4 Product Description
Pacing modes For the following symptomatic, the following pacing modes are indicated:
MR conditional
ProMRI® labeled MRI conditional pacemakers are safe for use in the MRI environment when used in conjunction with a complete MRI conditional pacing system and
according to the instructions given in the ProMRI® manual.
Guidelines No contraindications are known for the implantation of multifunctional single-
chamber, dual-chamber or triple-chamber devices, provided differential diagnostics precedes implantation according to the appropriate guidelines and no modes or
parameter combinations are configured that pose a risk to the patient.
Pacing modes
and parameters
The compatibility and effectiveness of parameter combinations must be checked
and, as the case may be, adapted after programming.
Symptom/expectation Pacing mode
Sick sinus syndrome Dual-chamber pacing
Chronic, symptomatic second and third-degree AV block Dual-chamber pacing
Adams-Stokes syndrome Dual-chamber pacing
Symptomatic bilateral bundle branch block when tach-
yarrhythmia and other causes have been ruled out
Dual-chamber pacing
• Chronotropic incompetence
• Benefit from increased pacing rate with physical
R mode or CLS
Sinus node dysfunction in the presence of normal AV and
intraventricular conduction
Atrial pacing
Bradycardia in conjunction with the following:
• Normal sinus rhythms with only rare episodes of
AV block or sinus arrest
• Chronic atrial fibrillation
• Severe physical disability
Ventricular pacing
Set of facts Contraindicated pacing mode
Additionally implanted ICD Unipolar pacing
Set of facts Inappropriate pacing mode
Chronic atrial tachycardia, chronic
atrial fibrillation or flutter
Atrial-controlled modes (DDD, VDD,
Poor tolerance of pacing rates above the
basic rate, e.g., angina pectoris
AV conduction disorder Atrial single-chamber pacing
Failing AV conduction
Set of facts Adapt parameters
Slow retrograde conduction after
ventricular pacing: Risk of pacemakermediated tachycardia
• Extend atrial refractory period (ARP)
• Shorten AV delay
Program to DDI, DVI or VVI
Poor tolerance of pacing rates above the
basic rate, e.g., angina pectoris
• Lower atrial upper rate
• Lower maximum sensor rate
• Deploy atrial overdrive pacing