Bernina V6 User Manual

DesignerPlus V6 - Carving Stamps
Open a New File
Select File/New or click on the New File icon.
Make sure Display Hoops is checked and select artista 400 x
150 Mega—Auto Split Machines.
Draw the rectangles
Select C42 from the Color Bar.
Select the Rectangle tool and draw a rectangle by clicking in the
upper left hand corner and dragging to the lower right hand cor­ner.
Press Escape.
Select the rectangle and open Object Properties. Click on the
General tab. Make sure Proportional Scaling is turned off.
Change the width of the rectangle to 70 mm and the height to
85 mm. Click OK.
Quick Clone (right click and drag on the object) to make a copy
of the rectangle. Move the copy in a below the first rectangle.
Clone the second rectangle; position below the second object.
Select File/Save As.
Navigate to the folder in which the file will be stores. Name the
file Carving Stamps. Click Save.
Using an Object for a Stamp
Select File/Insert Design.
Navigate to My Computer/C: My Designs Embroidery Software
6. Select the Animal folder. Open the folder.
Select FB 253-48. Open the file.
Decrease the size of the dragonfly by clicking and dragging on
one of the corner black sizing handles. Move it away from the rectangles.
Note: Decrease th object so that it will fit within the rectangle, or use the stamp so that only part of the object stamps the back­ground.
Open the Carving Stamp dialog box.
Click on the Use Object Tab.
Click on the Start Selecting button and use one of the selection
tools to select the dragonfly. The dragonfly will appear in the Use Object window. Press Esc.
Select one of the rectangles. Click on Use Stamp—the outline
of the stamp is visible.
Notes: Carving stamp defines a pat-
tern of needle penetrations in a fill. There are three different ways to stamp— use a de­sign, use a built-in stamp, or create a custom stamp.
Any of the selection tools be used to select the object that will be used as a stamp.
Select part of the object by drawing the bounding box around part of the design or by using Polygon Select (remember to first ungroup).
Add stamps to selected back­ground objects or choose to not pre-select an object and add the stamp to other ob­jects.
Follow the prompts on the lower left corner of the screen for information on setting the stamps.
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Click on one of the rectangles at the point where the
stamp will be places and move the cursor to rotate the dragonfly as desired. Click a second time to set the stamp. Press Esc to deactivate the stamp.
Click on the inserted dragonfly design, Delete.
Changing the background + stamp appearance proper­ties
Select the rectangle. Open Object Properties.
Click on the Fill Stitch Tab. Select Step Stitch 6; click Ap-
Click on the Stitch Angle Tab and change the stitch angle
to 0.°
Click OK to activate the changes and close the dialog box.
Click on the Appearance tab of the Carving Stamp dialog
box and select Softened Stamp.
Using a pattern for a stamp
Select the Use Pattern tab from the Carving stamp dialog
From the Set selection drop down menu choose Carving
Stamps. Scroll down to select Ring Ellipse..
Select the ellipse. Notice that it now appears in the win-
Select another rectangle.
Click Use Stamp.
To set the stamps, click on the base fill and rotate the cur-
sor to rotate the stamp as desired; click again to set the stamp at that angle.
To increase the size of the stamp, hold the shift key
down, and drag the cursor away from the first click and click again once the stamp reaches the desired size.
To decrease the size of the stamp, hold the shift key
down and drag the cursor toward the first click and click again once the stamp reaches the desired size.
Stamp the background fill as desired. Press Esc.
Select the background rectangle. Open Object Properties
and select the Angle tab. Set the stitch angle to 90° and click on OK.
To remove stamps created, click, Clear All Stamps in the
Appearance tab.
Notes: The stamp will remain active for multiple uses until the Es­cape key is pressed.
To save an object as a stamp for future use, it must be saved by adding it to the li­brary.
Vary the type of the back­ground fill and the angle of the fill, for different effects.
Carving stamps can be used with satin, step or fancy fills. They may also be used with satin outlines.
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