#77905 - Power Steering Hose Kit - Bolt-on Reservor
If your application is not listed below...
Do Not Attempt To Install This Kit*
* A power steering adapter kit (#77901) is available for other applications, call for info 1 (708) 588-0505.
Tools needed:
• 1” open end wrench
• 15/16” open end wrench
• 11/16” open end wrench
• Electrical/vinyl tape
• Hacksaw with fine tooth metal blade OR cut off wheel
• GM metric rack & pinion
• 1978 - present GM metric 800 gear box
• 1965 - 77 GM SAE 800 gear box
• Classic Performance Products - 500 Series box
• Flaming River rack & pinion
Before Installing This Hose Kit:
Install the Tru Trac or V Trac system in vehicle.
Install the Bolt-on reservoir per the instructions included with reservoir.
Never run the motor without power steering fluid in the pump as
severe damage will occur and void the pump warranty.
• Dodge Omni rack & pinion
• 1974-77 Ford Mustang II rack & pinion
Tech Tip:
Install the proper adapter into the Rack/Box. Do not use Tefon tape or pipe dope,
this can get into the system and do substantial damage. Inverted flare fittings should
be torqued to 25-24 ft/lbs and O-ring fittings should be torqued to 20 ft/lbs.
Step 1: Prepare the fittings and adapters for installation. Use the guide below to select the correct adapters for your application.
Compare the existing hose ends to the adapter if you are unsure of the box/rack that you have.
•Denotes number of fittings
required for the listed application
11/16-18 inverted flare to
-6AN power steering adapter
GM Metric Rack & Pinion
1/2-20 inverted flare to
-6AN power steering adapter
5/8-18 inverted flare to
-6AN power steering adapter
M18 x 1.5 O-ring to -6AN
power steering adapter
M16 x 1.5 O-ring to -6 AN
power steering adapter
• • ••• •
M14 x 1.5 O-ring to -6 AN
power steering adapter
-6 AN 90° hose end
-6 AN straight hose end
1978-up GM Metric 800 gear box
1965-77 GM SAE 800 gear box
Classic Performance Products
500 Series gear box
Flaming River Rack & Pinion
Dodge Omni Rack & Pinion
1974-77 Ford Mustang II
Rack & Pinion
• • ••• •
• • ••• •
• • ••• •
• • ••• •
• • ••• •
• • ••• •
500 Shawmut Avenue • La Grange, Illinois 60526 • Tech Line 708/588-0505 • Fax 708/588-7181

Step 2: Measure For Hose
Step 4: Assemble Hose Ends to Hose
Install the threaded socket end on the hose and slide it back
out of the way.
Double check your measurements.
Measure twice, cut once.
Measure the length needed from the pressure side of the pump to the rack/box.
Keep in mind tight bends in the hose are not recommended and may pinch off supply
select the appropriate fitting to route the hose as straight as possible.
Mark your measurements below.
Pressure line length
Fitting to pump (must use a 90° fitting) Fitting to rack/box 90° Straight
Return line length
Fitting to rack/box 90° Straight Fitting to reservoir 90° Straight
Step 3: Cutting The Hose
Insert the nipple portion of the hose end into the Teflon part
of the hose to size it back up to shape then remove it.
Push the brass ferrule around the Teflon and
in between the braided hose. Seat the Teflon
hose squarely against the bottom of the ferrule;
this can be done by pushing the hose and sleeve
against a workbench or vise.
Follow by placing the hose end in a vise, sparingly lubricate
the threads with 30wt oil or similar lubricant.
Insert the hose over the nipple making sure the ferrule does
not pop off the Teflon tube.
Finish by threading the socket end onto the nipple by hand.
Start by tightly wrapping electrical tape around the hose in the area to be cut.
Place hose in a vise without crushing it. Cut hose square to length with a Fine tooth hack
saw or cut off wheel ( Important! Make sure that your cut is square!).
Remove hose from vise and remove tape slowly. Deburr the inner Teflon hose and trim
away any stray stainless braid.
Blow out the inside of the hose to clear any debris. Debris that is left in the line may
cause substantial damage.
Now tighten with a wrench until the gap
between the nipple and the socket is no more
than 1/16”.
Clean the hose and blow out with compressed air to clear any debris.
Step 5: Install Hoses
Install hose assembly to each component. Check and make sure the lines are
free and clear of any moving parts.
500 Shawmut Avenue • La Grange, Illinois 60526 • Tech Line 708/588-0505 • Fax 708/588-7181