BENRO Travel Flat Operating Instructions Manual

Specificati ons and design are subjec t to change without notice.
Travel Flat Series Tripods
75 Virginia Road North Whit e Plains, NY 10603 T 914.347.3300 F 914.347.3309
Operating Instructions
Thank you for making Benro your choice for professional photographic equipment. Your Benro gear is manufactured to provide years of dependable service. In order to obtain optimum satisfaction and performance, we suggest that you carefully read these instructions.
Head Mount ing FIGURES 1 & 2
If your Tripod did not come wit h a Head, select one o f the fine Benro Ballheads or Panheads that match your siz e Tripod an d install by screwing t he Head clockwise onto the 3/8" Mounting Threa d of the Top Plate.
Before using your Tripod, f irmly pull the three Legs out until th ey stop and adjust each Leg Secti on to the desired height.
Make sure that the Tripod is fir mly resting on a level surface a nd mount your camera securely on the Tripod H ead. Always engage any safet y locks on the Tripod Head to prevent any accidental dismounting.
FOR BEST RESULTS: Do not raise th e Tripod higher than necess ary and extend the largest diameter L eg Sections first. On ly add the Center Column if re quired to reach maximum height or to f ine-tune the vertical position.
NOTE: Never carr y your Trip od with camera gear attached.
Leg Section Adjustment
FIGURES 1 & 2
Each Leg sec tion can be adjusted to the desired length by tu rning the leg lock grip 1/2 turn (180°) clockwise until the Leg is f ree to slide in or out. Once th e desired length is achieved, turn the Le g Lock Grip counter­clockwise unt il the Leg Section is securely locked. Repeat t his step for each Leg and each Section u ntil the Tripo d is set to the desired height.
NOTE: To prevent any accidental damag e to your gear, always remove any mounted equipment (camera , etc.) from the Tripod before adjusting the Leg Sections .
Center Colum n
FIGU RES 3, 4 & 5
The Center Column can b e attached when additional heig ht is required. Simply screw the Center Column onto the Tripod Top Plate. The Center Column has t wo sections and can be exte nded using the Lock Grip adjustments simi lar to the Lock Grips on the Leg Sections.
NOTE: Take special care when ra ising or lowering the Center Colum n, if a camera or equipment is mounte d on the Trip od. Never loosen the Center Colu mn Locking Knob without holding the Center Column. Failure to follow these instr uctions could result in damaged equipment.
Intercha ngeable Spiked and Rub ber Feet (select mo dels)
Most Benro trip ods include interchangeable Stainless Steel Spiked o r Rubber Feet. They provide the right contact depending on the surface or te rrain that the tripod will be used in. To remove the Rubb er Feet simply unscrew each Ru bber Foot counter­clockwise an d replace with the provided Spiked Feet. Tig hten the Spiked Feet using the included Wrench.
• Do not exceed the ma ximum specified load capacit y (see specifications at
• Always ensure that Leg and H ead Locks are tightly engage d before mounting any gear on your Tripod.
• Always clean and dr y any Tripod af ter it has been expo sed to wet, dusty, sandy or salty condi tions. Your Tripod is n ot recommended fo r use in salt water. If required, clean tripod using a mild soap solution applie d with a soft cloth, rinse with fresh water and dr y with soft towel. Remove any dust, dir t or sand from all Leg Locks, Leg Se ctions and all moving parts .
• Do not leave any Tripod in the sun for prolonged p eriods and avoid high temperature exposure.
• Avoid leaving any Tripod or Monop od unattended in a reas where people could trip over the gear and ge t hurt.
• Remove camera, l ens, and all gear from any tripod when transporting.
• For your safety, don’t l et your Benro gear come in contac t with any electrical power source.
Two-Piece Exten dable
Center Column
Leg Lock Grip
Rubber Foot
Unlock Lock
1 2
4 5
Operating Instructions & User Notice
Spiked Fo ot
(on select models)