This equipment h as been tested and found to comply with the limit s of a Class
B digi ta l dev i ce, pu r su ant to Part 15 of t he FCC R ul es. Th ese lim it s ar e de signe d
to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installat ion. Thi s equipmen t genera tes, uses and c an radiate radio frequ ency
en ergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
caus e harmful interfe rence to radio communications. There is no guarantee
that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
The vendor makes no representations or warranties with respec t to the
con te nt s h ere an d sp ec iall y di sc la im s an y im pl ied w ar r ant ie s of mer c ha nt ab ilit y
or fitness for any purpose. Further the ve ndor reserves the right to rev ise this
publication and to make chan ges to th e contents here with out obligation to
notify any party beforehand .
Duplication of this publication, in part or in whole, is not allowed without first
obt aining the vend or’s approval in writing.
The con te nt of thi s u ser’s m anu al i s subje ct to b e ch an ged with ou t no ti ce and
we will not be r e sponsible for any mistakes found in this user’s manual. All the
brand an d product n ames are trad emarks of th eir respective companie s.
This XGP (Extreme Graphi cs Port) slot i s a special desi gn that only
supports compatible AGP VGA cards.
To install the system with an add-on AGP VGA card, please make sure
to install the driver of add-on AGP VGA card before onboard VGA dri ver
installation. If the onboard VGA dri ver has already been installed before
you install the add-on AGP VGA card, the system will automati cally set
the onboard VGA as the pri mary graphi cs adapter.
For the onboard VGA driver can’t be removed com pletely, and to sol ve
this problem, please follow the steps bel ow,
1. Disable onboard VGA utility under the operating system, and reboot
PC. After PC restarts, the system will automatically set the AGP
VGA card as the graphi cs adapter.
2. Or, re-install your operati ng system to ensure the AGP VGA card
function c an be used.
Please go to “ht tp://www.biosta .tw” for more detai led information
abou t XGP compatible AGP cards.
The illustration shows how to set up jumpers. When the jumper cap is
placed on pins, the jumper is “cl ose”, if not, that means the jumper is
Pin opened Pin closed Pin1-2 closed
JAT X PWR1/ JA TXPWR2: A T X Power Source Connector s
JATXPWR1: Thi s connector allows user to connect with 24-pin power
conn ec tor on t h e A T X pow er supply.
JATXPWR2: By connecting thi s connector, it will provide +12V to CPU
power ci rcuit.
This header allows user to connect the front audio out put cable with the
PC front panel. It will disable the output on back panel a udio conn ectors.
Pin Assignment Pin Assignment
1 Mic in/center 2 Ground
3 Mic power/Bass 4 Audio power
Right line out/ Speak er out
7 Reserv ed 8 Key
9 Left line out/ Speak er out Lef t 10 Lef t line out/Speak er out Left
Right line in/R ear s peak er
13 Lef t line in/Rear speak er Left 14 Lef t line in/R ear s peak er Lef t
6 Right line out/ Speak er out Right
12 R ight line in/R ear speaker Right
JCDI N1 : C D-ROM A ud io -in Co n ne cto r
This connector allows user to connect the audio source from the veriaty
devices, like CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, PCI sound card, PCI TV tu rne r card
Pin Assignment
1 Left channel input
2 Ground
3 Ground
4 Right channel input
JSP DI F _ OU T 1 : Digital A u dio-out C o n ne cto r
This connector allows user to connect the PCI bracket SPDIF output
Pin Assignment
1 +5V
3 Ground
JSP DI F _ I N1 : Digita l A ud io -in Co n ne cto r (optiona l)
This connector allows user to connect the PCI bracket SPDIF i nput
Pin Assignment
JCI1: Chassis Open Header
T his connector allows system to monitor PC case open sta tu s. If the
signal has been tri ggered, i t will record to the CMOS and show the
message on next boot-up.
JCMOS1: Clear CMOS Header
By pl aci ng the jumper on pin2-3, i t allows user to restore the BIOS safe
setting and the CMOS data, please careful l y follow the procedures to
avo id da ma ging th e motherb oar d.
Pin 1-2 close
Pin 2-3 close
※ Clear CMOS Procedur es:
1. Remove AC power line.
2. Set the jumper to “Pin 2-3 cl ose”.
3. Wait for fi ve seconds.
4. Set the jumper to “Pin 1-2 cl ose”.
5. Power on the AC.
6. Reset your desired password or cl ear the CM OS data.
JDJ 1 : A U DI O DJ Co nn ector (o p tio n a l)
1 +5V
3 Ground
Pin Assignment
1 Cas e open signal
2 Ground
Norm al Operation (D ef ault).
Clear CMOS data.
Pin Assignment Pin Assignment
3 INT_B 4 Key
JW OL1 : W a ke o n LAN He a de r (o p tio n al)
The connector powers up the system when a wakeup packet or signal
is received from the network. This feature requires the Wake up on
LAN function i n BIOS is set to Enabled and that your system has an
ATX power supply wi th at least 720mA +5V standby power.
Pin Assignment
JPANEL1: F ront Panel Header
This 24-pin connector includes Power-on, Reset, HDD LED, Power LED,
Sleep button, speaker and IrDA Connection. It allows user to connect
One Short beep when system boot-up N o error f ound during POST
Long beeps every ot her s econd No DRAM detec t ed or ins t all
After yo u fail to up d ate BIOS or BIOS is i n vaded by vi rus, the
Boot-Block functi on will hel p to restore BIOS. If the following message
is shown after boot-up the system, it m eans the BIOS contents are
Video card not f ound or v ideo card
mem ory bad
Sys t em will s hut down autom at ic ally
In this Case, pl ease follow the procedure below to restore the BIOS:
1. Make a bootab le floppy d is k.
2. Download the Flash Uti lity “AWDFLASH.exe” from the Biostar
website: o .tw
3. Confirm motherboard model and download the respecti vel y BIOS
fr om Bi os t ar websit e.
4. Copy “AWDFLASH.exe” and respecti vel y BIOS into floppy disk.
5. Insert the bootable di sk into floppy drive and press Enter.
6. Sy stem will boot-up t o DOS pro mpt .
7. Type “Awdfla sh r” in DOS prompt.
(xxxx means BIOS nam e.)
8. Sy stem will update BIOS au to matic ally and restart .
9. The BIOS ha s bee n re cov ered an d will work pro perly.
If the system shutdown automatically after power on system for
seconds, that means the CPU protection function has been activated.
When the CPU is over heated, the motherboard will shutdown
automatically to avoid a damage of the CPU, and the system may not
power on again.
In this case, please double check:
1. The CPU cooler surface is placed evenl y with the CPU surface.
2. CPU fan is rotated normall y.
3. CPU fan speed is ful filling wi th the CPU speed.
After confirmed, please follow steps below to relief the CPU protection
1. Remove the power cord from power suppl y for seconds.
2. Wait for seconds.
3. Plug in the power cord and boot up the system.
Or you can:
1. Clear the CMOS data.
(See “Close CMOS Header: JCMOS1” section)
2. Wait for seconds.
3. P ower on the system again.
Probable Solution
1. N o power to the system at all
Power light don’t illuminat e, fan
inside power s upply does not turn
2. I ndic at or light on k ey board does
not t urn on.
Sys t em inoperat iv e. Key board light s
are on, power indic at or lights are lit,
and hard drive is spinning.
Sys t em does not boot f rom hard disk
drive, c an be booted f rom optical driv e.
Sys t em only boot s from optical driv e.
Hard disk can be read and applic ations
can be used but boot ing from hard dis k
is imposs ible.
Screen m essage say s “Inv alid
Conf igurat ion” or “C MOS Failure.”
Cannot boot sys t em after inst alling
sec ond hard driv e.
1. Make s ure power c able is
sec urely plugged in.
2. Replace cable.
3. Contact technical support.
Us ing even pres s ure on both ends of
the DIMM, press down f irm ly unt il t he
module s naps int o plac e.
1. C hec k cable running f rom disk t o
disk controller board. Make s ure
both ends are s ec urely plugged
i n; c hec k the driv e ty pe in the
standard CMOS se tup.
2. Bac k ing up the hard driv e is
ext rem ely im port ant . All hard
disk s are c apable of breaking
down at any t im e.
1. Bac k up data and applic at ions
2. R ef orm at t he hard driv e.
Re-ins t all applicat ions and data
using backup disks.
Rev iew sys t em ’s equipment. Mak e sur
correc t inform at ion is in s et up.
1. Set m aster/slave jum pers
2. R un SETUP program and s elec t
correc t drive types. Call t he driv e
manufacturers for compatibilit y
with other drives.
[WarpSpeeder™], a new powerful control utility, features three
user-friendly functions including Overclock Manager, Overvoltage
Manager, and Hardware Monitor.
Wi th the Overclock Manager, users can easily adjust the frequency they
prefer or they can get the best CPU performance wi th just one click. The
Overvol tage Manager, on the other hand, helps to power up CPU core
vol tage and Me mor y v ol tage. The co o l H ar dware Mo ni tor s martly indicates
the temperatures, vol tage and CPU fan speed as wel l as the chi pset
information. Al so, in the About panel , you can get detail descripti ons about
BIOS model and chipsets. In addition, the frequency status of CPU,
mem ory, AGP and PCI along with the CPU speed are synchroni cally
s how n on our ma i n p an el .
Moreover, to protect users' computer systems i f the setting is not
appropriate when testing and results i n system fail or hang,
[WarpSpeeder™] technology assures the sy stem stability by automatically
rebooting the computer and then restart to a speed that i s ei ther the
ori ginal system speed or a suitable one.
OS Support: Windows 98 SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP
DirectX: DirectX 8.1 or above. (T he Windows XP operating system
includes DirectX 8.1. If you use Wi ndows XP, you do not need to instal l
Dir ec tX 8.1.)
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