BESTRANGEHOODS.COM, IN U.S.A. 800-558-1711, IN CANADA 866-737-7770
min. 34-1/2 - max. 45-1/4
Three-speed, plus boost,
electronic controls include
10-minute delay-off and filter
clean reminder.
Four Halogen lamps brilliantly
illuminate the cooktop.
Hi-Flow™ baffle filters utilize
a V-mesh & baffle design to
increase airflow, decrease
sound levels and provide
excellent ventilation efficiency.
Optional ACR3 remote
control lets the busy cook
stay in control from anywhere
in the kitchen.
Powered by the exclusive iQ
Blower System™ with GPS
Technology for the quietest,
most energy efficient and
fastest smoke and odor
removal available in a range
hood; external blowers offered
Model Numbers:
Bright Halogen lighting floods
the cooktop and surrounding
area for clear visibility.
Mesh lined Hi-Flow™ baffle filters
provide superior grease capture
to ensure a clean, fresh kitchen.
Hood Sizes
Width 48"
Depth 24"
Stocked Brushed Stainless Steel
Special Order Not Available
Lighting Type Halogen, T4, G9, 25-watt
Number of Lamps 4
Lighting Levels 2
Lighting Lamps Included Yes
Control Type 3-speed Plus Boost Electronic
Pushbutton with Display
Control Features Heat Sentry™, Delay Off, Filter
Clean Reminder
Remote Control Optional ACR3
Filter Type Hi-Flow™ Baffle Filter
Non-ducted Capability Yes
Hood Blower Included (WPB9IQ)
Internal iQ12
Blower CFM 1200
Sones Low/Boost 0.3/11.0
10'–11' Flue Extension (ducted) AEWPB9SB
10'–11' Flue Extension AEWPB9SBN
Non-duct Kit ANKWPB9
Non-duct Filter AFCWPB9
Universal MUA Damper MD6TU, MD8TU, MD10TU
(Requires Fresh Air Inlet)
Fresh Air Inlet 641FA, 643FA, 610FA
Installation Requirements
Amps @ 120V: Internal Blower 8.4
Amps @ 120V: External Blower 7.0 Max
Electrical Direct Wire
Duct Size: Internal Blower 10"
Duct Size: External Blower 10" (at hood)
Duct Direction Vertical
Backdraft Damper Included
Heat Sentry™ detects excessive
heat and adjusts blower to high
Works with optional Universal
Make-Up Air Dampers.
Installation height above the cooking
surface: 24"–36"
Telescopic flue for 8'–9' ceiling is
standard. Optional flue extensions
for 10'–11' ceiling
For more details see the product
specifications sheet found at
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