Bioptechs FCS2COOLADAPTER User Manual

FCS2 Cooling Adapter Instructions
The FCS2 Cooling adapter is an O-ring sealed, press t device which provides a parallel ow path for chilled uids above the microaqueduct slide. This adjacent ow path can be used to reduce the temperature of specimens in the ow channel dened by the coverslip, lower gasket, and microaqueduct slide. Bioptechs recommends use of a .0.55 or lower N.A. condenser with this device for transmitted light applications.
1. Press t the Cooling Adapter into the top of the FCS2 before loading the chamber with cells.
2. Load cells into the optical cavity as described in the FCS2 instructions and secure the two halves of the chamber. You will not use the black electrical connector with the Cooling Adapter.
3. Attach chilled uid tubing to the 2mm tubes on the Cooling Adapter then with the chamber tilted so that the entrance tube is lower than the drain tube. Begin perfusing the cooling adapter so that all air is displaced. After ow is established maintain the chilled uid ow at the desired temperature and ow rate throughout the experiment.
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