Biamp Systems | 9300 S.W. Gemini Drive | Beaverton, OR | 97008 | USA | +1.503.641.7287 | www.biamp.com

SPM412e Controller Instructions
Controller: The Controller is a ‘hard-wired’ control, which is powered by
the SPM412e. There are no batteries to wear out, and it is not easily
lost or stolen. The Controller may be wired up to 2000 feet from the
SPM412e, using 2-conductor shielded cable (not included). The
Controller overrides all similar commands which might be initiated from
the front panel of the SPM412e (see NOTE below). To install Controller,
first remove mounting box from circuit board & front panel. Route cable
through ‘knock-out’ hole on rear of mounting box. Install mounting box in
wall or panel. Three screw terminals on circuit board (‘GND’, ‘IR2’, &
‘IR3’) correspond to ‘Remote’ terminals on rear panel of SPM412e.
Connect cable shield to ‘GND’ terminals at each end. Use conductors to
connect ‘IR2’ to ‘IR2’ and ‘IR3’ to ‘IR3’. Install circuit board & front panel
on mounting box. The Controller has seven buttons which control
functions on the SPM412e. The Channel Select buttons & indicators
provide the same functions as Channel Select on the SPM412e front
panel (including the ability to select more than one stereo line input at a
time). The Main Level buttons and display provide the same functions
as Main Level on the SPM412e front panel, except that only a single
indicator will light to display the level setting, and it will dim when the
output is muted.
NOTE: Two additional screw terminals (‘GND’& ‘KEY SWI’) allow an
external key-switch (or contact-closure) to ‘lock-out’ control of Channel
Select and/or Main Level functions. These functions will then be
temporarily available from the SPM412e front panel, as long as the ‘lockout’ is maintained. When ‘lock-out’ is released, the Controller memory
will then reassert its previous settings on the SPM412e. A 4-gang DIP
switch on the Controller circuit board allows custom functions to be
assigned, such as Channel Select ‘lock-out’, Main Level ‘lock-out’, keylock normally-open/closed, and infrared detector defeat (see Installation
on page 2).