Bender UNIMET 300ST Operating Manual

Operating Manual


Testing system for
electrical safety
Software version: 3.2 and later
Bender GmbH & Co. KG Londorfer Str. 65 • 35305 Grünberg • Germany Postfach 1161 • 35301 Grünberg • Germany
Tel.: +49 6401 807-0 Fax: +49 6401 807-259
E-mail: Web:
© Bender GmbH & Co. KG
All rights reserved.
of the publisher.
Subject to change!
Table of Contents
1. How to get the most out of this manual ............................................................. 5
1.1 About this operating manual .............................................................................................. 5
1.2 Technical support .................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Explanation of symbols and notes ..................................................................................... 6
2. Safety instructions .................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Delivery ........................................................................................................................................ 7
2.2 Intended use .............................................................................................................................. 7
2.3 Skilled persons .......................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 General safety instructions ................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Delivery conditions, guarantee, warranty and liability .............................................. 8
3. System description ................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Function ...................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Standard-compliant tests .................................................................................................. 10
3.3 System components ............................................................................................................10
3.4 Controls .................................................................................................................................... 12
4. Operation and configuration ............................................................................. 13
4.1 Commissioning ...................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.1 Connecting a printer ............................................................................................................ 14
4.1.2 Connecting the keyboard and barcode scanner ....................................................... 14
4.2 Principle of operation .......................................................................................................... 14
4.2.1 Operating the device ........................................................................................................... 14
4.2.2 Operation via the keyboard .............................................................................................. 15
4.2.3 Reading in with the barcode reader .............................................................................. 15
4.3 Main menu .............................................................................................................................. 16
4.4 Test engineer catalogue ..................................................................................................... 16
4.5 Device settings ....................................................................................................................... 19
4.5.1 Test probe calibration ......................................................................................................... 20
4.5.2 Device type query ................................................................................................................. 21
4.5.3 Warm-up and cool-down period ..................................................................................... 21
4.5.4 Changing the company name ......................................................................................... 22
4.5.5 Time/date ................................................................................................................................. 22
4.5.6 RS-232 parameters ................................................................................................................ 23
4.5.7 Buzzer On/Off ......................................................................................................................... 24
4.5.8 Summer time/winter time ................................................................................................. 24
4.5.9 Language/Sprache ............................................................................................................... 25
4.5.10 Firmware update ................................................................................................................... 25
4.6 Information .............................................................................................................................. 28
5. Testing and measuring ........................................................................................ 29
5.1 Testing via classification ..................................................................................................... 29
5.1.1 Classification ........................................................................................................................... 29
5.1.2 Tests ........................................................................................................................................... 33
5.1.3 Evaluating the test result .................................................................................................... 40
5.2 Recurrent test and device catalogue ............................................................................. 41
5.2.1 Collective printout ................................................................................................................ 42
5.2.2 Backing up the device catalogue .................................................................................... 43
5.3 Single test ................................................................................................................................. 49
6. Maintenance and calibration ............................................................................. 51
6.1 Calibration ............................................................................................................................... 51
6.2 Changing the battery ........................................................................................................... 51
6.3 Error messages ....................................................................................................................... 51
6.4 Disposal .................................................................................................................................... 52
7. Data ......................................................................................................................... 53
7.1 Standards ................................................................................................................................. 53
7.1.1 Application standards ......................................................................................................... 53
7.1.2 Design standards ................................................................................................................... 53
7.2 Test steps .................................................................................................................................. 54
7.3 Technical specifications ...................................................................................................... 56
7.4 Ordering data ......................................................................................................................... 57
INDEX ...........................................................................................................................59

1. How to get the most out of this manual

1.1 About this operating manual

This operating manual describes the UNIMET® 300ST with the software version indicated on the cov­er page. The functions and processes described may vary from those featured in other versions. It is designed for electrically skilled persons working in electrical engineering and electronics.
Please read this operating manual before using the devices. This documentation must be kept in an easily accessible location near to the device.
Although great care has been taken in the drafting of this operating manual, it may nevertheless contain errors and mistakes. The Bender Group cannot accept any liability for injury to persons or damage to property resulting from errors or mistakes in this manual.
Each of the registered trademarks which appears in this document remains the property of its owner.

1.2 Technical support

As a Bender customer, you will receive technical support and assistance in the event of queries relat­ing to equipment you have purchased. Please contact our Service Department or your next Bender agency for more information:
Service-Hotline: 0700-BenderHelp (Telefon und Fax)
Carl-Benz-Straße 8 • 35305 Grünberg • Germany Tel: +49 6401 807-760 • Fax: +49 6401 807-629 E-Mail: •
How to get the most out of this manual
Danger !

1.3 Explanation of symbols and notes

The following terms and symbols are used to denote hazards and instructions in Bender documen­tation:
This symbol indicates an immediate risk to life and limb. Failure to observe the associated instructions and take appropriate precautions will result in death, serious physical injury or substantial damage to property.
This symbol indicates a potential risk to life and limb. Failure to observe the associated instructions and take appropriate precautions may result in death, serious physical injury or substantial damage to property.
This symbol indicates a potentially dangerous situation. Failure to observe the associated instructions and take appropriate precautions may result in minor physical injury or damage to property.
This symbol indicates important information about the correct use of the equip­ment purchased. Failure to observe the associated instructions can result in equipment malfunc­tioning or cause problems in the environment in which it is being used.
This symbol indicates tips for using the equipment and particular useful infor­mation. This type of information will help you to optimise your use of the equip­ment.

2. Safety instructions

2.1 Delivery

Inspect the dispatch packaging and equipment packaging for damage, and compare the contents of the package with the delivery documents. Equipment damaged in transit must not be used. If equipment has been damaged in transit, contact Bender immediately.
Equipment may only be stored in areas where it is protected against dust, damp, spray water and dripping water and where the specified storage temperatures can be assured.
The selling company’s "General conditions of sale and delivery" always apply.

2.2 Intended use

The UNIMET® 300ST has been designed exclusively for use in the area of application stipulated in the chapter entitled "System description" on page 9.
Intended use also implies:
Observance of all instructions in this operating manual and Compliance with any test intervals
Use which deviates from or is beyond the scope of these technical specifications is considered non­compliant. The Bender Group cannot accept any liability for damage resulting from such use.

2.3 Skilled persons

Only electrically skilled persons may work on Bender products. Personnel who are familiar with the installation, commissioning and operation of the equipment and have undergone appropriate train­ing are considered skilled persons. Such personnel must have read this manual and understood all instructions relating to safety.

2.4 General safety instructions

Bender devices are designed and built in accordance with the state of the art and accepted rules in respect of technical safety. However, the use of such devices may introduce risks to the life and limb of the user or third parties and/or result in damage to Bender devices or other property.
Only use Bender equipment:
– As intended – In perfect working order – in compliance with the accident prevention regulations and guidelines applicable at the loca-
tion of use
Eliminate all faults that may endanger safety immediatelyDo not make any unauthorised changes and only use replacement parts and optional accesso-
ries purchased from or recommended by the manufacturer of the equipment. Failure to observe this requirement can result in fire, electric shock and injury
Information plates must always be clearly legible. Replace damaged or illegible plates immedi-
Safety instructions

2.5 Delivery conditions, guarantee, warranty and liability

The conditions of sale and delivery set out by Bender apply.
For software products, the "Softwareklausel zur Überlassung von Standard-Software als Teil von Lieferungen, Ergänzung und Änderung der Allgemeinen Lieferbedingungen für Erzeugnisse und Leistungen der Elektroindustrie" (software clause in respect of the licensing of standard software as part of deliveries, modifications and changes to general delivery conditions for products and servic­es in the electrical industry) set out by the ZVEI (Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindus­trie e.V., the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association) also applies.
Delivery and payment conditions along with a copy of the software clause can be obtained from Bender in printed or electronic format.

3. System description

3.1 Function

The UNIMET® 300ST is used to test electrical safety. It has been designed for following areas of use:
Hospital and care beds"Prüfung nach Instandsetzung, Änderung elektrischer Geräte - Wiederholungsprüfung elek-
trischer Geräte" (Inspection after repair, modification of electrical appliances - Periodic inspec­tion on electrical appliances) DIN VDE 0701-0702 (VDE 0701-0702):2008-06
with appropriate adapter
according to DIN VDE 0701-0702 and DIN EN 62353
* Use the DS32DCT three-phase current adapter to test devices not being in operation.
Use the DS32A three-phase current adapter to test devices during operation.
The test system supplies measurement results which it evaluates immediately in order to classify the test as "passed" or "failed". The test sequence which follows classification contains a visual inspection and a functional test in addition to the electrical tests. The test sequence can be carried out automat­ically or manually depending on the device under test. The test results can be displayed on the screen, saved or printed out using an external printer. In the event of unexpected results, the DUT can be inspected in more detail by carrying out a single test. The device catalogue provides memory space for the test results from up to 600 tested beds or de­vices.
also protection class I and II three-phase electrical equipment
Tests can be transferred to a PC software program via the RS-232 interface. This software is included with the UNIMET
300ST. For recurrent tests, the data stored in the PC software are transferred back to the UNIMET® 300ST. The RS-232 interface is also used for any subsequent updates of the internal operating software on the test system.
The test engineer catalogue can be beneficial if more than one person is working with the test sys­tem. Test engineers already registered on the system are simply selected from this folder. There is no need to re-enter the name of the test engineer. The names of up to ten test engineers can be stored.
The LC display is backlit. For entering data, a standard keyboard or barcode reader can be connected to the PS/2 interface.
UNIMET® 300ST has been designed solely for use with earthed systems. If the test system is used other than as intended, i.e. on an IT system, the measured values of any leakage currents will not be reproducible. The test result cannot be used. Alternative measurements of leakage currents, however, carried out with the UNIMET® 300ST in IT systems will deliver correct test results.
System description

3.2 Standard-compliant tests

The UNIMET® 300ST carries out measurements and tests according to the following standards (see also chapter "7.1 Standards"):
IEC 62353:2007-05DIN EN 62353 (VDE 0751-1):2008-08ÖVE/ÖNORM EN 62353:2009-01-01DIN VDE 0701-0702 (VDE 0701-0702):2008-06ÖVE E8701-1:03-01
The UNIMET® 300ST carries out the following measurements and tests:
Visual inspectionSystem voltageMeasurement of current consumption and calculation of power consumptionPE resistance for Protection Class I equipmentInsulation resistanceEquipment leakage current according to the differential measurement method or by direct
Equipment leakage current -Alternative methodTouch or PE conductor current according to the differential measurement method or by direct
Functional test

3.3 System components

The following accessories are supplied with the UNIMET® 300ST test system:
1 Carrying bag For the storage and transport of the test system
and its accessories. Accessories are kept in the side pocket and the inside pocket.
2 Test probe For testing accessible parts of the DUT 3 Test terminal (safety claw grip) For connection to accessible parts of the DUT 4 Interface cable (null modem
5 Calibration certificate Proof of the calibration carried out in the factory 6 Technical device manual on CD Test system manual 7 UNIData300 PC software (CD) UNIData300 software for
8 VK701-6 Adapter Schuko
9 VK701-7 Adapter for non-
heating appliances
10 USB1.1 RS-232 converter Enables data exchange between the RS-232
Enables data to be exchanged between the test system and a PC (RS-232 interface)
- backing up the device catalogue on a PC
- transferring a firmware update to the UNIMET® 300ST
For testing extension cables and socket strips
For testing device connecting cables
interface of the UNIMET® 300ST and the USB port of a PC (with installation CD)
Side pocket
contains the accessories Pos. 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10
Inside pocket
contains the accessories Pos. 6, 7
System description
The test system and its accessories
Fig. 3.1: Accessories

3.4 Controls

System description
1 Control buttons 2 Backlit LCD for displaying the user menu and the measurement results. Four
lines of 20 characters each. 3 Permanently attached power cable for connection to the supply voltage. 4Sockets
- violet: Connection for test probe for testing accessible parts of the device under test.
- yellow (E): for a second measuring lead when the low-resistance continuity
5 Test socket: This is where the DUT's power supply cable is plugged in. 6 Durable plastic enclosure, with pushbuttons for safe storage in the carrying
bag. 7 Power switch with thermo-magnetic circuit-breaker. 8Interfaces
- RS-232 interface, 9-pin, galvanically isolated, for connection to a PC
- Centronics interface for connection to a printer
- PS/2 port for connection to an external standard keyboard and a barcode reading wand or scanner.
of the PE conductor is to be measured between two points (e.g., on single-phase, permanently installed devices or extension cables).

4. Operation and configuration

-----------------------------­Test eng. logged on: Hofmann Next:
** WARNiNG **
No test engineer
logged on!
UNIMET300ST Test system for electrical safety
1. Classification
2. Device catalogue
3. Single test
4. Test eng. catalog
If no test engineer has logged on yet
If a test engineer has already logged on
Main menu
Press the ENTER key or wait 3 seconds leads to main menu

4.1 Commissioning

Inspect UNIMET® 300ST, its supply cable and measuring leads connected to it for visible damage on the outside. Do not operate equipment showing any visible damage.
The UNIMET® 300ST must always be connected to the supply voltage indicated on the nameplate. Failure to observe this requirement may damage the test sys­tem and any device under test connected to it.
1. Lay the UNIMET® 300ST down on an even surface with the coloured edges of the bag facing up. Open the two covers (Velcro fasteners).
2. Connect the UNIMET® 300ST to the supply voltage using the permanently attached power cable.
3. Switch on the device using the power switch.
The test system logs on with a beep (only when the buzzer is switched on) and displays the welcome text:
The test system is now ready for operation. The main menu appears.
Operation and configuration

4.1.1 Connecting a printer

Earthed printers can affect the measurements. Therefore, during the measure­ments, make sure that either
- the Centronics interface is not connected to an earthed printer or
- the Centronics interface is electrically isolated via a suitable component.
A printer can be connected to print out the test results. Providing that:
The printer used has an IBM 8-bit character setThe printer is set to IBM emulation
GDI printers (GDI = Graphic Device Interface) are not suitable for the UNIMET
You need a standard printer cable (25-pole D-Sub plug to Centronics) to connect the printer. This ca­ble is not included with the equipment.

4.1.2 Connecting the keyboard and barcode scanner

A keyboard and/or barcode reading wand or barcode scanner can be used to make it easier to input the ID numbers and names of test engineers. UNIMET® 300ST supports the PS/2 interface to which either a standard keybboard, a PS/2 barcode-pen reader or PS/2 barcode scanner can be connected. If an AR100 barcode-pen reader is connected to a PS/2 keyboard switch cable (see “Ordering data” auf Seite 57.), it can be connected to a keyboard at the same time. If no keyboard is connected, then plug the keyboard simulator supplied with the AR100 barcode-pen reader to this port.
The keyboard and barcode pen reader or barcode scanner can be plugged in and unplugged during operation. Adjustments on the UNIMET are not necessary. The keyboard and barcode pen reader must not be connected before switching on the UNIMET. This increases flexibility during testing. When the UNIMET detects a PS/2 keyboard, then the "Num-Lock" LED lights up. The LED indicates that the keyboard is ready.

4.2 Principle of operation

4.2.1 Operating the device

All the functions of the UNIMET® 300ST are controlled using the four control keys and the displays on the screen. The current position on the menus is indicated by a flashing marker (cursor).
 
ESC The ESC button enables you to leave functions without making
Use the arrow buttons to move the cursor up or down on the menus.
Use the Enter button to confirm selection of the current menu item.
changes. It also enables you to return to the main menu.
Operation and configuration

4.2.2 Operation via the keyboard

An external keyboard makes it easy to enter the names and ID numbers of the test engineers. You can also operate the UNIMET entirely via the keyboard. The Cursor block " ", " ", " " "ENTER" and "ESC" keys have the same function as the buttons on the front of the UNIMET.
Note when entering text:
The text entry cannot be longer than 20 characters. The UNIMET will truncate longer entries to
20 characters.
You can enter all characters which can be selected directly on UNIMET.Upper and lower case is available but not umlauts.The numeric keypad can only be used to enter digits. The LED "Num-Lock" therefore lights up
When entering text, the following keys can be used to edit the text:
" ", " " (Cursor block), " " (Backspace), Del, Home.
Entries via the keyboard can also be combined with texts read in from the barcode scanner and
barcode reading wand.
Save the entry after entering the last character by
– by holding down the Enter button " " on the UNIMET for approx. 3 seconds – or by pressing the " " ENTER key on the keyboard once.

4.2.3 Reading in with the barcode reader

Refer to the operating instructions for the barcode reading wand or barcode scanner.
The AR100 barcode reading wand (see “Ordering data” auf Seite 57.) reads more reliably by sweep­ing it quickly over the barcode. Also follow the instructions for the barcode reading wand. Barcodes can be read both forwards and backwards.
The data string which is read in can be up to 20 characters long. The UNIMET will truncate longer en­tries to 20 characters.
When reading in the names and ID numbers of new test engineers, the input screen will remain open. This allows you to check the entry and change or replace it if necessary. .
You can delete the entry and go to the previous menu by holding down
– the "ESC" button on the UNIMET for approx. 3 seconds – or by pressing the "ESC" key on the external keyboard once.
Save the entry by holding down
– the Enter button " " on the UNIMET for approx. 3 seconds – or by pressing the " " Enter key on the external keyboard once.
You can use the barcode scanner or barcode reading wand to call up tests from the device catalogue again using the ID number. In this case, after successfully reading in the barcode, it will immediately switch to the next screen of the operating process.
Operation and configuration
Main menu
1. Select "Test eng. catalog."
- Select and log on test engineer
- Enter and log on new test engineer
- Delete existing test engineer
2. select required function:
1. Exit
2. Select test eng.
3. Enter new test eng
4. Delete test eng.
1. Classification
2. Device catalogue
3. Single test
4. Test eng. catalog.

4.3 Main menu

All UNIMET® 300ST functions and submenus can be accessed from the main menu.
Menu item Function Page
1. Classification Answer the questions that appear on the screen. The test system will identify the required test steps and limits to be observed. The assisted test sequence will guide you through all necessary steps to be taken.
2. Device catalogue The test results, tests and limits of the device tested by the test system are stored in the device catalogue.
3. Single test Test steps can be called up in the form of single tests and repeated as often as required.
4. Test engineer
5. Device setting Settings for test probe, type query, warm-up period,
6. Info Provides information about the device names,
Select test engineer, enter new test engineer, delete test engineer
company name, clock, RS-232 interface, buzzer, language and update
software version and serial number of the device.
Each submenu is accessed by selecting it with the arrow buttons and confirming by pressing the " " button.

4.4 Test engineer catalogue

The names of the test engineers are stored in the "Test engineer catalogue". The test engineer whose name appears in the test protocol is also logged on here. You should therefore set the name of the test engineer before carrying out the first test.
The test catalogue can be particularly beneficial if more than one person is working with the test sys­tem. Test engineers already registered on the system are simply selected from the test catalogue us­ing the arrow buttons. There is no need to re-enter the name of the test engineer.
A name of a test engineer cannot be longer than twenty characters. The names of up to ten test engineers can be stored.
Operation and configuration
ENTER TEST ENG. NAME: _ Char.: A-Z, 0-9, -. / Exit: ESC Next:
1. Select “Enter new test eng”
2. Use the arrow keys to select the first characters and then press the ENTER key
4. After entering the last character, press and hold down the ENTER key for approx. 3 seconds.
3. Select all the remaining characters also
Briefly press the ESC key = edit previous character Press and hold down the ESC key = Exit menu without making changes
The new test engineer is saved and logged on
3 s
ENTER TEST ENG. NAME: JOHN MEYER Char.: A-Z, 0-9, -. / Exit: ESC Next:
1. Exit
2. Select test eng.
3. Enter new test eng
4. Delete test eng.
1. Exit
2. Select test eng.
3. Enter new test eng
4. Delete test eng.
Select the name of a test engineer (log on) as follows:
1. Exit
2. Select test eng.
3. Enter new test eng
4. Delete test eng.
Test engin.: ( 3/ 4) HENRY STONE Select: , Confirm:
----------------------------­Test eng. logged on: HENRY STONE
To enter the name of a new test engineer:
1. Call up “Select test eng.” function
2. Use the arrow keys to select the test engineer
3. Confirm with ENTER key
Selected test engineer is displayed for approx. 3 seconds
To delete the name of a test engineer:
1. Call up “Delete test eng.” function
2. Use the arrow keys to select the test engineer
3. Confirm with ENTER key
Confirmation is displayed for approx. 3 seconds
The selected test eng. will be deleted from the catalogue.
Please wait!
1. Exit
2. Select test eng.
3. Enter new test eng
4. Delete test eng.
SELECT TEST ENGINEER Test engin.: ( 3/ 4) PETER MILLER Select: , Confirm:
Operation and configuration
Operation and configuration
Main menu
1. Select “Device setting”
2. Select required function
1. Exit
2. Test probe calibr.
3. Device type query
4. Warm-up/cool-down
2. Device catalogue
3. Single test
4. Test eng. catalog.
5. Device setting

4.5 Device settings

Some of the following settings are used in generating reports to record the test results. You should therefore check these settings before carrying out the first test.
Menu item Function Page
1. Exit Returns to the main menu
2. Test probe calibration Zero calibration test probe
3. Device type query This is where you determine whether another device type is to be queried and stored in addition to the device ID.
4. Warm-up/cool-down Setting for devices which require a warm-up period before the test and cool-down period after the test.
5. Change comp. name The company name entered here will appear on the printout of the test report and after switching on the device on line 4 of the welcome menu.
6. Time/date Set system time and date
7. RS-232 parameters Set data transfer speed
8. Buzzer On/Off Switch buzzer on or off
9. Summer/wintertime Automatic switchover from summer time to winter time
10. Language/Sprache Select German or English for user menus and protocol text. Activate settings for use in Austria.
11. Firmware update Load new version of operating software
To access the device settings:
+ 43 hidden pages