This manual is intended for experts in electrical engineering and electronics!
In order to make it easier for you to find specific text passages or references in this manual and for reasons of comprehensibility, important information is emphasized by symbols. The meaning of these symbols is
explained below:
Information calling attention to hazards are marked
with this warning symbol.
Information intended to assist the user to make optimum
use of the product are marked with the Info symbol.
1.2 Intended use
The voltage monitor VMD421H monitors 3(N)AC systems in the frequency range 15...460 Hz for undervoltage, overvoltage, underfrequency and overfrequency. The devices are designed for the nominal voltage
range U
voltage U
1.3 Fast commissioning for Un = 400 V, 50 Hz
If you are already familiar with voltage monitors, you can reduce the
time for commissioning and connection using this brief description.
= 70...500 V. The device is internally supplied by the nominal
to be monitored.
1. Check that the three-phase system being monitored is operated with a
How to use this documentation effectively
nominal voltage of Un = 400 V and 50 Hz. This is the precondition for an
automatic setting of the response values (Preset) after the first connection to the nominal voltage.
2. Make sure that the voltage monitor is in the delivery status (factory setting has not been changed).
3. When the conditions 1 and 2 are satisfied, you can connect the voltage
monitor to the three-phase system to be monitored according to the
wiring diagram (page 16). The following predefined response values
will be set automatically:
, f
400 V
(L1, L2, L3)
< U, < f
340...440 V340 V440 V
> U, > f
50 Hz47...53 Hz49.5 Hz50.5 Hz
4. The currently measured phase voltage between L1 and L2 appears on
the display. Use the Up and Down keys to query other parameters:
– phase-to-phase voltage L2, L3
– phase-to-phase voltage L1, L3
– asymmetry
– system frequency
– phase sequence
For detailed information about the preset function and other voltage
ranges refer to page 10, page 38 provides a summary of all factory settings.
If you want to reset the voltage monitors to factory settings, refer to
page 36.
2. Safety information
2.1 Safety instructions
In addition to this data sheet, the documentation of the device includes
a sheet entitled "Important safety instructions for BENDER products".
2.2 Work activities on electrical installations
All work activities necessary for installation, commissioning or work
activities during operation of electrical devices or systems are to be carried out by adequately skilled personnel.
Observe the relevant regulations applying to work on electrical instal-
lations, in particular EN 50110 or its subsequent regulation.
Unprofessional work activities on electrical installations
may result in a threat of danger to the life and health of
human beings!
If the equipment is used outside the Federal Republic of Germany, the
respective national standards and regulations are to be observed. The
European standard EN 50110 is recommended to be used as a directive.
Safety information
3. Function
3.1 Device features
Under and overvoltage monitoring in 3(N) AC systems
Preset function: Automatic response value setting for undervoltage
and overvoltage, < U and > U as well as for underfrequency and overfrequency < f and > f.
Voltage and frequency monitoring with window discriminator func-
tion, < U and > U as well as < f and > f.
Monitoring of asymmetry, phase failure and phase sequence.
Indication of the system frequency f.
Starting delay, response delay and release delay.
Adjustable switching hysteresis for U and f.
r.m.s. value measurement AC
Measured value display via multi-functional LC display.
Alarm indication via LEDs (AL1, AL2) and changeover contacts (K1, K2).
N/C operation or N/O operation selectable.
Password protection against unauthorized parameter changing.
Selectable fault memory behaviour. In the "con“ mode, all alarm
parameters remain stored on failure of the nominal voltage (U
3.2 Function
Once the nominal voltage is applied, the starting delay "t" is activated.
Measured values changing during this time do not influence the switching state of the alarm relays.
The devices provide two separately adjustable measuring channels (overvoltage/undervoltage). When the measuring quantity exceeds the response value (ALARM 1) or falls below the response value (ALARM 2),
the time of the response delays "ton 1/2" begins. After the expiry of the
response delay, the alarm relays switch and the alarm LEDs light. If the
= Us ).
measuring quantity exceeds or does not reach the release value (response value plus hysteresis) after the alarm relays have switched, the
selected release delay begins "t
relays switch back to their initial position. With the fault memory acti-
". After the expiry of "t
", the alarm
vated, the alarm relays remain in alarm state until the reset button R is
pressed. Also in the event of complete power failure of the system being
monitored, the delay times are effective during the energy backup discharging time.
3.2.1Preset function
After connecting the system to be monitored for the first time, the response values for overvoltage and undervoltage (Alarm 1/2) are automatically set once to:
Response value overvoltage( > U): 1.1 U
Response value undervoltage( < U): 0.85 U
Response value overfrequ. ( > f) at 16.7 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz: f
Response value overfrequency ( > f) at 400 Hz: f
Response value underfrequ. ( < f) at 16.7 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz: f
Response value underfrequency ( < f) at 400 Hz: f
+ 1 Hz
- 1 Hz
+ 0.5 Hz
- 0.5 Hz
> U
Measuring principle
Phase-to-phase voltage
measurement: 3Ph
400 V
(L1, L2, L3)
208 V
(L1, L2, L3)
< U
340...440 V340 V440 V
177...229 V177 V229 V
After a manual start of the preset function (Menu/SEt/PrE), the following
response values can be set:
Phase-to-neutral voltage
measurement: 3n
230 V
(L1, L2, L3, N)
120 V
(L1, L2, L3, N)
196...253 V196 V253 V
102...132 V102 V132 V
If the measured voltage is not within the preset operating range listed
in the table, the message "AL not Set" appears on the display. Therefore
it is necessary to set the response values for Alarm 1 (AL1) and Alarm 2
(AL2) manually. A detailed description of the process is given in the
chapter "parameter setting“.
After resetting the device values to its factory settings, the preset function is automatically active again.
During operation, the preset function can be started manually via the
menu SEt.
3.2.2Automatic self test
The device automatically carries out a self test after connecting to the
system to be monitored and later at hourly intervals. During the self test
internal functional faults or connection faults will be determined and
wi l l appea r i n form o f a n error c o de on t h e d ispla y . T he ala r m relays a r e
not checked during this test.
3.2.3Manual self test
After pressing the internal test button for > 1.5 s, a self test is performed
by the device. During this test, internal functional faults will be determined and appear in form of an error code on the display. The alarm
relays are not checked during this test.
While the test button T is pressed and held down, all device-related display elements appear on the display.
If an internal functional fault occurs, all three LEDs flash. An error code
will appear on the display (E01...E32).
For example, E08 means: Incorrect internal calibration, that means the
display accuracy has decreased from 3% to 5%. In such a case please
contact the Bender Service.
3.2.5 Fault memory
The fault memory can be activated, deactivated or can be set to continuous mode (con). If the fault memory is set to "con" mode, the stored
alarm parameters remain stored also in the event of failure of the nominal voltage (U
has elapsed.
= US ) and also when the energy backup discharging time
3.2.6Assigning alarm categories to alarm relays K1/K2
Different alarm categories can be assigned to the alarm relays K1/K2 via
the menu "out".
3.2.7Time delays t, ton and t
The times t, ton and t
described below delay the output of alarms via
LEDs and relays.
3.2.8Starting delay t
After connection to the voltage Un to be monitored, the alarm indication
is delayed by the preset time t (0...99 s).
3.2.9Response delay ton
When the response value is reached, the voltage monitor requires the
response time t
A preset response delay t
erating time t
= tae + ton).
until the alarm is activated.
and delays alarm signalling (total delay time
(0...99 s) adds up to the device-related op-
If the fault does not continue to exist before the time of the response
delay has elapsed, an alarm will not be signalled.
3.2.10 Release delay t
When no alarm exists after deactivating the fault memory, the alarm
LEDs will go out and the alarm relays switch back to their initial position. After activating the release delay (0...99 s), the alarm state is continuously maintained for the selected period.
3.2.11 Password protection (on, OFF)
With the password protection activated (on), settings are only possible
after entering the correct password (0...999). If you cannot operate your
device because you cannot remember your password, please contact
3.2.12 Factory setting FAC
After activating the factory setting, all settings previously changed are
reset to delivery status. In addition, the preset function allows automatic
adaptation of the response values in relation to the nominal voltage U
3.2.13 Erasable history memory
The first alarm value that occurs will be entered in this memory. Subsequent alarms do not overwrite this "old" value. The memory can be
cleared using the Clr key in the menu HiS.
4. Installation and connection
Ensure safe isolation from supply in the installation area. Observe the installation rules for live working.
General dimension diagram and drawing for screw fixing
36 mm
90 mm
100 mm
116 mm
Mount the device vertically, to allow sufficient air flow through the
ventilation slots at top and bottom!
The front plate cover is easy to open at the lower part identified by an
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