An Important Message for Installers
and Operators
These instructions include information which is intended to assure the operator of correct installation, operation and service. Before attempting installation, adjustment or maintenance be certain of the following:
1.That you have read and fully understand
the instructions.
2. That you have all tools required and are trained to
use them.
3.That you have met all installation and usage restric-
tions and are familiar with the functions and operation of the unit.
4.That you follow all instructions exactly as given.
All fittings, measurements, procedures and recommendations are significant. Substitutions and approximations must be avoided.Improper handling, maintenance,
installation and adjustment, or service attempted by
anyone other than a qualified technician, may void the
future warranty claims and cause damage to the unit
and/or result in injury to the operator and/or bystanders.
Important Information Is contained In these
instructions which should be retained in a
convenient location for future reference .
Record for Service
Model No.
Serial No.
Invoice Date
Start-up Date
Telephone for Service
Inspecting for Damage
NOTE: The transportation company or other parties
involv ed in the shipment are responsible f or loss and/or
damage.When direct delivery was made by the trans-
portation company, follow the procedure as outlined in
the following steps:Always make an Inspection before
and after uncrating.Inspect the uncrated unit(s) before
locating (preferably at the point of unloading by the
transportation company.) You may leave the skid on
the unit for ease of locating it later.
a. Damaged cartons or containers - If these are damaged in any way, open them and inspect the contents
in the driver’s presence.
b. Have the driver note the nature and extent of the
damage on the freight bill.
c. Notify the transportation company’s office to request
an inspection. Carrier claim policies usually require
inspections to be made within 15 days of delivery.
d. Always use care when removing shipping tape,
blocks, pads, hardware, or other materials. Retain all
crate and packaging material until you are satisfied
that the unit is completely operational.
e. Contact factory if technical assistance is required.
f. If damage is noticed (whether before or after uncrat-
ing the unit) the following claim procedure must be
Inspecting for Shortages
NOTE: Refer to the “Inspecting for Damage” instructions and follow the procedure described.
a. Check the number of cartons and/or containers
delivered with the quantity shown on your receipt.
b. If the quantities are not the same, have the driver
note the shortage and file your claim accordingly.
Filing Claims
a. File a claim for loss or damage at once with the
transportation company for:
1) A cash adjustment
2) Repairs
3) Replacement
b.When filing y our claim, retain all pac kaging materials
and receipts.
Handling the Cabinet
The refrigeration system of the cabinet is designed to
operate with the cabinet located on a flat surface.
Avoid tilting the cabinet more than 30° to any side. If
the cabinet must be tilted on an angle for handling or
moving purposes, allow it to sit in an upright position
20 to 30 minutes prior to plugging it in and starting the
cooling of the storage compartment.