Bender RCMS460, RCMS490 User Manual


RCMS460 and RCMS490

Residual current monitors
Software version: D233 V2.5x D216/D256/D339/D403 V2.3x
Londorfer Str. 65 • 35305 Gruenberg • Germany P. O. Box 1161 • 35301 Gruenberg • Germany
Tel.: +49 6401 807-0 Fax: +49 6401 807-259
© Bender GmbH & Co. KG
All rights reserved. Reprinting only with permission of the publisher. Subject to change!
Photos: Bender archives
Table of Contents
1. Important information .................................................................................... 7
1.1 How to use this manual ................................................................................. 7
1.2 Technical support: service and support ................................................... 8
1.2.1 First level support ............................................................................................. 8
1.2.2 Repair service ..................................................................................................... 8
1.2.3 Field service ........................................................................................................ 9
1.3 Training courses ............................................................................................. 10
1.4 Delivery conditions ....................................................................................... 10
1.5 Inspection, transport and storage ........................................................... 10
1.6 Warranty and liability ................................................................................... 11
1.7 Disposal ............................................................................................................ 12
2. Safety instructions ......................................................................................... 13
2.1 General safety instructions ........................................................................ 13
2.2 Work activities on electrical installations ............................................. 13
2.3 Intended use ................................................................................................... 14
3. System description ........................................................................................ 17
3.1 Typical applications ...................................................................................... 17
3.2 Description of function ............................................................................... 18
3.3 Device variants ............................................................................................... 19
4. Installation and connection ......................................................................... 21
4.1 Unpacking ........................................................................................................ 21
4.2 Fuses, max. voltage, cable lengths ......................................................... 22
4.3 Installation instructions .............................................................................. 22
4.3.1 Dimension diagram RCMS460-… ........................................................... 23
4.3.2 Dimension diagram RCMS490-… ........................................................... 23
Table of Contents
4.4 Connection ...................................................................................................... 24
4.4.1 Wiring diagram RCMS460-… .................................................................... 24
4.4.2 Wiring diagram RCMS490-… .................................................................... 26
4.4.3 Connection of W…, WR…, WS… series measuring current
transformers .................................................................................................... 28
4.4.4 Connection W…AB series measuring current transformers
(AC/DC current sensitive) ........................................................................... 29
4.4.5 Connection WF… series measuring current transformers ............. 31
4.4.6 Example for a system design – minimum system consisting of an
RCMS460-D and 12 measuring points ................................................... 32
4.4.7 Example for a standard system design consisting of an RCMS460-D
and RCMS460-L and a protocol converter COM460IP ..................... 33
4.4.8 Connection digital input ............................................................................. 34
5. Commissioning .............................................................................................. 35
5.1 Before switching on ...................................................................................... 35
5.2 Switching on ................................................................................................... 36
6. Operation ........................................................................................................ 37
6.1 Operating and display elements RCMS460…-D ................................ 37
6.2 Operating and display elements RCMS…-L ........................................ 38
6.3 Working in operating mode ...................................................................... 39
6.3.1 Standard display ............................................................................................ 39
6.3.2 Alarm and its effect ....................................................................................... 39
6.3.3 Test procedure ............................................................................................... 41
6.3.4 Resetting saved alarm messages (RESET) ............................................. 42
6.3.5 Displaying standard information ............................................................. 43
6.4 Setting the RCMS…-L… ............................................................................. 44
6.5 Operation and setting of the RCMS…-D… ......................................... 44
6.5.1 Opening the main menu ............................................................................ 45
6.5.2 Menu overview diagram ............................................................................. 46
6.5.3 Main menu functions ................................................................................... 47
Table of Contents
6.6 The main menu .............................................................................................. 49
6.6.1 Menu 1: Alarm/meas. values ..................................................................... 49
6.6.2 Menu 2: % Bar graph .................................................................................... 49
6.6.3 Menu 3: History .............................................................................................. 50
6.6.4 Menu 4: Harmonics ....................................................................................... 51
6.6.5 Menu 5: Data logger ..................................................................................... 52
6.6.6 Menu 6: Settings ............................................................................................ 53 Settings menu 1: General .................................................................. 54 Settings menu 2: PRESET ................................................................... 56 Settings menu 3: Channel ................................................................. 58 Settings menu 4: Relay ....................................................................... 68 Settings menu 5: History .................................................................... 70 Settings menu 6: Data logger .......................................................... 70 Settings menu 7: Language .............................................................. 71 Settings menu 8: Interface ................................................................ 71 Settings menu 9: Alarm addresses ................................................. 71 Settings menu 10: Clock ..................................................................... 72 Settings menu 11: Password ............................................................ 73 Settings menu 12: Factory settings ................................................ 73 Settings menu 13: Service ................................................................. 73
6.6.7 Menu 7: Control ............................................................................................. 74 Control menu 1: TEST .......................................................................... 74 Control menu 2: RESET ....................................................................... 74 Control menu 3: Test communication .......................................... 74
6.6.8 Menu 8: External devices ............................................................................ 76
6.6.9 Menu 9: Info .................................................................................................... 79
7. Tests, service, troubleshooting .................................................................. 81
7.1 Periodic verification ...................................................................................... 81
7.2 Maintenance and service ........................................................................... 81
7.3 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................ 82
7.3.1 Display device error ...................................................................................... 82
Table of Contents
7.3.2 Device error display (channel-related) .................................................. 83
7.3.3 CT connection fault display (channel-related) ................................... 84
7.3.4 External alarm ................................................................................................. 84
8. Data .................................................................................................................. 85
8.1 Standards ......................................................................................................... 85
8.2 Approvals and certifications ..................................................................... 85
8.3 Technical data ................................................................................................ 86
8.4 Ordering information .................................................................................. 91
INDEX ................................................................................................................... 101

1. Important information

1.1 How to use this manual

This manual is intended for qualified personnel working in electrical engineering and electronics!
Always keep this manual within easy reach for future reference.
To make it easier for you to understand and revisit certain sections in this man­ual, we have used symbols to identify important instructions and information. The meaning of these symbols is explained below:
This signal word indicates that there is a high risk of danger that will result in electrocution or serious injury if not avoided.
This signal word indicates a medium risk of danger that can lead to death or serious injury if not avoided.
This signal word indicates a low level risk that can result in minor or moderate injury or damage to property if not avoided.
This symbol denotes information intended to assist the user in making optimum use of the product.
This manual has been compiled with great care. It might nevertheless contain errors and mistakes. Bender cannot accept any liability for injury to persons or damage to property resulting from errors or mistakes in this manual.
Important information

1.2 Technical support: service and support

For commissioning and troubleshooting Bender offers you:

1.2.1 First level support

Technical support by phone or e-mail for all Bender products
 Questions concerning specific customer applications  Commissioning  Troubleshooting
Telephone: +49 6401 807-760* Fax: +49 6401 807-259
In Germany only: 0700BenderHelp (Tel. and Fax) E-mail:

1.2.2 Repair service

Repair, calibration, update and replacement service for Bender products
 Repairing, calibrating, testing and analysing Bender products  Hardware and software update for Bender devices  Delivery of replacement devices in the event of faulty or incorrectly
delivered Bender devices
 Extended guarantee for Bender devices, which includes an in-house
repair service or replacement devices at no extra cost
Telephone: +49 6401 807-780** (technical issues)
+49 6401 807-784**, -785** (sales)
Fax: +49 6401 807-789 E-mail:
Please send the devices for repair to the following address:
Bender GmbH, Repair-Service, Londorfer Str. 65, 35305 Grünberg
Important information

1.2.3 Field service

On-site service for all Bender products
 Commissioning, configuring, maintenance, troubleshooting of Bender
 Analysis of the electrical installation in the building (power quality test,
EMC test, thermography)
 Training courses for customers
Telephone: +49 6401 807-752**, -762 **(technical issues)
Fax: +49 6401 807-759 E-mail: Internet:
*Available from 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. 365 days a year (CET/UTC+1) **Mo-Thu 7.00 a.m. - 8.00 p.m., Fr 7.00 a.m. - 13.00 p.m
+49 6401 807-753** (sales)
Important information

1.3 Training courses

Bender is happy to provide training regarding the use of test equipment. The dates of training courses and workshops can be found on the Internet at -> Know-how -> Seminars.

1.4 Delivery conditions

Bender sale and delivery conditions apply. For software products the "Softwareklausel zur Überlassung von Standard­Software als Teil von Lieferungen, Ergänzung und Änderung der Allgemeinen Lieferbedingungen für Erzeugnisse und Leistungen der Elektroindustrie" (software clause in respect of the licensing of standard software as part of de­liveries, modifications and changes to general delivery conditions for prod­ucts and services in the electrical industry) set out by the ZVEI (Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e. V.) (German Electrical and Electron­ic Manufacturer's Association) also applies. Sale and delivery conditions can be obtained from Bender in printed or elec­tronic format.

1.5 Inspection, transport and storage

Inspect the dispatch and equipment packaging for damage, and compare the contents of the package with the delivery documents. In the event of damage in transit, please contact Bender immediately. The devices must only be stored in areas where they are protected from dust, damp, and spray and dripping water, and in which the specified storage tem­peratures can be ensured.
Important information

1.6 Warranty and liability

Warranty and liability claims in the event of injury to persons or damage to property are excluded if they can be attributed to one or more of the follow­ing causes:
 Improper use of the device.  Incorrect mounting, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the
 Failure to observe the instructions in this operating manual regarding
transport, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the device.
 Unauthorised changes to the device made by parties other than the
 Non-observance of technical data.  Repairs carried out incorrectly and the use of replacement parts or
accessories not approved by the manufacturer.
 Catastrophes caused by external influences and force majeure.  Mounting and installation with device combinations not recom-
mended by the manufacturer. This operating manual, especially the safety instructions, must be observed by all personnel working on the device. Furthermore,
the rules and regulations that apply for accident prevention at the place of use must be observed.
Important information

1.7 Disposal

Abide by the national regulations and laws governing the disposal of this de­vice. Ask your supplier if you are not sure how to dispose of the old equip­ment. The directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE directive) and the directive on the restriction of certain hazardous substances in electri­cal and electronic equipment (RoHS directive) apply in the European Commu­nity. In Germany, these policies are implemented through the "Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act" (ElektroG). According to this, the following applies:
 Electrical and electronic equipment are not part of household waste.  Batteries and accumulators are not part of household waste and must
be disposed of in accordance with the regulations.
 Old electrical and electronic equipment from users other than private
households which was introduced to the market after 13 August 2005 must be taken back by the manufacturer and disposed of properly.
For more information on the disposal of Bender devices, refer to our homepage at -> Service & support.

2. Safety instructions

2.1 General safety instructions

Part of the device documentation in addition to this manual is the enclosed "Safety instructions for Bender products".

2.2 Work activities on electrical installations

Only qualified personnel are permitted to carry out the work necessary to install, commission and run a device or system.
Risk of electrocution due to electric shock!
Touching live parts of the system carries the risk of:
 An electric shock  Damage to the electrical installation  Destruction of the device
Before installing and connecting the device, make sure
that the installation has been de-energised. Observe the rules for working on electrical installations.
If the device is used outside the Federal Republic of Germany, the applicable local standards and regulations must be complied with. The European stand­ard EN 50110 can be used as a guide.
Safety instructions

2.3 Intended use

The RCMS460 or RCMS490 residual current monitor is designed for measuring residual and operating currents TT and TN-S systems (measuring range see "Chapter 8.3 Technical data", paragraph "measuring circuit"). Alternatively, di­gital inputs can be scanned and evaluated. The RCMS system consi sts of one or m ore RCMS460- D/-L or RCMS490-D/-L re­sidual current monitors, which are able to detect and evaluate fault, residual and operating currents in earthed power supplies via the related measuring current transformers. The maximum voltage of the system to be monitored depends on the nominal insulation voltage of the measuring current transfor­mer used in the case of busbar systems, resp. depend on the cables or conduc­tors that are routed through.
To measure AC/DC sensitive residual currents (according to IEC/TR 60755: Type B) closed WAB series measuring current transformers are required. Six WAB series measuring current transformers require one AN420 or AN110 power supply unit. For alternating and pulsating currents (according to IEC/TR 60755: Type A W (closed), WR (rectangular), WS (split-core) and WF… (flexible) series measuring current transformers are used.
Any combination of the various measuring current transformer series can be connected to the evaluator measuring channels. Each RCMS460-D/-L and RCMS490-D/-L has 12 measuring channels. Up to 90 residual current monitors can be connected via a BMS bus (RS-485 interface with BMS protocol), thereby up to 1080 measuring channels (sub-circuits) can be monitored. If this product is used for personnel protection, fire or plant protection, the fre­quency response can be set accordingly. The measured currents can be analysed for harmonics. The THF can be determined too (THF =
otal Harmonic Factor).
The product must be adapted to local equipment and operating conditions by making individual parameter settings, in order to meet the requirements of applicable standards and to attain the protection goals.
Safety instructions
In order to meet the requirements of the applicable stan dards, customised pa­rameter settings must be made on the equipment in order to adapt it to local equipment and operating conditions. Please heed the limits of the range of application indicated in the technical data.
Any use other than that described in this manual is regarded as improper.
Safety instructions

3. System description

In buildings and industrial installations, a fault or failure of the power supply involves high costs. In installations which require a high fault tolerance and good safety, an RCMS system should constantly monitor the TN-S system for insulation deterioration to ensure that the system is "clean" and electromag­netically compatible.

3.1 Typical applications

 Measuring and evaluating residual, fault and rated currents of loads
and installations in the frequency range of 0…2000 Hz (W…, WR…,
WS…, WF… series measuring current transformers, 42…2000 Hz (W…,
WR…, WS…, WF… series measuring current transformers) (measuring
range see "Chapter 8.3 Technical data").
 Monitoring of currents which can cause fires in flammable atmos-
 EMC monitoring of TN-S systems for "stray currents" and additional N-
PE connections.
 Monitoring of N conductors for overload caused by harmonics  Monitoring of PE and equipotentional bonding conductors to ensure
they are free of current.
 Residual current monitoring of stationary electrical equipment and sys-
tems to determine test intervals which meet practical requirements in
compliance with the accident prevention regulations BGV A3 (Ger-
 Personnel protection and protection against fire by rapid disconnec-
 Monitoring of digital inputs.
System description

3.2 Description of function

The currents are detected and evaluated as true r.m.s. value s in the fr equenc y range of 0 (42)…2000 Hz. All channels are scanned simultaneously so that the maximum scanning time for all channels is ≤180 ms if 1 x the response value is exceeded and ≤ 30 ms if 5 x the response value is exceeded. The latest current values of all channels are shown on the LC display in bar graph format. If one of the two set response values is exceeded, the response delay t
begins. Once the response delay has elapsed, the common alarm re-
lays "K1/K2" switch and the alarm LEDs 1/2 light up. Two response values/common alarm relays, which can be set separately, al­low a distinction to be made between prewarning and alarm. The faulty chan­nel(s) and the associated measured value are indicated on the LC display. If the current falls below the release value (response value plus hysteresis), the release delay "toff“ t mon alarm relays switch back to their initial state. If the fault memory is enabled, the common alarm relays remain in the alarm state until the reset button is pressed or a reset command is sent via the BMS bus. The device function can be tested using the test button. Parameters are assigned to the device via the LC display and the control buttons on the front panel of one of the connected RCMS…-D devices or via connected panels, Ethernet gateways (z. B. COM460IP) and Condition Monitors (z. B. COMTRAXX CP700). With the adjustable preset function the response values can set for all channels taking the latest measured value for each channel into account.
Digital input
Each individual channel can be used for one of the following monitoring func­tions:
– As digital input using a potential-free contact 1/0 – Or for current or residual current monitoring in combination with
measuring current transformers.
begins. When the release delay has elapsed, the com-
System description
History memory in RCMS460-D, RCMS490-D
The device utilises a history memory for failsafe storing of up to 300 data re­cords (date, time, channel, event code, measured value), so that all data about an outgoing circuit or an area can be traced back at any time (what happened when).
Analysis of harmonics
The analysis of the harmonics of the measured currents can be selected via a menu item in RCMS460-D, RCMS490-D. There, the DC component, the THF and the current value of the harmonics (1…40 at 50/60 Hz, 1…5 at 400 Hz) is displayed numerically and graphically.

3.3 Device variants

RCMS residual current monitoring systems differ depending on the residual cur­rent monitor version used, RCMS460… or RCMS490….
Device version RCMS460-D utilises a backlit graphical display. This version is used for local display of detailed information about all devices connected to the bus in the control cabinet. This device can be used to parameterise all RCMS de­vices connected to the BMS bus and to display all measurement details. Several RCMS-D devices can be used within one system.
Device version RCMS460-L utilises a two-digit 7-segment display where the address of this device is displayed within the BMS bus. The alarm LEDs indicate in which measuring channel the response value has been exceeded. Parameters can be set via an RCMS…D, an tion Monitor (z. B. COMTRAXX CP700).
Ethernet gateway (z. B. COM460IP) or a Condi-
The function of the device versions RCMS490-D/RCMS490-L corresponds to the function described above. In addition, a galvanically isolated alarm con­tact (N/O contact) is available, e.g. for triggering a circuit breaker in this sub­circuit when a response value is exceeded.
System description
The function of device version RCMS…-D4/RCMS…-L4 corresponds to the function described before. The functions of measuring channels k9 … k12 vary from those described before. They are exclusively designed for current measurements with type A measuring current transformers (measuring ran­ge 100 mA … 125 A). For that reason, the measuring channels k9…k12 cannot be used in c ombi nat ion w ith W…AB ser ies measuring current transformers or as digital inputs.
Choice of RCMS and measuring channels

4. Installation and connection

4.1 Unpacking

 Unpack all the parts supplied with the system. Avoid sharp-edged tools
that may damage the content of the packaging.
 Compare
received all products in full. The article numbers and type designation
printed on the nameplates provides an easy means of uniquely identifying
each device.
 Check all parts supplied for any evidence of damage in transit. Equip-
ment damaged in transit must not be used. If a device has sustained
damage, please contact Bender. Details of who to contact are indicated
on the delivery documents.
 When storing the devices in a cold environment as it is in winter, note
the following: Leave the devices to stand for 3 to 4 hours at room tem-
perature before connecting the power supply. When the devices are
moved from a cold to a warm environment, condensation will be evi-
dent on all parts. Putting damp devices into operation can result in
damage to electrical components and electric shock in case of contact.
your order with our delivery note to check that you have
Installation and connection

4.2 Fuses, max. voltage, cable lengths

 Equip the supply voltage of all system components with fuses.
IEC 60364-4-473 requires protective devices to be used to protect the component in the event of a short circuit. We recommend the use of 6 A fuses.
 When using busbar systems, please note: The maximum voltage of the
system being monitored must not exceed the nominal insulation volt­age of the measuring current transformers used in the RCMS system.
 Select the cables and cable lengths according to the technical data on
page 86ff. If you use cables that are longer than those specified here, Bender cannot guarantee that the equipment will function safely.
 For UL application:
– Use at least 60/70 °C copper lines!

4.3 Installation instructions

Danger of electric shock!
Before fitting the device and prior to working on the device connections, make sure that the power supply has been disconnected and the system is dead. Furthermore, the electrical installation may sustain damage and the device be destroyed beyond repair.
The devices are suitable for the following installation methods:
 Distribution panels according to DIN 43871 or  DIN rail mounting according to IEC 60715 or  Screw mounting using M4 screws.
Mount the measuring current transformers in accordance with the notes in the "Transformer installation“ technical information. When connecting the measu­ring current transformers, it is essential that you observe the maximum cable lengths, the conductor cross section and that you use shielded cables.
Installation and connection

4.3.1 Dimension diagram RCMS460-…

4.3.2 Dimension diagram RCMS490-…

Dimensions in mm

4.4 Connection

4.4.1 Wiring diagram RCMS460-…

Installation and connection
Installation and connection
Legend to wiring diagram RCMS460-…
A1, A2 Connection of supply voltage US (see ordering informa-
tion):we recommend the use of 6 A fuses.
k1, l … k12, l
A, B BMS bus (RS-485 interface with BMS protocol)
R, T/R External reset button (N/O contact). The external reset but-
T, T/R External test button (N/O contact). The external test buttons
C11, C12, C14
C21, C22, C24
CT Measuring current transformers (W…, WR…, WS…, WF…,
Connection to measuring current transformers CT1…CT12. Either type A (W…, WR…, WS…, WF… series) or type B (W…AB series) measuring current transformers can be selec­ted for each measuring channel. When using up to six type B measuring current transformers, an AN420-2 or AN110 power supply unit is required (for connections see page 29). The channels k9…k12 of the device versions RCMS460-D4/­L4 require the connection of type A measuring current transformers.
tons of several devices must not be connected to one ano­ther.
of several devices must not be connected to one another.
Common alarm relay K1: Alarm 1, common message for alarm, prewarning, device error.
Common alarm relay K2: ALARM 2, common message for alarm, prewarning, device error.
Activate or deactivate the terminating resistor of the BMS bus (120 Ω).
W…AB series)

4.4.2 Wiring diagram RCMS490-…

Installation and connection
Installation and connection
Legend to wiring diagram RCMS490-…
A1, A2 Connection of supply voltage US (see ordering information),
we recommend a 6 A fuse
k1, l … k12, l
A, B BMS bus (RS-485 interface with BMS protocol)
R, T/R External reset button (N/O contact). The external reset but-
T, T/R External test button (N/O contact). The external test buttons
C11, C12, C14
C21, C22, C24
11, 14 … 121, 124
CT Measuring current transformers (W…, WR…, WS…, WF…,
Connection to measuring current transformers CT1…CT12. Either type A (W…, WR…, WS…, WF… series) or type B (W…AB series) measuring current transformers can be selec­ted for each measuring channel. When using up to six type B measuring current transformers, an AN420-2 or AN110 power supply unit is required (for connections see page 29). The channels k9…k12 of the device versions RCMS490-D4/­L4 require the connection of type A measuring current trans­formers.
tons of several devices must not be connected to one ano­ther.
of several devices must not be connected to one another.
Common alarm relay K1: Alarm 1, common message for alarm, prewarning, device error.
Common alarm relay K2: Alarm 2, common message for alarm, prewarning, device error.
Activate or deactivate the terminating resistor of the BMS bus (120 Ω )
Alarm relay per channel: One N/O contact per measuring channel (e.g. N/O contacts 11,14 for channel 1).
W…AB series)
Installation and connection

4.4.3 Connection of W…, WR…, WS… series measuring current transformers

Example: Connection W… series measuring current transformers
The terminals 1/2 as well as the terminals 3/4 are bridged internally. The connections k and l at the residual current monitor must not be interchanged.
Installation and connection

4.4.4 Connection W…AB series measuring current transformers (AC/DC current sensitive)

(not for W20AB)
The connections k and l at the residual current monitor must not be interchanged.
Installation and connection
Legend to W…AB series measuring current transformer connection
W…AB AC/DC sensitive W…AB series measuring current transfor-
mers. Always adapt the measuring current transformers to the maximum response value I(dn) (see wiring diagram).
WXS… Prefabricated connecting cable.
Colour code:
kyellow l green 12 V black GND brown + 12 V red
AN420 Power supply unit for supplying up to six W…AB series
measuring current transformers. Alternatively, an AN110 power supply unit can also be used.
Only if these notes are observed will you obtain a true measurement result.
 You must ensure that all live conductors are routed
through the measuring current transformer.
 Do not use shielded conductors.  Do not route any PE conductors through the meas-
uring current transformer!
 Commercial measuring current transformers are
not suitable for direct connection to the RCMS460/ RCMS490 systems and must not be used.
Additional information is available in our "Transformer installation" manual.
+ 74 hidden pages