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• Use legacy Macintosh computers to
drive video displays.
• Send Macintosh video output to four
monitors or other display devices with
one splitter.
• Cascade splitters to reach even more
• Monitors can be up to 250 ft. (76.2 m)
away from the splitter.
• Quick and easy to install.
Send Mac video to as many as ten destinations
with one splitter, or cascade splitters to reach multitudes.
The 4-Channel Video Splitter for Mac enables you to use
legacy Macintosh computers to drive multiple video displays.
It works with pre-1999 Macintosh computers that have a
DB15 video connector (for instance, the Macintosh Performa
and the LC).
This video splitter enables you to use older Macs that no
longer have the computing power for today’s applications to
set up groups of colorful displays for delivering information
such as menus or schedules, or for advertising.
The 4-Channel Video Splitter for Mac drives Mac
video to
four separate monitors, video projectors, or LCD panels at once
from a single CPU you control with one keyboard and one
mouse. It amplifies the video signals coming from your
Macintosh and retransmits them to up to four destinations at
once. If you need to send video to more than four places, just
cascade splitters (plug one’s output into another’s input) to add
extra ports. (Be aware that this might degrade image quality.)
Even high-resolution graphics that lesser splitters would blur
into Impressionist art are no problem for the 4-Channel Video
Splitter for Mac. It has 300 MHz of bandwidth to safely accommodate resolutions up to 1280 x 1024 pixels.
Because the splitter regenerates and amplifies video signals,
it can drive them farther than a regular CPU can by itself. Even
at higher resolutions and refresh rates (1152 x 870 at 75 Hz, for
example), the splitter can reach display devices 100 ft. (30.5 m)
away. At lower resolutions and refresh rates (up to 640 x 480 at
up to 66 Hz), the splitter can reach devices as far away as 250 ft.
(76.2 m).
• Display menus in a cafeteria or restaurant setting. Just
change the menu on the Mac to update all the displays
in the system.
• Broadcast work orders, updated instructions, daily targets,
alarms, and other info to all of the stations on a shop floor
from one Mac CPU.
• Show easily updated schedules for schools, clubs, or other
• Set up simple advertising displays for daily or weekly