Bender LIM2010 Installation Bulletin / Reference Manual

This document is intended as a reference guide to installing and setting a BENDER LIM2010 Line Isola­tion Monitor. This document includes installation instructions and typical front plate display indica­tions of the device. For complete details, including installation, setup, settings, and troubleshooting, refer to the LIM2010 user manual.
Installation Bulletin / Reference Guide
The front plate provides four holes with a diameter of 1/8” (3.2 mm) for screw mounting. Use the four (4) provided screws for mounting. Use minimum 2.6 lb-in (0.3 N-m), maximum 3.5 lb­in (0.4 N-m) torque. Before mounting, plug the connector plate into the LIM. Refer to Figures 1 and 2 for dimensions, listed in inches (mm).
2.4” (62)
7” (177)
6.5” (164)
3.1” (79.5)
4” (101.5)
4.4” (112)
5.3” (134.5)
Figure 1 - LIM2010 dimensions, front view Figure 2 - LIM2010 dimensions, rear isometric view
The LIM2010 connects to a connector plate assembly. Use the proper wiring diagram to con­nect to the assembly. Before mounting the LIM, plug the connector plate into the LIM.
Connector Plate
Actual cable length for connector cables is 20” (50.8 cm). Both plugs are connected to LIM2010. Connector plate must only be installed in a grounded, metallic enclosure.
Figure 3 - Connecting connector plate plugs to LIM2010
Figure 4 shows wiring the connector plate for basic in­stallation with no accessories. If other equipment is to be installed, such as remote indicators, fault location, or load monitoring, or for more information on the con­nector plate and installation, refer to the LIM2010 user manual. Connector plate L1 and L2 connect to the main lines of the system, on the secondary of the isolation trans­former. Connector plate LIMGND and GND2 are sepa- rate connections to the system ground.
• Disconnect all power before servicing.
• Reference NFPA 99 / CSA Z32 for Installation Standard.
Figure 5 - CP-LIM2010 connector plate
Connector plate terminals
Type Description
L1, L2 Connected to secondary of isolation transformer
12 VDC Com. Common connection for remote indicators
A, B RS-485 communication interface
RI1 Test button source for remote indicators
K1/NC Alarm relay K1, N/C
K1/Common Alarm relay K1, common
K1/NO Alarm relay K1, N/O
SAFE "SAFE" light connection for remote indicators
HAZARD "HAZARD" light connection for remote indicators
RI2 Local and system muting from LIM and remote indicators
GND2, LIM GND Separate ground connections
TEST Connection for remote test
Z1/M+, Z2/M- Connection for overtemperature sensor or analog meter
Figure 4 - LIM2010 connector plate wiring - basic installation with no accessories
K2/Common Alarm relay K2, common
K2/NC Alarm relay K2, N/C
K2/NO Alarm relay K2, N/O
Document NAE2028421 07.2016 © Bender Inc. Page 1/1 Side 1/2Bender Inc. USA: 800.356.4266 / 610.383.9200 / Canada: 800.243.2438 / 905.602.9990 /
Installation Bulletin / Reference Guide
Front Panel Display - Normal Condition
3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 4 - LIM2010 in the normal condition
1. HAZARD LED (red): Not illuminated.
2. SAFE LED (green): Illuminated. Will be in the normal condition when the dis­played Total Hazard Current is below the set response value (2 mA or 5 mA).
3. Trip value indication light (yellow): Indicates that the 2 mA trip level has been activated.
4. Trip value indication light (yellow): Indicates that the 5 mA trip level has been activated.
5. LED bar graph: In a normal condition, only the green bars are illuminated.
6. Seven-segment display of Total Hazard Current: Green in color for the normal condition.
7. MUTE button / ESC key: To go to a high-
8. MUTE LED: Not illuminated in the nor-
9. TEST button: Activates self-test. / UP
10. DOWN key: Moves down in the menu
11. MENU key: Enters the main menu. /
12. Digital display: Reads SAFE in the nor-
er level in the built-in menu.
mal condition.
key: To move up in the menu and to in­crease values.
and to decrease values.
ENTER key: To confirm entries.
mal condition. Also displays menu op­tions when in the device‘s menu.
Navigating the Main Menu
Accessing the main menu
Hold the “MENU” button for at least one second. The device will enter into menu mode. The rst item in the menu, “VALUES,” will appear. The number “1” will ash.
Entering the password prior to menu navigation
Many submenu options may be password protected. Passwords are entered as three digit numbers. The default password is 807. When applicable, follow the below procedure to enter the password:
1. A ashing number illustrates which number is currently in focus.
2. Use the UP/DOWN arrow key to select the correct number.
3. Conrm with the ENTER button.
4. Repeat for the next numbers until the last number is conrmed.
5. Settings may now be modied until the menu is exited. Reentering the menu will require a reentry of the password.
When a parameter is changed and conrmed with the enter key, the change will have an im­mediate eect. The LIM2010 will continue to operate while settings are modied.
Exiting the menu
Press the ESC key to return to the last step in the menu. Repeat this step until the display has returned to the main screen. If the LIM2010 is idle in the menu for 5 minutes, the device will automatically return to the main screen.
Menu structure
Refer to the LIM2010 user manual for a complete diagram of the LIM2010 menu.
Initializing The Clock (Message Code 8.80)
The LIM2010 utilizes date/time stamping. When initially energized, use the menu diagram be­low to set the date and time. If message code 8.80 appears on the LIM2010, setting the time and date will clear this alarm automatically.
Front Panel Display - Alarm Condition
3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 5 - LIM2010 in the alarm condition
1. HAZARD LED (red): Flashes red.
2. SAFE LED (green): Not illuminated.
3. Trip value indication light (yellow): Indicates that the 2 mA trip level has been activated.
4. Trip value indication light (yellow): Indicates that the 5 mA trip level has been activated.
5. LED bar graph: In the alarm condition, the red bars will be illuminated.
6. Seven-segment display of Total Hazard Current: Red in color for the alarm con­dition.
7. MUTE button / ESC key: To go to a high­er level in the built-in menu.
8. MUTE LED: When in the alarm condi­tion, will be illuminated yellow after the MUTE button has been pressed.
9. TEST button: Activates self-test. / UP key: To move up in the menu and to in­crease values.
10. DOWN key: Moves down in the menu and to decrease values.
11. MENU key: Enters the main menu. / ENTER key: To confirm entries.
12. Digital display: Reads HAZARD in the alarm condition.
MENU Level 1
4. SETTING 7. Clock Tm
MENU Level 2
Dy 12/23 Date: month/day
Yr 2011 Year
DST auto
Figure 6 - Menu structure for changing date and time
Level 3
10.34 A
Time: am/pm
Daylight saving time: auto/o (North America time zones only)
Document NAE2028421 07.2016 © Bender Inc. Page 1/1 Side 2/2Bender Inc. USA: 800.356.4266 / 610.383.9200 / Canada: 800.243.2438 / 905.602.9990 /