Berendsen Powerlink Brochure
Berendsen Audioelektronik GmbH
Nieper Straße 103 47447 Moers Tel efon 02841-96 4025 Tel ef ax 02 841-96 4026 mail
Naturalness is the Culmination of All Masterly Skill
Sound. Beauty. Gracefulness. Naturalness. Not less. And not more. In order to achieve all that, Berendsen has uncompromisingly devoted itself to a number of principles: Focus on the essential. Smartest technology. Manufacture largely by hand and in small numbers at one time. And: Components by Berendsen are built to last. The manufacture of ever-changing products, the new ones differing from their predecessors only by marginal characteristics, is not the concept pursued by Berendsen. Anybody who wishes to upgrade his Berendsen components after a while, has the possibility to retrofit his components by Berendsen even years after purchase.
The Berendsen Preamplifier and Power Amplifier
Sometimes it takes two to achieve the one thing: Maximum pleasure. PRE 1. Preamplifier. No capacitors in the signal path. A sound reproduction whose naturalness impresses. Precise operational amplifiers. Discrete output driver configuration in single-ended class-A mode. STA 150. Power amplifier. Generously designed toroidal-core transformer. High current filter capacitors. DC-coupled. Manually-selected power transistors. Wide frequency range. Complex protective system. The result? Something very simple: Extraordinary sound.
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