.2.2 To Connect a ServSwitch Family KVM Switch to the
Local Unit’s CPU Port ......................................................... 20
4.2.3 To Connect a Monitor, Keyboard, and Mouse to the Remote Unit or to the User Ports on the
Dual-Access Local Unit ........................................................ 22
4.2.4 To Connect a ServSwitch Family KVM Switch to the Remote Unit or to the User Ports on the
Dual-Access Local Unit ........................................................ 23
4.2.5 To Connect the Local Unit to the Remote Unit ................... 25
5. Configuration ........................................................................................... 26
5.1 Setting DIP-Switch Position 1: Video Distance ................................ 26
Setting DIP-Switch Position 2: Keyboard-Command Recognition
.. 27
5.3 Setting the Microphone-Amplification Jumper in the
KVM/Serial/Audio Remote Unit (Not Normally Necessary) ........ 28
6. Installation ................................................................................................ 29
6.1 Test-Placing the Extender System (Optional) ................................ 29
6.2 Attaching Devices .............................................................................. 29
6.2.1 Special Concerns About Connecting Audio Devices to the
KVM/Serial/Audio Micro Extender ................................... 31
6.2.2 Attaching a CPU to the Local Unit’s CPU Port .................... 32
6.2.3 Attaching a ServSwitch Family KVM Switch to the
Local Unit’s CPU Port ......................................................... 33
6.2.4 Attaching User-Station Equipment to the User Port on a
Remote Unit or Dual-Access Local Unit ............................. 36
6.2.5 Attaching a ServSwitch Family KVM Switch to the
User Port on a Remote Unit or Dual-Access Local Unit .... 37
Contents (continued)
Chapter Page
6. Installation (continued)
6.3 Finishing Your Installation ............................................................... 40
7. Operation ................................................................................................. 42
7.1 Keyboard and Mouse Emulation ..................................................... 42
7.2 Normal Operation and Keyboard Typematic Rate ......................... 42
7.3 Keyboard Commands and Related Functions ................................. 43
7.3.1 Resetting the Keyboard and Mouse ....................................... 43
7.3.2 Correcting the PS/2 Mouse If It Gets Out of Sync ............... 44
7.3.3 The Inactivity Timeout (ACU3009A Dual-Access Systems
Only) ..................................................................................... 45
7.3.4 Private Mode (ACU3009A Dual-Access Systems Only) ......... 46
8. Troubleshooting ...................................................................................... 47
8.1 Common Problems ........................................................................... 47
8.1.1 Keyboard .................................................................................. 47
8.1.2 Mouse ....................................................................................... 48
8.1.3 Both Keyboard and Mouse ..................................................... 49
8.1.4 Serial Device (ACU3022A KVM/Serial/Audio Systems
Only) ..................................................................................... 50
8.1.5 Audio Devices (ACU3022A KVM/Serial/Audio Systems
Only) ..................................................................................... 51
8.1.6 Video ........................................................................................ 51
8.1.7 Power ....................................................................................... 53
8.2 General Questions About the Micro Extender ............................... 54
8.3 Calling Black Box .............................................................................. 56
8.4 Shipping and Packaging ................................................................... 56
Appendix A: Cable Pinning/Pairing ............................................................. 57
Appendix B: Keyboard-Command Summary ................................................ 58
CHAPTER 1: Quick Start Guide
1. Quick Start Guide
When you configure the ServSwitch™ Brand CAT5 KVM Micro Extender, you only need to answer two questions:
• How far will the CAT5 cabling run between the Extender’s Local and Remote Units? If it will be 25 m (80 ft.) or less, you don’t need to set anything. If it will be 25 to 50 m (80 to 160 ft.), move DIP-switch position 1 on the bottom of the Remote Unit to the DOWN (ON) setting.
ACU3001A or ACU3009A: Do you need [Scroll Lock] for anything? ACU3022A: Do you need right-[Ctrl] for anything?
If not, you can use this key to command the Extender, and you don’t need to set anything. If you need this key to control your hardware or software, or if your keyboard doesn’t have this key, move DIP-switch position 2 on the bottom of the Remote Unit to the DOWN (ON) setting.
To install your Extender system, refer to the illustration below. The elements of a basic ACU3001A Single-Access installation are shown with solid lines; extra elements that can be present in an ACU3009A Dual-Access or an ACU3022A KVM/Serial/Audio installation are shown with dashed lines.
Use the included extension cable to attach the CPU to the Local Unit. Plug the remote keyboard, monitor, and mouse directly into the Remote Unit. In Dual­Access systems, plug the local keyboard, monitor, and mouse directly into the Local Unit. Connect the Local and Remote Units with straight-pinned four-pair solid-core CAT5 cable (not Level 6, etc.). Power the Remote Unit with its included power supply. For more information, or if your installation includes any KVM switches, refer to Chapter 6.
Remote monitor,
keyboard, mouse, and
(ACU3022A KVM/Serial/
Audio systems only)
serial touchscreen,
mike, and speakers
Local monitor, keyboard, and mouse
(ACU3009A Dual-Access systems only)
Local CPU
CAT5 cable
Included extension cables
Remote Unit
and power
2. Specifications
Cable Required: Between Local and Remote Units: Category 5 solid
unshielded or shielded twisted pair (UTP or STP), wired to the EIA/TIA-568A or (preferred) -568B standard, terminated with RJ-45 male connectors; for pinning/pairing, see Appendix A
CE class A; FCC Part 15 Subpart B Class A, IC Class/classe A
Compatibility: Video: VGA, SVGA, XGA, XGA-2, or RGsB (sync on
green), although if your system has monitor ID-bit requirements, you might need to call Black Box for technical support;
Keyboard: IBM PC/AT or PS/2 compatible (PC/AT
types require connector adapter);
Mouse: IBM PS/2 compatible two-button, Microsoft
IntelliMouse, or Logitech PS/2 compatible 3-button
Interfaces: On all models:
To monitor: VGA; To keyboard and mouse: IBM PS/2 compatible; To CPU’s video, keyboard, and mouse ports:
Proprietary composite of VGA video and IBM PS/2 compatible keyboard and mouse;
Between Units: Proprietary composite of all supported
device interfaces;
On KVM/Serial/Audio model (ACU3022A) only:
To serial device: EIA/TIA RS-232 pinned according to
TIA-574, DTE;
To CPU’s serial port: EIA/TIA RS-232 pinned
according to TIA-574, DCE;
To audio devices and CPU’s audio ports: Bidirectional
3.5-mm mini stereo audio
Video Characteristics: Resolution: Up to 1280 x 1024;
I/O signal levels: 0.7 volts peak-to-peak; Compensation: For short- or long-distance (user-
Synchronization: H/V or composite, TTL signal levels;
sync polarity is preserved;
Coupling: DC
CHAPTER 2: Specifications
Serial Characteristics: KVM/Serial/Audio model (ACU3022A) only:
Data rate: Transparent to data rates up to 19,200 bps; Data format: Transparent to data format; Flow control: Transparent to hardware and software
flow control (RTS, CTS, DTR, and DSR are all passed through across the link)
Audio Characteristics: KVM/Serial/Audio model (ACU3022A) only:
Signal format: Digitized at almost CD quality (16-bit
sampling at 38.4 kHz);
Signal levels: Line level (5 volts peak-to-peak
maximum); Input impedance: 47 kΩ; Signal direction: Simultaneous bidirectional; Extra microphone support at Remote Unit: Pull-up
resistor provides bias for condenser microphone;
optional amplification to +17 dB for external
Maximum Distance: 5 m (16 ft.) from the Local Unit to the attached local
5 m (16 ft.) from the Remote Unit to the attached
remote equipment;
50 m (160 ft.) between Local and Remote Units
With high-quality cables, it might be possible to run farther than 5 m (16 ft.) from the Extender to attached equipment.
User Controls: Keyboard commands (see Section 7.3 and Appendix B);
On Remote Unit: Bottom-mounted 2-position DIP switch
for video distance (cable length) and keyboard­command recognition
Indicator: On Local Unit: Right-side-mounted LED for power and
link integrity
Connectors: On Local Unit:
Right-side-mounted: (1) RJ-45 female for local/remote
interconnection; Left-side-mounted:
All models: (1) DB25 female for video input from,
and keyboard/mouse output to, computer;
Dual-Access model (ACU3009A) only:
(1) HD15 female for video output to local
(2) 6-pin mini-DIN female for input from local
keyboard and mouse;
KVM/Serial/Audio model (ACU3022A) only:
(1) DB9 female for serial I/O to and from local
RS-232 device;
(2) 3.5-mm mini stereo jacks for audio I/O to and
from local device(s): (1) for audio in (usually speaker/headphone signals), (1) for audio out (usually microphone signals);
On Remote Unit:
(1) RJ-45 female for local/remote interconnection;
(1) 2.5-mm center-positive barrel jack for power; Left-side-mounted:
(1) HD15 female for video output to monitor;
(2) 6-pin mini-DIN female for input from keyboard
and mouse;
KVM/Serial/Audio model (ACU3022A) only:
(1) DB9 male for serial I/O to and from remote
RS-232 device;
(2) 3.5-mm mini stereo jacks for audio I/O to and
from remote device(s): (1) for audio in (usually from a microphone), (1) for audio out (usually to speakers or headphones)
Temperature Tolerance: 32 to 104˚F (0 to 40˚C)
Humidity Tolerance: 5 to 90% noncondensing
Enclosure: Steel
CHAPTER 2: Specifications
Power: Local Unit:
5 VDC at up to 120 mA from CPU’s keyboard and mouse port;
Remote Unit:
From desktop power supply (certified to meet the
relevant international safety standards):
Input: 100 to 240 VAC at 50 to 60 Hz from utility-
power (mains) outlet, through detachable power cord and IEC 320 male inlet, to external transformer;
Output (isolated from mains ground): 9 VDC
regulated, at up to 1 amp, from transformer to Remote Unit
If you ever need to replace the Remote Unit’s power supply, the replacement power supply must have identical output characteristics. Using a power supply with different output—even if it’s “almost the same”—could damage your Remote Unit and the attached equipment.
Size: Each Unit:
ACU3001A Units, ACU3009A Remote Unit:
1" (2.5 cm);
ACU3022A Units, ACU3009A Local Unit:
1.7" (4.3 cm);
Feet protrude an additional 0.1" (0.2 cm) from
Width: 4.3" (11 cm); D-shell connectors protrude an
additional 0.1" (0.2 cm) from left side; Depth: 3.2" (8.2 cm); additionally, screws protrude less
than 0.1" (0.2 cm) from both the front and the back
Weight: ACU3001A Units, ACU3009A Remote Unit:
8.3 oz. (235 g);
ACU3009A Local Unit: 13.5 oz. (380 g); ACU3022A Units: 18 oz. (510 g)
3. Introduction
By using the Local and Remote Units that together make up the ServSwitch™ Brand CAT5 KVM or KVM/Serial/Audio Micro Extender, you can place your VGA monitor, keyboard, and mouse as far as 50 meters (160 ft.) from the PC-compatible CPUs they communicate with.
The Single-Access (ACU3001A) model of the Extender is designed to perform KVM extension only. With the Dual-Access (ACU3009A) model, you can attach an additional monitor, keyboard, and mouse to the Local Unit; the PC can then be operated from either the local or remote user station (they share access on a “first­come, first-served” basis—see Section 7.3.3). The KVM/Serial/Audio (ACU3022A) model has all of the capabilities of the regular Single-Access version, and can also support a connection between the PC and a remote serial device, plus a connection between the PC and a remote microphone and speakers (or other sources of audio input and output).
Throughout this manual, serial and audio devices/connections/etc. will often be listed without qualification along with video/monitor, keyboard, and mouse devices/connections/etc. Just keep in mind that, except where noted, all references to serial or audio communication apply to KVM/Serial/Audio Micro Extender systems only.
Also, do not connect a KVM Micro Local Unit to a KVM/Serial/Audio Micro Remote Unit, or a KVM/Serial/Audio Micro Local Unit to a KVM Micro Remote Unit. Extender systems with intermixed KVM Micro and KVM/Serial/Audio Micro equipment do not work.
The Local and Remote Units are designed to be interconnected with a single industry-standard Category 5 UTP or STP 4-pair cable. All keyboard, mouse, and video signals are fully buffered to ensure consistent remote operation of your PC.
The Micro Extender is simple to operate and works with all operating systems— no software is required. Once you’ve made sure you have everything you’ll need (see Chapter 4) and you’ve configured your Local and Remote Units (see Chapter 5), just connect the Local and Remote Units to each other and to your equipment as described in Chapter 6 and you’re ready to work!
Because the Micro Extender performs complete PS/2
keyboard and mouse emulation, you can boot the PC without having a keyboard or mouse attached to it. Your PC will boot even if the Extender’s Remote Unit is not powered or has no keyboard or mouse connected to it.
CHAPTER 3: Introduction
3.1 Compatibility
The ServSwitch Brand CAT5 KVM Micro Extender is designed to operate in various environments and with a mix of hardware from different manufacturers. During development, this product was extensively tested with a wide variety of hardware. However, please note that it is impossible for us to guarantee that the Micro Extender will interoperate correctly with every keyboard, mouse, monitor, motherboard variant, and RS-232 device currently on the market. If you suspect that you’re having incompatibility problems, please call Black Box Technical Support.
In general, the Micro Extender is compatible with the following types of
PC/AT®, PS/2, and 100% compatible clones. These should be
desktop machines; laptops and docking stations are not supported.
Monitor: VGA, SVGA, XGA, XGA-2, or RGsB (sync on green). Be aware that a few monitors and graphics cards might not work with the “as is” Micro Extender—at least in their factory-default settings—because they exchange monitor IDs or VESA DDC (Display Data Channel) information. Call Black Box Technical Support for help with “ID bit” problems. As for DDC, the Extender supports it at the ACU3009A’s local user station but not at any remote user station, so either (a) do not use a DDC monitor at your remote station, or (b) go into your graphics card’s settings, turn DDC off, and manually configure the card for your monitor(s).
Keyboard: Standard (101- or 102-key) PS/2 type or enhanced PS/2 type (104- or 105-key, designed for use with versions of Windows
starting with Windows 95). Although we don’t recommend this, you might also be able to use a PC/AT type keyboard with 5-pin DIN connectors; you’ll need adapters to attach it and its native CPU to the Micro Extender (see the start of Section 4.2). Some older PC/XT™ or PC/AT type autosensing keyboards might not be compatible with the Extender. If the keyboard you want to use is some other type or has some other type of connector, call Black Box for technical support.
For information about keyboard typematic support, see Section 7.2.
Mouse: Standard PS/2 type, Microsoft®IntelliMouse®compatible, or Logitech™ 3-button PS/2 compatible mouse; the CPU should have standard PS/2 type mouse ports. The KVM/Serial/Audio Micro Extender can handle a serial mouse if it’s attached to the Remote Unit’s serial port, but the other models are not compatible with serial mice and require adapters to support PCs with PC/AT type serial mouse ports—see the Note below. The Micro Extenders are not compatible at all with bus mice or CPUs with bus-mouse ports. If a mouse or mouse port you want to attach is some other type or has some other type of connector, call Black Box Technical Support.
Serial Device (KVM/Serial/Audio Micro Extenders only): Standard asynchronous RS-232 devices, including serial mice and trackballs, that operate at up to 19,200 bps and don’t require any hardware control signals other than RTS, CTS, DSR, and DTR. (The Micro Extender is transparent to data format and to all data rates up to 19,200 bps. It passes the control signals through.)
The Extenders do not support serial mice on their PS/2 mouse ports. The KVM/Serial/Audio Micro Extender supports a serial mouse on its Remote Unit’s serial port without requiring any special configuration.
Audio Device (KVM/Serial/Audio Micro Extenders only): Just about any standard PC sound card or consumer audio device that doesn’t transmit or receive signals at voltages above line level (5 volts peak-to-peak) should be compatible with the Micro Extender.
CHAPTER 3: Introduction
3.2 Key Features
The ServSwitch Brand CAT5 KVM Micro Extender has a number of useful features which contribute to the transparent remote operation of your PC. Some of the more important ones are:
Distance up to 50 m (160 ft.) Operate your PC from the next room or all the way down the hall.
Adjustable video equalization Compensates for the loss of image quality caused by the signal passing through more than 25 m (80 ft.) of cable.
Fully buffered signals Remote operation of the PC is consistently smooth and transparent.
Intelligent PS/2 keyboard and mouse emulation With this, the PC boots and operates correctly under most circumstances, and you can freely detach and reconnect the keyboard and mouse as necessary (the Micro Extender automatically initializes the keyboard and mouse as soon as it detects that you’ve reattached them).
Microsoft IntelliMouse compatibility Use this and compatible “wheel mice” with confidence. In a Dual-Access (ACU3009A) system, you can even use a standard PS/2 mouse at one of the PC’s user stations and an IntelliMouse at the other.
Dual-Access model also supports a local station With the Dual-Access (ACU3009A) model, you can operate the PC either locally or remotely (but not both at the same time).
KVM/Serial/Audio systems only: Support for serial and audio peripherals With the KVM/Serial/Audio Micro Extender (ACU3022A), you can connect almost any RS-232 device that can communicate at 19,200 bps or less, as well as almost any standard audio device or sound card.
We recommend that you read the remainder of this manual before you install the Micro Extender in order to fully familiarize yourself with the system.
4. Checklist of System Components
4.1 The Complete Package
At the time of this writing, these items should be included with your ServSwitch™ Brand CAT5 KVM Micro Extender package:
• (1) Micro Extender Local Unit.
• (1) Micro Extender Remote Unit.
• (1) 9-VDC 1-amp power-supply transformer and output cord.
• (1) Power-supply input cord suitable for your country or region.
• (1) 3.6-ft. (1.1-m) KVM-extension cable (runs from PC CPU to Local Unit) with a DB25 male connector at the Unit end and an HD15 male connector and two
6-pin mini-DIN male connectors at the CPU end. The 6-pin mini-DIN connectors are attached to the HD15 by additional 16" (40-cm) cable strands. (If your PC has 5-pin DIN
keyboard connectors, see the start of Section 4.2 for
how you’ll connect it.)
• (1) Copy of this manual.
The KVM/Serial/Audio Micro Extender should also include these extension cables that run from the CPU to the Local Unit:
• (1) 6-ft. (1.8-m) DB9 female to DB9 male serial-extension cable.
• (2) 6-ft. (1.8-m) audio-extension cables with 3.5-mm stereo plugs on either end.
The components of the Extender package are, however, subject to change without notice.
Please contact Black Box right away if any of these items are damaged when you receive them.
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