When using an electrical appliance, basic precautions should be observed, including the following:
• Keep ha ir, loose clothing, f ingers, and all p arts of body away fro m openings
and moving p arts. Brush Ro ll continues to rotate wh en in use.
• Brus h Roll continues to turn w hile product is tu rned ON and handl e is in use.
To avoid damage to carpet, rugs, furniture and flooring, avoid tipping cleaner
or settin g it on furniture, fri nged area rugs, o r carpeted stair s during tool use.
• With Br ush Roll ON, do not all ow cleaner to sit in one lo cation for an exten ded
period of ti me, as damage to floo r can result.
• Do not expose to rain. Store indoors.
• Do not u se on wet surfaces .
• Do not a llow to be used as a toy.
• Clos e attention is neces sary when used by o r near children.
• Child ren should be supe rvised to ensure tha t they do not play with the
• Plas tic film can be dang erous. To avoid danger of s uffocation, kee p away
from children.
• Do not i mmerse in water or li quid.
• Do not u se for any purpose oth er than describ ed in this user guide.
• Use only manufacturer’s recommended attachments.
• If app liance is not working a s it should, has bee n dropped, dama ged, left
outdoor s, or dropped into wa ter, have it repaired at an aut horized service
• Do not charge the appliance outdoors.
• Do not i ncinerate the appl iance even if it severely da maged. The bat teries
can explo de in a fire.
• Do not p ut any object into ope ning.
• Do not u se with any opening bl ocked.
• Keep op enings free of dust , lint, hair and any thing that may reduce a irflow.
• Use ex tra care when clea ning stairs.
• Do not p ick up flammable m aterials (lighter fl uid, gasoline, kero sene, etc.) or
use in the pr esence of explosive l iquids or vapors .
• Always t urn OFF this applia nce before connec ting or disconnec ting the
motorized n ozzle.
• Do not p ick up toxic material (chlori ne bleach, ammo nia, drain clean er, etc.).
• Do not u se vacuum cleane r in an enclosed spa ce filled with vapor s given
off by oil-based paint, paint thinner, some moth-proofing substances,
flamma ble dust, or other ex plosive or toxic vapor s.
• Do not p ick up hard or sharp ob jects such as glas s, nails, screws , coins, etc.
• Do not p ick up anything that i s burning or smoki ng, such as cigaret tes,
matches or h ot ashes.
• Do not u se without Dirt Tank or f ilters in place.
• Use on ly on dry, indoor sur faces.
• Keep ap pliance on a level sur face.
• Disco nnect batter y pack before cleani ng or servicing.
• If the ch arger supply cord is d amaged, it must b e replaced by the
manufa cturer, its service a gent or similarly q ualified perso n in order to avoid
a hazard.
• Do not p ull or carry charg er by cord, use cord as a ha ndle, close door o n cord,
or pull cord a round sharp edge s or corners.
• Keep ch arger cord away from hea ted surfaces.
• To unplug , grasp the charge r plug, not the cord.
• Do not h andle charger pl ug or appliance with wet h ands.
• Bat tery pack, charg ing port on the han d vac and charger ou tput are not to
be short-circuited.
• The ap pliance must be dis connected from t he battery charg er when
removing th e battery.
• The b attery is to be dispos ed of safely.
• Do not re charge, disass emble, heat above 6 0°C/140° F, or incinerate.
• Keep ba tteries out of reac h of children.
• Dispo se of used batteri es promptly.
• This a ppliance contain s batteries that are o nly replaceable by s killed persons .
• Prevent u nintentional sta rting. Ensure th e switch is in the OFF-po sition
before pick ing up or carryin g the appliance. Ca rrying the appli ance with your
finger o n the switch or energizi ng appliance that h ave the switch on invites
• Unde r abusive condition s, liquid may be ejec ted from the batter y; avoid
contact . If contact accide ntally occurs, f lush with water. If liquid co ntacts eyes,
additio nally seek medic al help. Liquid eje cted from the batte ry may cause
irritation or burns.
• Do not use appliance that is damaged or modified. Damaged or modified
batteries may exhibit unpredictable behavior resulting in fire, explosion or
risk of injury.
• Do not e xpose appliance to f ire or excessive tempe rature. Exposur e to fire or
temperat ure above 130°C/2 66°F may cause expl osion.
• Follow a ll charging instr uctions and do no t charge the applia nce outside of
the temper ature range speci fied in the instru ctions. Chargi ng improperly or
at tempera tures outside of th e specified rang e may damage the bat tery and
increase the risk of fire.
• Have servicing performed by a qualified repair person using only identical
replacem ent parts. Th is will ensure that the s afety of the produc t is
• Do not m odify or attempt to r epair the applian ce except as indicated i n the
instruc tions for use and ca re.
• Keep th e temperature rang e of between 4-40° C/40-104°F when cha rging
batter y, storing uni t or during use.
• Use on ly with charger provid ed by manufactu rer SIL, Model SSC-320110US .
• Recha rge only with the char ger specified by th e manufacturer. A cha rger that
is suitab le for one type of bat tery pack may create a ri sk of fire when used
with anoth er battery pack .
• Unpl ug charger from ele ctrical socket wh en not in use, before cle aning,
maintai ning or servicing t he appliance, and i f your appliance has a n
accesso ry tool with a moving br ush, before connec ting or disconne cting
the tool.
• This a ppliance contain s batteries that are n on-replaceab le.
• The b attery must be rem oved from the applian ce before it is scrapp ed.
• Do not u se with damaged cord o r charger. If applian ce is not working as it
should , has been dropped , damaged, lef t outdoors, or dro pped into water,
return it to a se rvice center.
• Turn OFF all controls before unplugging.
This product contains Lithium-Ion rechargeable batteries. DO NOT mix Lithium-Ion batteries with general household waste.
According to Fe deral and State reg ulations, removal a nd proper dispos al of Lithium-Io n batteries is requ ired.
For speci fic battery disp osal instruct ions please conta ct Call2Recycle a t 877-723-1297 o r visit www.call2rec ycle.org.
For full in structions on ba ttery removal for re cycling visit supp ort.BISSELL .com.

We’re so happy you chose ICONPET® High-Powered Cordless
Vacuum. We put this guide together to help you set up, use and
maintain your cordless vacuum. We’ve also included some tips we
think will come in handy when you first start using your cordless
vacuum, so let’s get started!
For a comprehensive walkthrough of your product, go to
What’s in the Box? ..................4
Getting to Know Your Vacuum ......4
Assembly ...........................5
Installing the Wall Storage &
Charging Station ....................5
Charging the Battery ................6
Using the Vacuum ...................7
Using the Parking Brake .............7
Attaching Tools for Hand Vac Use ...8
Emptying the Dirt Tank ..............9
Removing the Brush Roll ............9
Cleaning & Replacing the Filters ....10