BitaTek PS800Z Operator's Manual

BarCode Decode Setup Manual
Setup Flow Chart: ............................................... 9
Part I System Information ................................... 10
1.1 Reset to default: ..................................... 10
1.2 Firmware Version: .................................... 10
Part II System Setting ........................................ 11
2.1 Interface: ............................................... 11
Part III Keyboard wedge parameters .................... 12
3.1 Terminal Type: ........................................ 12
3.2 Language Selection: ................................ 12
3.3 Function Key Emulation:........................... 14
3.4 ALT Mode: .............................................. 14
3.5 Caps Lock : ............................................ 15
3.6 Numeric Key: .......................................... 15
3.7 Inter-Character Delay ........................... 16
3.8 Delay After Transmit (Keyboard Wedge): .... 16
3.9 Keyboard Speed:..................................... 16
3.10 Keyboard Wedge Terminator: .................. 17
Part IV RS-232 Protocol: ................................... 18
4.1 Baud Rate ........................................... 18
4.2 Data Bits: ............................................... 19
4.3 Stop Bits: ............................................... 19
4.4 Parity Check: .......................................... 20
4.5 Inter-Character Delay: ............................. 20
4.6 Delay After Transmit: ............................... 21
4.7 Response Delay Time: ............................. 21
4.8 Flow Control: .......................................... 22
4.9 RS232- Interface Terminator: ................... 22
Part V System Setting: ....................................... 24
5.1 Scan Mode: ............................................ 24
5.2 Buzzer ................................................... 27
5.2.1 Buzzer Frequency: ................................ 27
5.2.2 Duration .............................................. 27
5.2.3 Power up Buzzer: ................................. 28
5.2.4 Good Read Buzzer: .............................. 28
5.3 String ..................................................... 29
5.3.1 Prefix and Suffix: .................................. 29
5.3.2 Insert Character Group (G1/G2): ............ 30
5.3.3 Code Type Transmit ........................... 31
5.4 Barcode Inverse ................................... 32
Part VI Barcode Type Setting: ............................. 33
6.1 UPC-A ................................................... 34
6.1.1 Enable/Disable UPC-A: ......................... 34
6.1.2 Code ID setting: ................................... 34
6.1.3 Convert UPC-A to EAN-13: ................... 34
6.1.4 Transmit Check Digit: ............................ 35
6.1.5 Truncate Leading Zero: ......................... 35
6.1.6 Truncate Leading Digits:........................ 35
6.1.7 Truncate Ending Digits: ......................... 36
6.1.8 Insert Characters: ................................. 36
6.1.9 Decode UPC-A Supplemental: ............... 36
6.2 UPC-E ................................................... 37
6.2.1 Enable/Disable UPC-E: ......................... 37
6.2.2 Code ID setting .................................... 38
6.2.3 Convert UPC-E to UPC-A: .................... 38
6.2.4 Transmit Check Digit: ............................ 38
6.2.5 Truncate Leading Zero: ......................... 39
6.2.6 Truncate leading digits: ......................... 39
6.2.7 Truncate Ending Digits: ......................... 39
6.2.8 Insert Characters: ................................. 40
6.2.9 Decode UPC-E Supplementals: ............. 40
6.3 EAN-13 .................................................. 41
6.3.1 Enable/Disable EAN-13: ....................... 41
6.3.2 Code ID Setting: ................................... 41
6.3.3 Transmit Check Digit: ............................ 42
6.3.4 Convert to ISBN/ISSN: .......................... 42
6.3.5 Truncate leading digits: ......................... 42
6.3.6 Truncate Ending digits: ......................... 43
6.3.7 Insert Characters: ................................. 43
6.3.8 Decode EAN-13 Supplemental: .............. 43
6.4 EAN-8 ................................................... 44
6.4.1 Enable/Disable EAN-8: ......................... 44
6.4.2 Code ID Setting: ................................... 45
6.4.3 Transmit Check Digit: ............................ 45
6.4.4 Truncate Leading Digits:........................ 45
6.4.5 Truncate Ending Digits: ......................... 45
6.4.6 Insert Characters: ................................. 46
6.4.7 Decode EAN-8 Supplemental: ............... 46
6.5 Code39 .................................................. 47
6.5.1 Enable/Disable CODE39: ....................... 47
6.5.2 Code ID Setting .................................... 47
6.5.3 Code 39 Check Digit Verification: ........... 48
6.5.4 Transmit Check Digit: ............................ 48
6.5.5 Code 39 Full ASCII Conversion: .............. 48
6.5.6 Transmit Start/End Character: ................ 49
6.5.7 Min Code Length: (defult:00) ................. 49
6.5.8 Max Code Length: (default:32H) ............. 49
6.5.9 Truncate Leading Digits:........................ 49
6.5.10 Truncate ending digits: ........................ 50
6.5.11 Insert Characters: ............................... 50
6.6 Codabar ................................................. 51
6.6.1 Enable/Disable CODABAR ..................... 51
6.6.2 Code ID setting .................................... 51
6.6.3 Check Digit: ......................................... 51
6.6.4 Transmit Check Digit: ............................ 52
6.6.5 Data Combine: ..................................... 52
6.6.6 Start/End Transmit Type: ....................... 52
6.6.7 Start/End Transmit: ............................... 53
6.6.8 Min Code Length: (default:00)................ 53
6.6.9 Max Code Length: (default:32H) ............. 53
6.6.10 Truncate Leading Digits: ...................... 53
6.6.11 Truncate Ending Digits: ....................... 54
6.6.12 Insert Characters: ............................... 54
6.7 Code93 .................................................. 55
6.7.1 Enable/Disable CODE93: ....................... 55
6.7.2 Code ID Setting: ................................... 55
6.7.3 Check Digit: ......................................... 55
6.7.4 Transmit Check Digit: ............................ 56
6.8 Code 128 ............................................... 57
6.8.1 Enable/Disable CODE128: ..................... 57
6.8.2 Code ID Setting: ................................... 58
6.8.3 Check Digit: ......................................... 58
6.8.4 Transmit Check Digit ............................. 58
6.8.5 FNC2 Data Combine: ............................ 59
6.8.6 UCC/EAN128 AIM code ID: .................... 59
6.8.7 FNC1 Transmit: .................................... 59
6.8.8 Min Code Length: (default:00)................ 60
6.8.9 Max Code Length: (default:32H) ............. 60
6.8.10 Truncate Leading Digits: ...................... 60
6.8.11 Truncate Ending Digits: ....................... 60
6.8.12 Insert Characters: ............................... 61
6.9 Interleaved 2 of 5 .................................... 61
6.9.1 Enable/Disable Interleaved 2 of 5: .......... 61
6.9.2 Code ID Setting: ................................... 62
6.9.3 Check Digit: ......................................... 62
6.9.4 Transmit Check Digit: ............................ 62
6.9.5 Min Code Length: (default:00)................ 62
6.9.6 Max Code Length: (default:32H) ............. 63
6.9.7 Truncate Leading Digits:........................ 63
6.9.8 Truncate Ending Digits: ......................... 63
6.9.9 Insert Characters: ................................. 63
6.10 Industrial 2 of 5 ..................................... 64
6.10.1 Enable/Disable Industrial 2 of 5: ........... 64
6.10.2 Code ID Setting: ................................. 64
6.10.3 Check Digit: ....................................... 65
6.10.4 Transmit Check Digit: .......................... 65
6.10.5 Min Code Length: (default: 00) ............. 65
6.10.6 Max Code Length: (default:32H) ........... 65
6.10.7 Truncate Leading Digits: ...................... 66
6.10.8 Truncate ending digits: ........................ 66
6.10.9 Insert Characters: ............................... 66
6.11 Matrix 2 of 5 ......................................... 67
6.11.1 Enable/Disable Matrix 2 of 5: ............... 67
6.11.2 Code ID Setting: ................................. 67
6.11.3 Check Digit: ....................................... 67
6.11.4 Transmit Check Digit: .......................... 68
6.11.5 Min Code Length: (default: 00) ............. 68
6.11.6 Max Code Length: (default:32H) ........... 68
6.11.6 Truncate Leading Digits: ...................... 68
6.11.7 Truncate Ending Digits: ....................... 69
6.11.8 Insert Characters: ............................... 69
6.12 MSI/Plessey .......................................... 69
6.12.1 Enable/Disable MSI/Plessey: ................ 69
6.12.2 Code ID Setting: ................................. 70
6.12.3 Check Digit: ....................................... 70
6.12.4 Transmit Check Digit: .......................... 71
6.12.5 Min Code Length: (default:00) .............. 71
6.12.6 Max Code Length: (default:32H) ........... 71
6.12.6 Truncate Leading Digits: ...................... 71
6.12.7 Truncate Ending Digits: ....................... 72
6.12.8 Insert Characters: ............................... 72
6.13 CODE 32 .............................................. 72
6.13.1 Enable/Disable CODE 32: .................... 72
6.13.2 Code ID Setting: ................................. 73
6.13.3 Check Digit: ....................................... 73
6.13.4 Transmit Check Digit: .......................... 73
6.13.5 Truncate Leading Digits: ...................... 74
6.13.6 Truncate Ending Digits: ....................... 74
6.13.7 Insert Characters: ............................... 74
6.14 CODE 11 .............................................. 75
6.14.1 Enable/Disable CODE 11: .................... 75
6.14.2 Code ID Setting: ................................. 75
6.14.3 Check Digit ........................................ 75
6.14.4 Transmit Check Digit ........................... 76
6.14.5 Min Code Length: (default:00) .............. 76
6.14.6 Max Code Length: (default:32H) ........... 76
6.14.7 Truncate Leading Digits ....................... 77
6.14.8 Truncate Ending Digits ........................ 77
6.14.9 Insert Characters ................................ 77
6.15 GS1 Databar ......................................... 78
6.15.1 Enable/Disable GS1 Databar ................ 78
6.15.2 Enable/Disable GS1 Databar Limited ..... 78
6.15.3 Enable/Disable GS1 Databar Expanded . 78
6.15.4 GS1 Databar to UPC/EAN .................... 79
6.16 Telepen ................................................ 79
6.16.1 Enable/Disable Telepen: ...................... 79
6.16.2 Code ID Setting .................................. 79
6.16.3 Check Digit: ....................................... 80
6.16.4 Transmit Check Digit: .......................... 80
6.16.5 Min Code Length: (default: 00) ............. 80
6.16.6 Max Code Length: (default:32H): .......... 80
6.16.7 Truncate Leading Digits ....................... 81
6.16.8 Truncate Ending Digits ........................ 81
6.16.9 Insert Characters ................................ 81
6.17 China Post Code ................................... 82
6.17.1 Enable/Disable China post: .................. 82
6.17.2 Code ID Setting: ................................. 82
6.17.3 Check Digit: ....................................... 83
6.17.4 Transmit Check Digit: .......................... 83
6.17.5 Min Code Length: (default:00) .............. 83
6.17.6 Max Code Length:
6.17.7 Truncate Leading Digits: ...................... 84
6.17.8 Truncate Ending Digits: ....................... 84
6.17.9 Insert Characters: ............................... 84
6.17.10 Redundancy Level: ............................ 85
Appendix A ASCII Code ......................... 86
ASCII Table: ................................................. 87
Appendix B Function Key Emulate Table: ......... 88
Function Key Emulate Barcode: .......................... 89
(default:32H) ........... 83
Scan End barcode
Scan Start
Configuration barcode
Scan the barcode you like to change
Scan two HEX digits in
Appendix A to
represent one ASCII
Hex or ASCII Code
Scan End Configuration barcode
Reset to default
Setup Flow Chart:
1. Scan firmware version barcode”, the Version No. will be displayed on monitor.
2. The default settings are shown with < > and bold in the following sections.
Part I System Information
Start Configuration
1.1 Reset to default:
Reset to factory default settings. The default settings are shown with < > and bold.
Reset to default
1.2 Firmware Version:
Scan barcode to display firmware version.
Firmware Version
End Configuration
Part II System Setting
2.1 Interface:
Start Configuration
USB Virtual COM
End Configuration
Part III Keyboard wedge parameters
3.1 Terminal Type:
Start Configuration
< IBM AT >
End Configuration
3.2 Language Selection:
Start Configuration
End Configuration
Scan the barcode to select local keyboard language, if your keyboard language can't be found, please turn on ALT Mode which is an alternate way to find your language.
3.3 Function Key Emulation:
Start Configuration
< Disable >
3.4 ALT Mode:
Start Configuration
< Disable >
3.5 Caps Lock :
< Disable >
3.6 Numeric Key:
< Disable >
End Configuration
Note 1:
ALT Mode can emulate most of local keyboard languages in Microsoft system.
Note 2:
The barcode reader can emulate to enable/disable Caps Lock key.
Note 3:
The barcode reader can emulate to enable/disable Numeric Key.
3.7 Inter-Character Delay
Start Configuration
Enable (00H, 00-64H*1msec)
3.8 Delay After Transmit (Keyboard Wedge):
Enable(00H, 00-0AH*100msec)
3.9 Keyboard Speed:
Enable (00H, 00-08H)
3.10 Keyboard Wedge Terminator:
< CR >
End Configuration
Keyboard Wedge Terminator is to set up the termination character of barcode reader output to adapt to applications.
Part IV RS-232 Protocol:
4.1 Baud Rate
Start Configuration
< 9600bps >
4.2 Data Bits:
4.3 Stop Bits:
7 Digits
< 8 Digits >
End Configuration
Start Configuration
< 1 Digit >
2 Digits
4.4 Parity Check:
< None >
4.5 Inter-Character Delay:
Enable (00H, 00-64H*1msec)
4.6 Delay After Transmit:
Enable (00H, 00-0AH*100msec)
4.7 Response Delay Time:
Enable (00H, 00-0AH*100msec)
End Configuration
Response Delay Time is the time of barcode reader waiting for host to response. The delay time=setting data*100(ms).
4.8 Flow Control:
< None >
Start Configuration
4.9 RS232- Interface Terminator:
< CR+LF >
End Configuration
RS232- Interface Terminator is to set up the termination character of barcode reader output to adapt to applications.
Part V System Setting:
5.1 Scan Mode:
Trigger Mode
< Auto Off Mode >
Continuous/Trigger Off Mode
Start Configuration
Test Mode
Continuous Mode
Continuous/Timeout Off Mode
Flash Mode
Continuous/No Trigger
End Configuration
Trigger Mode:
Press trigger to turn on scanner. To turn off the scanner, just release trigger or after barcode decoded.
Auto off Mode:
Press trigger to turn on scanner. Scanner will be a utomatically off when time out or after barcode decoded.
Continuous (Trigger Off) Mode:
Press trigger to activate continuous scan mode. Scanner will keep scanning and decoding barcodes. If the same barcode is scanned, it will only decode once. Press trigger again to turn off the scanner.
Test Mode:
Press trigger to activate test mode, scanner will scan and decode barcodes continuously until trigger is pressed again.
Continuous Mode:
Press trigger to activate continuous scan mode, scanner will keep scanning and decoding barcodes. If the same barcode is scanned, it will only decode once and the red LED is always on.
Continuous (Timeout Off) Mode:
Press trigger to activate test mode. Scanner will scan and decode barcodes continuously until trigger is pressed again. If the scanner doesn’ tdecode during timeout, then the red LED will be off.
Flash Mode:
Press trigger to activate continuous scan mode, the red LED will be on for 3 seconds and then off for 3 seconds. If the decoding is correct, the red LED will be off immediately and then proceed next flash cycle.
Continuous /No trigger Mode:
When turn on barcode reader, it will activate Continuous /No trigger mode automatically.
5.2 Buzzer
5.2.1 Buzzer Frequency:
Start Configuration
< High >
5.2.2 Duration
End Configuration
Start Configuration
< Long >
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