Benq EZWrite 4.0 User Manual

EZWrite 4.0
User Manual
BenQ Corporation makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the contents of this document. BenQ Corporation reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the contents thereof without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes.
Table of Contents i
Table of Contents
Introduction .......................................................................... 1
NFC function ........................................................................ 3
Annotation ............................................................................ 4
Palm eraser ....................................................................................... 4
Handwriting recognition .................................................... 5
Selecting and modifying texts............................................ 7
Tool box................................................................................. 8
Stopwatch....................................................................................... 10
Timer............................................................................................... 11
Scoreboard..................................................................................... 12
Draw................................................................................................ 13
Team Post ....................................................................................... 14
Importing images and Office documents...................... 17
Screen recording................................................................ 20
Adding pages....................................................................... 21
Saving files............................................................................ 22
Wireless sharing................................................................. 23
QR code ......................................................................................... 23
Email ................................................................................................ 23
InstaQPrint..................................................................................... 24
Floating Annotation Toolbar ........................................... 25
Comparison Table.............................................................. 26


EZWrite 4.0 is a writing and annotation application that allows you to treat the touchscreen like an interactive, multi-functional blackboard/whiteboard. EZWrite 4.0 supports 10-point touch.
Icon Function Description
Exit Click to exit EZWrite 4.0.
Save Click to save the drawings or annotations shown on the
screen. Refer to Saving files on page 22 for more information.
Switch Display
Screen Recording Click to start recording. Refer to Screen recording on
Share Click to share the file via QR code, Email, or Print.
Click to switch the source of the display. Fast switch makes presentation and discussion more convenient.
page 20 for more information.
Refer to Wireless sharing on page 23 for more information.
Icon Function Description
Introduction 2
Click to change the background for EZWrite 4.0. There are various wallpaper options including traditional colors, music, sports, and grid lines.
Select Click to select multi-objects. Refer to Selecting and
modifying texts on page 7 for more information.
Pen Click to set brush type, color, and thickness. Refer to
Annotation on page 4.
Eraser Click clear all to erase all drawings/annotations on the
screen. Click circle erase to erase the handwriting in the circle.
Tool Box Click to choose from different tools. Refer to Tool box
on page 8 for more information.
Import Files Click to import an image or text file into EZWrite 4.0.
Refer to Importing images and Office documents on
page 17 for more information.
Undo Click to undo the previous operation.
Redo Click to redo the cancelled operation.
Add new page Click to add a new page of writing image. Refer to
Adding pages on page 21 for more information.
Page Reveals the page number of the current picture. Click to
view the list of pages. Refer to Adding pages on page 21 for more information.
All functions in this manual vary by models. Details are listed on the last page.
NFC function3

NFC function

The NFC sensor on the front panel of the display allows users to perform various shortcuts to make writing and creating annotations with EZWrite 4.0 easier and faster.
• Directly touch the NFC sensor with either end of an NFCPen to launch EZWrite
4.0. The brush color will be set to the color of the end that was used to touch the sensor (for example if the red end of an NFCPen touches the NFC sensor EZWrite 4.0 will launch with a red brush).
• In EZWrite 4.0 you can easily switch the color of your brush by touching the NFC sensor with either colored end of an NFCPen. Once you do so the color of the brush
in EZWrite 4.0 will match the color of the end which was used to touch the sensor.
NFCPens are available in four colors: red & green and black & blue.
Annotation 4


Click in EZWrite 4.0 and choose to set brush type, color, and thickness.
• 12 color options are provided, including red, pink, orange, yellow, light green, green, sky blue, dark blue, purple, white, grey, and black.
• There is a new function- magic pen, which is able to recognize your handwriting with English texts and diagrams. It fulfills most of the discussion scenarios like mind mapping, brain storming, organization charts...etc.

Palm eraser

While you are writing with Pen on the display, you don’t have to switch to Eraser to erase the contents. You can erase any contents just with your palm.
Handwriting recognition5
Handwriting letters

Handwriting recognition

Handwriting recognition allows you to easily write letters (English), or draw graphics and diagrams on the display.
1. Click in EZWrite 4.0 and choose .
2. You can start using the tool, which can recognize handwriting letters (English), graphics, and diagrams.
Handwriting recognition 6
Graphics and diagrams
+ 20 hidden pages