electronic controls
Powerful ABS troubleshooting for tractors
in a portable package
SSmmaallll,, SSiimmppllee,, PPoowweerrffuull
The Bendix®RDU is a small, portable diagnostic tool for
troubleshooting Bendix®tractor based ABS systems. The unit
simply attaches to the vehicle’s 9-pin diagnostic connector
and the LEDs illuminate to direct you to the component
that needs attention. No blink codes. No handhelds.
No computers. No complicated instructions. Just fast and easy
EEaassyy ttoo UUssee::
maintenance staff can spend less time learning how to work
with the tool and more time fixing the problem.
LLooww CCoosstt::
exceptional functionality at a very affordable price. Eliminate
tool sharing by putting an RDU in every toolbox.
CCoommppaacctt SSiizzee::
because it’s portable, you can use it in the shop or take it
wherever you need to go.
range of Bendix ABS components, including the
Bendix®EC-60™, EC-30™, EC-17, Gen 5, and Gen 4 Electronic
Control Units (ECUs).
The RDU is intuitive and easy to use so your
The original patent pending design provides
It’s only 11/2” in diameter by 15/8” tall. And
The flexible Bendix®RDU supports the complete
HHooww tthhee BBeennddiixx RRDDUU WWoorrkkss
The Bendix®RDU simply plugs into the 9-pin diagnostic
connector in the cab of the vehicle. The green LED will flash
four times to indicate communications have been established.
If the ABS system has no active trouble codes or faults, only the
green VLT LED will remain lit to indicate that the system is
receiving the proper voltage. If the ABS system has at least
one active trouble code/fault, the red LEDs will light up
to indicate the malfunctioning ABS component and its
location on the vehicle.

electronic controls
OOnnccee TThhee RReeppaaiirr iiss CCoommpplleettee,, IItt’’ss EEaassyy ttoo RReesseett
TThhee BBeennddiixx RRDDUU.. RReesseett FFuunnccttiioonnss IInncclluuddee::
CClleeaarriinngg DDiiaaggnnoossttiicc TTrroouubbllee CCooddeess::
trouble codes, simply hold a magnet over the center of the
RDU for less than six (6) seconds.
SSeellff CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn CCoommmmaanndd::
To initiate the Bendix ABS self
configure command, hold a magnet over the center of the RDU
for more than six (6) seconds, but less than 30 seconds.
Note: The RDU is specifically designed for use on vehicles equipped with
Bendix ABS. The Bendix RDU is not intended for operation and/or function
with ABS supplied by other manufacturers.
To clear diagnostic
PPllaaccee YYoouurr OOrrddeerr WWiitthh
TThheessee BBeennddiixx PPaarrtt NNuummbbeerrss::
• Bendix RDU Remote Diagnostic Unit – 801869
• 9-pin to 6-pin adapter cable – 801872
• 9-pin to 9-pin extension cable – 802229
• Bendix RDU plus 9-pin to 9-pin extension cable – 802436
• Bendix RDU plus 6-pin to 9-pin adapter cable – 802435
TThhee BBeennddiixx®®RRDDUU FFaasstt FFaaccttss
Vehicle Use
Connector Interface
Understanding the LED
Indicators for the Bendix RDU
VLT – Power/Communication
ECU – ABS Controller
SEN – Wheel Speed Sensor
MOD – Pressure Modulator
TRC – Traction Control
LFT – Left
RHT – Right
DRV – Drive Axle
ADD – Additional
STR – Steer Axle
9-pin diagnostic
9-pin to 6-pin
adapter cable
9-pin to 9-pin
extension cable
A magnet over the center of the RDU is all it
takes to clear diagnostic trouble codes, or to
initiate the Bendix ABS self configure
command on the Bendix RDU.
FFaasstt aanndd EEaassyy AABBSS TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg IInn aa PPoocckkeett--SSiizzee PPaacckkaaggee
Keep your vehicles on the road and out of the shop. The portable package of remote diagnostic units from Bendix,
including the Bendix RDU and Trailer RDU offer quick, accurate diagnostics for your Bendix
Find out more. Talk to your Bendix Account Manager, call 1-800-AIR-BRAKE or visit www.bendix.com today.
Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems • 901 Cleveland Street • Elyria, OH 44035 • 1-800-AIR-BRAKE (1-800-247-2725) • www.bendix.com
BW2482 ©2007 Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC, a member of the Knorr-Bremse Group • 11/07 • All Rights Reserved • Printed U.S.A.
ABS system.