Biotek ELx808 Service manual

ELx808 and variations
ELx808 /Automated Microplate Reader
Service Manual
Manual P/N 7341004
Rev. B
Date October 2001
ELx808 Service Manual
Highland Park, Box 998 Winooski, Vermont 05404-0998 USA
Customer Service & Sales: 888-451-5171 Outside USA: 802-655-4040 Service: 800-24-BIOTK (242-4685) Sales FAX: 802-655-7941 Service FAX: 802-655-3399 E-MAIL: Internet:
Coordination Center Europe/Africa
Bio-Tek Instruments, S.a.r.l. Parc d’Activités de l’Observatoire 43 Avenue des Trois Peuples - Bât E 78180 Montigny-Bretonneux France
Phone: (33) 1 39 30 2276
Fax: (33) 1 39 30 0987
Copyright 1996, Bio-Tek Instruments, Incorporated. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language without the written permission of Bio-Tek Instruments, Incorporated.
Bio-Tek® is a registered trademark, and Product Name ™ is a trademark of Bio-Tek Instruments, Inc.
Restrictions and Liabilities
Information in this document is subject to change, and does not represent a commitment by Bio-Tek Instruments, Inc. Changes made to the information in this document will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. No responsibility is assumed by Bio-Tek for the use or reliability of software or equipment that is not supplied by Bio-Tek, or its affiliated dealers.
ELx808 Service Manual
Revision Date Changes
A 1/96 Released to Production B 10/01 Updated the Assembly Drawings,
Reformatted the Test procedure sections, Updated the format of the document to current template, and added more material to support the instrument.
ELx808 Service Manual
This Warranty is limited and applies only to new products, except for computer-based software which is covered under a separate Warranty Policy, manufactured by Bio-Tek Instruments, Inc. (“Bio-Tek”). Bio­Tek makes no warranty whatsoever regarding the condition of used products.
Bio-Tek warrants the instrument (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Products” or “Product”) for a period of one (1) year from the original purchase date against defective materials or workmanship. This Warranty is limited to the original purchaser (the “Purchaser”) and cannot be assigned or transferred. All claims under this Limited Warranty must be made in writing to Bio-Tek, Attention: Service Department. Purchaser must ship the Product to Bio-Tek, postage pre-paid. Bio-Tek shall either repair or replace with new or like-new, at its option and without cost to the Purchaser, any Product which in Bio-Tek’s sole judgment is defective by reason of defects in the materials or workmanship.
This Warranty is VOID if the Product has been damaged by accident or misuse, or has been damaged by abuse or negligence in the operation or maintenance of the Product, including without limitation unsafe operation, operation by untrained personnel, and failure to perform routine maintenance. This Warranty is VOID if the Product has been repaired or altered by persons not authorized by Bio-Tek, or if the Product has had the serial number altered, effaced, or removed. This Warranty is VOID if any of the Products has not been connected, installed or adjusted strictly in accordance with written directions furnished by Bio­Tek. Batteries, fuses, light bulbs, and other “consumable” items used in any of the Products are not covered by this Warranty. Software utilized in conjunction with any of the Products is not covered by the terms of this Warranty but may be covered under a separate Bio-Tek software warranty.
We will continue to stock parts for a maximum period of five (5) years after the manufacturer of any equipment has been discontinued. Parts shall include all materials, charts, instructions, diagrams, and accessories that were furnished with the standard models.
ELx808 Service Manual
ELx808 Service Manual
Contents at a glance
Chapter 1 ................................................................................................................................1-1
General Information ............................................................................................................ 1-1
Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................................2-1
Theory of Operation.............................................................................................................2-1
Chapter 3 ................................................................................................................................3-1
Decontamination................................................................................................................... 3-1
Chapter 4 ................................................................................................................................4-1
Scheduled Maintenance ....................................................................................................... 4-1
Chapter 5 ................................................................................................................................5-1
Corrective Maintenance....................................................................................................... 5-1
Chapter 6 ................................................................................................................................6-1
Installation............................................................................................................................. 6-1
Chapter 7 ................................................................................................................................7-1
Error Codes........................................................................................................................... 7-1
Chapter 8 ................................................................................................................................8-1
System Test Analysis ............................................................................................................8-1
Chapter 9 ................................................................................................................................9-1
Assembly Drawings:............................................................................................................. 9-1
Chapter 10.............................................................................................................................. 9-1
Schematic Diagrams........................................................................................................... 10-1
Chapter 11............................................................................................................................ 11-1
Recommended Service Parts ............................................................................................. 11-1
Chapter 12............................................................................................................................ 12-1
Bills of Material .................................................................................................................. 12-1
Chapter 13............................................................................................................................ 13-1
Field Change Notices and Service Bulletins..................................................................... 13-1
Chapter 14............................................................................................................................ 14-1
Service Procedures and Download Utility........................................................................ 14-1
ELx808 Service Manual
ELx808 Service Manual
Table of Contents
Restrictions and Liabilities ...............................................................................................................................i
Revision.......................................................................................................................................................... ii
Warranty........................................................................................................................................................ iii
Chapter 1 ................................................................................................................................1-1
General Information ............................................................................................................ 1-1
Purpose and Scope .............................................................................................................. 1-1
Mail: ............................................................................................................................................................ 1-1
Telephone: ................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Fax:.............................................................................................................................................................. 1-1
Email: .......................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Abbreviations and Symbols ................................................................................................ 1-2
Warnings ............................................................................................................................. 1-3
Hazards................................................................................................................................ 1-4
Precautions .......................................................................................................................... 1-4
Equipment Overview .......................................................................................................... 1-5
Electromagnetic Interference and Susceptibility ................................................................ 1-6
USA FCC CLASS A.................................................................................................................................. 1-6
Canadian Department of Communications Class A ............................................................................ 1-6
EC EN 55011 GROUP 1, CLASS A - EC DIRECTIVE 89/336/EEC................................................. 1-6
EC EN 50082-1 ......................................................................................................................................... 1-6
Safety................................................................................................................................... 1-7
Intended Use Statement....................................................................................................... 1-7
Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................................2-1
Theory of Operation.............................................................................................................2-1
Principles of Operation ....................................................................................................... 2-1
Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Hardware ............................................................................................................................. 2-1
Power Supplies ............................................................................................................................................ 2-1
External Power ........................................................................................................................................ 2-1
Power Input Transformer ........................................................................................................................ 2-1
Internal Power Supplies........................................................................................................................... 2-1
Mother Board .............................................................................................................................................. 2-3
CPU ......................................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Memory ................................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Light Measurement.................................................................................................................................. 2-3
Motor Drivers .......................................................................................................................................... 2-4
Output Ports............................................................................................................................................. 2-4
Motors ......................................................................................................................................................... 2-5
X-Axis (Track Carrier Motor) ................................................................................................................. 2-5
ELx808 Service Manual
Y-Axis (Filter Wheel Motor)................................................................................................................... 2-5
Robotic Track Lid Lift Motor (Optional) ................................................................................................ 2-5
Display & Keyboard.................................................................................................................................... 2-5
Optics........................................................................................................................................................... 2-5
Lamp........................................................................................................................................................ 2-6
Interference Filters................................................................................................................................... 2-6
Track Assembly........................................................................................................................................... 2-6
Incubated Track Assembly (Optional) ........................................................................................................ 2-6
Incubator Board (Optional) ..................................................................................................................... 2-6
FMEA (Self Test)................................................................................................................2-7
Noise test ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-7
Air and Dark reads ...................................................................................................................................... 2-7
Dark Read Tests ...................................................................................................................................... 2-8
Air Read Test........................................................................................................................................... 2-8
Chapter 3 ................................................................................................................................3-1
Decontamination................................................................................................................... 3-1
Chapter 4 ................................................................................................................................4-1
Scheduled Maintenance ....................................................................................................... 4-1
Annual Preventive Maintenance Procedure........................................................................ 4-1
Chapter 5 ................................................................................................................................5-1
Corrective Maintenance....................................................................................................... 5-1
Lamp Replacement...................................................................................................................................... 5-1
Real time clock battery replacement............................................................................................................ 5-2
Chapter 6 ................................................................................................................................6-1
Installation............................................................................................................................. 6-1
The Operating Environment................................................................................................ 6-1
Unpacking and Repackaging the Instrument ...................................................................... 6-1
Unpacking ................................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Installing the filter wheel or adding additional filters ............................................................................. 6-2
After Unpacking, Verify Performance ........................................................................................................ 6-4
Repackaging the Instrument ........................................................................................................................ 6-4
Installing the Barcode Option ............................................................................................. 6-4
Install Instructions Barcode Option (Page 1 of 4) ................................................................................... 6-5
Install Instructions Barcode Option (Page 2 of 4) ................................................................................... 6-6
Install Instructions Barcode Option (Page 3 of 4) ................................................................................... 6-7
Install Instructions Barcode Option (Page 4 of 4) ................................................................................... 6-8
Chapter 7 ................................................................................................................................7-1
Error Codes........................................................................................................................... 7-1
Error Codes ......................................................................................................................... 7-1
Chapter 8 ................................................................................................................................8-1
System Test Analysis ............................................................................................................8-1
Test Options ................................................................................................................................................ 8-1
System Self Test .......................................................................................................................................... 8-1
System Test Analysis................................................................................................................................... 8-3
ELx808 Service Manual
Incubator Analysis....................................................................................................................................... 8-3
Chapter 9 ................................................................................................................................9-1
Assembly Drawings:............................................................................................................. 9-1
7340005-AS Final Assembly (Page 1 of 4)............................................................................................. 9-3
7340005-AS Final Assembly (Page 2 of 4)............................................................................................. 9-4
7340005-AS Final Assembly (Page 3 of 4)............................................................................................. 9-5
7340005-AS Final Assembly (Page 4 of 4)............................................................................................. 9-6
7340014-AS Kit Barcode Assembly (Page 1 of 1).................................................................................. 9-8
7340024-AS SVCE Kit Power Supply Retrofit (Page 1 of 1)............................................................... 9-10
7340503-AS Cable Power Input Assembly (Page 1 of 2) ..................................................................... 9-11
7340503-AS Cable Power Input Assembly (Page 2 of 2) ..................................................................... 9-12
7340511-AS Track Robot with Incubation Assembly (Page 1 of 4)..................................................... 9-13
7340511-AS Track Robot with Incubation Assembly (Page 2 of 4)..................................................... 9-14
7340511-AS Track Robot with Incubation Assembly (Page 3 of 4)..................................................... 9-15
7340511-AS Track Robot with Incubation Assembly (Page 4 of 4)..................................................... 9-16
7340513-AS Track Assembly (Page 1 of 2).......................................................................................... 9-18
7340513-AS Track Assembly (Page 2 of 2).......................................................................................... 9-19
7340514-AS Track with Incubation (Page 1 of 4) ................................................................................ 9-21
7340514-AS Track with Incubation (Page 2 of 4) ................................................................................ 9-22
7340514-AS Track with Incubation (Page 3 of 4) ................................................................................ 9-23
7340514-AS Track with Incubation (Page 4 of 4) ................................................................................ 9-24
7340515-AS Track Robot Assembly (Page 1 of 2)............................................................................... 9-26
7340515-AS Track Robot Assembly (Page 2 of 2)............................................................................... 9-27
7340529-AS Mechanical Preassembled Robot (Page 1 of 2)............................................................... 9-29
7340529-AS Mechanical Preassembled Robot (Page 2 of 2)............................................................... 9-30
7340533-AS Top Case Assembly (Page 1 of 1).................................................................................... 9-32
7340539S-AS SVCE Robotic Motor Assembly (Page 1 of 1).............................................................. 9-34
7343000-AS Shipping Container Assembly (Page 1 of 1).................................................................... 9-36
Chapter 10.............................................................................................................................. 9-1
Schematic Diagrams........................................................................................................... 10-1
7340400-AS Main PCB Assembly (Original) (Page 1 of 1) ................................................................. 10-3
7340400-SC Main PCB Assembly Schematic (Original) (Page 1 of 8)................................................ 10-5
7340400-SC Main PCB Assembly Schematic (Original) (Page 2 of 8)................................................ 10-6
7340400-SC Main PCB Assembly Schematic (Original) (Page 3 of 8)................................................ 10-7
7340400-SC Main PCB Assembly Schematic (Original) (Page 4 of 8)................................................ 10-8
7340400-SC Main PCB Assembly Schematic (Original) (Page 5 of 8)................................................ 10-9
7340400-SC Main PCB Assembly Schematic (Original) (Page 6 of 8).............................................. 10-10
7340400-SC Main PCB Assembly Schematic (Original) (Page 7 of 8).............................................. 10-11
7340400-SC Main PCB Assembly Schematic (Original) (Page 8 of 8).............................................. 10-12
7340401-AS Display/Keyboard PCB (Page 1 of 1) ............................................................................ 10-13
7340401-SC Display/Keyboard PCB Schematic (Page 1 of 1)........................................................... 10-14
7340402-AS Analog PCB Assembly (Page 1 of 1)............................................................................. 10-15
7340525-AS Analog PCB with Diodes (Page 1 of 1) ......................................................................... 10-16
7340402-SC Analog PCB Schematic (Page 1 of 3) ............................................................................ 10-17
7340402-SC Analog PCB Schematic (Page 2 of 3) ............................................................................ 10-18
7340402-SC Analog PCB Schematic (Page 3 of 3) ............................................................................ 10-19
7340403-AS Incubator PCB Assembly (Page 1 of 1 ) ........................................................................ 10-20
7340403-SC Incubator PCB Schematic (Page 1 of 2)......................................................................... 10-21
7340403-SC Incubator PCB Schematic (Page 2 of 2)......................................................................... 10-22
7340406-AS Digital PCB Assembly (Page 1 of 1) ............................................................................. 10-23
7340406-SC Digital PCB Schematic (Page 1 of 8)............................................................................. 10-25
7340406-SC Digital PCB Schematic (Page 2 of 8)............................................................................. 10-26
7340406-SC Digital PCB Schematic (Page 3 of 8)............................................................................. 10-27
7340406-SC Digital PCB Schematic (Page 4 of 8)............................................................................. 10-28
ELx808 Service Manual
7340406-SC Digital PCB Schematic (Page 5 of 8)............................................................................. 10-29
7340406-SC Digital PCB Schematic (Page 6 of 8)............................................................................. 10-30
7340406-SC Digital PCB Schematic (Page 7 of 8)............................................................................. 10-31
7340406-SC Digital PCB Schematic (Page 8 of 8)............................................................................. 10-32
Chapter 11............................................................................................................................ 11-1
Recommended Service Parts ............................................................................................. 11-1
Chapter 12............................................................................................................................ 12-1
Bills of Material .................................................................................................................. 12-1
EL808 8 Channel Reader...................................................................................................................... 12-3
EL808I 8 Channel Reader with Incubation Reduced Sftwr ................................................................. 12-4
EL808IU 8 Channel Reader with Inc and Uv Reduced Sftwr.............................................................. 12-5
EL808RIU 8 Channel Reader w/Robot Inc and Uv Reduced Sftwr .................................................... 12-6
EL808U 8 Channel Reader w/ Uv Reduced Sftwr ............................................................................... 12-7
ELx808 8 Channel Reader.................................................................................................................... 12-8
ELx808I 8 Channel Reader w/ Incubation ........................................................................................... 12-9
ELx808U 8 Channel Reader w/ Uv Optics ........................................................................................ 12-10
ELx808IU 8 Channel Reader w/ Inc and Uv Optics .......................................................................... 12-11
ELx808R 8 Channel Reader w/ Robot ............................................................................................... 12-12
ELx808RI 8 Channel Reader w/ Robot and Inc ................................................................................. 12-13
ELx808RU 8 Channel Reader w/ Robot and Uv Optics .................................................................... 12-14
ELx808RIU 8 Channel Reader w/ Robot Inc and Uv Optics............................................................. 12-15
ELx808G 8 Channel Reader Generic ................................................................................................. 12-16
ELx808GI 8 Channel Reader Generic w/ Incubation......................................................................... 12-17
ELx808GU 8 Channel Reader Generic w/ Uv Optics........................................................................ 12-18
ELx808GIU 8 Channel Reader Generic w/ Inc and Uv Optics.......................................................... 12-19
7340001 Shipping Accessories........................................................................................................... 12-20
7340005 Final Assembly 8 Channel Reader ...................................................................................... 12-20
7340007 Final Assembly w/ Incubation............................................................................................. 12-20
7340008 Final Assembly w/ Uv Optics.............................................................................................. 12-21
7340009 Final Assembly w/ Incubation and Uv Optics..................................................................... 12-21
7340010 Final Assembly w/ Robot .................................................................................................... 12-21
7340011 Final Assembly w/ Robot and Incubation ........................................................................... 12-22
7340012 Final Assembly w/ Robot and Uv Optics ............................................................................ 12-22
7340013 Final Assembly w/ Robot Inc and Uv Optics ...................................................................... 12-22
7340018 Final Assembly Generic w/ Inc and Uv Optics ................................................................... 12-23
7340019 Final Assembly Generic w/ Uv Optics ................................................................................ 12-23
7340020 Final Assembly Generic w/ Incubation ............................................................................... 12-23
7340021 Final Assembly Generic 8 Channel Reader......................................................................... 12-24
7340404-BOM Main PCB w/Robot Motor Drive Assembly ............................................................. 12-24
7340523-BOM Mechanical Pre-Assembled Assembly...................................................................... 12-25
7340537-BOM Mechanical Pre Assembled Assembly ...................................................................... 12-26
Chapter 13............................................................................................................................ 13-1
Field Change Notices and Service Bulletins..................................................................... 13-1
FCN’s ................................................................................................................................ 13-1
Mandatory FCN’s...................................................................................................................................... 13-1
FCN L0002: Add ground wire to ELx808 inc chamber to reduce noise............................................... 13-1
FCN L0003: Change to new bulb connector for ELx808. .................................................................... 13-2
FCN L0006: ELx808 base code upgrade to V 2.14. ............................................................................. 13-2
FCN L0007: ELx808 R44 of Main PCB............................................................................................... 13-3
FCN L0008: ELx808 check install of R49 & 50 of Main PCB............................................................. 13-3
FCN L0018: ELx808 add spacer for photodiodes................................................................................. 13-4
ELx808 Service Manual
FCN L0025: ELx808I & IU mods to precent 0700 errors when operating on low AC. ....................... 13-5
FCN L0027: Base code update for memory corruption problem .................................................. 13-8
Non-Mandatory FCN’s.............................................................................................................................. 13-9
FCN L0001: ELx808 front panel grounding change............................................................................. 13-9
FCN L0004: ELx808 op amp change.................................................................................................. 13-10
Service Bulletins ............................................................................................................. 13-11
LSB00-01: ELx808R Lubrication requirements . ............................................................................. 13-11
Chapter 14............................................................................................................................ 14-1
Service Procedures and Download Utility........................................................................ 14-1
ELx808 Service Manual
ELx808 Service Manual
Chapter 1
General Information
Purpose and Scope
This document is a service manual. It provides the technical information for qualified service personnel to assemble and test the functionality of the ELx808 line of instrumentation, and assumes a general understanding of the Bio-Tek Instruments, Inc. ELx808 Automated Reader product line.
This manual should be used in conjunction with the “Operator's Guide for the ELx808 Automated Reader”, Bio-Tek part number
Certain sections of this manual contain copies of documentation that is currently in use at Bio-Tek. All documentation is subject to revision over time. Schematics are included in this manual if component-level repair is necessary. Assembly drawings are included to aid in the assembly and disassembly of the ELx808.
If you need further information, please contact the Technical Assistance Center:
Bio-Tek Instruments, Inc.
Technical Assistance Center
Highland Park, Box 998
Winooski, Vermont USA 05404-0998
1-800-242-4685 From within the United States
1-802-655-4044 From outside the United States, excluding Europe
33 1 39 30 2276 From within Europe
1-802-655-3399 USA
33 1 39 30 0987 Europe
ELx808 Automated Reader Service Manual
Abbreviations and Symbols
The following warning and informational symbols may be found in various locations on the ELx808 Reader. Only qualified personnel who recognize shock hazards and are familiar with the safety precautions should repair this instrument.
Alternating current Courant alternatif Dreiphasen-Wechselstrom Corriente Atterna Corrente alternata
Direct current
Courant continue Gleichstrom Corriente continua Corrente continua
Both direct and alternating current
Courant continu et courant alternatif Allstrom (Gleich - und Wechselstrom) Corriente continua y corriente alterna Corrente continua e corrente alternata
Earth ground terminal Borne de terre Erde (Bettriebserde) Borne de Tierra Terra (di funzionamento)
Protective conductor terminal
Borne de terre de protection Schutzleiteranscluss Borne de Tierra de Protección Terra di protezione
On (Supply)
Marche (alimentation) Ein (Verbindung mit dem Netz) Connectado Chiuso
Off (Supply) Arrest (alimentation) Aus (Trennung vom Netz) Desconectado Aperto (sconnessione dalla rete di alimentazione)
General Information
Caution (refer to accompanying documents) Attention (voir documents d'accompanement) Achtung siehe Begleitpapiere Atención (vease los documentos incluidos) Attenzione, consultare la doc annessa
Caution, risk of electric shock
Attention, risque de choc electrique Gefährliche elektrische Spannung Atención, riesgo de sacudida eléctrica Alta tensione (in questo documento Alta tensione non significa “tensione pericolosa” come definito in IEC 417)
Use the ELx808 Automated Reader on a flat surface and away from excessive humidity.
When operated in a safe environment, according to the instructions in this manual, there are no known hazards associated with the ELx808.
ELx808 Automated Reader Service Manual
Warning! Power Rating. The ELx808 Reader’s power supply must be connected to a power receptacle that provides voltage and current within the specified rating for the system. Use of an incompatible power receptacle may produce electrical shock and fire hazards.
Warning! Electrical Grounding. Never use a two-prong plug adapter to connect primary power to the ELx808 power supply. Use of a two-prong adapter disconnects the utility ground, creating a severe shock hazard. Always connect the system power cord directly to a three-prong receptacle with a functional ground.
Warning! Internal Voltage. Always turn off the power switch and unplug the power cord before cleaning the reader’s outer surface.
Warning! Liquids. Avoid spilling liquids on the reader; fluid seepage into internal components creates a potential shock hazard. Wipe up all spills immediately. Do not operate the instrument if internal components have been exposed to fluid.
Warning! Potential Biohazards. Some assays or specimens may pose a biohazard. Adequate safety precautions should be taken as outlined in the assay’s package insert. Always wear safety glasses and appropriate protective equipment, such as chemically resistant rubber gloves and apron.
Warning! Software. The reader operator must follow the manufacturer’s assay package insert when modifying software parameters and establishing reader methods, using the reader’s on-board software.
The following precautions are provided to help avoid damage to the instrument:
Caution: Service. The reader should be serviced by Bio-Tek authorized service personnel. Only qualified technical personnel should perform troubleshooting and service procedures on internal components.
Caution: Environmental Conditions. Do not expose the instrument to temperature extremes. For proper operation, ambient temperatures should remain between 15-40ºC. Performance may be adversely affected if temperatures fluctuate above or below this range. Storage temperature limits are broader.
Caution: Sodium Hypochlorite. Do not expose any part of the instrument to Sodium Hypochlorite solution (bleach) for more than 30 minutes. Prolonged contact may damage the instrument surfaces. Be certain to rinse and thoroughly wipe all surfaces.
Caution: Warranty. Failure to follow preventive maintenance protocols may void the ELx808 warranty.
Warning! Data Reduction Protocol. The reader’s software will flag properly defined controls when they are out of range. It will present all the data with the appropriate error flags in order for the user to determine their validity. Because there have been no limits applied to the raw absorbance data, all information exported via computer control must be analyzed completely.
General Information
Equipment Overview
There are several models in the ELx808 Reader product line. "G" refers to a Generic instrument.
EL808 8 Channel Reader
EL808I Reader 8ch W/Inc Reduced Sftwr
EL808IU Reader 8ch W/Inc/Uv Rdc Sftwr
EL808RIU 8ch Rdr W/Rob Inc Uv Red Sftwr
EL808U Reader 8ch W/Uv Reduced Sftwr
EL808UV 8 Ch Reader W/Uv Optics
ELX808 8 Channel Reader
ELX808G 8 Ch Reader Generic
ELX808GI 8 Ch Rdr W/Incbr Generic
ELX808GIU 8 Ch Rdr W/Incbr Uv Generic
ELX808GU 8 Ch Rdr W/Uv Optics Generic
ELX808I Reader 8-Ch W/Incbr
ELX808IU Reader 8-Ch W/Incbr Uv Optics
ELX808R Reader 8-Ch W/Robot Interface
ELX808RI Reader 8-Ch W/Robot Incubation
ELX808RIU Reader 8-Ch W/Robot Incbr Uv
ELX808RU Reader 8-Ch W/Robot Uv Optics
ELX808U Reader 8-Ch W/Uv Optics
ELx808 Automated Reader Service Manual
Electromagnetic Interference and Susceptibility
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. Like all similar equipment, this equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area could cause interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Canadian Department of Communications Class A
This digital apparatus does not exceed Class A limits for radio emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Le present appareil numerique n'met pas du bruits radioelectriques depassant les limites applicables aux appareils numerique de la Class A prescrites dans le Reglement sur le brouillage radioelectrique edicte par le ministere des Communications du Canada.
The system has been type tested by an independent testing laboratory and found to meet the requirements of EC Directive 89/336/EEC and also VDE 0871/CISPR 11:1990 for Radiated Emissions and Line Conducted Emissions. Verification was to the limits and methods of EN 55011 and VDE 0876/0877. The device is classified as EN 55011 Group 1, Class A.
EC EN 50082-1
The system was also tested and found to meet requirements for Electrostatic Discharge Susceptibility, Radiated Susceptibility, and Conducted Susceptibility. Verification of compliance was conducted to the limits and methods of EN 50082-1:1992; IEC 801-2:1984; IEC-801-3:1984; and 801-4:1988.
General Information
This device has been type tested by an independent laboratory and found to meet the requirements of:
Underwriters Laboratories Standard (UL) UL3101-1 Electrical Equipment for
Laboratory Use; Part 1: General Requirements
Canadian Standards Association CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1-1992 Safety
Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use, Part 1: General Requirements
IEC 1010-1 (1990) "Safety requirement for electrical equipment for measurement,
control and laboratory use. Part 1 General requirements."
EC Directive 73/23/EEC
Intended Use Statement
The Automated Microplate Reader is a multi-channel, automated, bench top, general purpose, Enzyme Immunoassay Analyzer which performs in-vitro diagnostic analyses of a variety of samples. The Performance Characteristics of the data reduction software have not been established with any laboratory diagnostic assay. The user must evaluate this software in conjunction with the specific laboratory diagnostic assay. This re-evaluation must include the establishment of new performance characteristics for the specific assay.
This system is designed for use with a variety of enzyme immunoassays. The developer of the ELISA test kit, in accordance with the test kit’s procedure addresses assay protocol variations. A versatile curve fitting and statistical software program is included preloaded on every Automated Microplate Reader. If using Extensions Define Protocol software, up to 75 assay protocols and blanking patterns can be defined, stored in memory, and instantly accessed. Plate templates and formulas are automatically combined with the protocol assay setup. Data results may be displayed on the screen, printed out, sent to a mainframe, or merged with other software such as Lotus 1-2-3.
This document is a service manual. Its purpose is to provide technical information on the assembly and function of the ELx808 line of instrumentation. It is to be used by experienced technical personnel along with the ELx808 Operators manual to aid in maintenance and trouble shooting of the ELx808 instrument. If additional information is required please contact Technical Service at one of the following numbers or mail correspondence to the listed address
ELx808 Automated Reader Service Manual
General Information
Chapter 2
Theory of Operation
Principles of Operation
This section of the manual discusses the theory of operation for each sub-assembly within the ELx808 Automated Reader.
The ELx808 micro-plate reader is a multi channel reader. It reads a column of wells at a time. The reader has an internal power supply. The reader uses a Halogen lamp as the light source and can support up to six absorbance filters. The wavelength range is from 340nm to 800nm. The absorbance range is from 0.000 optical densities (OD) to 4.000 ODs. It has a one (1) percent accuracy from
0.000 – 2.500 OD. The instrument has options that include an incubated read chamber, Robotic door assembly and a barcode reader.
Power Supplies
External Power
The ELx808 is externally powered by AC line voltage (115vac and 230vac). This is connected through a power cord to a RFI filtered power entry module that contains the power on/off switch and a selectable fuse holder. The module can be configured to accept input line voltages of 100, 120, 220, 240vac using the voltage selector card in the module. The fuses are contained in the module and are rated 1.5amps (1" x 1¼" qty. 1) at 115vac and .63amps (5mm x 20mm qty. 2) at 230vac. The fuse block is configured to use one or the other fuses (1.5amp or .63amp).
Power Input Transformer
The input voltage is stepped down for the unit power supplies. The secondary windings provide approximately 38.0 VAC buck voltage to the main PCB at J7.
Internal Power Supplies
Refer to the 7340400-SC, page 7, for reference. The ELx808 internal power supplies are all derived from the 38.0 VAC input with the exception of the real time clock battery. This is a board mounted battery (3.5v lithium coin) which should last for 10 years and is located on the Display PCB ( See periodic Maintenance section 7.4 of this manual). The power input is protected with a Transorb (CR3). All voltage regulators on the main PCB are protected with internal (to the device) thermal protection circuits.
+24 volts
ELx808 Automated Reader Service Manual
Developed by the rectifying diodes CR1, CR2 and filter cap C26. U12 filter provides EMI suppression. This is the voltage input used as the source for all internal supplies as well as motor drive voltage.
+5 volt Logic
A switch mode buck regulator used to create VCC for digital circuits. C27 and C28 are filter capacitors and L1 is the output choke. R17 and R18 set the output voltage. CR4 is a "catch" diode that provides a return path for the load current during the off cycle of the regulator. The output switcher provides current limiting as well as thermal shutdown under fault conditions.
V Lamp
A switch mode buck regulator used to power the lamp and the fan. U10 is the actual regulator with R11 and R13 setting the output voltage. The supply also has provisions to run at different voltages by switching in R12 via Q2. R12 will change the output voltage from 11.99VDC to 14.00VDC when the unit is in the "read" mode to make the bulb brighter. C24 and C25 are filter capacitors and L2 is the output choke. CR5 is the catch diode that provides a return path for the load current during the off cycle of the regulator. Due to the load on the regulator, a PC board mounted heat sink is utilized.
+12 Volts
This is a linear regulator (U9) that converts the 24Volts to +12 Volts. R15 and R16 set the output voltage. C22 and C23 are filter capacitors. This +12 Volt output is a source for the -12V, and +5VA(on the analog board) power supply. U9 is mounted to a heat sink bracket that is mounted on the fan housing.
-12 Volts
This power supply is a positive to negative voltage converter. This supply creates -12 Volts from the +12 Volt source. U8 is the device that has no external resistors. C21 and C93 are essential to the correct operation of this charge pump device. This supply is used as the negative supply for bipolar devices as well as the source for the - 5VA supply (on the analog board). Q3 prevents the charge pump of the device from "locking-up" during initial power-up. This voltage is supplied to the analog PCB.
Derived on the analog board, a linear regulator (U6) that converts the +VMUX (+12V) into +5.0VA for use as the positive supply to the A\D converter (U4).
Derived on the analog board, a linear regulator (U7) that converts the -VMUX (-12V) into -5.0VA for use as the negative supply to the A\D converter (U4).
Derived on the optional incubator board, a linear regulator U6 that converts +24V to +V for the op amps on the board. R9 and R20 set the output voltage and C19 and C 25 are the filter caps.
Theory of Operation
Derived on the optional incubator board, this power supply is a positive to negative voltage converter U7 that converts the +V to -V for the op amps on the board. C16 is the filter cap.
Mother Board
Refer to pages 1-2 of the 7340400-SC. The ELx808 uses a 16 bit 80C186EB (U42) microprocessor which runs at 16.0 MHZ . The clock frequency is derived from a 32.0 MHZ crystal (U40). The power on reset is provided via a solid-state device (U41). The system has a real time clock (U4 on the display board) that has an external battery (BT1 3.0 volt lithium coin on the display board).
The CPU uses a variety of memory. A block of BIG FLASH EPROM (U33,U45 16X524288 bits) is used as storage for application programs. A smaller block of QUICK FLASH EPROM (U34,U46 16X131072 bits) is used for variable assay parameter storage. A block of STATIC RAM (U35,U47 16X131072 bits) is used for program operation storage and a block of EPROM (U36,U48 16X32768 bits) is used to store the boot up program.
The Big Flash requires the instrument Basecode (Operating System) loaded via the RS232 port. This software is the reader’s operating system.
The Quick Flash requires the instrument Assay Configuration Files loaded via the RS232 port. This software is the reader programs that are defined to perform the read functions. This is user modified to created individual read programs. There are fifty-five (55) definable programs. The download of these files are performed using the Extensions software or the Download Utility.
These programs must be downloaded before the instrument will operate properly.
The carrier alignment offset values (Auto-Calibration values) are stored in the BIG FLASH. These alignment offsets are determined by executing the Auto-Calibration program that is included in the ELx808 basecode. An alignment plate (BTI part # 73302508) is required to find the offsets.
Light Measurement
Refer to the 7340402-SC analog board. The ELx808 uses 9 Hamamatsu silicon photo diodes to detect the light passing through the wells of the microplate and the various components that make up the optics path. There are eight photo-diodes for actual well measurements and one for a reference channel. The reference channel monitors the relative light intensity for fluctuations. If the light source output reduces, the system knows to increase the gain of the detection circuit. This reference channel check is performed during each well read and column read.
The analog board is laid out for 13 channels, but the ELx808 only uses channels 1-8 and 13. The current produced in the diode is transformed to a voltage by its associated op amp (TL074). The channel to be measured is selected by a 16 channel analog multiplexer U12. This voltage is amplified by a variable gain stage made up of U10 and U11. The variable gain stage is used to increase the signal level to the A/D (U4) so that most of the A/D signal range is used. This is necessary because each frequency interference filter passes a different amount of light. A precision voltage reference is used to scale the A/D (Q3&U8). The A/D (U4) is a 16 bit analog to digital converter. Data is serially sent to the main pcb via J1.
ELx808 Automated Reader Service Manual
During the instrument power-on initialization, the optics system is tested. During this test, the filter wheel is positioned between filter number one and filter number two. This is to block the light and not allow light to reach the measurement chamber. The photo-diode no light current is measured for all nine (9) detectors. This Dark Current is the instruments base line noise of the measuring circuit. These values are stored in memory for each channel. The filter wheel is then moved to each filter measuring the full light levels. This is called the Air value. The gain of the measurement circuit is increased until an Air value of 55,000 is The Air value is subtracted from the Dark Current value to obtain a Delta Value. This delta value is to be between 20,000 and 45,000the amount of light being transmitted is determined for each filter. A gain value is determined for each filter to achieve a maximum light level
Motor Drivers
Refer to page 5 of the 7340400-SC. The ELx808 has 3 identical 0.45 amp stepper motor drive circuits. All three have micro step capability (1/16 step resolution). A common 2.5 Volt (VCC) reference is shared by the driver circuits (U49). Each drive circuit has a D/A converter (U24, U25, U26) and a precision stepper motor driver (U15,U16,U17). The motor driver chips all have internal oscillators with external components for setting the frequency (R33 and C52 for example). Current through the each motor winding is controlled by sensing the voltage across the 1 ohm sense resistor (R28 for example) and comparing that voltage to the reference voltage output by the D/A converter. When the voltages are the same, the current to the winding is shutoff by a comparator internal to the motor driver IC.
Output Ports
Refer to pages 3 and 4 of the 7340400-SC. The ELx808 has a twenty-five (25) pin Serial port and a twenty-five (25) pin parallel port located on the rear panel of the instrument. The serial port is a DTE configuration. The parallel port is a socket-female D-sub connector. The following pin definitions apply:
Serial Port Parallel Port
Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal
1 GND 19 NC 1 PSTROBE 19 GND 2 TX 20 DTR 2 D0 20 GND 3 RX 21 NC 3 D1 21 GND 4 RTS 22 NC 4 D2 22 GND 5 CTS 23 NC 5 D3 23 GND 6 DSR 24 NC 6 D4 24 GND 7 GND 25 NC 7 D5 25 GND 8 DCD 8 D6
9 NC 9 D7 10 NC 10 NC 11 NC 11 BUSY 12 NC 12 NC 13 NC 13 ON-LINE 14 NC 14 NC 15 NC 15 NC 16 NC 16 RESET 17 NC 17 NC 18 NC 18 GND
BioTek # 75053 is a DB9F to DB25F serial cable BioTek # 75049 is a DB25M to Centronix parallel cable
Theory of Operation
X-Axis (Track Carrier Motor)
The X-axis motor moves the track carrier left to right. The carrier homes to an optical sensor mounted on the track. Drive motion is transmitted via a toothed belt attached to the track carrier. The belt is automatically tensioned and requires no adjustment.
Y-Axis (Filter Wheel Motor)
The Filter Wheel motor moves the filter wheel. The filter wheel is homed using an optical sensor and the cutout on the filter wheel. The filter wheel motor is mounted at the front cavity of the base frame. Drive motion is transmitted directly from the motor shaft to the filter wheel. The filter positioning is determined by finding the home position. The filter wheel is then moved to a fixed number of motor steps determined by design.
Robotic Track Lid Lift Motor (Optional)
This motor lifts the door and inner track cover when the reader is interfaced with a robot. The motor turns an inner brass nut that moves a leadscrew in and out. The leadscrew position is homed by a flag that blocks an optical sensor mounted to the lid lift motor mounting bracket. The door position can be adjusted using the on board software. The motor moves from the home position to the user programmed number of steps.
Display & Keyboard
Refer to 7340401-SC display board. The ELx808 uses a board mounted 2X24 character LCD display. The contrast of the display can be varied via RT1 on the display board. The keypad is shielded with a conductive layer under the graphics layer. This shield has a separate conductive adhesive backed tab that is attached to the inside of the base frame of the unit. This shield is for electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection.
The keypad is a membrane type non-tactile switch matrix. The software continuously polls the keypad for key presses. When a key is pressed, it shorts the signal to ground that is interfaced to a multiplexer. The processor polls the multiplexer and determines which key was pressed by the bit pattern received.
The ELx808 uses eight optic channels for measurement. The light passes through the fiber optic bundle, a lower convex lens, the microplate, and the upper concave lenses and detected by the photo­detectors. The reference channel is routed directly to the analog board bypassing the lower and upper lens blocks via the fiber optics.
The light from the bulb is focused by a plano-convex lens and passed through a piece of IR absorbing glass (schott KG1) mounted in the lamp assembly. The light beam passes through a selectable interference filter mounted in the filter wheel.
Light passes through the interference filter then through the fiber optics bundle. The light is split into the nine separate channels. At the end of the bundle is a block that orients the eight-measurement fiber ends in a pattern that coincides with the microplate. A photo mask with precision oval holes is mounted against the optics block and cuts the eight beams of light into ovals. The light then passes though the lower lens block that focuses the beams. The light passes though the wells, in the microplate,
ELx808 Automated Reader Service Manual
up to the upper lens block where the beams are re-focused. The light beams then reach the photo diodes on the analog board. The photo diode produces a current that is proportional to the amount of light striking it. This current is measured by the analog front end circuit on the analog board. This measurement is then serially sent to the main board.
The ninth channel is used as a reference to monitor the lamp light intensity during the well reads. If the light intensity fluctuates, the software adjusts the photo-detector circuit gain accordingly to maintain a proper resolution. The light from this channel takes a direct path from the fiber to the photo-detector. There is no focusing lens used. The light is diffused. It does not need to be focused since only the intensity changes are monitored.
The lamp is a halogen bulb. The lamp voltage idles at about 11.95 volts and during a read is switched to 14.0 volts. This provides more light from the bulb during the read cycle and keeps the bulb in the halogen cycle while it is waiting between reads. The lamp and filter wheel area is cooled by a 12 Volt DC, 3.13 inch, 31.8cfm fan. The fan must be on whenever the lamp is on or damage to the primary
optics components may result.
Interference Filters
The ELx808 uses interference filters to select the desired frequency of light. These filters are mounted in the motor driven filter wheel. A maximum of 6 filters can be installed at one time. All unused filter locations must carry blank filters or errors will result.
The standard ELx808 instrument can use filters from 400 to 750 nm, 340 to 750nm (ELX808UV). Order # 3100XXX where the XXX is the pass frequency in nanometers. These filters typically last about 5-6 years.
Track Assembly
The track is the assembly which holds the microplate to be read. It is presented to the user under the track lid at power up. Micro plates are held in place with use of 2 plate retention springs. The track assembly is factory aligned. The plate carrier in the track homes under the track lid using a homing tab. This tab interrupts an opto sensor when the carrier is moved home. The carrier is stepper motor driven and is connected via a drive belt and self tension adjusting pulley.
Incubated Track Assembly (Optional)
The incubated track assembly is the same as the track mentioned above with the exception that it is incubated. The track is split into 4 heating zones. Each has its own 24VDC 8watt heater pad and thermistor used for sensing the heat in that zone. The heaters are controlled by the incubator board. A thermostat switch is attached to the track in the event of an incubation control problem. The thermostat will open and disable the 24VDC from the heaters if the track temperature exceeds 60ºC. The incubated track is covered with ¼" insulation foam.
Incubator Board (Optional)
Refer to 7340403-SC. The incubator board provides 24 VDC to the track heaters. The incubator board is controlled by the main board. The main board and software decide when and what heater zone to turn on using feedback from the incubator board. This is done by monitoring each zones temperature and compensating for the difference between the temperature set point and the actual zone temperature. The zone temp is measured using thermistors attached to each track heater zone. These thermistors act to control the gain of the op amps (U2). The outputs of the op amps are sent to an 8 channel analog multiplexer (U4). The address lines which select a zone measurement come from the main board and
Theory of Operation
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