STAAD.Pro 2006 is a suite of proprietary computer programs
of Research Engineers, a Bentley Solutions Center. Although
every effort has been made to ensure the correctness of these
programs, REI will not accept responsibility for any mistake,
error or misrepresentation in or as a result of the usage of
these programs.
STAAD.Pro is a general purpose structural analysis and design program with
applications primarily in the building industry - commercial buildings, bridges and
highway structures, industrial structures, chemical plant structures, dams, retaining
walls, turbine foundations, culverts and other embedded structures, etc. The program
hence consists of the following facilities to enable this task.
1. Graphical model generation utilities as well as text editor based commands for
creating the mathematical model. Beam and column members are represented using
lines. Walls, slabs and panel type entities are represented using triangular and
quadrilateral finite elements. Solid blocks are represented using brick elements.
These utilities allow the user to create the geometry, assign properties, orient cross
sections as desired, assign materials like steel, concrete, timber, aluminum, specify
supports, apply loads explicitly as well as have the program generate loads, design
parameters etc.
2. Analysis engines for performing linear elastic and pdelta analysis, finite element
analysis, frequency extraction, and dynamic response (spectrum, time history,
steady state, etc.).
3. Design engines for code checking and optimization of steel, aluminum and timber
members. Reinforcement calculations for concrete beams, columns, slabs and shear
walls. Design of shear and moment connections for steel members.
4. Result viewing, result verification and report generation tools for examining
displacement diagrams, bending moment and shear force diagrams, beam, plate and
solid stress contours, etc.
5. Peripheral tools for activities like import and export of data from and to other
widely accepted formats, links with other popular softwares for niche areas like
reinforced and prestressed concrete slab design, footing design, steel connection
design, etc.
6. A library of exposed functions called OpenSTAAD which allows users to access
STAAD.Pro’s internal functions and routines as well as its graphical commands to
tap into STAAD’s database and link input and output data to third-party software
written using languages like C, C++, VB, VBA, FORTRAN, Java, Delphi, etc.
Thus, OpenSTAAD allows users to link in-house or third-party applications with
About the STAAD.Pro Documentation
The documentation for STAAD.Pro consists of a set of manuals as described below.
These manuals are normally provided only in the electronic format, with perhaps some
exceptions such as the Getting Started Manual which may be supplied as a printed book
to first time and new-version buyers.
All the manuals can be accessed from the Help facilities of STAAD.Pro. Users who
wish to obtain a printed copy of the books may contact Research Engineers. REI also
supplies the manuals in the PDF format at no cost for those who wish to print them on
their own. See the back cover of this book for addresses and phone numbers.
Getting Started and Tutorials : This manual contains information on the contents of
the STAAD.Pro package, computer system requirements, installation process, copy
protection issues and a description on how to run the programs in the package.
Tutorials that provide detailed and step-by-step explanation on using the programs are
also provided.
Examples Manual
This book offers examples of various problems that can be solved using the STAAD
engine. The examples represent various structural analyses and design problems
commonly encountered by structural engineers.
Graphical Environment
This document contains a detailed description of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of
STAAD.Pro. The topics covered include model generation, structural analysis and
design, result verification, and report generation.
Technical Reference Manual
This manual deals with the theory behind the engineering calculations made by the
STAAD engine. It also includes an explanation of the commands available in the
STAAD command file.
International Design Codes
This document contains information on the various Concrete, Steel, and Aluminum
design codes, of several countries, that are implemented in STAAD.
The documentation for the STAAD.Pro Extension component(s) is available separately.
Table of Contents
STAAD.PRO Technical Reference Manual
Section 1 General Description 1 -
1.1 Introduction 1 - 1
1.2 Input Generation 2
1.3 Types of Structures 2
1.4 Unit Systems 3
1.5 Structure Geometry and Coordinate Systems 4
1.5.1 Global Coordinate System 4
1.5.2 Local Coordinate System 7
1.5.3 Relationship Between Global & Local Coordinates 11
1.6 Finite Element Information 18
1.6.1 Plate/Shell Element 18
1.6.2 Solid Element 31
1.6.3 Surface Element 35
1.7 Member Properties 37
1.7.1 Prismatic Properties 39
1.7.2 Built-In Steel Section Library 41
1.7.3 User Provided Steel Table 42
1.7.4 Tapered Sections 42
1.7.5 Assign Command 42
1.7.6 Steel Joist and Joist Girders 43
1.7.7 Composite Beams and Composite Decks 47
1.7.8 Curved Members 48
1.8 Member/Element Release 48
1.9 Truss/Tension/Compression - Only Members 49
1.10 Tension/Compression - Only Springs 49
1.11 Cable Members 50
1.11.1 Linearized Cable Members 50
1.11.2 Non Linear Cable & Truss Members 53
1.12 Member Offsets 54
1.13 Material Constants 55
1.14 Supports 56
1.15 Master/Slave Joints 57
1.16 Loads 57
1.16.1 Joint Load 57
1.16.2 Member Load 58
1.16.3 Area Load / Oneway Load / Floor Load 60
1.16.4 Fixed End Member Load 62
1.16.5 Prestress and Poststress Member Load 62
1.16.6 Temperature/Strain Load 1 - 65
1.16.7 Support Displacement Load 1 - 65
1.16.8 Loading on Elements 65
1.17 Load Generator 67
1.17.1 Moving Load Generator 67
1.17.2 Seismic Load Generator based on UBC, IBC and other
codes 68
1.17.3 Wind Load Generator 69
1.18 Analysis Facilities 70
1.18.1 Stiffness Analysis 70
1.18.2 Second Order Analysis 75 P-Delta Analysis 75 Imperfection Analysis 77 Non Linear Analysis 77 Multi-Linear Analysis 77 Tension / Compression Only Analysis 78 Nonlinear Cable/Truss Analysis 78
1.18.3 Dynamic Analysis 81 Solution of the Eigenproblem 81 Mass Modeling 81 Damping Modeling 83 Response Spectrum Analysis 83 Response Time History Analysis 84 Steady State and Harmonic Response 86
1.19 Member End Forces 88
1.19.1 Secondary Analysis 93
1.19.2 Member Forces at Intermediate Sections 93
1.19.3 Member Displacements at Intermediate Sections 93
1.19.4 Member Stresses at Specified Sections 94
1.19.5 Force Envelopes 94
1.20 Multiple Analyses 95
1.21 Steel/Concrete/Timber Design 96
1.22 Footing Design 96
1.23 Printing Facilities 96
1.24 Plotting Facilities 97
1.25 Miscellaneous Facilities 97
1.26 Post Processing Facilities 1 - 98
Section 2 American Steel Design 2 -
2.1 Design Operations 2 - 1
2.2 Member Properties 2
2.2.1 Built - in Steel Section Library 2
2.3 Allowables per AISC Code 7
2.3.1 Tension Stress 7
2.3.2 Shear Stress 7
2.3.3 Stress Due To Compression 7
2.3.4 Bending Stress 7
2.3.5 Combined Compression and Bending 9
2.3.6 Singly Symmetric Sections 2 - 9
2.3.7 Torsion per Publication T114 2 - 9
2.3.8 Design of Web Tapered Sections 11
2.3.9 Slender compression elements 11
2.4 Design Parameters 11
2.5 Code Checking 18
2.6 Member Selection 19
2.6.1 Member Selection by Optimization 20
2.6.2 Deflection Check With Steel Design 20
2.7 Truss Members 20
2.8 Unsymmetric Sections 21
2.9 Composite Beam Design as per AISC-ASD 21
2.10 Plate Girders 23
2.11 Tabulated Results of Steel Design 23
2.12 Weld Design 26
2.13 Steel Design per AASHTO Specifications 29
2.14 Steel Design per AISC/LRFD Specification 56
2.14.1 General Comments 56
2.14.2 LRFD Fundamentals 57
2.14.3 Analysis Requirements 58
2.14.4 Section Classification 59
2.14.5 Axial Tension 59
2.14.6 Axial Compression 60
2.14.7 Flexural Design Strength 61
2.14.8 Combined Axial Force And Bending 61
2.14.9 Design for Shear 61
2.14.10 Design Parameters 62
2.14.11 Code Checking and Member Selection 64
2.14.12 Tabulated Results of Steel Design 65
2.14.13 Composite Beam Design per the American LRFD
3rd edition code 66
2.15 Design per American Cold Formed Steel Code 73
2.16 Castellated Beams 2 - 82
Section 3 American Concrete Design 3 -
3.1 Design Operations 3 - 1
3.2 Section Types for Concrete Design 2
3.3 Member Dimensions 2
3.4 Design Parameters 3
3.5 Slenderness Effects and Analysis Consideration 6
3.6 Beam Design 7
3.6.1 Design for Flexure 7
3.6.2 Design for Shear 8
3.6.3 Design for Anchorage 8
3.6.4 Description of Output for Beam Design 9
3.6.5 Cracked Moment of Inertia – ACI Beam Design 12
3.7 Column Design 13
3.8 Designing elements, shear walls, slabs 18
3.8.1 Element Design 3 - 18
3.8.2 Shear Wall Design 3 - 20
3.8.3 Slabs and RC Designer 28
3.8.4 Design of I-shaped beams per ACI-318 3 - 35
Section 4 Timber Design 4 -
4.1 Timber Design 4 - 1
4.2 Design Operations 13
4.3 Input Specification 16
4.4 Code Checking 17
4.5 Orientation of Lamination 18
4.6 Member Selection 4 - 18
Section 5 Commands and Input Instructions 5 -
5.1 Command Language Conventions 5 - 2
5.1.1 Elements of The Commands 3
5.1.2 Command Formats 5
5.1.3 Listing of Members by Specification of Global Ranges 8
5.2 Problem Initiation And Title 10
5.3 Unit Specification 12
5.4 Input/Output Width Specification 14
5.5 Set Command Specification 15
5.6 Separator Command 19
5.7 Page New Command 20
5.8 Page Length/Eject Command 21
5.9 Ignore Specifications 22
5.10 No Design Specification 23
5.11 Joint Coordinates Specification 24
5.12 Member Incidences Specification 29
5.13 Elements and Surfaces 33
5.13.1 Plate and Shell Element Incidence Specification 34
5.13.2 Solid Element Incidences Specification 36
5.13.3 Surface Entities Specification 38
5.14 Element Mesh Generation 42
5.15 Redefinition of Joint and Member Numbers 48
5.16 Listing of entities by Specification of GROUPS 50
5.53.1 Definition of Wall Panels for Shear Wall Design 425
5.53.2 Shear Wall Design Initiation 426
5.54 End Run Specification 5 - 428
Design Specifications 391
General Description
1.1 Introduction
The STAAD.Pro 2006 Graphical User Interface (GUI) is normally used
to create all input specifications and all output reports and displays (See
the Graphical Environment manual). These structural modeling and
analysis input specifications are stored in a text file with extension
“.STD”. When the GUI does a File Open to start a session with an existing
model, it gets all of its information from the STD file. A user may
edit/create this STD file and have the GUI and the analysis engine both
reflect the changes.
The STD file is processed by the STAAD analysis “engine” to produce
results that are stored in several files with extensions such as ANL, BMD,
TMH, etc. The ANL text file contains the printable output as created by
the specifications in this manual. The other files contain the results
(displacements, member/element forces, mode shapes, section
forces/moments/displacements, etc.) that are used by the GUI in post
processing mode.
This section of the manual contains a general description of the analysis
and design facilities available in the STAAD engine. Specific information
on steel, concrete, and timber design is available in Sections 2, 3, and 4 of
this manual, respectively. Detailed STAAD engine STD file command
formats and other specific user information is presented in Section 5.
The objective of this section is to familiarize the user with the basic
principles involved in the implementation of the various analysis/design
facilities offered by the STAAD engine. As a general rule, the sequence in
General Description
Section 1
which the facilities are discussed follows the recommended sequence of
their usage in the STD input file.
1.2 Input Generation
The GUI (or user) communicates with the STAAD analysis engine through
the STD input file. That input file is a text file consisting of a series of
commands which are executed sequentially. The commands contain either
instructions or data pertaining to analysis and/or design. The elements and
conventions of the STAAD command language are described in Section 5
of this manual.
The STAAD input file can be created through a text editor or the GUI
Modeling facility. In general, any text editor may be utilized to edit/create
the STD input file. The GUI Modeling facility creates the input file
through an interactive menu-driven graphics oriented procedure.
1.3 Types of Structures
A STRUCTURE can be defined as an assemblage of elements. STAAD is
capable of analyzing and designing structures consisting of both frame,
plate/shell and solid elements. Almost any type of structure can be
analyzed by STAAD.
A SPACE structure, which is a three dimensional framed
or input,
see section
structure with loads applied in any plane, is the most general.
A PLANE structure is bound by a global X-Y coordinate
system with loads in the same plane.
A TRUSS structure consists of truss members which can
have only axial member forces and no bending in the members.
A FLOOR structure is a two or three dimensional
structure having no horizontal (global X or Z) movement of the
structure [FX, FZ & MY are restrained at every joint]. The floor
framing (in global X-Z plane) of a building is an ideal example of
a FLOOR structure. Columns can also be modeled with the floor in
a FLOOR structure as long as the structure has no horizontal
loading. If there is any horizontal load, it must be analyzed as a
SPACE structure.
Section 1
Specification of the correct structure type reduces the number
of equations to be solved during the analysis. This results in a
faster and more economic solution for the user. The degrees of
freedom associated with frame elements of different types of
structures is illustrated in Figure 1.1.
Structure Types
Figure 1.1
1.4 Unit Systems
or input,
see section
The user is allowed to input data and request output in almost all
commonly used engineering unit systems including MKS, SI and
FPS. In the input file, the user may change units as many times as
required. Mix and match between length and force units from
different unit systems is also allowed. The input-unit for angles (or
rotations) is degrees. However, in JOINT DISPLACEMENT
output, the rotations are provided in radians. For all output, the
units are clearly specified by the program.
General Description
Section 1
1.5 Structure Geometry and Coordinate Systems
A structure is an assembly of individual components such as
beams, columns, slabs, plates etc.. In STAAD, frame elements and
plate elements may be used to model the structural components.
Typically, modeling of the structure geometry consists of two
A. Identification and description of joints or nodes.
B. Modeling of members or elements through specification of
connectivity (incidences) between joints.
In general, the term MEMBER will be used to refer to frame
or input,
see sections
5.11 to 5.17
elements and the term ELEMENT will be used to refer to
plate/shell and solid elements. Connectivity for MEMBERs may be
provided through the MEMBER INCIDENCE command while
connectivity for ELEMENTs may be provided through the
STAAD uses two types of coordinate systems to define the
structure geometry and loading patterns. The GLOBAL coordinate
system is an arbitrary coordinate system in space which is utilized
to specify the overall geometry & loading pattern of the structure.
A LOCAL coordinate system is associated with each member (or
element) and is utilized in MEMBER END FORCE output or local
load specification.
1.5.1 Global Coordinate System
The following coordinate systems are available for specification of
the structure geometry.
A. Conventional Cartesian Coordinate System: This coordinate
system (Fig. 1.2) is a rectangular coordinate system (X, Y, Z)
which follows the orthogonal right hand rule. This coordinate
system may be used to define the joint locations and loading
Section 1
directions. The translational degrees of freedom are denoted by
, u2, u3 and the rotational degrees of freedom are denoted by u4,
& u6.
B. Cylindrical Coordinate System: In this coordinate system, (Fig.
1.3) the X and Y coordinates of the conventional cartesian system
are replaced by R (radius) and Ø (angle in degrees). The Z
coordinate is identical to the Z coordinate of the cartesian system
and its positive direction is determined by the right hand rule.
C. Reverse Cylindrical Coordinate System: This is a cylindrical type
coordinate system (Fig. 1.4) where the R- Ø plane corresponds to
the X-Z plane of the cartesian system. The right hand rule is
followed to determine the positive direction of the Y axis.
Figure 1.2 : Cartesian (Rectangular) Coordinate System
General Description
Section 1
Figure 1.3 : Cylindrical Coordinate System
Figure 1.4 : Reverse Cylindrical Coordinate System
Section 1
1.5.2 Local Coordinate System
A local coordinate system is associated with each member. Each
axis of the local orthogonal coordinate system is also based on the
right hand rule. Fig. 1.5 shows a beam member with start joint 'i'
and end joint 'j'. The positive direction of the local x-axis is
determined by joining 'i' to 'j' and projecting it in the same
direction. The right hand rule may be applied to obtain the positive
directions of the local y and z axes. The local y and z-axes
coincide with the axes of the two principal moments of inertia. The
local coordinate system is always rectangular.
A wide range of cross-sectional shapes may be specified for
analysis. These include rolled steel shapes, user specified
prismatic shapes etc.. Fig. 1.6 shows local axis system(s) for these
General Description
Section 1
Figure 1.5a
Figure 1.5b
Section 1
Figure 1.6a - Local axis system for various cross sections
when global Y axis is vertical.
NOTE: The local x-axis of the above sections is going into the paper
General Description
Section 1
Figure 1.6b - Local axis system for various cross sections
when global Z axis is vertical (SET Z UP is specified).
Section 1
1.5.3 Relationship Between Global & Local
Since the input for member loads can be provided in the local and
global coordinate system and the output for member-end-forces is
printed in the local coordinate system, it is important to know the
relationship between the local and global coordinate systems. This
relationship is defined by an angle measured in the following
specified way. This angle will be defined as the beta (β) angle.
For offset members the beta angle/reference point specifications
are based on the offset position of the local axis, not the joint
Beta Angle
When the local x-axis is parallel to the global Vertical axis, as in
or input,
see section
the case of a column in a structure, the beta angle is the angle
through which the local z-axis (or local Y for SET Z UP) has been
rotated about the local x-axis from a position of being parallel and
in the same positive direction of the global Z-axis (global Y axis
for SET Z UP).
When the local x-axis is not parallel to the global Vertical axis,
the beta angle is the angle through which the local coordinate
system has been rotated about the local x-axis from a position of
having the local z-axis (or local Y for SET Z UP) parallel to the
global X-Z plane (or global X-Y plane for SET Z UP)and the local
y-axis (or local z for SET Z UP) in the same positive direction as
the global vertical axis. Figure 1.7 details the positions for beta
equals 0 degrees or 90 degrees. When providing member loads in
the local member axis, it is helpful to refer to this figure for a
quick determination of the local axis system.
General Description
Section 1
Reference Point
An alternative to providing the member orientation is to input the
coordinates (or a joint number) which will be a reference point
located in the member x-y plane (x-z plane for SET Z UP) but not
on the axis of the member. From the location of the reference
point, the program automatically calculates the orientation of the
member x-y plane (x-z plane for SET Z UP).
Relationship between Global and Local axes
Figure 1.7
Section 1
Figure 1.8
General Description
Section 1
Figure 1.9
Section 1
Figure 1.10
General Description
Section 1
Figure 1.11
Section 1
Figure 1.12
General Description
Section 1
1.6 Finite Element Information
or input, see
sections 5.11, 5.13,
5.14, 5.21, 5.24, and
STAAD is equipped with a plate/shell finite element, solid finite
element and an entity called the surface element. The features of
each is explained below.
1.6.1 Plate/Shell Element
The Plate/Shell finite element is based on the hybrid element
formulation. The element can be 3-noded (triangular) or 4-noded
(quadrilateral). If all the four nodes of a quadrilateral element do
not lie on one plane, it is advisable to model them as triangular
elements. The thickness of the element may be different from one
node to another.
“Surface structures” such as walls, slabs, plates and shells may be
modeled using finite elements. For convenience in generation of a
finer mesh of plate/shell elements within a large area, a MESH
GENERATION facility is available. The facility is described in
detail in Section 5.14.
The user may also use the element for PLANE STRESS action
only (i.e. membrane/in-plane stiffness only). The ELEMENT
PLANE STRESS command should be used for this purpose.
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