The sales data generated by Infinity can be used to ring up drinks at a sales
terminal using Berg's Interface program. This ensures zero variance between
Infinity's data and that of the sales terminal. However, if you're not using
Interface, you can check for variances between Infinity's sales data and the
sales data from a sales terminal using either the Variance or Reconciliation
lThe Variance report starts with Infinity's sales totals for each product
and compares them with the sales collected at the sales terminal for each
Infinity product (including cocktails). You enter the sales terminal's
collected sales for each Infinity product when you run the report. The
report lists Infinity products and shows the sales comparisons, any
variance, and the percent of variance.
lThe Reconciliation report starts with PLU information (from a sales
terminal data file) and compares that data with Infinity's data using
either volume amounts or sales amounts. The report lists Infinity brands
(no cocktails), shows any difference in the sales terminal's sales or
implied volume and Infinity's sales or monitored volume and computes
any variance. This report requires previous setup tasks (entering PLUs,
entering a price per unit, defining a sales terminal data file), but does not
require input when you run the report. It can also be included in a
This section provides help with the following tasks:
Run a Variance Report .................................................................. 17-2
Before You Run a Reconciliation Report...................................... 17-4
About PLU Recipes ...................................................................... 17-6
Create and Assign a PLU Recipe .................................................. 17-8
Sales Terminal Data File .............................................................17-10
Run a Reconciliation Report ....................................................... 17-12
Run a Variance Report
To run this report you must enter the sales collected at the sales terminal for each brand in the
report. The software then calculates the difference between the sales recorded at the ECU and the
sales recorded at the sales terminal. Any difference in the two amounts is shown and also figured
as a percentage. See Variance Report in the Sample Reports section for a complete description of
this report.
n T o run a Variance report:
1. Run Report.
2. Pull down the Advanced Reporting menu. Click Advanced
See Set Report Options in
the Reports section for a
description of all options. If
you don't change any
options, the default report
options set up for your
system are used to run the
If you want to load your
system defaults on all tabs
click Load Defaults. Some
options are not available for
all reports.
Date Range (when set in
the Reports screen)
reports on archive data
from a specified date to a
specified date.
17-2 Infinity Installation/Service and User Manual
3. Select Variance Report.
4. Select Show Details if you want to see additional options
5. Select the Station/Group for which you want to run the
6. Click Show Archives to see a list of archive dates.
7. Select options on the General, Sort and Select Categories
8. Click View to run the report and view it on the screen OR
available for the report.
tabs if you want to change options for this report only.
Click Print to run the report and send it to the printer
without viewing.
Wait while the report is run. The time it takes to run the
report is determined by the amount of sales activity and the
number of ECUs in the station or group. Never turn off or
restart your computer while the report is running or sales
data may be lost.
9. Type the Collected sales for each product assigned to
dispensers in the station or group. "Collected sales" means
the actual money taken in for the product as shown on a
sales terminal report.
l You can resize the View window
and Infinity remembers the
size you set.
l The Page Up and Page Down
keys and the up and down
arrow keys on your keyboard
can be used to move around
the report.
l If the report is longer than
one page, use the four page
navigation buttons on the
screen to select the Next,
First, Previous or Last page of
the report.
10. Click OK.
11. If you view the report on the screen click Print if you want
to print a copy. Click Close to exit the View screen.
12. Click Close to exit the Reports screen.
Reconciliation and Variance Reports 17-3
Before You Run a Reconciliation Report
The Reconciliation report starts with PLU information (from a sales terminal data file) and
compares that data with Infinity's data using either volume amounts or sales amounts. Once you
perform one-time setup tasks, you can run the Reconciliation report as you would any other
report. You must get a data file from the sales terminal and define its parameters in Infinity. You
need to enter PLUs in Infinity for all brands and cocktails and you may need to create PLU
"recipes". You also need to enter a price per unit for each of your brands. After setup, you can run
the Reconciliation report any time or include it in a Schedule.
n Before you run a Reconciliation report:
1. Enable the report feature when
you install the software or by
accessing Configuration
options. See Enable
Reconciliation Report in the
Configuration Options section.
l Enter the retail price per unit
as accurately as you can
since the Reconciliation report
uses this number to compute
the retail value lost.
l If your prices and portions for
a specific brand do not have
the same unit price (e.g., 8 oz
sells for $2 or .25 per oz while
12 oz sells for $3.50 or .29
per oz) enter an average price
per unit (e.g., .27).
2. Enter a price per unit for each
of your brands. This is the
retail price the customers pay.
See Add A Brand in the
Brands, Cocktails, Prices and
Portions section.
3. Enter PLUs for all your
prices and portions. See
Assign PLUs to Brands and
Cocktails in the Advanced
Brand Operations section.
17-4 Infinity Installation/Service and User Manual
4. If necessary, create PLU
"recipes" and list them
on the ECU's "PLU
Recipe" tab for the sole
purpose of determining
volume on the
Reconciliation report.
See About PLU Recipes
and Create and Assigna PLU Recipe in this
5. Learn the parameters of the
sales data file generated by
the sales terminal. Establish
where Infinity will find the
file. Enter these
Reconciliation options in
Infinity. See Sales Terminal
Data File in this section.
6. Run the report or include the
report in a schedule. See Runa Reconciliation Report in
this section or Define
Schedule Actions in the
Schedules section.
Reconciliation and Variance Reports 17-5
About PLU Recipes
Review these topics if you have questions about PLU recipes.
What is a PLU Recipe?
Why do I need
a PLU Recipe?
Cross-cocktails combine
ingredients from All-Bottle-7
and Laser dispensers. All brands
for a cross-cocktail must
appear on the same ECU.
A PLU recipe defines the PLU of a particular product and
specifies the portion amounts of the ingredients in the product.
Infinity doesnt use a PLU recipe to pour the product. A PLU
recipes sole purpose is to provide PLU and portion information
to compute volume on a Reconciliation report. PLU recipes are
never sent to the ECUs.
You only need to create PLU recipes if:
l you want to run a Reconciliation report AND
lyour sales terminal uses PLUs you can't define in Infinity
without a PLU recipe.
lFor example, if you've assigned names such as "Well",
"Call", "Premium", etc. to your All-Bottle codes in Infinity,
each Well drink (of the same size and price level) has the
same PLU in Infinity. However, your sales terminal may use
separate PLUs for each brand of All-Bottle Well liquor. You
need to create a different PLU recipe for each Well brand that
defines the PLU used for that brand by the sales terminal and
specifies "Well" as the ingredient.
lOther examples include TAP 1 cocktails, All-Bottle cocktails
and cross-cocktails. You may have a PLU for a "Black &
Tan" beer cocktail at the sales terminal, but you can't define
beer cocktails in Infinity. So you create a PLU recipe in
Infinity for "Black & Tan" that defines the PLU used by the
sales terminal and specifies the portion amounts of the
ingredients in the drink. You haven't created a new cocktail
for Infinity to pour, you've just told Infinity which brands
(and how much of each) to include in the Reconciliation
How do I create
a PLU Recipe?
You create a PLU recipe the same way you create a cocktail
recipe. You then list the recipe on a PLU Recipe tab for the
ECU. For step-by-step instructions, see Create and Assign aPLU Recipe in this section.
17-6 Infinity Installation/Service and User Manual
What is the difference
between a PLU Recipe
and a Cocktail Recipe?
A cocktail recipe is sent to the ECU and used to pour cocktails.
PLU recipes are never sent to the ECU and are never used to
pour drinks. Cocktail recipe names appear on system reports.
PLU recipe names never appear on system reports.
How many PLU recipes
can I assign to an ECU?
How is a PLU
Recipe used?
The default number of PLU recipes that can be assigned to an
ECU is 50. If you assign 50, the number available becomes 100
(for all ECUs). The number continues to increase as you need it
depending on your system's capacity to process and store the
lWhen you run a Reconciliation report, Infinity uses the
PLUs and PLU recipes you've entered to compare the
volume rung at the sales terminal with the volume monitored
by Infinity.
lThe names of any PLU recipes you've created do not appear
in the report. Infinity only uses the PLU recipe to determine
a drink's ingredients and then computes volumes for the
lYou won't see the individual names of your All-Bottle
"Well" brands on the report. You'll see "Well" with the total
volume of all "Well" pours.
lYou won't see the names of beer cocktails, All-Bottle
cocktails or cross-cocktails, but the volume of the brands
poured in those cocktails will be included in the total volume
listed for the brands.
Reconciliation and Variance Reports 17-7
Create and Assign a PLU Recipe
PLU recipes are similar to cocktail recipes; you create them the same way and then list them on a
PLU Recipe assignment tab for each ECU. However, PLU recipes are not sent to the ECU. The
recipe is only used to determine the total volume of the recipe's ingredients on a Reconciliation
report. See also Before You Run a Reconciliation Report and About PLU Recipes in this section.
n To create and assign a PLU recipe:
1. Run Manager.
2. Pull down the Pouring menu and click Prices and
3. Select Cocktail as the Product Type and click New
4. Type in the name of your PLU recipe and
click OK.
5. Click Modify....
6. On the Define tab, select a brand in the
Brand List that is an ingredient in the PLU
recipe and click <Replace (or drag and drop
the brand to the list).
7. Repeat step 6 for the remaining brands in
the PLU recipe.
8. Click a Price Level tab. Perform steps 9-10
for each tab.
17-8 Infinity Installation/Service and User Manual
9.Type the correct Portion for each
Ingredient Name.
You must enter a Portion size so the
Reconciliation report can determine
the correct volume for each brand.
Ingredient Prices and CocktailPrices are optional entries and are
not currently used by the
Reconciliation report.
10. Type the correct PLU for the
displayed price level. (Get the
correct PLU from the sales
11. Click OK to save your entries on all
tabs. Repeat steps 4-10 for each
PLU recipe. Click Close to exit the
Prices and Portions Setup screen.
12. Pull down the Pouring menu and click Assign Cocktails....
13. Select a Network and ECU Number and click Modify....
14. Click the PLU Recipe tab.
15. Select a PLU recipe you pour at this
16. Click <Assign (or drag and drop the
selected recipe in place). (The
numbers on the Prices & Portions
list do not correspond to any
17. Repeat steps 15-16 for each PLU
recipe at this ECU.
18. Click OK to save all cocktail and
PLU recipes.
19. Repeat steps 12-18 for each ECU.
Reconciliation and Variance Reports 17-9
Sales Terminal Data File
To run an Infinity Reconciliation report, you must first determine how you will generate a sales
data file at the sales terminal (see your sales terminal representative for help with this). Once
you've learned the format of the data file, its name and location, you need to enter these
parameters in Infinity. The sales terminal data file must be an ASCII text file.
n To enter Reconciliation options:
1. Run Report.
2. Pull down the Options menu. Click Reconciliation
Additional fields may be
present in the sales
terminal data file. They
will be ignored.
Compare by Volume
l The PLU count (from the sales
terminal data file) is multiplied
by the volume units associated
with that PLU in Infinity (small
portion, large portion, PLU
recipe, etc.). This gives an
implied volume of the drinks
rung up at the sales terminal.
The implied volume is then
compared with the volume
recorded by the ECU.
3. Select Compare by Volume or Compare by Sales.
4. Check Verbose Errors to see all PLU discrepancies listed
on the Reconciliation report. Discrepancies may include
duplicate PLUs in Infinity, unrecognized PLUs from the
sales terminal, etc. (There may be expected unknown PLUs
from the sales terminal such as those for food orders.)
5. Check Single
Sales Terminal
File if one file
contains data for
all your ECUs.
Uncheck this
Compare by Sales
l Infinity gets a sales amount
for each brand from the sales
terminal data file. This amount
is compared with the sales
computed by Infinity.
option to list
multiple sales
terminal data
6. Type the Count Column number if you're comparing by
volume. This identifies which column in the file lists a count
for each PLU. The default is 2.
17-10 Infinity Installation/Service and User Manual
7. Type the Sales Column number if you're comparing by
sales. This identifies which column in the file lists a sales
amount for each PLU. The default is 3.
8. Type in the Field Delimiter. This is a character used to
separate fields of information in the sales terminal data file.
The default is a comma (,).
9. Type the PLU Column number. This identifies which
column in the file lists the PLUs. The default is 1.
10. Type the Header Lines number. This is the number of
header/comment lines at the beginning of the sales terminal
data file. These lines are skipped by Infinity.
11. Type the Sales Terminal Data File Name. Include the path.
You can list a variable name using curly brackets (see
12. Click OK to save all your entries. Unless something
changes, you only need to set up these options once.
Variable File NamesYou can use the following strings to substitute for the sales
terminal data file name. These strings are not used by the sales
terminal to generate the file. They are used by Infinity to search
for a sales terminal data file name that matches the date the
Reconciliation report is run.
{dd} - day of the month, e.g., 13
{ddd} - day of the week, short format, e.g., Tue
{dddd} - day of the week, full name, e.g., Tuesday
{mm} - two digit month number, e.g., 10
{mmm} - name of the month short format, e.g., Oct
{mmmm} - name of the month, full name, e.g., October
{y} - day of the year, e.g., 355
{yy} - two digit year, e.g., 00
{yyyy} - four digit year, e.g., 2000
{#} - match the highest number in an existing file
If brackets do not match up or do not contain the strings above,
they are left intact (as part of the file name).
rec{ddd}.txt = rectue.txt (if Reconciliation is done on Tuesday
{dd}{mmm}{yy}.txt = 13oct00.txt
{dd{xxx}.txt = {dd{xxx}.txt (brackets don't match up)
Reconciliation and Variance Reports 17-11
Run a Reconciliation Report
To run this report you must perform required set up tasks in Infinity. (See Before You Run a
Reconciliation Report in this section.) Each time you run a Reconciliation report, a current sales
terminal data file must be present at the computer and available for Infinity . Once you're ready,
you can run the report the same way you run any other advanced report. See ReconciliationReport in the Sample Reports section for a complete description of this report.
n To run a Reconciliation report:
1. Run Report.
2. Pull down the Advanced Reporting menu. Click Advanced
3. Select Reconciliation Report.
4. Select the Station/Group.
5. Select the dates of the data used in the report. See Set ReportOptions in the Reports section for a description of all
6. Click View to run the report and view it on the screen OR
Click Print to run the report and send it to the printer
without viewing.
Wait while the report is run. The time it takes to run the
report is determined by the amount of sales activity and the
number of ECUs in the station or group. Never turn off or
restart your computer while the report is running or sales
data may be lost.
17-12 Infinity Installation/Service and User Manual
l You can resize the View window
and Infinity remembers the
size you set.
l The Page Up and Page Down
keys and the up and down
arrow keys on your keyboard
can be used to move around
the report.
l If the report is longer than
one page, use the four page
navigation buttons on the
screen to select the Next,
First, Previous or Last page of
the report.
7. If you view the report on the screen click Print if you want
to print a copy. Click Close to exit the View screen.
8. Click Close to exit the Reports screen.
q If you run the Reconciliation report on a schedule, you may
also need to schedule the export of the sales terminal data
file on the sales terminal side. (The export of the sales
terminal file should precede the scheduled Reconciliation
Reconciliation and Variance Reports 17-13
Sample Reports
This section provides an example of each report Infinity offers. For help with
running a report see the Reports section.
Glossary of Report Terms ............................................................. 18-2
Current Sales Totals/Clear Sales (Z) Report ................................. 18-4
Brand Information Report ........................................................... 18-44
Glossary of Report Terms
The following terms are used throughout Infinity reports. Check these definitions if you have
questions about how the terms are used.
General Terms
Cancel An item that is not completed and
not charged (using the TAP 1 cancel button).
Charged An accountable item. This is the
normal pouring mode and does not include
comps or cancels. Exception: If you've set
Charge Cancels for a TAP 1 ECU, Charged
includes any canceled drinks.
Comp Complimentary drinks poured in
comp mode or using the comp button.
Drink A shot or cocktail. Shots used in
cocktails but not defined in an Infinity
cocktail recipe are identified as individual
drinks. Ingredients in a cocktail recipe are
not listed as individual drinks.
Pour The number of times poured. Includes
shots and Infinity-defined cocktail
ingredients. Includes comps but not cancels.
Canceled Drinks Drinks not completed and
not charged.
Canceled Pours Pours not completed and
not charged.
Canceled Sales The full sales value of any
canceled drinks. (Calculated using drink
Category Name The name of a price/
portion category.
Charged Drinks Shots or Infinity-defined
cocktails. Does not include comps or
Charged + Comp. Drinks The combination
of charged drinks and comp drinks.
Charged Pour Volume Volume amount-does not include comps or cancels, but does
include cocktail ingredients.
Sales A money amount, calculated using
drink pricing.
Total Never used in a column heading.
Shows total values in a column.
Report Column Headings
Archive Num(ber) Archive or Z number
Brand Name Infinity-defined brand names.
Cal/Meter The cal value or meter count.
Cancel Pour Sales The full sales value of
any canceled pours. (Calculated using drink
Cancel Volume The number of volume
units of canceled drinks.
18-2 Infinity Installation/Service and User Manual
Charged Pours The number of times
poured as a charged pour. Includes shots and
Infinity-defined cocktail ingredients.
Charged Sales The sales of drinks (shots
and Infinity-defined cocktails). Calculated
using drink prices you entered in Manager.
Does not include comps or cancels.
Charged Sales/Drink Volume Charged
sales divided by drink volume.
Charged Volume Volume amount--does not
include comps, cancels or cocktail
Cocktail Sales The sales of Infinitydefined cocktails. (Calculated using cocktail
Cocktails Infinity-defined cocktails
Collected Sales The sales record at the sales
terminal as entered by the user.
Percent/Pct of Total Sales This station or
this hour's sales compared to the total report.
Collected Volume A volume amount
derived from the pour count in the sales
terminal data file and the portion size entered
in Infinity.
Comp Drinks Shots or Infinity-defined
cocktails poured using the comp button. Not
Comp Pours The number of times poured
as a comp pour. Includes shots and Infinitydefined cocktail ingredients.
Comp Pour Sales The sales value of comp
pours. (Calculated using drink prices and
cocktail ingredient prices.)
Comp Sales The sales value of comp drinks
(shots and Infinity-defined cocktails).
(Calculated using drink prices.)
Comp Volume The number of volume units
for comp drinks.
Container(s) The container name.
Count The number of containers.
Delay/Timer The delay or timer value.
Drink Volume Volume units poured for a
brand, not including pours as cocktail
Ingredient Name The brand name of a
cocktail ingredient.
Pour Sales The sales of pours. (Calculated
using drink prices and cocktail ingredient
prices you entered in Manager.) Only
includes charged pours, not comps or
Pour Sales/Pour Volume Pour sales
divided by pour volume.
Pour Value The volume units poured
multiplied by the volume unit price.
Pour Volume The number of volume units
poured. Includes Infinity-defined cocktail
ingredients, comp pours and canceled pours.
Pours The number of times poured.
Includes shots and Infinity-defined cocktail
ingredients. Includes comps but not cancels.
Portion/Ptn The portion size entered in
PPC Potential pouring cost. Calculated by
multiplying cost per volume unit by volume
by 100 and dividing the product by sales.
Price Level/Prc Lvl The price level name.
Ptn Price The portion price entered in
Server Name Name of server (entered in
Size The number of this portion size.
Lost Retail Value The implied sales value
of the variance.
Pct Collected Volume The percentage of
the charged pour volume that was rung at the
sales terminal.
Pct Collected Sales Collected sales divided
by charged sales.
Pct of Total Volume This brand's volume
compared to entire report volume.
Variance The difference between charged
sales and collected sales or charged volume
and collected volume.
Volume Unit Cost The cost (to you) of
each volume unit. Derived from the
container cost and container size entered
when you set up a brand and set up
Volume Unit Price The retail price per unit
entered when you set up a brand.
Sample Reports 18-3
Current Sales Totals/Clear Sales (Z) Report
When you archive and clear sales, Infinity generates a Current Sales Totals/Clear Sales report
showing data for the selected station or group. (If you run this report on the Master Group, youll
only see combined totals for the entire group.) The sales data is also sent to the computer to be
stored in archive records. Only run this report when you want to set all totals at the ECU to zero.
For help with running the report see Archive and Clear Sales (Z) in the Reports section.
Current Sales Totals/
Clear Sales
Archive Number
Printed On
T ype of Data
This report shows the total number of Charged Drinks and total
Charged Sales for the selected station or group as well as the
sales percentage that each station contributes to the report. (All
the numbers in the Pct. of Total Sales column should total
The report also shows the total number of CompDrinks and
Comp Sales, as well as CanceledDrinks and Canceled Sales.
These complimentary and canceled totals are not included in the
Charged Drinks and Charged Sales totals in the first two
Archive Num (formerly Z number) is the number of times a
Clear Sales report has been run at the station including this time.
If the ECUs in the station have not been cleared the same number
of times, the highest number is listed.
The Time and Date on the report are the time and date the report
was runnot necessarily the time and date of the last station
To run this report the computer must communicate with the
selected ECU(s). The data reported on is all data currently
stored at the ECU(s) or in other words, all data since the last
time you cleared sales at the selected ECU(s).
Glossary of Report Terms
See the Glossary of Report
Terms in this section for further
clarification of terms.
18-4 Infinity Installation/Service and User Manual
l You may see a message on this report indicating the ECU's Archive Number is
different from the PC's archive number.
l This message is normal for every ECU the very first time its sales are cleared
(ECU Archive Number = 0, Computer's Archive Number = 1).
l The message may also be due to performing a Restore Memory at the ECU. The
first time you clear sales at an ECU after performing a Restore Memory this
report will always show 0 as the Archive Number so that it's clear that the ECU
has been reset since the last time its sales were cleared.
l If there is a mismatch in the Archive Number, the number in the ECU will be set to
match the computer's archive number and eliminate the mismatch message in
subsequent Sales Totals/Clear Sales reports.
Sample Reports 18-5
Sales Totals (X1) Report
The Sales Totals report provides the total sales for the selected station or group. If you select a
group other than the Master Group, each station in the group is listed separately. The following is
a description of this report. For help with running the report see Run a Current Sales Report or
Run an Advanced Report in the Reports section.
Sales T otals
Archive Number
Archive Time
Printed OnThe Time and Date on the report are the time and date the report
This report shows the total number of Charged Drinks and total
Charged Sales for the selected station or group as well as the
sales percentage that each station contributes to the report. (All
the numbers in the Pct. of Total Sales column should total
The report also shows the total number of CompDrinks and
Comp Sales, as well as CanceledDrinks and Canceled Sales.
These complimentary and canceled totals are not included in the
Charged Drinks and Charged Sales totals in the first two
Archive Num (formerly Z number) is the number of times a
Clear Sales report has been run at the station. If the ECUs in the
station have not been cleared the same number of times, the
highest number is listed. If you run this report on current sales
data the archive number is not shown.
Archive Time is the last date a Clear Sales report was run at the
station. If you run this report on current sales data the archive
time is not shown.
was runnot necessarily the time and date of the last station
Type of DataIf you run this report as a Current report, the computer must
communicate with the selected ECU(s). The data reported on is
all data currently stored at the ECU(s) or in other words, all data
since the last time you cleared sales at the selected ECU(s).
To run this report as a Most Recent Archive report, the
computer uses the sales data stored at the computer the last time
you cleared sales at the ECU.
To run this report as a Weekly, Monthly or Date Range report,
the computer uses archive data stored at the computer. The data
Glossary of Report Terms
See the Glossary of Report
Terms in this section for further
clarification of terms.
18-6 Infinity Installation/Service and User Manual
reported on is determined by the number of times you cleared
sales at the ECU during the specified time.
Sample Reports 18-7
Sales By Price Levels (X2) Report
This report shows the total sales for each brand at each price level. The following is a description
of this report. For help with running the report see Run a Current Sales Report or Run anAdvanced Report in the Reports section.
Current Sales By
Price Levels
Glossary of Report Terms
See the Glossary of Report
Terms in this section for further
clarification of terms.
Printed On
T ype of Data
This report shows the Charged Drinks, Charged Sales and the
Pour Volume for each Brand at each Price Level of the
selected station(s). The final column lists the Pour Sales/Pour
The total Charged Drinks and Charged Sales for the price
level are computed along with the total number of
Complimentary and Canceled drinks and the total sales value
of the comp and cancel drinks per price level. (These
complimentary and canceled totals are not included in the
Charged Drinks and Charged Sales totals for the price level.)
The end of the report shows the total Charged Drinks and
Charged Sales for all price levels and the total Complimentary
and Canceled drinks for all price levels.
The Time and Date on the report are the time and date the report
was runnot necessarily the time and date of the last station
If you run this report as a Current report the computer must
communicate with the selected ECU(s). The data reported on is
all data currently stored at the ECU(s) or in other words, all data
since the last time you cleared sales at the selected ECU(s).
To run this report as a Most Recent Archive report the
computer uses the sales data stored at the computer the last time
you cleared sales at the ECU.
To run this report as a Weekly, Monthly or Date Range report
the computer uses archive data stored at the computer. The data
reported on is determined by the number of times you cleared
sales at the ECU during the specified time.
18-8 Infinity Installation/Service and User Manual
(This example is page 1 of a multiple page report.)
Sample Reports 18-9
Detailed Sales (X3) Report
This is the most detailed sales report provided by Infinity. In addition to listing sales and volume
by brands and price levels, it show sales and volume for each portion size. The following is a
description of this report. For help with running the report see Run a Current Sales Report or
Run an Advanced Report in the Reports section.
Current Detailed Sales
Pre-3.0 Infinity ECU
If you're using a pre-3.0 Infinity
ECU, the Charged Volume is
zero for that ECU (although the
total is correct).
Printed On
T ype of Data
This report shows the Charged Drinks, Charged Sales and
Charged Volume for every portion Size of each Brand Name at
each Price Level of the selected station.
The total Charged Drinks and Charged Sales for the Brand at
each price level are computed along with the total number of
Complimentary and Canceled drinks and the total sales value
of these drinks. These complimentary and canceled totals are not
included in the Charged Drinks and Charged Sales totals for
the brand. The Charged Sales/Drink Volume is given for each
brand at each price level.
After each brand's totals are shown at price level A, B, C or D,
the totals for all brands at that price level are listed.
The end of the report shows the totals for all price levels.
The Time and Date on the report are the time and date the report
was runnot necessarily the time and date of the last station
If you run this report as a Current report the computer must
communicate with the selected ECU(s). The data reported on is
all data currently stored at the ECU(s) or in other words, all data
since the last time you cleared sales at the selected ECU(s).
Glossary of Report Terms
See the Glossary of Report
Terms in this section for further
clarification of terms.
To run this report as a Most Recent Archive report the computer
uses the sales data stored at the computer the last time you
cleared sales at the ECU.
To run this report as a Weekly, Monthly or Date Range report
you must have selected Detailed Info when you entered your
Data Storage and Display Options. See Enter Data Storage andDisplay Options in the Configuration Options section.
T A P 1 Manual Drinks
Any manual pours from a TAP 1 ECU are displayed on this
report separately from regular pours and labeled "Manual". Any
manual pours are included in the brand subtotal for both
Charged Drinks and Sales. The portion size number and
associated price assigned to a manual pour is the portion size
closest to the actual volume poured.
18-10 Infinity Installation/Service and User Manual
(This example is page 1 of a multiple page report.)
Sample Reports 18-11
Hourly Sales (X4) Report
The Hourly Sales report is a summary of sales for the past 48 hours of sales activity at the
selected station or group. This report is only run as a current report because it uses data stored in
the ECUs (the data is stored separately from sales data used for other reports). The following is a
description of this report. For help with running the report see Run a Current Sales Report or Runan Advanced Report in the Reports section.
Hourly Sales
Printed On
Type of DataTo run this report the computer must communicate with the
Glossary of Report Terms
See the Glossary of Report
Terms in this section for further
clarification of terms.
This report shows data for the past 48 hours at the station or
group. The type of data reported is determined by your selection
in Data Storage and Display Options (see the Configuration
Options section). The default data is Charged Drinks and
Charged Sales as well as the Percent of Total Sales that each
hour contributes to the report. (The numbers in the final column
should total 100%.). Hours with no sales activity at the station or
group are not listed on the report. A 1544 Infinity ECU reports
sales for the past 48 hours with any sales activity.
For each hour listed in the report the Day of Month, StartingHour and Ending Hour are shown.
If you defined the hours of your shifts when you selected Report
Options, all sales from an entire shift are reported on one line in
the report (rather than sales being reported for each hour).
The Time and Date on the report are the time and date the report
was runnot necessarily the time and date of the last station
selected ECU(s). The data reported on is determined by which
Clear/Dont Clear option you selected on the Data Storage and
Display Options screen. (Clear clears all hourly sales data each
time you clear sales. Dont Clear leaves hourly sales data intact
when you clear sales.) This report can only be run as a Current
18-12 Infinity Installation/Service and User Manual
Sample Reports 18-13
Sales Summary Report
The Sales Summary report provides a summary of sales for each brand in the selected station or
group. The following is a description of this report. For help with running the report see Run anAdvanced Report in the Reports section.
Sales Summary
Printed On
Type of Data
This report shows the number of Charged Drinks and
Charged Sales, thenumber of Comp Drinks and Comp Sales
and the number of Canceled Drinks for every PriceLevel of
each Brand of the selected station or group.
The end of the report shows the Charged Drinks and Charged
Sales totals for all price levels in addition to the Comp Drinks,
Comp Sales and Cancel Drinks totals.
The Time and Date on the report are the time and date the report
was runnot necessarily the time and date of the last station
If you run this report as a Current report the computer must
communicate with the selected ECU(s). The data reported on is
all data currently stored at the ECU(s) or in other words, all data
since the last time you cleared sales at the selected ECU(s).
To run this report as a Most Recent Archive report the
computer uses the sales data stored at the computer the last time
you cleared sales at the ECU.
To run this report as a Weekly, Monthly or Date Range report
the computer uses archive data stored at the computer. The data
reported on is determined by the number of times you cleared
sales at the ECU during the specified time.
Glossary of Report Terms
See the Glossary of Report
Terms in this section for further
clarification of terms.
18-14 Infinity Installation/Service and User Manual
(This example is page 1 of a multiple page report.)
Sample Reports 18-15
Usage Report
The Usage report provides a brand summary for the selected station or group in addition to the
volume poured and potential pouring cost of each brand. The following is a description of this
report. For help with running the report see Run an Advanced Report in the Reports section.
Glossary of Report Terms
See the Glossary of Report
Terms in this section for further
clarification of terms.
This report shows the Pours, Pour Sales, Pour Volume, and
Container Count for each Brand. It also lists the Percent of
Total Volume that each brand contributes to the report. If a
brand is used in cocktails, the ingredient price you entered for the
brand (when defining the cocktail) is multiplied by the number of
cocktails poured and added to the Pour Sales total for the brand.
(See Add a Cocktail in the Brands, Cocktails, Prices andPortions section.) The container count is calculated using the
container size you entered for the brand. (See Container Setup in
the Brands, Cocktails, Prices and Portions section.)
PPC is the owner's potential pouring cost, which is calculated by
multiplying the number of containers poured for each brand by
the container cost for the brand. The total is then divided by the
sales for the brand and multiplied by 100 to determine a
percentage. This percentage is potentially the pouring cost for the
brand. This figure is only a "potential" pouring cost because
Infinity has no way of computing losses due to overpouring,
spillage, etc. A potential pouring cost is only computed if a
container cost has been entered for the brand. (See Brand ListSetup in the Brands, Cocktails, Prices and Portions section.
The end of the report shows the total Pours, Pour Sales, and
Pour Volume for all brands in the station or group and the
average potential pouring cost (PPC) for all brands combined.
Printed On
Type of Data
18-16 Infinity Installation/Service and User Manual
The Time and Date on the report are the time and date the
report was runnot necessarily the time and date of the last
station activity.
If you run this report as a Current report the computer must
communicate with the selected ECU(s). The data reported on is
all data currently stored at the ECU(s) or in other words, all data
since the last time you cleared sales at the selected ECU(s).
To run this report as a Most Recent Archive report the computer
uses the sales data stored at the computer the last time you
cleared sales at the ECU.
To run this report as a Weekly, Monthly or Date Range report
the computer uses archive data stored at the computer. The data
reported on is determined by the number of times you cleared
sales at the ECU during the specified time.
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