Biamp AUDIA RS-232 User Manual

RS-232 Control Document
Table Of Contents
RS-232 Control....................................................................................................................................................4
Telnet Control......................................................................................................................................................5
Attribute ...............................................................................................................................................................9
Input/Output Blocks ...........................................................................................................................................10
VoIP Blocks .......................................................................................................................................................15
Mixer Blocks ......................................................................................................................................................18
Equalizer Blocks................................................................................................................................................20
Filter Blocks.......................................................................................................................................................21
Crossover Blocks...............................................................................................................................................22
Dynamics Blocks ...............................................................................................................................................23
Router Blocks ....................................................................................................................................................24
Delay Blocks......................................................................................................................................................25
Control Blocks....................................................................................................................................................26
Meter Blocks......................................................................................................................................................27
Generator Blocks...............................................................................................................................................28
Instance ID.........................................................................................................................................................29
Instance ID Tag .................................................................................................................................................29
IP Address Commands......................................................................................................................................35
CobraNet IP Address.........................................................................................................................................37
RS-232 and Telnet Protocol
Audia can be controlled via the control dialogs in the Audia software, or via third-party controllers using RS-232 or
For control of Audia, Biamp created ATP (Audia Text Protocol). This simply means that Audia will accept strings of ASCII characters to control and read settings of gain, mute, logic state, frequency, audio levels, and other parameters of DSP Blocks in Audia products.
ATP strings can be sent via third-party controllers using RS-232 (see RS-232 Control
Telnet Control). A line feed needs to be sent after each command string sent.
The ATP string is structured in the following order:
Command DeviceNumber Attribute InstanceID Index1 Index2 Value <LF>
ATP strings require a space between each parameter; the last character in the string needs to be a line feed <LF>. A space is not required before a line feed, but is acceptable and is used in examples shown in this manual (for legibility only). A space normally proceeds the carriage return/line feed <CR><LF> in a response to a GET command (see Command and Responses).
For each control string a few components will need to be derived from the Audia software: Device Number
used to specify what the DSP block attribute is to be set to. In an increment or decrement (INC or DEC) command Value is used to specify how much the DSP block attribute is to be changed by.
**Note** Audia software will assign an Instance ID number to each DSP block on the initial Compile system. Subsequent Compiles will not change the Instance ID numbers unless the "Reassign Instance IDs" check box is selected in the ‘Compile' software. Custom names (Instance ID Tags) may be assigned to DSP blocks, and used in lieu of Instance ID numbers within ATP command strings.
Example: A string to control a Fader Level might look like this: SET 1 FDRLVL 2 1 9 <LF>. The individual components for this string are:
Command Dev # Attribute Inst ID Index 1 Index 2 Value Line Feed
Notice that Index2 is not used since there is nothing entered in this parameter. Example: A string to Mute a Standard Mixer Output: SET 3 SMMUTEOUT 5 5 1 <LF>
The individual components for this string are:
Command Dev # Attribute Inst ID Index 1 Index 2 Value Line Feed
Notice that Index1 is not used since there is nothing entered in this parameter. Example: A string to turn up (increment) a Crosspoint on a Matrix Mixer: INC 2 MMLVLXP 4 3 2 1 <LF>
The individual components for this string are:
Command Dev # Attribute Inst ID Index 1 Index 2 Value Line Feed
In this example Index1 and Index2 are both used, together they specify which Crosspoint to change.
, and Index. Command and Attribute are derived from this document. In a SET command, Value is
tab of the ‘Options' screen (located on the Tools pull-down menu) in the Audia
SET 1 FDRLVL 2 1 None 9 <LF>
SET 3 SMMUTEOUT 5 None 5 1 <LF>
INC 2 MMLVLXP 4 3 2 1 <LF>
) or Telnet via TCP/IP (see
of the
RS-232 Control
The RS-232 port on the back of an Audia unit is set to a default baud rate of 38400, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control. (38400:8:None:1). If multiple Audias are connected together in a system then only one RS-232 port needs to be connected to a third-party control system; communicati on data is shared via Ethernet through a switch.
When controlling multiple Audia units that are not part of the same DAP file, each Audia unit will need to be addressed via its own RS-232 port from a control system or PC. Audia units cannot be linked together via RS­232, like some other BIAMP products can.
(The RS-232 baud rate can be set to 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200 – default is 38400) A straight through PC Serial Cable is used to communicate from an RS-232 port on a third-party controller (or
PC*) to the RS-232 port located on the back of an Audia unit. Since the Audia's serial port does not implement flow control, waiting for a response from the Audia is essential
prior to sending the next command. After receiving the +OK response, the next command can be sent. By waiting for the +OK response, the serial buffer will not be overloaded.
(* A PC can send/receive ATP Strings, using a terminal emulator program such as HyperTerminal.)
Telnet Control
Audia can be controlled using Telnet via TCP/IP. The same command strings that are used for RS-232 Control are used for Telnet.
When controlling multiple Audias that are not a part of the same DAP file, each Audia device will need to be addressed via its own Telnet session from a control system or PC.
Audia supports standard Telnet Echo Negotiation. By default, the Telnet server will echo characters sent to it, one by one.
To turn echo OFF during a session Send byte sequence 0xFF 0xFE 0x01.
Receive 3 byte response from server (0xFF 0xFC 0x01 = echo OFF). Send desired commands.
To turn echo back ON during a session Send byte sequence 0xFF 0xFD 0x01.
Receive 3 byte response from server (0xFF 0xFB 0x01 = echo ON). Send desired commands.
SET – Tells Audia that a DSP attribute is to be set to a specific value – may contain negative numbers and/or decimal points GET - Tells Audia that a DSP attribute is to be read – the response may contain a decimal point and/or a negative number (see Responses INC - Tells Audia that a DSP attribute is to be incremented by a specific amount DEC- Tells Audia that a DSP attribute is to be decremented by a specific amount
RECALL – Tells Audia that a preset is to be recalled. DIAL – Tells the Audia that a dial command is being sent SETL and GETL can be used if negative numbers and/or decimals are not supported by a control system. SETL – Tells Audia that a DSP attribute is to be set to a specific value, no decimal places or negative numbers –
To convert a dB number: add 100 to the desired level and then multiply by 10. Example: To set a level to –60.5dB, add 100 (-60.5 +100 = 39.5). Then multiply by 10 (39.5 X 10 = 395). Instead
of Value being –60.5, Value after this SETL command will equal 395. GETL - Tells Audia that a DSP attribute is to be read without negative numbers or decimals. To convert this
number to dB: divide the number by 10, then subtract 100. Example: With a returned GETL response of 405, divide by 10 (405 / 10 = 40.5), and then subtract 100 (40.5 –
100 = -59.5dB) For your reference, the SETL/GETL Table on the following page shows .5dB increments converted into the
SETL/GETL format. Some Attributes do not support all commands. The Attribute
GET/GETL, INC, or DEC functions. RECALL is only used on preset commands. DIAL is only used on telephone dialing commands.
*When GET or GETL is used, a Value Value must be specified in order for strings with SET/SETL, INC, DEC, and RECALL to work.
Note: SETD, GETD, INCD, DECD, SETLD, and GETLD commands may be used when a ‘full path’ serial response to the command is desired (see Responses target object, the original command, and the resulting value or state.
section defines which commands support SET/SETL,
will not need to be specified since GET/GETL is a request command. A
). A ‘full path’ serial response will provide identification of the
Level Value Level Value Level Value Level Value Level Value
12 1120 -10.5 895 -33 670 -55.5 445 -78 220
11.5 1115 -11 890 -33.5 665 -56 440 -78.5 215 11 1110 -12 885 -34 660 -56.5 435 -79 210
10.5 1105 -12.5 880 -34.5 655 -57 430 -79.5 205 10 1100 -13 875 -35 650 -57.5 425 -80 200
9.5 1095 -13.5 870 -35.5 645 -58 420 -80.5 195 9 1090 -14 865 -36 640 -58.5 415 -81 190
8.5 1085 -14.5 860 -36.5 635 -59 410 -81.5 185 8 1080 -15 855 -37 630 -59.5 405 -82 180
7.5 1075 -15.5 850 -37.5 625 -60 400 -82.5 175 7 1070 -16 845 -38 620 -60.5 395 -83 170
6.5 1065 -16.5 840 -38.5 615 -61 390 -83.5 165 6 1060 -17 835 -39 610 -61.5 385 -84 160
5.5 1055 -17.5 830 -39.5 605 -62 380 -84.5 155 5 1050 -18 825 -40 600 -62.5 375 -85 150
4.5 1045 -18.5 820 -40.5 595 -63 370 -85.5 145 4 1040 -19 815 -41 590 -63.5 365 -86 140
3.5 1035 -19.5 810 -41.5 585 -64 360 -86.5 135 3 1030 -20 805 -42 580 -64.5 355 -87 130
2.5 1025 -20.5 800 -42.5 575 -65 350 -87.5 125 2 1020 -21 795 -43 570 -65.5 345 -88 120
1.5 1015 -21.5 790 -43.5 565 -66 340 -88.5 115 1 1010 -22 785 -44 560 -66.5 335 -89 110
.5 1005 -22.5 780 -44.5 555 -67 330 -89.5 105
0 1000 -23 775 -45 550 -67.5 325 -90 100
-.5 995 -23.5 770 -45.5 545 -68 320 -90.5 95
-1 990 -24 765 -46 540 -68.5 315 -91 90
-1.5 985 -24.5 760 -46.5 535 -69 310 -91.5 85
-2 980 -25 755 -47 530 -69.5 305 -92 80
-2.5 975 -25.5 750 -47.5 525 -70 300 -92.5 75
-3 970 -26 745 -48 520 -70.5 295 -93 70
-3.5 965 -26.5 740 -48.5 515 -71 290 -93.5 65
-4 960 -27 735 -49 510 -71.5 285 -94 60
-4.5 955 -27.5 730 -49.5 505 -72 280 -94.5 55
-5 950 -28 725 -50 500 -72.5 275 -95 50
-5.5 945 -28.5 720 -50.5 495 -73 270 -95.5 45
-6 940 -29 715 -51 490 -73.5 265 -96 40
-6.5 935 -29.5 710 -51.5 485 -74 260 -96.5 35
-7 930 -30 705 -52 480 -74.5 255 -97 30
-7.5 925 -30.5 700 -52.5 475 -75 250 -97.5 25
-8 920 -31 695 -53 470 -75.5 245 -98 20
-8.5 915 -31.5 690 -53.5 465 -76 240 -98.5 15
-9 910 -32 685 -54 460 -76.5 235 -99 10
-9.5 905 -32.5 680 -54.5 455 -77 230 -99.5 5
-10 900 -33 675 -55 450 -77.5 225 -100 0
Device Number
An Audia Device Number represents the physical Audia box’s defined address. The Audia software automatically sets this number when a system is Compiled and loaded.
The Device number that a DSP block has been assigned to can be determined in 3 ways: First Way
1. Right click on the DSP block and select ‘Properties
2. Click on DSP 1 attributes tab and scroll down. The device that the block is assigned to will be displayed in the ‘Allocated To Unit’ field. *Note: Each DSP block can be assigned to a device by changing ‘Fixed In to Unit" to ‘Yes’ (this is defaulted to no).
Second Way
1. In the Display tab of the Options screen select "Display Device Assignment in DSP Block info field". This will display the device that each DSP block is assigned to on the main screen.
Third Way
1) While connected an Audia’s RS-232 port, type the string; GET 0 DEVID
Audia will return the Device Number of the unit you are connected to.
The Attribute defines the portion of the DSP block to be controlled (fader level, crosspoint mute etc). The following tables show whether each ATP Attribute supports SET/SETL, GET/GETL, INC, and DEC Commands, as well as the Value range that the Attribute will accept. Index1/Index2 determines whether Index1, Index2 or BOTH are needed for a ATP String to be complete.
ATP Strings can address: (click on the links to view the tables in each topic)
Input/Output Blocks Mixer Blocks Equalizer Blocks Filter Blocks Crossover Blocks Dynamics Blocks Router Blocks Delay Blocks Control Blocks Meter Blocks Generator Blocks
Input/Output Blocks
Analog Inputs Attribute Commands Index Value Range
Phantom Power PHPWR SET, GET 1 0 = off
Input Mute INPMUTE SET, GET 1 0 = unmuted
Invert Polarity INPINVRT SET, GET 1 0 =normal
Example: Set Device 1 Input Level at Instance ID 6, Input 3 to –10dB.
Command Dev # Attribute Inst ID Index 1 Index 2 Value Line Feed
SET 1 INPLVL 6 3 None -10 <LF>
Result: SET 1 INPLVL 6 3 –10 <LF>
AEC Inputs Attribute Commands Index Value Range
Phantom Power AECPHPWR SET, GET 1 0 = off
Input Mute AECINPMUTE SET, GET 1 0 = unmuted
Invert Polarity AECINPINVRT SET, GET 1 0 =normal
Enable AEC AECENABLE SET, GET 1 0 = off
NLP Strength AECNLP SET, GET 1 0 = off
Noise Reduction AECNR SET, SETL, GET, GETL 1 0, and 6 ~ 15
Example: Set Device 1 AEC NLP Strength at Instance ID 24, Input 3 to aggressive.
Command Dev # Attribute Inst ID Index 1 Index 2 Value Line Feed
SET 1 AECNLP 24 3 None 3 <LF>
Result: SET 1 AECNLP 24 3 3 <LF>
1 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36,
42, 48, 54, 60, 66
1 -100 ~ 12 *
1 = on
1 = muted
1 = inverted
* Can contain a decimal number.
1 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36,
42, 48, 54, 60, 66
1 -100 ~ 12 *
1 = on
1 = muted
1 = inverted
1 = on
1 = soft 2 = medium 3 = aggressive
* Can contain a decimal number.
Analog Outputs Attribute Commands Index Value Range
Output Level
2 -100 ~ 0 *
Output OUTMUTE SET, GET 2 0 = unmuted
1 = muted
Output Full
OUTFS SET, SETL, GET, GETL 2 -31, 0, 6, 12, 18, 24 Scale Level ** Invert Polarity Mic Level Pad ***
OUTINVRT SET, GET 2 0 = normal
1 = inverted
OUTPAD SET, GET 2 0 = off
1 = on
* Can contain a decimal number.
** Supported only on FLEX OP-2e cards (-31 & 24 values supported on SOLO 4x12 outputs 1~4).
*** Supported on all FLEX output cards (and SOLO 4x12 outputs 1~4).
Example: Set Device 2 Output Mute at Instance ID 3, Output 4 to muted.
Command Dev # Attribute Inst ID Index 1 Index 2 Value Line Feed
SET 2 OUTMUTE 2 None 4 1 <LF>
Result: SET 2 OUTMUTE 3 4 1 <LF>
Power Amp Attribute Commands Index Value Range
Mute AMPMUTE SET, GET 2 0 = unmuted
1 = muted Invert Polarity Gain AMPGAIN SET, SETL, GET, GETL, INC,
AMPINVRT SET, GET 1 0 = normal
1 = inverted
2 0 ~ 24
Clip Limiter AMPCLIPLIM SET, GET 2 0 = disabled
1 = enabled Impedance AMPIMPED SET, GET 2 1 = 4 ohm
2 = 6 ohm
3 = 8 ohm
4 = auto
Attribute Commands Index Value Range Paging Station-1
None -100 ~ 12 *
Mute NPSMUTE SET, GET None 0 = unmuted
1 = muted
* Can contain a decimal number.
TI-2 Dialer Attribute Commands Index Value Range
Caller ID TICID GET None None Full User Caller ID TICIDUSER GET None None Hook-Flash TILINE FLASH None None Hook-Switch
State Speed Dial
Tel. Number Speed Dial
Name Last Number
Dialed Speed Dial
Entry to Dial Phone Number
to Dial Redial TILASTDIALED DIAL None none
Note: The TI-2 can insert delay while dialing a phone number by inserting commas where desired (each comma
provides 1 second of delay). Most PBX systems require delay after acquiring an outside line. Also, multiple TIPHONENUM commands can be used to dial the individual digits of a phone number. The TIPHONENUM command has a character limit of 32 characters for the "value" field.
Example: Get Device 1 TI-2 Caller ID Information at Instance 23
Command Dev # Attribute Inst ID Index 1 Index 2 Value Line Feed
GET 1 TICID 23 None None None <LF>
Result: GET 1 TICIDUSER 23 <LF>
Note: GET 1 TICID 23 will return: "" if there is no caller ID information available. If there is CID information available, it will return in the format "MMDDHHmmXXXXXXXXXX" where the "X's" represent the ten digit phone number. For example "040211235035551212".
Example: Get Device 1 TI-2 Full User Caller ID Information at Instance 23
Command Dev # Attribute Inst ID Index 1 Index 2 Value Line Feed
GET 1 TICIDUSER 23 None None None <LF>
Result: GET 1 TICIDUSER 23 <LF> Note: GET 1 TICIDUSER 23 will return: "" "" "" if there is no caller ID information available. The first set of
quotes contains the date and time in the format MMDDHHmm. The second set of quotes represents the incoming phone number in the format 5036417287. The third set of quotes contains the name of the caller. If there are quotes contained within the name, there will be a backslash preceding the quotes within the name, i.e. "David \"Dawg\" Grisman".
Example: Set Device 1 TI-2 Speed Dial Entry at Instance 23 Speed Dial 16 to 1-800-826-1457.
Command Dev # Attribute Inst ID Index 1 Index 2 Value Line Feed
FLASH 1 TILINE 23 None None None <LF>
Result: FLASH 1 TILINE 23 <LF> (dashes in phone number are optional)
TIHOOKSTATE SET, GET None 0 = off-hook
1 = on-hook
TISDENTRY SET, GET 1 enter the phone
TISDLABEL SET, GET 1 enter the name
TIPHONENUM DIAL None enter the phone
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