The National Syndromic Surveillance Program (NSSP) promotes and advances development of the
cloud-based BioSense Platform, a secure integrated electronic health information system that hosts
standardized analytic tools and facilitates collaborative processes. The BioSense Platform is a product
of CDC.
BioSense Platform User Manual for the
Access & Management Center
April 2021
Produced by
Division of Health Informatics and Surveillance
Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Revision History
Date Revisions
April 2021
November 2020 Removes references to the Adminer tool that has been retired
September 2020
July 2020
Updates reflect enhancements and changes in User Interface, release 1.5.4
(Sections 2–5, 7, and 9)
Supports AMC software release 1.5.3
Describes new rules for managing and restricting data access
7.3Sharing County Data with a User in Another State, 37
7.4Example of Editing a Rule, 40
7.5Translate AMC Data Access Rules to ESSENCE, 42
8. User Groups, 43
8.1Create a New User Group, 43
8.2Edit a User Group, 44
9. Master Facility Table, 45
9.1 Facility Inactivation Reason and Date, 45
9.2Facilities in U.S. Territories, 46
10. Reports, 47
11. Commonly Performed AMC Activities, 49
11.1Site Administrators, 49
11.2Users, 49
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1. Overview
The Access & Management Center (AMC) provides a common access point for NSSP applications and supports
the BioSense Platform’s administrative functions for implementing tools and applications.
Users have access to the AMC Home tab’s three sections:
My Info section provides access to the user’s profile
information (My Profile), a Change Password function,
and a copy of the Users Code of Conduct.
The NSSP Application section provides links to ESSENCE,
data query and analysis tools, and Data Quality
The Resources section provides links to the Service
Desk, Data Dictionary, and other resources.
For those with elevated privileges, such as site administrators,
the AMC provides functionality in multiple tabs. In addition to
the Home tab that everyone sees, the following tabs provide
administrative and access functionality:
The Manage Users tab allows site administrators to
modify any of their site’s users. They can control the
user access to the ESSENCE National View and Chief
Complaint Query Validation Tool. Access to the
DataMart, RStudio Pro, and SAS Studio can be granted
here. Platform-wide communications (Data Quality and
Processing and Onboarding Communications) is also
granted from this tab.
The Data Access tab provides an interface to existing
rules that control access to ESSENCE data on an
individual or group level. Here existing rules can be
modified or deleted, and new rules can be created. Data
access rules allow site administrators to control access to the
site’s Data Sources for everyone who uses the RStudio Pro and
SAS Studio applications.
The User Groups tab displays the user groups edit page.
Existing groups can be renamed and members can be added or
deleted. User Groups can be designated as Public (viewable by
all sites) or Private (only viewable within the site).
This user manual will help you access and navigate the AMC’s main features. The manual will be updated as
functionality is added. The username and password you use for the AMC are the same credentials you will use
to log in to ESSENCE, RStudio Pro, and SAS Studio (if applicable).
What is a site?
NSSP organizes facilities (e.g., hospitals,
emergency departments, urgent care
centers) under a single administrative authority called a site. A site may
oversee any number of facilities, all of
which share the same site administrator
and Master Facility Table (facility
What is a site administrator?
A site administrator creates user
accounts and controls access to
data on the BioSense Platform.
Your site will assign one or more
people to serve as site
If you’re a site administrator and need
access to the AMC, please submit a
ticket to the NSSP Service Desk at
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Figure 1. AMC Log-in Screen
2. Access
2.1 Obtaining Log-in Credentials
To request AMC access, contact the site administrator(s) for your site. Sites are responsible for creating policies
to manage user accounts and access to your data.
What happens when my account is created in the AMC?
You will receive two emails from One will contain your new username
and the other email will have your one-time password. You must log in to the AMC to accept the Code of
Conduct and set a new password before logging in to ESSENCE or other applications.
This new username will work for all applications on the BioSense Platform to which you have access,
including AMC, ESSENCE, RStudio Pro, and SAS Studio. Not all users have access to all applications on the
BioSense Platform.
2.2 Logging In to AMC
1. Go to
2. Enter the username and temporary password sent to you via separate emails (Figure 1).
3. Click Submit.
If you forget your password or username, you can use the links on this login page to retrieve them. If you believe
your credentials are correct, but still have trouble logging in to the AMC, contact the NSSP Service Desk at
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Figure 2. BioSense Platform Code of Conduct
2.3 Review and Accept Code of Conduct
The first time you log in to the system, you are required to review and accept the BioSense Platform Code of
Conduct (Figure 2). The Code of Conduct outlines proper practices and responsibilities (data-sharing etiquette)
for the BioSense Platform user community.
Users must accept the Code of Conduct under the
following conditions:
First time logging in.
Every 90 days when password expires.
User resets password.
Changes are made to user’s authorized access
(e.g., if a user account becomes a site
administrator account).
If the I Agree button is not active, we suggest that you
change the browser zoom setting. Go to Settings and if,
for example, you’re using Chrome, look in the upper right corner of the screen and click on the three vertical
dots. Then change the zoom setting from 100% to 90% (if 90% zoom does not work, 80% zoom usually works).
2.4 Activating Your Account
You must change your password the first time you log in to the AMC (Figure 3 below). You will not be able to
access the AMC or other tools until you have accepted the BioSense Platform Code of Conduct and changed
your password. This email account is not monitored. Do not send or reply to this email address.
When creating a new password, be aware that all passwords must meet the minimum requirements listed
Password Requirements
Passwords must meet four criteria:
Passwords must not contain a sequence of three or more characters from any part of the following:
Passwords must be more than 75% different from your previous password on a character-by-character
basis (e.g., ABCD is original password, AEFG or ADBC are valid changes, but AECD or ABCE are invalid
Passwords must not match your previous 24 passwords.
Note: Your “Old Password” will be the one-time password you received in the email from
o Contain both upper and lowercase letters
o Contain numbers
o Contain special characters
o Contain exactly 12 characters
o First name
o Last name
o Email
o The word “password”
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Figure 3. Change Password Screen with Dynamic Rule Validation
Since there are specific password requirements, we recommend using a random password generator for
enhanced security. We suggest searching the internet for “Free Password Generator” for links to various
utilities that are available to do this.
You may change your password at any time but are required to change it every 90 days. The same user
name and password combination is used for AMC, ESSENCE, RStudio Server Pro, and SAS Studio.
Note: This is accomplished with the Windows Active Directory (AD) functionality, so when you change
your password, there may be a delay from 5 to 45 minutes while your password change propagates
through the AD system. Please be patient.
First time users should be made aware of the AD propagation delay. When you change your password,
you may not be able to log in to ESSENCE, RStudio Pro, and SAS Studio immediately. Please wait at least
5 minutes before trying.
You cannot log in to any NSSP applications until you have accepted the Code of Conduct and reset your initial
password in the AMC.
Here is what the Change Password screen looks like (Figure 3):
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What if I forget my password?
Figure 4. Dynamic Password Rule Check
When you begin typing in your new password, it is dynamically checked against the required rules. In the
example below (Figure 4), we started typing a new password to illustrate how this works.
Navigate to the AMC log-in page and click the “Forgot Password” link.
Provide the requested information to receive an email with a new one-time password.
When you receive your new password, use it to log in to AMC.
Once logged in, you will be taken directly to the Change Password screen and required to
change your password before proceeding.
Enter your one-time password as your “Old Password.”
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Figure 5. AMC User Home Page
3. Home Page
3.1 User Home Page
The AMC home page (Figure 5) for users provides access to applications and links to useful resources:
My Info
Users and site administrators can follow links to change passwords, update selected profile data, and view the
Code of Conduct for using the BioSense Platform’s AMC tool.
NSSP Applications
Users and site administrators can gain quick access to tools and applications for viewing data submitted to the
BioSense Platform:
ESSENCE—Capture, analyze, store, and share data.
RStudio Pro—View MS SQL data and perform advanced data analysis.
SAS Studio—View MS SQL data and perform advanced data analysis.
NSSP Service Desk—You will be asked to set up a password. Once you have a password, you may submit
general or technical questions about NSSP. Your question will be routed to a specialist. Links to
Service Desk
NSSP Technical Resource Center—This is a go-to place for NSSP publications (user manuals, quick start
guides), forms, standards and guidance, message mapping guides, fact sheets, onboarding guidance and
job aids, and access to BioSense Platform applications. Links to Technical Resource Center
NSSP Community of Practice Website—The website links to forums, work groups, training, knowledge
repository, and more. This website is for anyone interested in syndromic surveillance who wants to
collaborate, share ideas, and learn from or contribute to the community.
Links to NSSP Community of Practice (Note: The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists [CSTE]
facilitates the NSSP Community of Practice through a cooperative agreement with CDC.)
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Figure 7. Data You Can View in ESSENCE
Figure 6. Site Administrator's Home Tab
Data Dictionary and Data Flow Requirements—The Data Dictionary promotes standards-based
vocabulary for exchanging consistent information among public health partners. The Dictionary contains
details on data elements stored in NSSP data tables. Worksheets link to the Public Health Information
Network Vocabulary Access and Distribution System (PHIN VADS) website for specific data elements
associated with a standard. Links to NSSP Data Dictionary Spreadsheet
3.2 Site Administrator Home Page
Site administrators can perform additional functions in the AMC. The home page for site administrators
(Figure 6) includes the following tabs:
Home—Change password, update profile, and navigate to other BioSense Platform applications and
Manage Users—Add, modify, or remove user accounts for your site.
Data Access—Add, modify, or remove data access permissions for ESSENCE accounts.
User Groups—Add, modify, or remove group members.
Master Facility Table (MFT)—Add, modify, or view facilities for your site.
Reports—View users who can access your data.
3.3 Data You Can View in ESSENCE
Both the user and site administrator have a section at the bottom of the home page that allows them to see
data they can access via ESSENCE (Figure 7).
Rule Name
NSSP National View □
Aggregate Only
NSSP National View □
Aggregate Only
NSSP National View □
Aggregate Only
4. Navigation
User Name User Site Data Source
National View
Region Syndrome
BioSense Platform User Manual for the AMC | 8
Data Quality
(HHS Region)
Alert List
“WHERE” Statement
(if applicable)
4. Navigation
The AMC Home page is organized by tabs across the top. A list and description of each tab follows.
4.1 Home Tab
The Home tab allows users and site administrators to do the following:
View My Info,
Navigate to NSSP Applications,
Navigate to Resources, and
View the user’s data access rules for ESSENCE.
My Info
You may update your profile, change your password, and view the Code of Conduct for users. As a site
administrator, the functionality is similar, but you will be able to see the Code of Conduct for both users and site
NSSP Applications
Users and site administrators can gain quick access to tools and applications (ESSENCE, RStudio Pro, and SAS
This section links to resources available to all users: Service Desk to request technical and general support;
Technical Resource Center for NSSP-specific onboarding materials, quick start guides, user manuals, and
guidance documents; NSSP Community of Practice website for accessing the Knowledge Repository and for
connecting with thought leaders and experts in analytics, informatics, and surveillance; and Data Dictionary and
Data Flow Requirements.
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Figure 8. Manage Users Page
4.2 Manage Users Tab (Site Administrators Only)
The Manage Users tab (Figure 8) is available only to site administrators. This tab allows site administrators to
create new accounts or to view and modify user accounts within their site. The site administrator can also use
this page to download a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file for an Excel list of users within their site.
Site administrators are responsible for creating and managing the user accounts for their site.
Create Users
To create a new user account, click Add New User. Provide the requested information and click Save. Once you
successfully save a new user, an email containing log-in credentials will be sent to the user.
Things to remember when creating a new user:
First Name, Last Name, and Email Address are required.
You can only add users to your site.
Users within your site must have unique email addresses.
Modify User Accounts
To review or modify a user account, select a row in the user table and click View/Edit. You will be able to see
and update the user profile.
Removing (Deactivating) User Accounts
Due to CDC policy, user accounts cannot be deleted. If a user no longer requires access, select the account, click
View/Edit, and change the Account Status radio button selection to “Inactive.” If you deactivate a user in the
AMC, that user will no longer be able to use the AMC or other BioSense Platform tools.
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Figure 9. User Profile Page
User Profile Page
The User Profile page (Figure 9) displays a user’s contact
information and sections for account information and details.
User Profile
This section contains contact information and background.
User Name—The user name required when logging into
all BioSense Platform applications. The user name is
automatically generated by AMC and cannot be changed
once a user’s account has been created.
First Name—The user’s first name. This field is editable by
the user and site administrators.
Last Name—The user’s last name. This field is editable by
the user and site administrators.
Email Address—The user’s email address. Password
expiration emails will be sent to this email address. This
field is editable by the user and site administrators and
must be unique within the site. Federal users are required
to use their government email address.
Office Phone—The user’s contact phone number. This
field is editable by the user and site administrators.
Organization—The user’s organization affiliation. This
field is editable by the user and site administrators.
Epidemiologist—Box should be checked if the user is an
epidemiologist. This will add the user to the site’s
epidemiologist data access rule. This field is editable by
site administrators but NOT by individual users.
Site—The site affiliation assigned to a user during account
creation. If a user requires multiple site affiliations,
multiple user accounts must be created. A user’s site
affiliation cannot be changed once a user’s account has
been created. Site administrators should contact the NSSP
Service Desk if a change of site affiliation is required.
Privilege Level—The level of access a user is granted for the BioSense Platform tools and applications. This
field is only editable by NSSP staff. Site administrators may contact the NSSP Service Desk if a change of
privilege level is required.
PIV Required—This checkbox is checked if the user has a PIV card and requires a PIN code for logging in to
both AMC and ESSENCE. Once checked, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) ID field
and PIV Exception Status fields become visible. These fields are only editable by NSSP staff.
HHS ID—The user’s HHS ID found on the back of the PIV card. This number is required if the “PIV Required”
checkbox is selected. Note: This field is primarily used by CDC and other staff.
PIV Exception Status—“Active” indicates that PIV user may log in with a user name, password, and PIN code.
To activate field, the site administrator must select the “Grant PIV Exception” button.
Foreign National—“Yes” indicates that the user is a foreign national, whereas “No” indicates that the user is
not. This is required for security purposes but does not alter permission. This field is editable by site
administrators but NOT by individual users. (A Foreign National is anyone who is not a U.S. citizen, U.S.
national, or immigrant who has been granted the right to permanently reside and work in the United States.)
Contractor—“Yes” indicates that the user is a contractor. “No” indicates that the user is not a contractor.
This information is required for security purposes but does not alter permissions. The field is editable by site
administrators but NOT by individual users.
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