Bennett Marine BOLT129, BOLT189, BOLT2412, BOLT249, BOLT1212 Installation & User Manual

IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS: Read and save all instructions. This manual may periodically
be subject to change, for the most current version visit
Installation & User's Guide
Making an investment in Bennett Marine's durable and dependable spectrum of products will keep you enjoying the boating experience all the more. We've been a trusted name in the industry for over half a century with exceptional products built to perform, and to last. Get Bennett on board and enjoy the ride!
Behind You For The Distance
Bennett’s legendary customer service and support is a priceless perk to your new purchase! Our expert sta with over 50 years of trim tab experience is ready to assist with your installation, help with troubleshooting, or answer any other of your questions along the way.
How to Contact Us
Call us at 1-954-427-1400, email, or go to and ll out the online form. Please allow 24 hours for online requests. Our oce hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time).
The Benets of Trim Tabs
Increase Visibility For A Safer Ride: Keeping your bow down at reduced speeds is important, especially in congested waters or foul weather. Bennett trim tabs enable you to plane at a much lower speed, operating your boat more safely.
Save Money With Better Fuel Eciency: Getting up on plane quicker means your boat spends less time running ineciently. Bennett trim tabs decrease engine laboring, dramatically improving your fuel economy and prolonging the life of the engine.
Maximize Performance While Smoothing Out e Ride: Bennett trim tabs enhance the operating economy of your boat by lifting the stern in proportion to speed, weight distribution, and fuel load changes.
Contacting Us .............................................................................................................. 2
Parts List & Specications
BOLT Trim Tab System Parts List .................................................................... 4
System Specications
....................................................................................... 5
Trim Tab Overview & Operation
How Trim Tabs Work ....................................................................................... 6
Special Conditions & Safety
........................................................................... 8
Installation Instructions
Actuator & Trim Tab Installation ..................................................................... 10
Helm Control Installation
................................................................................ 17
Relay Module Installation
............................................................................... 21
Extension Cable Installation
............................................................................. 22
Control Testing & Diagnostics
....................................................................... 23
System Wiring Diagrams & Installation Templates
.......................................... 24
General Maintenance & Safety Precautions
...................................................... 32
............................................................................................... 33
Limited Warranty ............................................................................................ 38
Warranty Period
............................................................................................... 39
Bennett Marine | Bolt Electric Trim Tab System
BOLT Electric Trim Tab System Parts
Items 1,2, & 3 make up a "Trim Plane Assembly" (TPA). TPA's are available for BOLT sets in the standard sets listed above. Part numbers correspond to the tab size. Ex.TPA129, or TPA1212.
Trim Plane
Hinge Plate
Backing Plate
Complete Actuators
Standard Bolt sets include BEA2000 xed upper hinge actuators. BEA3000 adjustable upper hinge actuators are available upon request.
Actuator Lower Hinge
A1113 2
Actuator Hinge Pin
A1115 2
Actuator Upper Hinge Screws (#14 x 1-1/2")
H1174 6
Trim Tab Screws (#10 x 1-1/4")
Actuator Lower Hinge Screws
(1/4-20 x 3/4" Phillips)
H1175 4
Helm controls sold separately. See page 17 for more information .
Standard Sets
• BOLT129
(12"x9" Tabs)
• BOLT189
(18"x9" Tabs)
• BOLT249
(24"x9" Tabs)
• BOLT1212
(12"x12" Tabs)
• BOLT1812
(18"x12" Tabs)
• BOLT2412
Bennett Marine | Bolt Electric Trim Tab System
System Specifications
Trim Planes & Mounting Plates
Trim tab sizes vary. Stainless Steel, 304. Piano hinge, bottom mount, and transom mount available.
2 models available: BEA2000 Fixed Upper Hinge model: Upper hinge material made of exible nylon. Remainder of actuator is made of high impact berglass-lled nylon. (12V or 24V)
BEA3000 Adjustable Upper Hinge model: Made of high impact berglass-lled nylon. Remainder of actuator is made of high impact berglass-lled nylon. (12V or 24V)
Relay Module
Two types of relay modules with diagnostics are available. (With ATR only, or with LED & ATR, 12V or 24V).
Helm Control
Controls on 12 volt systems circuit breaker or use 20 amp in-line fuse. (3 types of controls, see page 18).
Communications Junction Box
Used only for dual station and/or dual actuator applications.
Helm controls sold separately. See page 17 for more information .
Bennett Marine | Bolt Electric Trim Tab System
How Trim Tabs Work
Bennett trim tabs most often attach to the bottom edge of the transom (although other mounting variations are available). When the helm control is pressed, the trim tabs move up or down. Water-force on the trim tab creates an upward pressure, raising the stern and lowering the bow. Properly sized trim tabs improve the performance of your boat in a wide range of weight, weather and water conditions.
In general, trim tabs operate in reverse of what you may think (Figure 1). e port (left) trim tab controls the starboard (right) bow. Conversely, the starboard (right) trim tab controls the port (left) bow. e helm control is wired so that all you have to do is press the control in the direction you want the bow to move. Don’t worry about which trim tab is moving. e proper use of Bennett Trim Tabs becomes second nature after a short time.
Port Bow Stbd. Bow
When the port tab is lowered individually, an upward
force at the port stern of the boat is created. The
inverse applies when lowering the stbd. tab individually.
Figure 1
Lowers Starboard Bow
Raises Starboard Bow
Pitch Correction
Roll Correction
Controls the brightness of the helm display LEDS
LEDs indicate
position of tabs
Bennett Marine | Bolt Electric Trim Tab System
continued How Trim Tabs Work
Getting and staying trimmed
Most boats break over (get on plane) at a particular speed. is speed is determined by weight distribution, and water conditions, etc.. Bennett trim tabs enable your boat to plane at speeds lower than the natural planing speed. By pressing the control to the BOW DOWN position, your trim tabs move down. is will raise your stern and lower your bow, getting you up on plane faster.
Optimum Attitude
A good way to nd your boat’s optimum attitude is to conduct a simple test. Run the boat lightly loaded, at full speed on at water. Notice the bow in relation to the horizon. is should be your boat’s best running attitude. Properly sized trim tabs can be used to recreate this optimum attitude regardless of weight distribution, speed or water conditions.
Getting Used to the Feel of Your Trim Tabs
When learning to use your tabs, begin by pressing the helm control in half second bursts for gradual trimming. Be careful not to over-trim your boat. An over­trimmed boat will plow or bow-steer. If you over-trim the boat, simply press BOW UP and the bow of the boat will rise.
Without trim tabs With trim tabs deployed
Bennett Marine | Bolt Electric Trim Tab System
Trim Tab Overview & Operation continued
Special Conditions & Safety Precautions
Correcting for a List
Bennett Trim Tabs may be operated individually so that you can correct for listing. Your control is designed so that you can use it intuitively. Do not think about what the trim tabs are doing, just concentrate on the bow. If the port bow is high, push the port side BOW DOWN direction. If the starboard bow is high, push the starboard side BOW DOWN direction. Press the control in half-second bursts to avoid over-trimming, allowing time between corrections for the boat to react.
Using In Conjunction With Outboard Trim/Tilt
Using your trim tabs in conjunction with your engine’s power trim will give you increased speed and power.
1. Adjust the trim tabs to achieve a planing attitude.
2. Use the power trim to position the prop path parallel to the water ow as indicated by increased RPM / Speed.
3. If necessary, re-adjust the trim tabs to ne tune the trim of your boat. In other words, use your trim tabs to trim the boat and your power trim to trim your prop.
Running In Rough Water
When running in a chop or heavy seas, press BOW DOWN on both tabs. is will bring the “V” of the hull in contact with the waves rather than having the waves pound the hull and your passengers.
Following Sea
For maximum control and maneuverability in a following sea or when running in an inlet, make sure the trim tabs are fully retracted by pressing BOW UP on both tabs. is brings up the tabs, decreasing lift in the stern, allowing the bow to rise. If tabs are deployed, the bow may dig.
Windy Chop
To raise the windward side of the boat press BOW UP on that side. If this is not sucient, press BOW DOWN on the leeward side of the boat. is allows the windward side of the boat to rise and minimizes spray. Do not overtrim when attempting this.
Bennett Marine | Bolt Electric Trim Tab System
continued Trim Tab Overview & Operation
Shallow Water / Hole Shot
To lift the stern and lower the bow, lower both tabs completely down by pressing BOW DOWN on both tabs. As you throttle up and speed increases, raise the tabs by pressing BOW UP on both tabs.
Porpoising is a condition more common in faster boats. As speed increases, the bow repeatedly rises out of the water until gravity overcomes lift and the bow falls down. Press “Bow Down” in half second bursts. As the trim tabs deect, the porpoising subsides and your speed should remain the same or decrease. Only a slight amount of trim tab deection should be necessary.
Safety Precautions
Bennett trim tabs have a signicant eect on the operation and versatility of your boat. No one knows your boat better than you, so the best learning method is to spend time getting familiar with your boat’s reaction to the trim tabs. Remember, practice makes perfect! As your experience increases, so will your enjoyment. Always operate your boat with safety rst in mind.
• Do not over-trim, particularly at high speeds as the bow will dig in and wave
action may cause the boat to veer.
• While operating trim tabs, use caution. Improper use of trim tabs may cause
accidents and/or injury.
• For best maneuverability, trim tabs should be fully retracted in a following sea,
or when running in an inlet.
Bennett Marine | Bolt Electric Trim Tab System
Actuator & Tab Installation
Getting Started
• e actuator and tab installation must be done when the vessel is out of the
water. Do not attempt to install the actuators while the vessel is in the water as the actuators and tabs are mounted below the water line.
• Before performing any electrical work on a vessel, disconnect the battery by
removing the positive (+) cable or if equipped, turn the battery disconnect switch to the OFF position.
Be sure to check for any obstructions: Before starting installation and drilling
any holes, verify that there are no mounting restrictions inside or outside the transom. Choose a location about 3-4" from the chine (side of the hull). Hold the tab up to the very bottom of the transom (1/8" from the hull bottom), and hold the actuator on the trim tab. en set the actuator upper hinge against the transom. Verify this for both sides so that the actuators will not center on any obstruction. If they do, reposition tabs slightly inboard or outboard.
Standard “V” Hull Installation
(At least 8" from
centerline of drive)
3"- 4"
Tabs can be mounted over strakes if necessary
• Electric drill
• 5/32", 9/16", 7/64"
& 3/16" drill bits
• Tape measure
• Phillips screwdriver
• Marine epoxy
• Straight edge
• Marking pencil
• 4' (1.22 m) level
• 3M 5200 sealant
or equivalent
• 2.5" (6.35 cm) or 1" (2.54 cm) hole saw (See pg. 28 & 29)
Tools and Materials List
Figure 1
Bennett Marine | Bolt Electric Trim Tab System
continued Actuator & Tab Installation
Installing the Trim Tabs
If your set came with adjustable upper hinge actuators (BEA3000), follow the
“Installing the Trim Tabs” instructions in this section, until instructed to skip ahead.
Position the tab: Using the backing plate, choose a location 3-4" from the chine (see gure 1 on page 10). Maintain a minimum of 8" from the centerline of your drive unit to the closest edge of the trim tab. Align the bottom of the backing plate as per gure 2. e hole pattern on the backing plate should be closer to the bottom edge of the backing plate.
• Mark the pilot holes using the backing plate as a template. Make sure the tabs can be mounted in the same location on both sides.
Verify that there are no mounting restrictions inside or outside the transom.
• Drill the mounting plate holes, using a 5/32" drill bit.
1/2" for
9" Chord
Mount the
backing plate
1/8" to 1/4" from
the hull bottom
Fixed upper hinge is flexible to accomodate varying transom angles
5/8" for 12" Chord
Straight Edge
Figure 2
Bennett Marine | Bolt Electric Trim Tab System
Actuator & Tab Installation continued
Installing the Actuators
Install the lower hinge to the actuator using the supplied
stainless steel pin.
Attach the actuator to the Trim Tab: Secure the lower hinge with the supplied 1/4-20 x 3/4" Phillips Head machine screws.
Install Tab and Hinge Assembly: Coat the threads of the #10 x 1-1/4" screws in 3M 5200 sealant (or equivalent) before inserting into the backing plate pilot holes. Install the screws in 3/4 of their length. Slide the trim tab between backing plate and hinge plate. Tighten the screws.
Set Final Actuator Position: Use a straight edge under the trim tab to make sure the correct negative angle for your size of tab is achieved (Refer to Figure 2 on page 11) is is important to ensure correct actuator placement (1/2" negative angle for 9" chord; 5/8" negative angle for 12" chord; 1" negative angle for 16" chord).
• Fold wires down, placing the actuator template (Pg. 30-31) under the actuator. Align the outside of the template with the perimiter of the upper hinge. Tape the template in place.
Mark Actuator Position on the Transom: Using the installation drilling templates on page 30-31, mark the three upper hinge hole centers and the center hole on the transom.
Drill Actuator Holes: Using the drilling templates on page 30-31, drill the center hole, and three mounting holes. Be sure to verify whether your actuators have xed or adjustable upper hinges as center hole sizes are dierent for each.
• Repeat the previous steps for the opposite side of the boat.
If your Bolt set came with adjustable
upper hinge actuators (BEA3000), please
skip to page 14 “Mounting Adjustable
Upper Hinge Actuators (BEA3000) to the
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