Go online for a comprehensive walkthrough
of your new product!
This guide has everything you need to get ready for first use,
including setting up, using and maintaining your machine,
but online you’ll find additional resources like tips and
troubleshooting, videos, product registration, parts, and more.
Use the BISSELL Connect App or go to support.BISSELL.com.

When using an electrical appliance, basic precautions should be observed, including the following:
»Do n ot use outdoors or on wet surfaces.
»Do n ot allow to be used as a toy. Close at tention is necessary
when used by o r near children.
»Do n ot use for any purpose other than d escribed in this use r
guide. Use only manufacturer’s recommended attachments.
»Do n ot charge or use with da maged Docking Stati on, charger,
cord, or plug. If appliance is not wor king as it should, ha s been
dropped , damaged, left o utdoors, or drop ped into water, have
it repaire d by a qualified technician.
»Do n ot pull or carry cha rger by the cord or plug, c lose a door
on cord or plu g, or pull cord or plug a round sharp edges o r
corners . Keep plug, Docking Station an d charger away from
heated surfaces.
»Do n ot unplug charger by p ulling on cord. To unplug , grasp the
charger, not t he cord.
»Do n ot handle charger, cont act points, Do cking Station, or rob ot
vacuum cleaner with wet h ands.
»Do n ot put any object into op enings. Do not use w ith any
opening b locked; keep openings free of dus t, lint, hair, and
anythin g that may reduce air flow.
»Kee p hair, loose clothing , fingers, and al l parts of body away
from open ings and moving par ts.
»Do n ot use to pick up flamma ble or combustible m aterials
(lighter fl uid, gasoline, kero sene, etc.) or use in areas w here
they may be pre sent.
»Do n ot use in an enclosed s pace filled with vapo rs given off by
oil-based paint, paint thinner, some moth-proofing substances,
flammable dust, or other explosive or toxic vap ors.
» Do not use to pi ck up toxic material (chlor ine bleach, am monia, drain
cleaner, etc.).
»Do n ot pick up anything th at is burning or smoki ng, such as
cigarette s, matches or hot ash es.
»Do n ot use without Filter in p lace.
»Kee p appliance on a level surface.
»Do n ot carry the robot va cuum cleaner whil e it is running.
»Rem ove the cords from other co rded products ou t of the area
to be cleane d.
»Do n ot operate the vacuum in a room where a n infant or child
is sleeping.
»Do n ot operate the vacuum in an area whe re there are lit
candle s or fragile object s on the floor.
»Do n ot operate the vacuum in a room that ha s lit candles and/
or fragile objects on furniture that the vacuum may accidentally
hit or bump .
»Do n ot allow children to sit on the vacuum .
»Preve nt unintentional st arting. Ensure th e Power Switch is in
the OFF position befor e connecting to battery pack , picking up
or carrying the app liance. Carryin g the vacuum with your finger
on the Power Switch o r energizing appli ance while carryi ng it
invites accidents.
»Turn O FF the appliance befo re making any adjustm ents,
changin g accessories or sto ring appliance. Such preventive
safety me asures reduce the ri sk of starting the ap pliance
Do not subject batte ry pack to mechanic al shock.
»Rec harge only with the cha rger specified by th e manufacturer.
A charger that is suitab le for one type of bat tery pack may
create a risk of f ire when used with another batte ry pack.
»Us e appliances only wi th specifically de signated battery
packs . Use of any other batter y packs may create a risk o f
injury and fire.
»Wh en battery pack is n ot in use, keep it away from othe r metal
object s, like paper clips , coins, keys, nails , screws, or other small
metal obje cts, that can ma ke a connec tion from one termina l
to another. Sho rting the batter y terminals together m ay cause
burns or a f ire.
»Un der abusive conditions, liqu id may be ejected from th e
batter y; avoid contact. If contact accid entally occurs, flush with
water. If liquid co ntacts eyes, add itionally seek med ical help.
Liquid ejected from t he battery may caus e irritation or burn s.
»Do n ot use a battery pack or applian ce that is damaged
or modified. Dama ged or modified batteries may e xhibit
unpredictable behavior resulting in fire, explosion or risk
of injury.
»Do n ot expose a battery pack or app liance to fire or excessi ve
temperat ure. Exposure to fire o r temperature above 266°F /
130°C may c ause explosion.
»Have s ervicing perfo rmed by a qualified rep air person using
only identical replacement parts. This will ensure that the safety
of the product is maint ained.
»Fo r use only with batter y pack 2753 or 1618614 .
»Fo r use only with charger m odel ZD36W22516 0US.
»Do n ot modify or attem pt to repair the applia nce or the
batter y pack.
»Do not charge the unit outdoors.
»Do n ot position Dockin g Station near stair s or cliff edges.
»Fo llow all charging inst ructions. Keep th e temperature rang e
between 4 0-104°F / 4-40°C wh en charging batter y, storing un it
or during u se. Charging improperly or at tem peratures outside
of the speci fied range may dama ge the battery and i ncrease
the risk of fi re.
»Th is product contains a wireles s device. Refer to website for
regulatory information.
»Plastic film can be dange rous. To avoid danger of su ffocation,
keep away from children.
»Do n ot plug in your vacuum cl eaner UNTIL you are f amiliar with
all instructions and operating procedures.
»Dis pose of used batter ies promptly and pro perly.
»Do n ot dismantle, open or shred battery pack .
»Do n ot short-circuit battery pack. Do not stor e haphazardly in
a box or drawer wh ere they may be short-ci rcuited by other
metal objects.
»Do n ot remove battery pa ck from its original p ackaging until
required for use.
»Ob serve the plus (+) and minus (–) marks on th e battery pack
and equip ment and ensure cor rect use.
»Se ek medical advice im mediately if batter y pack or parts of the
batter y pack has been swallowe d.
»Wipe the batte ry terminals with a cle an dry cloth if they
bec ome dir ty.
»Do n ot leave battery pac k on prolonged char ge when not in use.
»Af ter extended perio ds of storage, it may be ne cessary to
charge an d discharge the bat tery pack several tim es to obtain
maximum performance.
»Rem ove the battery pack f rom the equipment when not in use.
»Battery pa ck usage by children sh ould be supervis ed.
»Kee p battery pack clean and dry.
»Battery pa ck needs to be charged b efore use. Refer to the
manufacturer’s instructions for proper charging instructions.
»Do n ot use any battery pa ck which is not designed for use with
the vacuum.
»Turn O FF the appliance and disconne ct charger from ele ctrical
outlet befo re making any adjustm ents, troubles hooting,
changin g accessories or sto ring appliance. Such preventive
safety me asures reduce the ri sk of starting the ap pliance
»Th is product contains a Class 1 las er sensor. This class is eye -safe
under all operating conditions.
»Do n ot pick up hard objec ts such as glass, na ils, screws,
coins, etc .
FCC/IC NOTICE: This equ ipment has bee n tested and found to c omply
with the li mits for a Class B di gital device, pu rsuant to part 15 o f the
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radiofrequency energy
and, if no t installed an d used in accordan ce with the instr uctions,
may caus e harmful inter ference to radio co mmunication s. However,
there is no g uarantee that i nterference wil l not occur in a par ticular
instal lation. If this eq uipment does c ause harmful i nterference to
radio or te levision recept ion, which can be d etermined by tur ning the
equipm ent OFF and ON, th e user is encoura ged to try to correc t the
interfe rence by one or mor e of the following me asures: (1) Re orient
or reloc ate the receiving a ntenna.
(2) Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
(3) Con nect the equi pment into an outl et on a circuit diff erent from
that to whic h the receiver is con nected. (4) Consu lt the dealer or an
experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Change s or modificati ons not expres sly approved by the p arty
responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate
the equi pment. This tra nsmitter must n ot be co-locate d or operated
in conjun ction with any oth er antenna or tra nsmitter.
This devi ce complies with P art 15 of FCC Rules an d Industry Ca nada
license -exempt RSS st andard(s). Opera tion is subject t o the following
two condi tions: (1) this d evice may not caus e interference , and (2)
this devic e must accept any in terference, in cluding interf erence that
may caus e undesired ope ration of the devi ce.
Le prése nt appareil est c onforme aux la pa rtie 15 des règle s de la FCC
etCNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de
licence. L’explo itation est au torisée aux deux c onditions suiv antes :
(1) l’ap pareil ne doit p as produire de bro uillage, et (2) l ’utilisateur d e
l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même
si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
The devic e has been evaluat ed to meet genera l RF exposure req uirement. Th is equipment co mplies with FCC/ IC radiation ex posure
limits s et forth for an unc ontrolled envir onment and meet s the
FCC radio frequency (R F) Exposure G uidelines an d RSS-102 of the
IC radiof requency (R F) Exposure r ules. This equ ipment shoul d be
instal led and operate d keeping the rad iator at least 20c m or more
from a per son’s body. This dev ice support s 20 MHz and 40 MHz ba ndwidth mo des. The device h as been evaluate d to meet general R F
exposu re requirement . The device can be u sed in portab le exposure
condition without restriction.
Cet équip ement est comfo rme aux limites d ’exposti no aux rayonements én oncées pour un e nvironnemen t non contrôlé et res pecte
les règles les radioélectriques (RF) de la FCC lignes directrices
d’exposition et d’exposiotn aux fréquences radioélectriques (RF)
CNR-102 de l ’IC. Cet équipe ment doit être ins tallé et utilisé e n gardant
une dist ance de 20 cm ou plus e ntre le disposit if rayonnant et le
corps. L’app areil a ete evalue po ur repondre au x exigences gen erales
d’exposi tion RF. le dispositif d e a ete evalues a repo ndre general r f
exposition exigence.
The software included in this p roduct contains o pen source softwa re. The open source li censes associated w ith this product may b e obtained by visiting w ww.BISSELL.com /opensou rce. With
regards to GN U Lesser General P ublic License Versi on 2.1, you may obtain the co mplete correspond ing source code for a period of three ye ars after the last s hipment of this prod uct by visiting www.
BISSELL .com/opensource/ 2291 which leads to th e download page for s uch source code. This offer is vali d to anyone in receipt of this in formation.

We’re so happy you chose the high-powered ICONpet™ Robotic
Vacuum. We put this guide together to help you set up, use and
maintain your robot. We’ve also included some tips we think will come
in handy when you first start using your robot, so let’s get started!
For a comprehensive walkthrough of your robot, use the
BISSELL Connect App or go to support.BISSELL.com.
What’s in the Box? ....................................................4
Product View ..............................................................4
Connecting Your Robot to
the BISSELL Connect App .................................... 5
Docking and Charging Your Robot ...................6
Things to Know Before Your
Robot’s First Clean ................................................... 7
Manual Cleaning ........................................................ 7
Automatic Cleaning..................................................8
Activating Low Power Mode ................................ 8
Emptying the Dirt Bin..............................................9
Maintaining the Filter and Separator Cone ....9
Maintaining the Brush Roll .................................. 10
Replacing the Battery ............................................ 11
Troubleshooting ........................................................ 11
Warranty ...................................................................... 11

What’s in the Box?
Robotic Vacuum
Power Adapter Docking Station Filter Pack
Select Models
Product View
For more information about your robot, download the BISSELL Connect App, see instructions
on page 5 or visit support.BISSELL.com for additional support videos and information.
Product View
1. Robot Interface
2. Dirt Bin
4. Infrared Sensors
8 8
5. Bumper
6. Docking Station
7. Charging Contacts
8. Cliff Sensors
9. Sole Plate, Brush Roll
10. Battery Compartment
11. Power Switch
12. Caster Wheel
1 2 3 4
Robot Interface View
1. Notification Light
2. WiFi Status Light
3. Schedule Status Light
4. Battery Status Light
5. Text Display
6. Spot Mode Button
7. Power Level Button
8. Dock Mode Button