Biotronik BA0T User Manual

EXHIBIT O – User Manual

Using the BA03 DDDR Pacemaker

Using the BA03 DDDR Pacemaker

Software SWM 1000/B-KT0.0

This software must only be used for follow-ups involv­ing BA03 DDDR pacemakers.
The BA03 DDDR and Actros DR pacemakers are han­dled almost the same way.
Please consult the Actros DR
K00.0 manual for a description of Actros DR features In addition to the descript ion in the SW M 1000/B-K00.0
manual, the following special features are included in the B-KT0.0 software:

The list of pacemakers contains only the BA03 DDDR Home Monitoring device.

or the SWM 1000/B-

The Home Monitoring functions and parameters are only available with the B-KT0.0 software.

All statistical functions can be used simultaneously. No preselection is necessary.

Both the rate trend and the sensor trend can be dis­played.

The trend for the gain monitor is not available.

This softw are can be ordered by using th e following Catalog No.:

SWM 1000 /B- K T0.0.A 332 076

Note: Th is sof tw are c an onl y be used with the BIOT RONIK
program m ers EPR 100 0
and TMS 1000

Home Monitoring - Introduction

Home Monitoring - Introduction

Home Monitoring

of message
The pacemaker BA03 DDDR is the newest member of the Actros treatment of bradycardia arrhythmia. The pacemaker is identical to the Actros DR
family, that consists of pacemakers for
in that it is a rate adapt ive, dual chamb er sy stem with se parat e atr ial and ventr ic ­ular leads and is suited for patients who need AV syn­chronous pacing. BA03 DDDR has the functionality of a current DDDR pacemaker and is additionally equipped with the Home Monitoring function
This function is part of a complete Home Monitoring system, in which information about the cardiac condi­tion of the patient can be transmitted using wireless technology between implant, patient and physician. The Home Monitoring function is used to obtain mes­sages from the implant and to compile these mes­sages into tables and graphs. Thus, the course of the therapy can be optimzied by setting up an additional follow-up between regularly scheduled visits, if neces­sary.
The implants’ Home Monitoring function
can be used during the entire service time of the implant or in shorter periods, e.g., a few weeks or months.
For the transmission of the message, the implant is equipped with a small transmitter that has a range of approx. 2 m. The patients’ implant data is transmitted to the respective patient device in certain, adjustable periods. The minimum distance between implant and patient device is 15 cm. The patient can activate the transmission himself by application and immediate removal of a magnet o ver the implant .
Patient device
with components
The patient device (Fig.1) is developed for home use and consists of a mobile unit and the r espective charg­ing station. The patient can also carry the mobile unit with them in their normal daily activi ties .
The patient device rechargeable batteries that make an operating time of about 24 h possible. The patient device receives messages from the implant and for-
Home Monitoring - Introduction
Patient Device with
Charging Station
RUC 200
wards them to a BIOTRONIK Ser­vice Center via mobile communi­cations.

Cardio Report

The service cent er c ompiles the mes sages int o a com­prehensive report (Cardio Report). This Cardio Report is tailored to the individual needs of the patient and is sent to the attending physician via fax.

For further information about the patient device, please refer to the respective Users Manual.

The standard functions are described in the Actros family technci a l m a nu a .
The additional Home Monitoring functions of the BA03 DDDR are found in this manual

Indications and Contraindications

Indications and Contraindications
For the general indications and contraindications please refer to the Actros Basically, the indications and contraindications of the BA03 DDDR are identical to that for the rate adaptive dual chamber pacemaker Actros DR teria for the Home Monitoring Function are described as follows:
Family tech nical manu al.

Criteria for using Home Monitoring

There are no contraindications for use of the Home Monitoring function. This function has no influence on the diagnostic or therapeutic functionality of the pace­maker. The patient must be capable and willing to manage certain tasks associated with Home Monitor­ing. Usage of the Home Monitoring system i s inappro­priate in the following cases:
The patient can not handle the system as intended, because of their physical or psychological condition.

There is no GSM cellular service available in the local area of the patient’s home.

The patient often stays (i.e. works) in areas where it is not permitted to use mobile phones.

. The special cri-
Note: Home Monitoring does not replace the regular fol-
low-up examination. When using the Home Monitoring function, the time interval between the follow-ups must not be pro­longed.
The da ta tran smitte d by Ho me Mo n itoring are not suitable for diagnosis, because not all information avail able i n the implant is being transmitte d .

Transmission of Message

Transmission of Message
The Home Monitoring function can be switched ON or OFF with the programming device. If the Home Moni­toring function is active, the transmission of the implant data can be triggered as follows:

Periodic message at predefined time intervals

Message activated by the patient The attending physician himself decides if the patient
should trigger a transmission by programming this paramater ON or OFF. The patient activated message does not effect the programmed periodic message.
Note: Please note that with the BA03 DDDR, the Home Mon-
itoring f u nc tio n is only poss ibl e in fol l ow ing pacing modes: DDD, DDDR, DDI, DDIR.

Periodic Message

The time and interval (Monitoring Interval) of the peri­odic message are programmable. For the periodic message, a time between 0:00 and 24:00 can be set. Generally, it is recommended to select a time between 0:00 and 4:00. For every Monitoring Interval, a data string is generated in the implant and the transmissi on is act ivate d.

Patient Activated Message

Application of a magnet over the implant activates a transmission. The attending physician should inform the patient in detail about the handling and the physical symptoms that suggest a magnet applicatio n by the patien t.
The magnet effect must be programmed "synchro­nous" if the attending physician enables the patient to transmit messages.
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