Digital Remote
operation manual
Biamp Systems, 10074 S.W. Arctic Drive, Beaverton, Oregon 97005 U.S.A. (503) 641-7287 http://www.biamp.com
an affiliate of Rauland Borg Corp.

Front Panel
Rear Panel
Control Voltage Outputs
Remote Controls
Logic Inputs
RS-232 Control
Specifications & Block Diagram
pg. 2
pg. 3
pgs. 4~5
pgs. 6~7
pgs. 8~11
pgs. 12~13
pg. 14~15
pg. 16~17
pg. 18
pg. 19
ADVANTAGE® DRI Digital Remote Interface provides microprocessor control to
closures, infrared, wall-mount & custom panels, computer, and/or third-party
controllers. The DRI provides control voltages & logic outputs. Software &
cables are included for programming & control. Control buttons & presets are
definable. The DRI is covered by a five-year warranty.
DRI features include:
DLA93 & RCII products. The DRI accepts control via contact-
provides advanced control options for ADVANTAGE® DLA93
provides advanced control options for ADVANTAGE® RCII
up to twelve 0~10VDC outputs for controlling external VCAs
‘user definable’ upper & lower voltage limits for each output
up to two logic outputs for switching of external circuits
eight non-volatile memory presets (user specified functions)
forty possible button definitions (presets, levels, muting, etc.)
eight ‘user definable’ logic inputs for contact-closure control
remote port for infrared, wall-mount, or custom panel control
RS-232 serial port for computer or third-party controllers
PC control software for Windows® 95 & serial cable included
device number switch & link port for controlling multiple units
baud rate switch provides choice of communications rates
optional remote display panels indicate 8 levels & 4 presets
modular ±12 Volt DC Out jack for powering external devices
front panel indicators for remote activity, errors, & power
incorporates AES recommended grounding practices
marked and UL / C-UL listed power source
covered by Five-Year "Gold Seal" Warranty
After reading this manual, if you have any questions or need technical
assistance, please call Biamp Systems toll-free 1-800-826-1457.
E-mail: biamp@biamp.com Web-Site: www.biamp.com

Digital Remote Interface
Error: This red LED indicates unusable information is being
received via remote control (see Remote on pg. 3). If an error in
transmission/reception of a remote control command occurs, the
Error indicator will flash.
Remote: This red LED indicates information is being received
via remote control (see Remote & Logic Inputs on pg. 3). If the
Remote and Error indicators flash simultaneously, this may be
an indication of improper installation. Check the location and
wiring of all remote controls.
On: This red LED indicates power is applied to the unit.

50/60 Hz
15 watts
class 2 wiring
control voltage
DC out
device #
serial port
link port
AC Power Cord: The power transformer provides 27 Volts AC
to the DRI, and is detachable via a 5-pin DIN connector. The
DRI has two internal ‘self-resetting’ fuses (there are no user
servicable parts inside the unit). If the internal fuses blow, they
will attempt to re-set after a short period. However, this may be
an indication that the DRI requires service.
Link Port: This 9-pin Sub-D (female) connector provides a Link
Port for RS-232 control of multiple ADVANTAGE
RS-232 Control on pg. 15). The Link Port of one device simply
connects to the Serial Port of the next device (and so forth).
Link cables are available as an option (Biamp #909-0057-00).
NOTE: All but the final device in a system should have its ‘last’
switch down (see Baud Rate)
Control Voltage Outputs: This 15-pin Sub-D (female)
connector provides up to twelve 0~+10 Volt DC control voltages,
and up to two logic outputs (see Control Voltage Outputs on pg.
4). Control Voltage Outputs have the following pin assignments
(right-to-left & top-to-bottom): Pins 1 ~11) Control Voltage
Outputs 1~11; Pin 12) not used; Pin 13) Logic Output 1; Pin
14) Logic Output 2; Pin 15) Ground. When controlling an
DLA93, the DRI Control Voltage Outputs are
connected directly to the DLA93 Remote Control connector,
using the ‘inter-connect’ cable provided with the DRI. The DRI
controls the following DLA93 functions: Channel 1~8 level; Aux
Input level; Main Output level; Aux 1 Output level;
Master/Slave switching; and Auto/Manual switching. When
controlling ADVANTAGE
RCIIs, Logic Output 2 may be
converted to Control Voltage Output 12, via an internal jumper
strap (see Control Voltage Outputs on pg. 4). A custom cable is
then wired from the DRI Control Voltage Outputs to the
appropriate control terminals of the RCIIs. Each Control Voltage
pin assignments (right-to-left & top-to-bottom): Pin 1) not used;
Pin 2) Transmit Data (TxD) output; Pin 3) Receive Data (RxD)
input; Pin 4) not used; Pin 5 ) Ground; Pin 6) not used; Pin
7) not used; Pin 8) not used; Pin 9) not used.
Link Port will also transmit commands which are received via
Remote & Logic Inputs (see Setup on pgs. 8 & 9).
Baud Rate: This 6-gang DIP switch allows the DRI to be
assigned a specific communications baud rate. Baud rates
available are 2400, 9600, & 19200 bps. The factory default is
9600 bps. Only one baud rate should be selected at a time, by
raising the corresponding switch. The two switches on the far
right are not used. The switch on the far left (labelled ‘last’) is
used when connecting multiple devices in a ‘Link Port to Serial
Port’ configuration (see Link Port). From the factory, the ‘last’
switch is up. When connecting multiple devices, the ‘last’ switch
must be switched down on all devices except the final (‘last’)
device in the system (the device with no Link Port connection).
Output can be used to control single or multiple RCII channels.
Remote: This plug-in barrier strip accepts commands from
DC Out: This 6-pin Modular jack supplies ±12 Volts DC, for
powering external accessory devices. DC Out provides 150mA
maximum current.
optional remote controls (see Remote Controls on pg. 6).
Remote Controls may be infrared, wall-mount, or custom
panels, and may be wired up to 2000 feet away from the DRI.
From the factory, remote controls provide control of DLA93
Device #: This 6-gang DIP switch allows the DRI to be
assigned a specific device number. Up to 64 different device
numbers (0~63) may be assigned to allow RS-232 control of
multiple ADVANTAGE
products in a common system. From
the factory, the DRI is assigned Device # 1.
functions (as described above). However, the DRI may be
programmed (via PC Control Software) to perform customized
functions (see Setup on pg. 8).
Logic Inputs: This 9-pin Sub-D (female) connector provides
eight logic inputs for controlling the DRI via contact-closures
Serial Port: This 9-pin Sub-D (male) connector provides an
RS-232 Serial Port for remote control via computer or third-party
controllers (see RS-232 Control on pg. 14). The Serial Port has
the following pin assignments (left-to-right & top-to-bottom): Pin
1) not used; Pin 2) Receive Data (RxD) input; Pin 3)
Transmit Data (TxD) output; Pin 4) Data Terminal Ready
(DTR) output; Pin 5) Ground; Pin 6) not used; Pin 7)
(see Logic Inputs on pg. 12). Logic Inputs have the following pin
assignments (right-to-left & top-to-bottom): Pins 1~4) Logic
Inputs 1~4; Pins 5) switch ground point; Pins 6~9) Logic
Inputs 5~8. Logic Input functions may be programmed using the
PC Control Software and serial cable provided with the DRI (see
Setup on pg. 8). From the factory, Logic Inputs 1~8 are
programmed to recall presets 1~8 respectively.
Request To Send (RTS) output; Pin 8) not used; Pin 9) not
used. PC Control Software and a serial cable are provided for
programming via Windows
95 (see Setup on pg. 8).
The Serial Port can also transmit commands which are received
Remote Display: This 5-pin DIN (female) connector provides
an output for optional Remote Display Panels (see Remote
Controls on pg. 7).
via Remote & Logic Inputs (see Setup on pgs. 8 & 9).
Portland, Oregon
an affiliate of
Rauland-Borg Corp.
logic inputsbaud rate remote
products (see
. The Link Port has the following

pin #1 = Control Voltage 1
pin #2 = Control Voltage 2
pin #3 = Control Voltage 3
pin #4 = Control Voltage 4
pin #5 = Control Voltage 5
pin #6 = Control Voltage 6
pin #7 = Control Voltage 7
pin #8 = Control Voltage 8
pin #9 = Control Voltage 9
pin #10 = Control Voltage 10
pin #11 = Control Voltage 11
pin #12 = not used
pin #13 = Logic Output 1
pin #14 = Logic Output 2 *
pin #15 = ground
* Logic Output 2 ( pin #14) can be converted to Control Voltage 12 via an internal jumper (see below).
Control Voltage Outputs is a 15-pin Sub-D (female) connector, which provides up to twelve 0~+10 Volt DC variable control voltages, and
up to two logic outputs. These control voltages & logic outputs provide control of ADVANTAGE
DLA93 and RCII products, as well as
other ‘voltage controlled’ and/or ‘logic controlled’ devices. The control voltage & logic output settings are themselves manipulated using
Remote Controls (see pg. 6), Logic Inputs (see pg. 12), and/or RS-232 (see pg. 14).
Control Voltage Outputs have the following pin assignments (right-to-left & top-to-bottom): Pins 1 ~11) Control Voltage Outputs 1~11;
Pin 12) not used; Pin 13) Logic Output 1; Pin 14) Logic Output 2 (Control Voltage Output 12); Pin 15) Ground.
From the factory, the DRI is programmed for controlling an ADVANTAGE® DLA93 (or DLA93tc) Digital-Logic Automixer. When controlling
a DLA93, the DRI Control Voltage Outputs are connected directly to the Remote Control connector on the rear panel of the DLA93, using
the ‘inter-connect’ cable provided with the DRI (see Applications on pg. 16).
Under these circumstances, the DRI Control Voltage Outputs & Logic Outputs control the following DLA93 functions: Control Voltage
Outputs 1~8) Channel 1~8 levels; Control Voltage Output 9) Aux Input level; Control Voltage Output 10) Main Output level;
Control Voltage Output 11) Aux 1 Output level; Logic Output 1) Master/Slave switching; Logic Output 2) Auto/Manual switching.
See the DLA93 Operation Manual for a more in-depth description of these functions.
The DRI Control Voltage Outputs may instead be programmed for controlling other ‘voltage controlled’ devices, such as ADVANTAGE
RCII 4-Channel VCA Remote Controls (see Setup on pg. 8).
When controlling ADVANTAGE
RCIIs, Logic Output 2 may be converted to Control Voltage Output 12, via an internal jumper strap (see
below). A custom cable is then wired from the DRI Control Voltage Outputs to the appropriate control terminals of the RCIIs (see
Applications on pg. 17). Each Control Voltage Output can be used to control single or multiple RCII channels (see diagram on next page).
To convert Logic Output 2 to Control Voltage 12: 1) Disconnect the DRI power transformer from the AC outlet. 2) Lay the DRI on a flat
surface, with the top panel facing up and the rear panel facing away. 3) Remove the top panel, which is secured with six screws. 4) Find
jumper J10 (located at the right-rear corner of the circuit board, in front of the Control Voltage Outputs connector). 5) Using needle-nose
pliers, move the jumper strap one pin towards the rear panel (to the ‘spare’ position). 6) Replace & secure the top panel. NOTE: To
convert Control Voltage 12 back to Logic Output 2, simply move the jumper strap one pin towards the front panel (to the ‘logic 2’ position).
Control Voltage Outputs
rear panel
logic 2

control voltage
VCA control voltage inputs
VCA control voltage inputs
VCA control voltage inputs
(grouped channels)
(stereo pairs)
(individual channels)
gnd RC4 RC3 RC2 RC1 gnd RC4 RC3 RC2 RC1
0~10 VDC lighting dimmers
RC4 RC3 RC2 RC1gnd
+12 Volt DC
Power Supply
normally closed
normally open
12V relay
logic output
Each Control Voltage Output has a range of 0~+10 Volts DC, with a maximum current capability of 4mA. Upper & lower voltage limits may
be set for each Control Voltage Output (see Setup on pg. 8). Logic Outputs 1 & 2 are open collector/negative true logic outputs, with a
maximum sink current of 50mA and a maximum collector voltage of +24 Volts DC.
Logic Outputs 1 & 2 are NPN transistors, with the collectors being the output and the emitters being ground. When a Logic Output is
turned on, the transistor provides a path for DC current to flow. Logic Outputs do not provide any voltage or current. They act only as
switches, with a common ground return. Logic Outputs can be used to control external circuits, such as relays & indicators (se e diagram
below). Logic Outputs may be combined (wired in parallel) to control a common circuit, or individually they may be used to contr ol multiple
circuits. When using Logic Outputs to control relays, protection diodes must be used to suppress high voltage transients that are
generated when the relays turn off.
(#190-0003-09) are available from Biamp Systems.
NOTE: 12 Volt Power Supplies (#909-0011-00), 12 Volt relays (#520-0064-00), and 1N4004 diodes