Technical Data
Inductive Proximity Switch
eries M18
Description KIB-M18PS/005-KLSDV Article number 6502940001
Wiring Diagram
Identifying characteristics in accordance with EN 60947-5-2
Electrical data
Rated operating distance S
5 mm
Standard target 18 mm x 18 mm, t = 1 mm; Material: FE360
Real sensing distance S
Assured operating distance S
4,5 ... 5,5 mm
0 ... 4,1 mm
Switching element function N.O., DC
Repeat accuracy R ≤ 5 %
Differential travel (hysteresis) H ≈ 10 %
Operational voltage range U
Rated insulation voltage U
Rated impulse withstand voltage U
Voltage drop U
10 - 60 V DC
75 V DC
500 V
≤ 2,5 V
Utilization category DC-13
Rated operational current l
Off–state current l
No–load supply current l
200 mA
< 0,1 mA
< 8 mA
Switching element Permanent overload and s.c.p.
Short–circuit protection pulsed
Frequency of operating cycles f 500 Hz
Mounting flush
False polarity protection yes
Time delay before availability t
≤ 50 ms
BERNSTEIN AG . Hans-Bernstein-Straße 1 . 32457 Porta Westfalica . www.bernstein.eu
Technical modifications and errors excepted.
The technical datasheet corresponds to the technical state as of 2015-08-11 and will not be removed in case of changes.
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6502940001 / 0093-14

Technical Data
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Electromagnetic field test IEC 61000-4-3
Electrostatic discharge test IEC 61000-4-2
Electrical fast transient immunity test IEC 61000-4-4
Radiated disturbance field strength EN 55011
Mechanical Data
Front cap PA 6.6, black
Enclosure Brass, nickel plated
End cap PA 6, black
Ambient air temperature -25 °C ... +70 °C (plug: -30 °C …. +120 °C)
Type of protection IP65 (only in fully locked position with it’s plugs)
Pollution degree
Indication LED yellow
Termination type Connection in dependence on DIN EN 175301-803
For attachment 2 x hexagon nut
3 (Pollution of the active zone can cause
impairments of the operating distances.)
EU Conformity
acc. to directive 2004 / 108 / EC
BERNSTEIN AG . Hans-Bernstein-Straße 1 . 32457 Porta Westfalica . www.bernstein.eu
Technical modifications and errors excepted.
The technical datasheet corresponds to the technical state as of 2015-08-11 and will not be removed in case of changes.
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6502940001 / 0093-14