Technical Bulletin
Bulletin No.: TCH-003-047 Effective Date: 08-19-2004 Cancels: N/A Page: 1 of 1
Subject: Bendix
AutoBrake™ Automatic Braking System
Compatibility Issues on 2004 Buses
Most new school buses (m odel years 2004 and n ewer) are equipped with a new style of flasher
unit that uses a single plug connector (see Figure "A"). The Bendix
braking system is not compatible with these newer style f lasher units becaus e they do not allo w
the AutoBrake automatic braking s ystem wiring harnes s to properl y connec t. Due to the c hanges
in the flasher units installed on new buses, Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC can no
longer support the installation of the AutoBrake system on these buses.
The Bendix
equipped with flas her units using spade terminals (see Figure "B"). Bendix recommends use of
the AutoBrake system, and will continue to support AutoBrake system installations, only on
vehicles equipped with flashers having spade terminals typicall y found on schoo l buses in model
years 2003 and older.
Bendix does not reco mmend use of the AutoBrak e system on buses with the newer st yle flasher
units. In order to prevent any potential im pact to the vehicle braking system , users should not
make alterations to the connectors on these flasher units (for example, by splicing wires) to
attempt to install AutoBrake systems on vehicles.
Please contact your Bendix account executive if you have any questions.
AutoBrake™ automatic braking system was designed for use only on vehicles
AutoBrake™ automatic
Figure “A”
2004 Buses
Plug Style
Figure “B”
2003 and Older Buses