BIOTRONIK Philos DR-T Technical Manual

Philos DR-T
DDDR Dual Chamber Pulse Generator
with Home Monitoring
Technical Manual
Philos DR-T
Implantable Pulse Generator
Radiopaque Identification
A radiopaque identification code is visible on standard x-ray, and identifies the pulse generator:
Philos DR-T
Because of the numerous available 3.2-mm configurations (e.g., the IS-1 and VS-1 standards), lead/pulse generator compatibility should be confirmed with the pulse generator and/or lead manufacturer prior to the implantation of a pacing system.
IS-1, wherever stated in this manual, refers to the international standard, whereby leads and generators from different manufacturers are assured a basic fit. [Reference
ISO 5841-3:1992(E)].
Federal (U.S.A.) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of, a physician (or properly licensed practitioner).
©2004 BIOTRONIK, Inc., all rights reserved.
Philos DR-T Technical Manual i
1. Home Monitoring-Overview ................................................1
1.1 Home Monitoring ..............................................................1
1.2 Transmission of Information .............................................1
1.3 Patient Device with Components......................................2
1.4 Receiving Patient Data .....................................................3
2. Indications and Contraindications.....................................5
3. Warnings and Precautions..................................................7
3.1 Home Monitoring ..............................................................7
4. Types of Messages ............................................................11
4.1 Event Message ............................................................... 11
4.2 Trend Message...............................................................13
4.3 Patient Message .............................................................13
5. Description of Transmitted Data.......................................15
5.1 The Monitoring Interval ...................................................15
5.2 Heart Rate.......................................................................15
5.3 Atrial Rhythm ..................................................................15
5.4 Ventricular Rhythm .........................................................15
5.5 AV Conduction ................................................................16
5.6 System Status.................................................................16
6. Technical Data ....................................................................17
6.1 Modes .............................................................................17
6.2 Home Monitoring Parameters.........................................17
6.3 Pulse and Control Parameters .......................................18
6.3.1 Rate Adaptation ......................................................21
6.3.2 Parameters at Replacement Indication ..................21
6.3.3 Additional Functions................................................23
6.4 Programmers ..................................................................24
6.5 Materials in Contact with Human Tissue ........................24
6.6 Electrical Data/Battery ....................................................24
6.7 Mechanical Data .............................................................25
7. Order Information ..............................................................27
ii Philos DR-T Technical Manual
Federal (U.S.A.) law restricts this device to sale by, or on the
order of, a physician (or properly licensed practitioner).
Philos DR-T Technical Manual 1
1. Home Monitoring-Overview
Philos DR-T offers the complete functionality of a DDDR pacemaker while being equipped with the additional features associated with Home Monitoring. Consult the Philos technical manual for a description and overview of the standard pacemaker functionality of the Philos DR-T.
1.1 Home Monitoring
Home Monitoring is a novel system, which enables the exchange of information about a patient’s cardiac status between implant, patient, and physician. Home Monitoring can be used to provide the physician with advance reports from the implant and process them into graphical and tabular formats. This information helps the physician optimize the therapy process, as it may result in the patient being scheduled for additional clinical appointments between regular follow-up visits if necessary.
The implant’s Home Monitoring function can be used for the entire operational life of the implant (prior to ERI) or for shorter periods, such as several weeks or months.
1.2 Transmission of Information
The implant transmits information with a small transmitter, which has a range of about 2 meters. The patient’s implant data are sent daily to the corresponding patient device (i.e., CardioMessenger) at a configurable time. The transmissions may also be activated by the patient with the application of a magnet over the implant and by certain cardiac events, as programmed. The types of transmissions are discussed in
Section 4
The minimal distance between the implant and the patient device must be 15 cm.
2 Philos DR-T Technical Manual
1.3 Patient Device with Components
The patient device (Figure 1) is designed for use in the home and is comprised of the mobile device and the associated charging station. The patient can carry the mobile device with them during his or her occupational and leisure activities. The patient device comes with a rechargeable battery that has an approximate operational time of 24 hours after a charge time of 5 hours. It receives information from the implant and forwards it via the mobile network to a BIOTRONIK Service Center.
For additional information about the patient device, please refer to its manual.
Figure 1: Patient Device with Charging Stand (CardioMessenger)
Philos DR-T Technical Manual 3
1.4 Receiving Patient Data
The implant’s information is digitally formatted by the BIOTRONIK Service Center and processed into a concise report called a Cardio Report. The Cardio Report, which is adjusted to the individual needs of the patient, contains current and previous implant data. The Cardio Report is sent to the attending physician via fax or is available on the Internet, which is selected during registration of the patient. For more information on registering for Home Monitoring, contact your BIOTRONIK sales representative.
The password protected BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring website can be accessed by registered users at the following URL:
An online help menu is available in order to assist with the use of the Home Monitoring website.
Use of the Internet for reviewing Home Monitoring data must be in conjunction with the system requirements listed in Table 1 Additionally, Table 1 recommended for optimizing usage of the Internet.
provides system specifications that are
4 Philos DR-T Technical Manual
Table 1: System Requirements / Recommendations
(for Optimal Usage)
800 x 600 1024 x 768
Resolution Internet
Bandwidth PC 600 MHz, 128
56 kB/sec 128 kB/sec
(DSL, cable modem) N/A
Internet Browser MS Internet
Explorer 5.0
- or ­Netscape
MS Internet Explorer
- or ­ Netscape 7/Mozilla
Navigator 4.72 Acrobat Reader Version 4 Version 5 or higher Communication
Fax (G3) or
Fax (G3), e-mail or mobile phone
Additionally, the attending physician may register to be informed of the occurrence of an Event Triggered Message through email or SMS (i.e., mobile phone) with a brief text message. If registered for Internet availability, the patient’s detailed implant data can then be viewed by logging onto the Home Monitoring website.
Philos DR-T Technical Manual 5
2. Indications and Contraindications
For the general indications and contraindications, please refer to the Philos Family technical manual. The indications and contraindications of the Philos DR-T are identical to those of the rate adaptive dual chamber Philos DR pulse generator.
6 Philos DR-T Technical Manual
+ 22 hidden pages