Black Box 945 User Manual

How To Use
Data Communications
with the Watlow
Series 945
User's Manual
Watlow Controls, 1241 Bundy Blvd., P.O.Box 5580, Winona, MN 55987-5580, Phone: 507/454-5300, Fax: 507/452-4507
W945-SA50-9210 March, 1992
Supersedes: W945-SA40-9119
How to Use Data Communications
Made in the U.S.A.
Printed on Recycled Paper
WATLOW Series 945


Page Item
3 Data Communications and the Series 945 3 Hardware Interfaces Protocols 3 Communications Wiring 4 RS-422A Interface Pinouts 5 RS-423A Interface Pinouts
(RS-232C Compatible) 6 EIA-485 Interface Pinouts 6 Connecting the Control and Computer 7 Setting Hardware Protocol Switches 7 Network Connections 7 Series 945 Communication Parameters 8 Communications Setup Parameters 10 ASCII and Series 945 Information 11 Series 945 General Message Syntax 11 Message Syntax 11 Data Rules 12 Command List 12 Example Format 13 XON/XOFF Protocol for RS-423A 13 Start and Stop Communicating with the
Series 945 and XON/XOFF 14 XON/XOFF "=" Command Example 15 XON/XOFF "?" Command Example 16 ANSI X3.28 Protocol for RS-422 & EIA-485 16 Device Address 16 Starting Communications in ANSI X3.28 17 Stopping Communications in ANSI X3.28 17 ANSI X3.28 "=" Command Example 18 ANSI X3.28 "?" Command Example 19 "?" Command 20 "=" Command 22 Data Logging 23 Table Printout 23 Statistical Process Control - SPC 24 The Difference Between Control and
Specification Limits 25 Chart and SPC Printout 26 NAKs and Error Codes 26 User Responsibility 27 Index
Figures Item
1 RS-422 Interface Wiring 2 RS-423 Interface Wiring 3 EIA-485 Interface Wiring 4 RS-422/RS-423 Switch Selection 5 General Message Syntax Example 6 XON/XOFF "=" Command Example 7 XON/XOFF "?" Command Example 8 ANSI X3.28 "=" Command Example 9 ANSI X3.28 "?" Command Example 10 Data Logging Interface Wiring 11 Table Printout Example 12 Chart & SPC Printout Example
Tables Item
1 Setup Menu Prompts and Descriptions 2 ASCII Character Set 3 ASCII Control Characters (Partial Set) 4 Address to ASCII Conversion 5 "?" Command Data and Responses,
Partial Set 6 "=" Command and "?" Command Data 7 Printer Troubleshooting
WATLOW Series 945
How to Use Data Communications
How to Use Data Communications
with the Watlow Series 945
This manual is a supplement to the Series 945 User's Manual. It is for users with the data communications option. Use in conjunction with the Series 945 User's Manual.
This is expert user-level material and requires previous experience with data communications.
Two Serial Hardware Interfaces and Two Software Protocols
Depending on your units model number, you may have one of two hardware interfaces:
1)RS-422A for a "multidrop" or (multiple device) network, up to ten devices total; with 4000 ft. network length limit, or RS-423A (RS-232C compatible) for one on one communication with a 50 ft. network length limit with a 945 and a host computer (945A-XXXX--B000). Selecting RS-422A or RS-423A is user select­able via internal switches. See Page 7.

Data Comm

2)EIA-485 (945A-XXXX-D000) also for a multidrop network, up to 32 addresses total, and with a 4000 ft. network length limit.
There are two protocols available to you. Depending on the type of network you need, you must use the correct combination of interface and protocol.
We use ANSI X3.28 Protocol, based on ANSI X3.28 - 1976 Subcategories 2.2, and A3, with the RS-422A and EIA-485 interface to run a multiple device network. We also use XON/XOFF Protocol, a simpler protocol, to run a two device network with an RS-423A interface. XON/XOFF will also work with the RS-422A and EIA­485 interface, but the network is limited to two devices (one computer or printer and a Series 945). XON/XOFF Protocol requires no responses to messages like the ANSI X3.28 Protocol does. Likewise, ANSI X3.28 Protocol, which provides a response to every message, will work with the RS-423 interface. But again you are limited to one Series 945 and a host computer or printer.
To select which protocol you are going to use, go into the SETUP menu and use the MODE key to advance to the Prot parameter. Select either FULL, for ANSI X3.28 2.2 - A.3, or On for XON - XOFF.
If you are using ANSI X3.28 Protocol, choose an address number for the control under the Addr parameter following the Prot parameter. This parameter will only appear if Prot = FULL.
Communications Wiring
To connect your Series 945 to a computer or printer, use the next three pages as a reference. Your computer or printer hardware manual will provide more detailed serial port pin information. Also refer to the noise prevention section in Appendix 1 of the Series 945 User's Manual. In the often noisy environments of industrial locations, it is important not to take noise isolation lightly.
How to Use Data Communications
WATLOW Series 945


Figure 1 ­RS-422A Interface,
Pin Designations.
Series 945 #
RS-422A Interface Pinouts
The RS-422A communications uses a four wire (full duplex) system. There are two separate lines for transmitting, and two lines for receiving data between the computer and the Series 945. With RS-422A you can have from one to ten Series 945 controls connected to a single computer.
This diagram is a typical wiring example. The connections on the host computer may vary depending on models. Refer to your computer user's manual for more information.
Twisted Pair Wire
T +
T -
R +
R -
Signal Common
Host Computer
(rear view)
Series 945 #1
The Electronic Industry Association (EIA) RS-422A standard recom­mends a maximum 4000 ft. total network distance.
19 20 21 22 23
T + T ­R + R -
Signal Common
Twisted Pair Wire
DB-9 female
(viewed from wire side)
R + R -
T -
T +
WATLOW Series 945
How to Use Data Communications
RS-423A Interface Pinouts (RS-232C Compatible)
The RS-423A communications uses a three wire (full duplex) system. There is a separate line for transmitting, a line for receiving data, and a line for signal common between the computer and the Series 945. With RS-423A you can have only one Series 945 control connected to a single computer or printer.
This diagram is a typical wiring example. The connections on the host computer may vary depending on models. Refer to your computer user's manual for more information.
Host Computer
(rear view)
Figure 2 ­RS-423A Interface, Pin Designations.
R, and RLSD together.
and CTS together. puter's user manual.
Jumper to Signal Common
Signal Common
945 #
DB-25 female
(viewed from wire side)
DTR (Data Terminal Ready)
14 15 16 17 18 19 2 0
21 22 23 24 25
RTS (Request To Send)
4 5
CTS (Clear To Send)
DSR (Data Set Ready)
RLSD (Received Line Signal Detector)
8 9 10
11 12 13
The Electronic Industry Association (EIA) RS-423A standard recom­mends a maximum 50 foot total point­to-point distance.
How to Use Data Communications
WATLOW Series 945


EIA-485 Interface Pinouts
The EIA-485 communications uses a two wire (half duplex) system. There are only two lines, both lines used for transmitting and receiving. Only one device, the computer or the control, can be speaking at a time. There is a 1 millisecond delay requried for the Series 945 to go between transmission and receipt of data. With EIA-485 you can have from one to thirty-two Series 945 controls connected to a computer.
Figure 3 ­EIA-485 Interface, Pin Designations.
Series 945 #
Series 945 #31
This diagram is a typical wiring example. The connections on the host computer may vary depending on models. Refer to your computer user's manual for more information.
Twisted Pair Wire
Signal Common
Host Computer
(rear view)
Twisted Pair Wire
Signal Common
DB-9 female
(viewed from wire side)
The Electronic Industry Association EIA-485 standard recommends a maximum 4000 ft. total network dis­tance.
WATLOW Series 945
Connecting the Control and the Computer
Remove power from both the Series 945 and your computer or printer before connecting them together. This prevents noise or static interference from entering the data communication lines. Assemble a cable and the appropriate wiring at your computer or printer. Refer to the wiring on Page 4 through 6. As soon as you connect the data communications line(s), you're ready to apply power to your system.
How to Use Data Communications
(Up) RS-423A
(Up) RS-423 (Down) RS-422
(Down) RS-422A
How to Set the Hardware Protocol Switches
for 945A-XXXX-B000 Units Only
The RS-422/RS-423 switches are on the Communication Module Board (A007-
1830). Figure 4 shows the location of this board. You can select C1 for RS-423 or C2 for RS-422 operation. Both switches must be set the same for the desired protocol.
To change the position of a switch, remove the power from the Series 945 and turn the front panel locking screw 90° counterclockwise. To remove the control chas-
Control Chassis - Top View
sis, grip the front panel bezel and pull it straight out from the control case. Set the switches, C1 (towards you for RS-423) or C2 (away from you for RS-422) then return the control chassis to the case. Be sure it is oriented correctly. Press firmly, but gently, to seat the chassis. Secure the front panel locking screw and reapply power.


Figure 4 ­RS-422A/RS-423A Switch Selection.
The Series 945 leaves the factory in RS-423A operation (C1).
Network Connections
You can connect a data communication equipped Series 945 to any computer with an RS-422A or RS-423A (RS-232C compatible) or EIA-485 serial interface. The serial interface is the key. The IBM™PC® with an RS-232C serial output card, for instance, will talk to a single RS-423A equipped Series 945. For a multiple 945 network with the same PC, you'll need an RS-232 to RS-422 converter to act as a "bus," or multiple connection point.
Watlow recommends the Burr-Brown LDM 422 for that purpose. The address is: Burr-Brown, Inc., 1141 West Grant Rd,. Suite 131, Tucson, AZ 85705, Phone: (602) 624-2434, Fax: (602) 623-8965.
For EIA-485, we recommend the Black Box LD485A. Their address is: Black Box Corporation, Mayview Road at Park Drive, Box 12800, Pittsburgh, PA 152421, Phone: (412) 746-5530.
Series 945 Comunication Parameters
To communicate with the Series 945, match the serial port settings of your com­puter with the available settings in the 945:
bAUd Rate = 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 (choose one) dAtA = 7o = 7 data bits and odd parity
7E = 7 data bits and even parity (choose one)
8n = 8 data bits and no parity Start Bit = 1 Stop Bits = 1
How to Use Data Communications
WATLOW Series 945


Setup Menu - Communications Parameters
Enter the Setup menu by pressing the UP/DOWN keys simultaneously for 3 seconds. The lower display shows the LOC parameter, and the upper display shows its current level. All keys are inactive until you release both keys. You can reach the LOC parameter from anywhere. This is only a listing and brief explana­tion of the parameters, refer to Pages 22 through 26 for a thorough explanation of Statistical Process Control (SPC).
Baud: Represents the current baud rate for serial communications. Range: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 Default: 1200
Data: Allows the user to select the data bits and parity for communication. Range: 7 o = 7 data bits and odd parity 7E = 7 data bits and even parity
8 n = 8 data bits and no parity Default: 7 o
Protocol: Selects the communication protocol. Must be On for data logging to
occur. FULL = ANSI X3.28 2.2 - A.3 On = XON - XOFF
Range: FULL or On Default: FULL Address: Selects the address device if Prot = FULL. Range: 0 to 31 Default: 0 Log: Selects the data logging function for a printout of the data. Appears if Prot =
On. For further expon on SPC, the parameters and printouts, see Page 22 - 26.
Range: OFF, tAbL, CHrt, SPCA, SPCd, SPCn Default: OFF Lower Specification Limit: This value is the specified deviation below set point,
which statistically the process should not exceed. Appears if Prot = On and Log = SPCA or SPCd. SPCA Range: rL to Lower USL -2°F/-1°C Default: rL
SPCd Range: 1 to 99 Default: 10 Upper Specification Limit: This value is the specified deviation above set point,
which statistically the process should not exceed. Appears if Prot = On and Log = SPCA or SPCd.SPCA Range: rH to upper LSL +2°F/1°C Default: rL SPCd Range: 1 to 99 Default: 10
Time Base: Selects the time in minutes over which 30 random samples are taken for computing SPC values. Appears if Prot = On and Log = SPCA or SPCd. Range: 1 to 60 Default: 5
Line: Selects the number of lines per page of data logged output. Match this parameter to the number of lines per page your printer prints. After you select the number of lines to print, a form feed character is sent to the printer, resetting the top of the page. Range: 10 to 127 Default: 65
Year: Select the current year for the data logging header. Appears if Prot = On and Log = tAbL, CHrt or SPCA, SPCd, SPCn. Parameter resets to default after a power interruption. Default: 92
Month: Select the current month for the data logging header. Appears if Prot = On and Log = tAbL, CHrt or SPCA, SPCd, SPCn. Parameter resets to default after a power interruption. Default: 01
Day: Select the current day for the data logging header. Appears if Prot = On and Log = tAbL, CHrt or SPCA, SPCd, SPCn. Parameter resets to default after a power interruption. Default: 01
Hour: Represents the 24 hour time-of-day clock setting for minutes. Appears if Prot = On and Log = tAbL, CHrt or SPCA, SPCd, SPCn. Parameter resets to default after a power interruption. Range: 0 to 23 Default: 0
WATLOW Series 945
How to Use Data Communications
Minutes: Represents the 24 hour time-of-day clock setting for minutes. Appears if Prot = On and Log = tAbL, CHrt or SPCA, SPCd, SPCn. Parameter resets to default after a power interruption. Range: 0 to 59 Default: 0
Interval: Selects the time interval for the logging function. The logging interval is in tenth of a minute increments. Appears if Prot = On and Log = tAbL, CHrt or SPCA, SPCd, SPCn. Range: 0.0 to 60.0 minutes Default: 0.0


Tag: Selects what variables are to be transmitted out during the data logging
function. Any combination of process, set point and alarms may be "tagged" for logging. Appears if Prot = On and Log = tAbL. P = Process S = Set Point A = Alarm Set Points
Range: PSA, PS -, P-A, P- -, -SA, -S-, --A, --- Default: ---
Setup Menu
Use this page as a master copy for your Series 945 data communications Setup parameters. Do not enter any values here; make photocopies instead.
Table 1 ­Setup Menu Prompts and Descriptions.
Parameter Value Range Factory Default Appears If:
bAUd 300, 600, 2100, 2400, 4800, 9600 1200 dAtA 7 o = 7 data bits and odd parity
7E = 7 data bits and even parity 8 n = 8 data bits and no parity 7 o
Prot FULL = ANSI X3.28 2.2 - A.3 FULL
Addr 0 to 31 0 Prot = FULL Log OFF, tAbL, CHrt, SPC OFF Prot = On LSL SPCA = rL to Lower USL -2°F/-1°C rL Prot = On &
SPCd = 1 to 99 10 Log = SPCA, SPCd
USL SPCA = rH to Upper LSL +2°F/1°C rL Prot = On &
SPCd = 1 to 99 10 Log = SPCA, SPCd
tbS 1 to 60 5 Prot = On &
Log = SPCA, d, n
LinE 10 to 127 65 Prot = On & Log = tAbL
CHrt or SPCA, d, n
YEAr -- 92 Prot = On & Log = tAbL
CHrt or SPCA, d, n
Mon -- 01 Prot = On & Log = tAbL
CHrt or SPCA, d, n
dAY -- 01 Prot = On & Log = tAbL
CHrt or SPCA, d, n
HOUr 0 to 23 0 Prot = On & Log = tAbL
CHrt or SPCA, d, n
Min 0 to 59 0 Prot = On & Log = tAbL
CHrt or SPCA, d, n
Int 0.0 to 60.0 minutes 0.0 Prot = On & Log = tAbL
CHrt or SPCA, d, n
tag PSA, PS-, P-A, P--, -SA, -S-, --A, --- --- Prot = On & Log = tAbL
P = Process S = Set Point A = Alarm Set Points
Operation Menu
This parameter follows the Aut parameter in the Operation menu. See Page 25 for more information.
Control Limit Update: When YES is selected, it calculates and prints out control limits according to the time base. If no is selected, the current control limit is printed and no subsequent limits are printed. Range: YES or no Default: YES
How to Use Data Communications
WATLOW Series 945
+ 19 hidden pages