Biozone scientific international Mini Powerzone II MPZ II User Manual

Speci cati ons
English MPZ II Français Español
Size 531 mm X 132 mm X 102 mm (20.9 in X 5.2 in X 4.0 in) Taille Tamaño Wei
ht 2.7 Kg (6 Lbs) Poids Peso Power C ord 4.0 m (13 ft) Câble d alimentation Cable de Alimentació n Main Connector Country speci Power In
ut 90-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz Alimentation Potencia de Entrada
Power Consum
tion 69.3 Watts Consommation Consumo de Energía
eration temperature -C - 70°C (23°F - 158°F) Température de Temperatura de Humidit Air Flow 20 LPM ( 0.71 C FM) Flux d’air Flu jo de Aire Lam
Shelf Life 1 year Durée de conservation de la Vida Útil de La Lámpara
Life 9000 hours Durée de vie de la lampe Duración de Funcionamie nto Part Number 10-11100 QTY(2) Numéro de pièce de la Núme ro de pieza de la
Manufacturing Material: Aluminum, ASA
7751 Kingspointe PArkway, Suite 124 Orlando, Florida 32819 United States of America
0-90% RH non-C ondensin
lanoitanretnI cifitneicS enozoiB 2102
c Connecteur principal Conexión a La Red
Humidité Humedad
A 1 2 3
M 6 5 4
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© BioZone Scientific International
Mini PowerZone™ II Owners Manual
2012 Biozone Scientific International
The BioZone Scientific Mini PowerZone II (Mini PowerZone) is an excellent tool designed to eliminate unpleasant odors at their source. Mini PowerZone is portable and can be used in any unoccupied space where odors are present. When properly used, the Mini PowerZone significantly reduces bacteria and other harmful micro-organisms in the air and on surfaces. Mini PowerZone does not just mask odors with chemicals or perfumes; it actually destroys the odors leaving a cleaner, more pleasant environment.
BioZone Mini PowerZone is the result of extensive research and sustained product development. BioZone Scientific International Inc. has more than a decade of experience in designing and manufacturing its products.
x BioZone Mini PowerZone is highly effective and safe to use and fully
complies with the criteria of the world's most respected certification bodies. Certificates issued to this effect are listed in the Certifications section of this manual.
x Every Mini PowerZone unit has undergone a strict quality-control regime.
However, if the unit malfunctions, follow the instructions in the Troubleshooting section of this manual. If the problem persists, please contact your local distributor.
x BioZone products are designed to be user-friendly with a high degree of
functionality, ease of operation and simple installation. User feedback is important for the continuous development of our products. W e value your opinion and greatly appreciate your feedback at email address:
For more information, visit our home page at and
x BioZone solutions for other applications such as garbage rooms, ice-
machines etc.
x Contact information for importers and distributors,
BioZone Technology
As air enters the BioZone unit, it is channeled into the air purification chamber. In the chamber, the air is exposed to intense levels of germicidal, ultraviolet light that destroys micro-organisms. The powerful wavelengths contained in the UV- light react with the gaseous contents of the air to produce a purif ying plasma that contains reactive oxygen species s ozone,whichdestroybacteria,viruses,fungi,yeast,mould,algae,andother harmful micro-organisms (as well as unpleasant odors).
uch as atomic oxygen, hydroxyl radicals and
Please see the attached warranty card, if included, or contact your local distributor. The provisions of this warranty are in lieu of any other written warranty, whether expressed or implied, written or oral, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The manufacturer's maximum liability shall not exceed the actual purchase price paid by you for the product. In no event shall the manufacturer be liable for special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages. This warranty does not cover a defect that resulted from improper or unreasonable use or maintenance, accident, improper packing, or unauthorized tampering, alteration or modification as determined solely by us. This warranty is void if the label bearing the serial number has been removed or defaced.
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