Black Box AC088A-R2, AC089A-R2 Specifications

The World’s Source for Connectivity
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Black Box Corporation.
Supports up to four monitors without losing resolution.
Send displays up to 250 feet (76 m).
Now accommodates SGI and Power PC products.
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Broadcast computer video output to up to four monitors simultaneously.
Key Features
13W3 Video Splitters
hese Splitters can be used
to connect more than one monitor to any computer with a 13W3 connector for its monitor output. The monitors can be located up to 250 feet (7.6 m) away from the splitter, depending on the operating resolution being used.
The Splitters both feature a bandwidth of 300 MHz and a 1-ns rise time for clear images at any resolution. They come in compact, all-metal desktop packaging with both input and output connectors conveniently located on the rear of each unit.
In a conference or demonstration room, the Splitter can feed the computer’s own monitor, plus up to 3 additional monitors located around the room. This avoids people crowding around just one display.
Need more monitors? Cascade multiple Splitters for more complex arrangements. In a classroom, instructional material on your computer can be easily viewed by all the students from their desks.
And when you add Splitters, you also add to the distance you can send video signals.
Technically Speaking
Ordering Information
This information will help you place your order quickly.
13W3 Video Splitters
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Bandwidth — 300 MHz Controls — Monitor Type:
4-position front-panel DIP switch
Connectors — 13W3 female Indicators — (1) red LED for
Power — 115-VAC wall plug Size — AC088A-R2: 2.5"H x
5.5"W x 3.5"D (6.4 x 14 x
8.9 cm); AC089A-R2: 2.5"H x 7.3"W x 3.5"D (6.4 x 18.5 x 8.9 cm)
Weight — 0.9 lb. (0.4 kg)