BENRO B Operating Instructions Manual

B Series Double-Action Ballheads
75 Virginia Road North Whit e Plains, NY 10603 T 914.347.3300 F 914.347.3309
Operating Instructions
Specificati ons and design are subjec t to change without notice.
Mounting Screw
Stop Screws (2)
Head Locking K nob
Mounting Screw
Mounting Platform
Bubble Level
Head Mounting
Install by screwin g the head clockwise onto the 3/8" Mounting Threa d of the Top Plate of the Tripod or Monopo d. Once it is hand tight, secure by fully tighte ning the Head Locking Screw(s) (on select models) from below.
The B Series Dou ble-Action Ballheads are professional black anodized machined aluminum and feature three operating Knobs. Drag con trol is manually adjusted and locked, along with independent Panning. Plus a Univers al Quick Release Clamp with secondar y Safety Lock System is incorporated.
Universal Quick Release Plate System
The B Series Dou ble-Action Ballheads feature a Universal Q uick Release Plate system. It of fers a quick method of mounting or releasi ng a Camera or Equipment from the H ead. It’s important that the correct Q uick Release Plate be used along with the prop er mounting screw (1/4–20 is included as t he standard size but spare 1/4–20 and 3/8 plates of various lengths are availabl e as accessories). Extra Plates are recommende d as you can screw one to each Camera or L ens for even greater convenience when rapidly mounting and dismounting gear. And b ecause of compatibility w ith the Universal system, most plates and spe cial brackets from other manufacture rs can be used as well.
Quick Rel ease Lock
When used prop erly, the Quick Release Lock offer s two levels of security for your gear. To remove the Quick Release Plate, turn the Quick Rele ase Locking Knob counter-clock wise. A partial opening of the clamping mecha nism allows the Quick Release Plate to slide on t he Mounting Platform for proper balance and positioning. Two Stop Screws (removable) on the bottom of the Quick Releas e Plate provide this first level of securit y. An additiona l counter­clockwise tu rn of the Quick Release Locking Knob opens the cl amp fully so that the Quick Release Plate c an be tilted out to be removed. Rever se the process and tighten the Quick Rel ease Locking Knob to secure the Quick Re lease Plate.
Ballhead Controls
A large Head Lock ing Knob locks the Ballhead in place. Once the Knob is turned counter-clo ckwise and loosened, the Ballhead can move f reely allowing the Mounting Platf orm to be positioned anywhere withi n a 0–90° vertical orientation. This movement is expanded by the use of the Pan Locki ng Knob which adds a 360° Pann ing range. The Pan control is fully independent and positioning can be adjusted eas ily and accurately by using the Graduate d Panning Scale and Pointer on the Base of the B allhead.
When the Head Lock ing Knob is released, it is possible to move the B allhead with some resistance o r Drag. To achieve the proper degre e of Drag, mount the intended camera or equip ment onto the Ballhead. While holding the camera/lens loosen the Head Locking K nob until it is released. Turn the Drag Control Knob cl ockwise to increase Drag, and cou nter-clockwise to decrease it.
FOR OPTIMUM RESULTS: Adjust the D rag under the weight cap acity, temperature and conditions under which the Ballhead will be used.
NOTE: Do not over tighten a ny Locking Knobs as this could dam age the Ballhead locking mechanism.
• Do not exceed the ma ximum specified load capacit y (see specifications at
• Always ensure that all Ballh ead locks are tightly engaged b efore mounting any gear.
• Always clean and dr y any Ballhead after it has been exp osed to wet, dusty, sandy or salty condi tions. Your Ballhea d is not recommended fo r use in salt water. If required, clean B allhead using a mild soap solution ap plied with a soft cloth, rinse with fresh wate r and dry with soft towel. Remove any dust, dir t or sand from all locks and all m oving parts.
• Do not leave any Ballhead in t he sun for prolonge d periods and avoid high temperature exposure.
• Avoid leaving any Tripod or Monop od unattended in a reas where people could trip over the gear and ge t hurt.
• Remove camer a, lens, and all gear from any Tripod or Monopod when transporting.
• For your safety, don’t l et your Benro gear come in contac t with any electrical power source.
Drag Control Knob
Pan Locking Knob
Quick Release Locking Knob
Panning Scale Pointer
Operating Instructions & User Notice