Insulation monitoring device
for unearthed AC systems
(IT systems) up to AC 5 kV
iso1685FR: Software version D0407 V1.1x
iso1685FRM with analogue output: Software version D0563 V1.0x
1. Important information ........................................................................................................................... 7
1.1How to use this manual ................................................................................................................................................ 7
1.2Technical support ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2.1First level support ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2.2Repair service .................................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2.3Field service ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2Work activities on electrical installations ............................................................................................................. 11
2.3Device specific safety information .......................................................................................................................... 12
2.4Address setting and termination ............................................................................................................................. 13
2.5Intended use ................................................................................................................................................................... 13
3. Function ................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.2.2Particularities of the ISOMETER® iso1685FRM .................................................................................................... 15
3.3.3Assignment of the alarm relays K1, K2, K3 ........................................................................................................... 17
3.3.4Measured value transmission ................................................................................................................................... 17
3.5Self test .............................................................................................................................................................................. 18
3.5.1Self test after connection to the supply voltage ................................................................................................ 18
3.5.2Continuous self test during operation .................................................................................................................. 18
4.3Display and operating elements ............................................................................................................................. 21
4.3.1Operating elements ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
4.3.2Melde-LEDs auf dem Gehäuseoberteil .................................................................................................................. 22
5. Installation, connection and commissioning ................................................................................... 23
5.3.1Commissioning of the ISOMETER® iso1685FR .................................................................................................... 29
5.3.2Commissioning of the ISOMETER® iso1685FRM ................................................................................................ 30
6. Device communication ......................................................................................................................... 31
6.1Device communication via the BMS bus .............................................................................................................. 31
6.1.1RS-485 interface with BMS protocol ....................................................................................................................... 31
6.1.2Topology of the RS-485 network ............................................................................................................................. 32
6.1.9Starting the firmware update via the BMS bus .................................................................................................. 36
6.2Device communication with Modbus RTU .......................................................................................................... 36
7. Parameterization via the BMS bus ..................................................................................................... 37
7.2 Parameterization of the installation parameter Re-Anlage and Ce-Anlage ........................................... 39
7.2.1General information ..................................................................................................................................................... 39
7.2.2Parameterization with the iso1685FR-Set tool ................................................................................................... 39
8. Diagram for the calculation of Ze ....................................................................................................... 41
9. Information about the measuring method ......................................................................................43
10. Technical data ...................................................................................................................................... 45
10.1Tabular data .................................................................................................................................................................... 45
10.3Standards and certifications ...................................................................................................................................... 48
This manual is intended for qualified personnel working in electrical engineering and
Always keep this manual within easy reach for future reference.
To make it easier for you to understand and revisit certain sections in this manual, we have used symbols to
identify important instructions and information. The meaning of these symbols is explained below:
This signal word indicates that there is a high risk of danger that will result in electrocution
or serious injury if not avoided.
This signal word indicates a medium risk of danger that can lead to death or serious injury
if not avoided.
This signal word indicates a low level risk that can result in minor ormoderate injury or
damage to property if not avoided.
This symbol denotes information intended to assist the user in making optimum use of the
This operating manual describes the iso1685FR ISOMETER® series, which consists of the iso1685FR and
iso1685FRM devices.
Important information
1.2Technical support
For commissioning and troubleshooting Bender offers you:
1.2.1 First level support
Technical support by phone or e-mail for all Bender products
•Questions concerning specific customer applications
*Available from 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. 365 days a year (CET/UTC+1)
**Mo-Thu 7.00 a.m. - 8.00 p.m., Fr 7.00 a.m. - 13.00 p.m.
Important information
1.3Training courses
Bender is happy to provide training regarding the use of test equipment.
The dates of training courses and workshops can be found on the Internet at -> Know-how -> Seminars.
1.4Delivery conditions
Bender sale and delivery conditions apply.
For software products, the "Softwareklausel zur Überlassung von Standard-Software als Teil von Lieferungen,
Ergänzung und Änderung der Allgemeinen Lieferbedingungen für Erzeugnisse und Leistungen der Elektroindustrie" (software clause in respect of the licensing of standard software as part of deliveries, modifications and
changes to general delivery conditions for products and services in the electrical industry) set out by the ZVEI
(Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V.) (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers'
Association) also applies. Amending the “General Conditions for the supply of Products and Services of the
Electrical and Electronics Industry” (GL)* Sale and delivery conditions can be obtained from Bender in printed
or electronic format.
The devices must only be stored in areas where they are protected from dust, damp, and spray and dripping
water, and in which the specified storage temperatures can be ensured.
Abide by the national regulations and laws governing the disposal of this device. Ask your supplier if you are
not sure how to dispose of the old equipment.
The directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE directive) and the di-rective on the restriction
of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS directive) apply in the European
Community. In Germany, these po-licies are implemented through the "Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Act" (ElektroG). According to this, the following applies:
•Electrical and electronic equipment are not part of household waste.
•Batteries and accumulators are not part of household waste and must be disposed of in accordance
with the regulations.
•Old electrical and electronic equipment from users other than private households which was introduced to the market after 13 August 2005 must be taken back by the manufacturer and disposed of properly.
For more information on the disposal of Bender devices, refer to our homepage at -> Service & support.
Important information
2. Safety instructions
2.1General safety instructions
Part of the device documentation in addition to this manual is the enclosed "Safety instructions for Bender
2.2Work activities on electrical installations
Only qualified personnel are permitted to carry out the work necessary to install, commission and run a device or system.
Risk of electrocution due to electric shock!
Touching live parts of the system carries the risk of:
• An electric shock
• Damage to the electrical installation
• Destruction of the device
Before installing and connecting the device, make sure that the installation has been
de-energised. Observe the rules for working on electrical installations.
If the device is used outside the Federal Republic of Germany, the applicable local standards and regulations
must be complied with. The European standard EN 50110 can be used as a guide.
2.3Device specific safety information
Danger as a result of excessive locating current or excessive locating voltage!
An excessive locating current of the internal locating current injector may damage sensitive
loads (e.g. control circuits) or trigger unwanted switching operations. Select a low locating
current for these systems. In case of doubt, please contact our service department (refer to
"chapter 1.2 Technical support").
Risk of electric shock!
When opening the device, you may come into contact with live parts. Switch off the mains
voltage before opening the device!
Make sure that the basic settings meet the requirements of the IT system. Persons without the
required expertise, in particular children, must not have access to or contact with the
Make sure that the operating voltage is correct!
Prior to insulation and voltage tests, the ISOMETER® must be disconnected from the IT system
for the duration of the test. In order to check the correct connection of the device, a functional
test has to be carried out before starting the system.
Safety instructions
In the event of an alarm message of the ISOMETER®, the insulation fault should be eliminated
as quickly as possible.
If the ISOMETER® is installed inside a control cabinet, the insulation fault message must be audible and/or visible to attract attention.
When using ISOMETER®s in IT systems, make sure that only one active ISO-METER® is connected in each interconnected system. If IT systems are interconnected via coupling switches, make sure that ISOMETER®s not currently used are disconnected from the IT system and
deactivated. IT systems coupled via diodes or capacitances may also influence the insulation
monitoring process so that a central control of the different ISOMETER®s is required.
Prevent measurement errors!
When a monitored IT system contains galvanically coupled DC circuits, an insulation fault
can only be detected correctly if the rectifier valves (e.g. rectifier diode, thyristors, IGBTs, frequency inverters, …) carry a minimum current of > 10mA.
Safety instructions
Unspecified frequency range!
When connecting to an IT system with frequency components below the specified frequency
range, the response times and response values may differ from the indicated technical data.
However, depending on the application and the selected measurement method, continuous
insulation monitoring is also possible in this frequency range.
There is no influence on the insulation monitoring for IT systems with frequency components
above the specified frequency range, e.g. within the range of typical switching frequencies of
frequency inverters (2…20 kHz).
2.4Address setting and termination
Correct address setting and termination is essential for proper functioning of the device.
Risk of bus errors!
Double assignment of addresses on the respective BMS or CAN busses can cause serious malfunctions.
Ensure correct address setting and termination of the device!
2.5Intended use
Only qualified personnel are permitted to carry out the work necessary to install, commission and run a device or system.
The device is used for the insulation monitoring of IT (i.e. unearthed) systems which need very fast signaling or
disconnection and a small leakage capacitance .
The measuring method, especially developed to provide a quick-release solution, monitors the impedance to
ground even in thyristor-controlled systems where the mains voltage is not purely sinusoidal.
Intended use also implies:
•The observation of all information in the operating manual
•Compliance with test intervals
In order to meet the requirements of applicable standards, customised parameter settings must be made on
the equipment in order to adapt it to local equipment and operating conditions. Please heed the limits of the
range of application indicated in the technical data.
Any use other than that described in this manual is regarded as improper.
Safety instructions
3. Function
•Insulation monitoring of AC and 3(N)AC systems with low leakage capacitance (< 200 nF)
•Fast tripping due to the patented SSCP (Synchronous Sine Correlation Principle) measuring method:
Notification of an insulation fault or shutdown within 150 ms
•Measuring the impedance between the system and earth (detection of ohmic and capacitive insulation
•Response value Zan: 10 k…1000 k
•Configurable interference detection for the active method (Interference level, consecutive number of
disturbed measurement periods) with the possibility of triggering a device fault in the event of continuous interference
•Measuring the neutral point shift to earth (UN-PE)
•Visual signalling of alarms, or connection or device errors via LEDs
•2 redundant signaling relays for the notification of insulation faults
•Connection monitoring of L1/+, L2/–
•Monitoring of the earth connections E/KE
•Self test at device start with automatic notification in the event of a fault
•iso1685FR: RS-485 interface (BMS bus) to output measured values and for configuration
•iso1685FRM: RS-485 interface (BMS bus and Modbus RTU; switched using the DIP switch)
The BMS bus is used to output measured values and to configure the device.
Modbus RTU is used to communicate with the Modbus-analogue converter M-7024. By means of the
converter, the iso1685FRM provides an analogue output.
•µSD card with data logger and history memory for alarms
•Protection against unauthorized or accidental parameter changes
3.2Product description
3.2.1 General product description
The ISOMETER® iso1685FR… is an insulation monitoring device for IT systems in accordance with IEC 61557-8.
It is applicable for use in AC systems.
3.2.2 Particularities of the ISOMETER® iso1685FRM
The only difference between the ISOMETER® iso1685FRM and the ISOMETER® iso1685FR is the following:
By means of the Modbus-analogue converter M-7024, the ISOMETER® iso1685FRM provides an analogue output. Communication takes place via Modbus RTU. The DIP switch can be used to switch between the BMS and
Modbus protocol.
Further information is available in the following chapter:
•Connection: "chapter 5.2.3 Anschlussplan mit Modbus RTU (ISOMETER® iso1685FRM)" und
"chapter 5.2.5 Step-by-step connection of the iso1685FRM ISOMETER®"
•Commissioning: "chapter 5.3.2 Commissioning of the ISOMETER® iso1685FRM"
•Modbus RTU protocol: "chapter 6.2 Device communication with Modbus RTU"
3.3Functional description
Insulation monitoring is carried out using an active measuring signal which is superimposed onto the IT system
to earth via the integrated coupling.
If the impedance value Z
LEDs ALARM 1 and ALARM 2 light up and the Alarm relays K1 and K2 are switched.
In addition to the active method, an optional passive method can be activated which monitors the imbalance
of the IT network by measuring the voltage between the neutral point and earth of the IT network. If the voltage
between the neutral point and earth exceeds the set response value Uan, the Alarm LEDs ALARM 1 and
ALARM 2 light up and the Alarm relays K1 and K2 are switched.
Both measuring methods (active and passive) act in parallel to the alarm relays K1 und K2.
The integrated µSD card is used as data logger for storing all relevant events.
The following measured values, statuses and alarms are stored during operation:
•Impedance Z
•Insulation fault R
•Voltage between the neutral point and earth
•System frequency
•Insulation fault
•Connection fault
•Device fault
Following each start-up, a new log file is generated. If the current file size exceeds 10 MByte during operation,
a new file is generated. The file name contains the time and date of when the file was created. The typical time
needed until the maximum file size is reached is approximately 1 day. Hence, a SD card with a memory space
of 2 Gbytes can record data for approx. 800 days. When the maximum data limit is reached on your card, the
oldest file in each case will be overwritten.
If the card cannot be written to despite an inserted SD card, a device error occurs. With this fault, relay K3 (31,
32, 34) is not switched.
If no SD card has been inserted, a device error notification will be sent via the BMS bus.
The generation of the device error notification when the SD card has not been inserted can be activated or
deactivated by means of the DIP switch 7. (See "chapter 4.3 Display and operating elements").
The history memory that is also copied to the µSD card contains all alarms in .csv format.
between the IT system and earth falls below the set response value Zan, the Alarm
between the system and earth
between the system and earth (when the system capacitance has been set)
3.3.1 Insulation monitoring Active method (SSCP)
For insulation monitoring, a sinusoidal AC measuring voltage is superimposed onto the IT system. An insulation
fault between the IT system and earth closes the measuring circuit. If the insulation impedance between the IT
system and earth falls below the set response value Z
22, 24) are switched. Detected insulation faults are signalled to other bus devices via the BMS bus. In addition,
the alarm LEDs Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 light up.
The active method includes configurable interference detection. The sensitivity and duration can be configured
via the parameters "Störgrad" (Interference level) and "Störanzahl" (Number of interferences) respectively until
a device fault is triggered.An interference occurs when the current interference level exceeds the set threshold
(Störgrad, i.e. interference level). If the detected fault remains uninterrupted for a time longer than that set in
the parameter "Störanzahl" (Number of interferences) * half the measuring period (20 ms), then a device fault
, the associated alarm relay K1 (11, 12,14) and K2 (21,
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