When The Cold Weather Hits, There’s Help
As the cold weather approaches, fl eets and owner operators will begin to winterize their vehicles,
especially against air system freeze-ups. Here are some basic tips for optimum cold weather
operation from the brake system experts at Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC.
G Engine Idle
Avoid idling the engine for extended periods of time. Winter idling is a major
factor in compressor discharge line freeze-ups, which account for a signifi cant
number of compressor failures annually.
The discharge line recommendations – listed in the section below – are important
for all vehicles, especially when extended engine idling cannot be avoided.
G Discharge Lines
The discharge line should slope downward from the compressor discharge
port without forming water traps, kinks, or restrictions. If it crosses over
from one side of the frame rail to the other, it should occur as close
to the compressor as possible. Fitting extensions must be avoided.
Recommended discharge line lengths and inside diameters are application
dependent as follows:
Typical P&D, School Bus & Line Haul –
The maximum discharge line length is 16 feet+.
Length I.D. Minimum Other Requirements
G System Leakage
Check the air brake system for excessive leakage
using the Bendix Dual Circuit Brake System
Troubleshooting guide (BW1396). Excessive
system leakage causes the compressor to pump
more air and moisture into the brake system.
6.0 – 9.5 ft ½ inch None
9.5 - 12 ft ½ inch
12 – 16 ft 5/8 inch
Severe Service / High Duty Cycle Vehicles (City Transit Coaches,
Refuse Haulers, etc…) –
The maximum discharge line length is also 16 feet+.
Length I.D. Minimum Other Requirements
10 – 16 ft ½ inch None
If the discharge line length must be less than six (6) feet
or greater than 16 feet in these applications, contact your
local Bendix Account Manager, or the Bendix Tech Team at
1-800-AIR-BRAKE for additional information and assistance.
The last three (3) feet,
including the fi tting at the end
of the discharge line, must be
insulated with ½ inch thick
closed cell polyethylene pipe
G Reservoir Draining
(System without an air dryer)
Routine reservoir draining is the most basic step
(although not completely effective) in reducing
the possibility of freeze-up. All reservoirs in a
brake system can accumulate water and other
contaminants, which must be drained. The best
practice is to drain all reservoirs daily.
After turning off the engine, drain all of the air
from each reservoir (Alternate Method - Open the
drain cocks on all reservoirs and leave them open over
night to assure all contamination is drained. See Bendix
SD-04-400). If Bendix® DV-2™ automatic drain
valves are installed, check their operation before
the weather turns cold (see our SD-03-2501).
While the need for daily reservoir draining is
eliminated through the use of an automatic drain
valve, periodic manual draining is still required.
G Alcohol Evaporator or Injector Systems
Using an alcohol evaporator or injector in conjunction with
an air dryer is not recommended. The air dryer will remove
most of the alcohol that is added at the compressor inlet and may
reduce the air capacity of the dryer.
Installing an alcohol injector downstream of the dryer can cause
excessive back pressure in the compressor discharge line. In
some cases, this can lead to pressure relief at the compressor
safety valve. If air drying capacity is not adequate, then the
air dryer is undersized for the application. Please refer to the
G Air Dryers
Proper air dryer operation is critical to helping your system run clean and dry. Ensure
air brake system leakage is within the limits stated by checking the Bendix Dual Circuit
Brake System Troubleshooting guide (BW1396). Refer to the applicable Bendix Service
Data Sheet to confi rm the correct operation and function of your vehicle’s air dryer.
Air Dryer Bendix Service Data Sheet
Bendix® AD-4® Air Dryer . . . . . . . . SD-08-2407
Bendix® AD-9® Air Dryer . . . . . . . . SD-08-2412
Bendix® AD-IP® Air Dryer . . . . . . . . SD-08-2414
Bendix® AD-IS® Air Dryer . . . . . . . . SD-08-2418
Bendix® AD-SP® Air Dryer . . . . . . . . SD-08-2415
Bendix® Dryer Reservoir Module . . . . . SD-98-9808
Bendix® AD-2® Air Dryer . . . . . . . . SD-08-2403
Bendix® Air Dryer Application Guideline (BW2600) for proper
recommended sizing. Also see Technical Bulletin TCH-008-042
(Alcohol in the Air Brake System) for a more detailed explanation
into the affects of alcohol.
To address concerns with contaminants in trailer air brake
systems, the Bendix® Cyclone DuraDrain™ trailer water
separator and the Bendix® System-Guard® trailer air dryer
are available. Please refer to our SD-08-2402 and SD-08-2416
respectively for details.
G Thawing Frozen Air Lines
Here are some simple Do’s and Don’ts for prevention and thawing:
G Do
• Check the air dryer for proper operation,
changing the desiccant cartridge and purge
valve as necessary.
• Thaw out frozen air lines and valves by
placing the vehicle in a warmed building.
This is the only method for thawing that
will not cause damage to the air system or
its components.
• Use dummy hose couplings on the tractor and
• Check for drooping air lines, which could form
water traps.
G Don’t
• Do not apply an open fl ame to air lines or valves. This practice is
unsafe and can result in a vehicle fi re. It can also damage the valve
and melt the air lines.
• Do not pour fl uids into air lines or glad hands. Certain fl uids can cause
immediate and severe damage to rubber components. Even methanol,
which is used in Alcohol Evaporators and Injectors, should not be poured
into air lines. Fluids poured into the system wash lubricants out of
valves, collect in brake chambers and valves, and can cause malfunction.
Loss of lubricant can affect valve operating characteristics, accelerate
wear and cause premature replacement.
• Do not immediately park a vehicle outside after thawing its air system
indoors. Condensation will form in the system and re-freeze. Place the
vehicle in operation when it is removed to the outdoors.
G Supporting Air and Electrical Lines
Ensure tie wraps are replaced and support brackets are re-attached, if removed.
These items prevent the weight of ice and snow accumulations from breaking or
disconnecting air lines and wires.
For more details on proper cold weather operation for your vehicles,
talk to your Bendix Account Manager, call the Bendix Tech Team at
1-800-AIR-BRAKE, or visit www.bendix.com.
BW2657 ©2007 Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC, a member of the Knorr-Bremse Group • 09/07 • All Rights Reserved.