Bender COMTRAXX CP700 User Manual



Condition Monitor for the connection of Bender BMS devices and universal measuring devices to TCP/IP networks Software version: V1.8
Bender GmbH & Co. KG
P.O.Box 1161 • 35301 Grünberg • Germany Londorfer Straße 65 • 35305 Grünberg • Germany Tel.: +49 6401 807-0 • Fax: +49 6401 807-259 E-mail: •
Photos: Bender archives and bendersystembau archives.
© Bender GmbH & Co. KG
All rights reserved.
Reprinting only with permission
of the publisher.
Subject to change!
Table of Contents
1. Making effective use of this document ............................................................... 9
1.1 How to use this manual ......................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Quick start ................................................................................................................................... 9
2. Safety instructions ............................................................................................... 11
2.1 Work activities on electrical installations ..................................................................... 11
2.2 Intended use ........................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Address setting and termination .................................................................................... 12
2.4 Delivery conditions, guarantee, warranty and liability ........................................... 12
3. Product description ............................................................................................. 13
3.1 Scope of supply ..................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Device features ...................................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Possible applications ........................................................................................................... 13
3.4 Description of function ....................................................................................................... 14
3.4.1 Interfaces .................................................................................................................................. 14
3.4.2 Process image ........................................................................................................................ 14
3.4.3 CP700-compatible devices ................................................................................................ 14
3.4.4 Functions available via touch screen ............................................................................. 15
3.4.5 Functions available via the web user interface .......................................................... 15
3.5 Software products used ...................................................................................................... 16
4. Installation, connection and commissioning .................................................. 17
4.1 Preliminary considerations ................................................................................................ 17
4.2 Installing the device ............................................................................................................. 17
4.2.1 Essential information on mounting ............................................................................... 17
4.2.2 Type of installation ............................................................................................................... 18
4.2.3 Practice ..................................................................................................................................... 18
4.3 Connection of the device ................................................................................................... 20
4.3.1 Overview of the bus device interfaces .......................................................................... 20
4.3.2 DC 24 V power supply ........................................................................................................ 21
4.3.3 Earthing .................................................................................................................................... 21
4.3.4 BMS bus, Modbus/RTU ........................................................................................................22
4.4 Commissioning ...................................................................................................................... 23
Table of Contents
5. Display and operating elements ....................................................................... 25
5.1 Operating elements at the rear of the device ............................................................. 25
5.1.1 Status LEDs ............................................................................................................................... 26
5.1.2 Battery ....................................................................................................................................... 26
5.1.3 CompactFlash card ............................................................................................................... 26
5.2 Touchscreen ............................................................................................................................ 27
5.3 Operation via touch screen ................................................................................................ 28
5.3.1 Main menu ............................................................................................................................... 28
5.3.2 "Settings" menu ..................................................................................................................... 29 "Interface" menu ............................................................................................................. 29 "Language" menu ........................................................................................................... 31
5.3.3 "Alarms" menu ........................................................................................................................ 32
5.3.4 "Bus overview" menu ........................................................................................................... 32
5.3.5 Displaying the device info for CP700 ............................................................................. 33
5.3.6 Using the functions for Bender PEM… universal measuring devices ............... 33
6. Web user interface of the CP700 ....................................................................... 35
6.1 Menu structure of the web user interface .................................................................... 35
6.2 Browser configuration ......................................................................................................... 37
6.3 Initial operation of the web user interface: .................................................................. 37
6.4 Start page and operating language ................................................................................ 38
6.4.1 Opening the start page ....................................................................................................... 38
6.4.2 Changing the language ....................................................................................................... 38
6.5 Menu bar ................................................................................................................................... 39
6.6 Bus overview and device information ........................................................................... 40
6.6.1 Creating a password protection for CP700 .................................................................. 40
6.6.2 Buttons for the list of bus devices ................................................................................... 42
6.6.3 CP700 on the internal BMS bus ........................................................................................ 43
6.6.4 Querying device information ............................................................................................ 43
6.6.5 Displaying the help text ...................................................................................................... 44
6.6.6 Loading the menu of a bus device .................................................................................. 45
6.6.7 Displaying the settings of a bus device ......................................................................... 45
6.6.8 Creation and further processing of a bus device Back-up/Report ....................... 46 Creating a backup ........................................................................................................... 46 Show the backup ............................................................................................................ 47 Creating a new backup with a comparison of the device parameters ........ 47 Using a backup for parameter setting .................................................................... 48
6.6.9 History memory ...................................................................................................................... 50 Displaying the history memory ................................................................................. 50 Evaluating the history memory ................................................................................. 51
Table of Contents Exporting the history memory .................................................................................. 52 Delete the history memory ......................................................................................... 52 Displaying the history memory of BMS devices ................................................. 52
6.6.10 Data logger .............................................................................................................................. 53 Data logger setting ........................................................................................................ 53 Displaying the data logger ......................................................................................... 53 Evaluating the data logger ......................................................................................... 54 Apply the filter to the graphical representation ................................................. 58 Exporting the data logger ........................................................................................... 58 Deleting the data logger ............................................................................................. 59 Displaying the data logger of BMS devices .......................................................... 59
6.7 Parameter setting for bus devices .................................................................................. 60
6.7.1 Operating elements for parameter setting ................................................................. 60
6.7.2 Setting the parameters for RCMS460-L ......................................................................... 61
6.7.3 Parameter setting of the CP700 using the "Settings" menu ................................. 62
6.8 Entering individual texts ....................................................................................................65
6.8.1 Enter individual texts for an RCMS460-L ...................................................................... 65
6.8.2 Displaying, filtering, exporting and importing individual texts ........................... 67 Displaying individual texts ......................................................................................... 67 Filtering entries ............................................................................................................... 67 Exporting individual texts ........................................................................................... 68
6.8.3 Editing and importing individual texts ......................................................................... 69
6.9 E-mail notification in the event of an alarm ................................................................ 71
6.9.1 Create templates: To whom and when is an e-mail to be sent ............................ 71
6.9.2 Select devices and channels that are to trigger an e-mail notification ............. 74
6.9.3 Displaying an e-mail overview ......................................................................................... 75
6.10 Using the device failure monitoring function ............................................................ 76
6.10.1 Activating/deactivating device failure monitoring function
6.10.2 Displaying overview device failure monitoring
6.11 Alarms ....................................................................................................................................... 80
6.12 Tools ........................................................................................................................................... 81
6.12.1 BMS recording ........................................................................................................................ 82
6.12.2 BMS analyser ........................................................................................................................... 83
6.12.3 BMS Log files ........................................................................................................................... 86
6.12.4 Network parameters ............................................................................................................ 86
6.12.5 Socket state ............................................................................................................................. 87
6.12.6 Software update .................................................................................................................... 88
6.12.7 Software options and licensing ....................................................................................... 90 Identifying activated software options .................................................................. 90
in the bus overview .............................................................................................................. 77
and adding devices ..............................................................................................................78
Table of Contents Acquiring licences for additional software options and loading the licence
file ......................................................................................................................................... 91 Activate acquired software options ......................................................................... 92
6.12.8 Modbus register ..................................................................................................................... 93 Modbus representation of device information .................................................... 93 Modbus representation of a BMS channel ............................................................ 94
6.12.9 Modbus control commands for BMS devices .............................................................. 95
6.12.10Individual texts, device failure monitoring, e-mail configuration ....................... 96
6.13 Visualisation ............................................................................................................................. 97
6.13.1 Create visualisation ............................................................................................................... 97 Creating a new view page ........................................................................................... 99 Adding a link to view pages ..................................................................................... 101 Adding new elements ................................................................................................ 102 Adding a new text line ............................................................................................... 104 Adding a new data logger ........................................................................................ 105
6.13.2 Save, export, import and exit configuration ............................................................. 106 Save and exit configuration ..................................................................................... 106 Export configuration ................................................................................................... 106 Import configuration .................................................................................................. 106
6.13.3 Using the visualisation function .................................................................................... 107
6.13.4 Open the operating manual as PDF file ..................................................................... 109
6.13.5 System visualisation .......................................................................................................... 110 Start system visualisation ......................................................................................... 110 Check the activation of the application memory ............................................. 110 Add new device to system visualisation ............................................................. 111 Change or delete the device .................................................................................... 111 Export system visualisation ...................................................................................... 112 Import system visualisation ..................................................................................... 112 Sort system visualisation ........................................................................................... 112 Use system visualisation ............................................................................................ 113
6.14 Manage Modbus devices ................................................................................................. 114
6.14.1 Adding a new Modbus device ....................................................................................... 114
6.14.2 Delete Modbus device ......................................................................................................115
6.14.3 Editing a Modbus device ................................................................................................. 115
6.14.4 Creating, editing or deleting templates ..................................................................... 115 Add new template ....................................................................................................... 116 Delete template ............................................................................................................ 116 Change template .........................................................................................................116
6.15 Manage virtual devices ..................................................................................................... 117
6.15.1 Adding a new virtual device ........................................................................................... 117
6.15.2 Deleting a virtual device .................................................................................................. 118
Table of Contents
6.15.3 Changing a virtual device ................................................................................................ 118
6.15.4 Setting the channels of a virtual device ...................................................................... 119
7. Data access using the Modbus/TCP protocol ............................................... 121
7.1 Exception code .................................................................................................................... 121
7.2 Modbus requests ................................................................................................................ 121
7.3 Modbus responses .............................................................................................................122
7.4 Structure of an exception code ..................................................................................... 122
7.5 Modbus address structure for BMS devices .............................................................. 122
8. Process image in the memory of the CP700 ................................................. 123
8.1 Data request ......................................................................................................................... 123
8.1.1 Modbus function code ...................................................................................................... 123
8.1.2 How are memory areas organised? .............................................................................. 123
8.2 Memory scheme of the process image ...................................................................... 124
8.2.1 BMS device address assignment within the Modbus ............................................ 124
8.2.2 Memory scheme of an individual BMS device .......................................................... 124
8.2.3 Device type ............................................................................................................................ 126
8.2.4 Timestamp ............................................................................................................................. 126
8.2.5 C = Common alarm and D = Device lost (device failure) ...................................... 126
8.2.6 Channels 1 to 32 with analogue and/or digital values .......................................... 126 Float = Floating point value of the BMS channels ........................................... 127 A&T = Alarm type and test type (internal) .......................................................... 127 R&U = Range and unit ................................................................................................ 128 Channel description .................................................................................................... 129 Channel 33 to 64 .......................................................................................................... 130
8.3 Reference data records of the process image .......................................................... 131
8.3.1 Address assignment of the reference data record .................................................. 131
8.3.2 Reference value on channel 1 ........................................................................................ 131
8.3.3 Reference value on channel 2 ........................................................................................ 132
8.3.4 Explanation of how to access floating point values ............................................... 132
8.4 Channel descriptions for the process image ............................................................ 133
8.5 Modbus control commands for BMS devices ........................................................... 138
9. Monitor for Power quality ................................................................................ 141
9.1 Displaying alarms/measured values ............................................................................ 141
9.2 Triggering alarm messages in the case of events ................................................... 142
9.2.1 Making settings for events .............................................................................................. 142 Creating template for events ................................................................................... 142 Activate template for events .................................................................................... 143
Table of Contents
9.2.2 Acknowledging alarm messages for events ............................................................. 143
9.2.3 Acknowledging alarm messages for events ............................................................. 143
9.3 Displaying a PEM…'s voltages/currents .................................................................... 144
9.4 Displaying the phasor diagram of a PEM… .............................................................. 145
9.5 Displaying harmonics by means of PEM… ............................................................... 146
9.6 Waveform recorder of a PEM575 universal measuring device .......................... 148
9.6.1 Using the waveform recorder ........................................................................................ 148
9.6.2 Setting the waveform recorder ..................................................................................... 152
9.6.3 Setting the trigger event for the waveform recorder ............................................ 153 Setting the trigger event undervoltage/overvoltage (SAG/SWELL) ......... 153 Setting the trigger event transients ...................................................................... 154
9.7 Displaying the power diagram of a PEM… ............................................................... 155
9.7.1 Set the options .................................................................................................................... 156
9.8 Data recorders and high-speed data recorders ....................................................... 157
10. Technical data ................................................................................................... 159
10.1 Data in tabular form ........................................................................................................... 159
10.2 Dimension diagram ...........................................................................................................161
10.3 Control panel cut-out ........................................................................................................ 161
10.4 Standards, approvals, certifications ............................................................................. 162
10.5 Ordering information ........................................................................................................162
10.6 Disposal .................................................................................................................................. 162
11. Troubleshooting .............................................................................................. 163
11.1 Damage in transit ............................................................................................................... 163
11.2 Malfunctions ......................................................................................................................... 163
11.2.1 What should be checked? ............................................................................................... 163
11.2.2 Fault messages with error code .................................................................................... 164
11.2.3 Frequently asked questions ............................................................................................ 164
11.2.4 Where do you get help? ................................................................................................... 164
11.2.5 Battery change ..................................................................................................................... 165
INDEX ......................................................................................................................... 167

1. Making effective use of this document


1.1 How to use this manual

This operating manual will concern qualified experts in electrical engineering and communica­tion technology!
To make it easier for you to understand and revisit certain sections of text and instructions in the manual, we have used symbols to identify important instructions and information. The meaning of these symbols is explained below:
The signal word indicates that there is a high risk danger that will result in elec­trocution or serious injury if not avoided.
This signal word means that there is a medium risk of danger that can lead to death or serious injury, if not avoided.
This signal word indicates a low level risk that can result in minor or moderate injury or damage to property if not avoided.
This symbol denotes information intended to assist the user to make optimum use of the product.

1.2 Quick start

Connection of the CP700
If you are familiar with the installation and connection of electrical devices as well as networking, particularly with Ethernet, you can start right away with the wiring diagram on "Connection of the device" on page 20.
Using the web user interface
You can easily access the CP700 using a standard web browser. For details refer to page 35.
Using the Modbus/TCP functions
Information about this complex field can be found as of page 121.
Making effective use of this document

2. Safety instructions


2.1 Work activities on electrical installations

Risk of fatal injury from electric shock
Any work on electrical installations which is not carried out properly can lead to death and injury!
Only skilled persons are permitted to carry out the work necessary to
install, commission and run a device or system.
Compliance with applicable regulations governing work on electrical installations, and with the
regulations derived from and associated with them, is mandatory. EN 50110 is of particular importance in this regard.
If the device is being used in a location outside the Federal Republic of Germany, the applicable
local standards and regulations must be complied with. European standard EN 50110 can be used as a guide.

2.2 Intended use

The Condition Monitor CP700 connects the following devices to Ethernet TCP/IP networks:
Devices on the Bender internal serial BMS busBender universal measuring devices PEM… to Modbus/RTU or Modbus/TCP.
The CP700 converts alarms, measured values and statuses into Modbus/TCP protocols and HTTP. That allows connection to Modbus/TCP networks as well as visualisation and evaluation using stand­ard web browsers with Silverlight
The CP700 has been designed, developed and produced for normal use in the industrial sector. The CP700 has not been designed for use bearing high risks and dangers, which can result in death, in­jury, serious physical harm or any other loss unless exceptionally high safety measures are ensured. In particular, its application for the monitoring of nuclear reactions in nuclear power stations, moni­toring of flight control systems, for air traffic control, control of means of mass transport, medical life support systems, and weapon system control involve these risks.
The device is only suitable for use in the industrial sector. The emissions of the de­vice may exceed the permissible limits for residential, business or commercial ar­eas or small companies.
The CP700 is not intended for use on smartphones or tablet PCs.
Safety instructions

2.3 Address setting and termination

In order to ensure proper functioning of the Condition Monitor CP700, correct address assignment and termination of the connected bus systems according to their specification is of utmost impor­tance.
Assigning addresses that are already used by existing devices on the bus systems concerned may cause serious malfunctions.
Ensure correct address setting and termination of the CP700.

2.4 Delivery conditions, guarantee, warranty and liability

The conditions of sale and delivery set out by Bender apply. Conditions of sale and delivery can be obtained from Bender in printed or electronic format.
The five year guarantee "5forU" does not include parts subject to wear, such as the touch screen and the battery.

3. Product description

3.1 Scope of supply

You will receive:
The CP700This operating manual as pdf file in the device memory,
accessible via the web user interface under "Tools" > "Manual"
A short operating instructionA pluggable screw clamp for the voltage supplyTwo RS-485 cables for the connection to the BMS bus and the Modbus/RTU, 2 mTwo terminating resistors each for BMS bus and Modbus/RTU (bus termination set)Four mounting brackets for panel mounting

3.2 Device features

Condition Monitor for Bender BMS devices and universal measuring devices 7“ TFT WVGA Colour DisplayAnalogue resistive touch screenSmall mounting depthFanless operationIntegrated gateway to Ethernet (TCP/IP), 10/100/1000 Mbit/sRemote access via LAN, WAN or InternetSupport of devices connected to the internal bus via Modbus/RTU or Modbus/TCPAccess to all devices connected to the BMS bus using the web serverCan be operated on Modbus/RTUHistory memory for 1000 entries12 data loggers, freely configurable with 1000 entries each

3.3 Possible applications

Clearly presented information about the status of devices and systems via 7“ touch screenSpecific system overview according to individual system descriptionDisplay und visualisation of device and system statuses via web browser Selective e-mail notification to various user groups in the event of alarms Support of professional visualisation programsObserving and analysing of compatible Bender products (universal measuring devices, RCMS,
Isometer, EDS systems)
Parameter setting for devices, storing, documentation and restoring of parameters in a clear
and practice-oriented manner
Remote diagnosis, remote maintenance
Product description
Condition Monitor CP700
PEM..3, PEM..5*

3.4 Description of function

3.4.1 Interfaces

The CP700 communicates with the associated devices via three different interfaces:
BMS bus (RS-485) for Bender systems such as EDS46x/49x, RCMS46x/49x and MEDICS. The
CP700 can be operated as master or slave. With the CP700 in master mode, requests can be answered faster. The CP700 can only be operated on the internal BMS bus.
Modbus/RTU (RS-485) CP700 in master mode for Bender universal measuring devices PEM..3
and also PEM..5 with reduced functionality (*).
Modbus/TCP Ethernet) for Bender universal measuring devices PEM..5
The CP700 can usually be integrated into existing LAN structures, but can also be operated on a sin­gle PC via Ethernet/TCP/IP. The CP700 can also be used as master for Bender BMS devices and/or uni­versal measuring devices without being connected to a PC.

3.4.2 Process image

Using the information from communication with the assigned devices, the CP700 creates and saves a process image. This process image contains all alarms, status information and measured values of the associated devices. The CP700 combines the information of three different interfaces and makes it available for:
indication on the integrated touch screenthe operation of a PC via the web user interface the transmission to external visualisation programs or PLCs via Modbus/TCP.
The CP700 provides a uniform user interface for the devices associated via different interfaces (max. 247 devices). In order to be able to identify each individual device, one individual address is available for each device on this interface. BMS and Modbus/RTU devices receive the appropriate address for their interface. A virtual address is assigned to Modbus/TCP devices.

3.4.3 CP700-compatible devices

For an up-to-date list of the Bender BMS devices compatible with CP700 and the universal measuring devices PEM…. refer to:
Product description

3.4.4 Functions available via touch screen

Display of current alarm messages including help texts
Bus overview of the assigned devices. Indication of alarm and measured values. Indication of the interfaces of the devices in use. In case of universal measuring devices, also the indication of the harmonics in tabular form or as a chart. Waveform recorder and graphical representation of meas­uring values (bar graph, phasor diagram, power triangle).
Interface settings with password protectionOperating language, selectable

3.4.5 Functions available via the web user interface

The device utilises an integrated web server which can be used to display data in a convenient way on any PC by means of a web browser and Silverlight In addition, it provides a Modbus/TCP server which converts data of the associated devices for a Modbus client. Also, the CP700 contains an FTP server for file access. Functions available via the web user interface are:
Bus overview of the associated devices (max. 247 devices).
– Indication of alarm and measured values. – Indication of the interfaces of the devices in use. – In case of universal measuring devices, also the indication of the harmonics in tabular form
or as a chart. Waveform recorder and graphical representation of measuring values (bar
graph, phasor diagram, power triangle). – Parameter setting – Device failure monitoring – The "Backup/Report" function saves measured values and settings. Saved settings from pre-
vious configurations can be compared with the current settings made on the CP700. The
saved settings can be reloaded into the CP700. – Assignment of individual texts for devices, measuring points (channels) and alarms. – E-mail notifications to different user groups according to a time controlled schedule in the
event of alarms and system faults. The sender's e-mail address can be entered. – Display of virtual devices. A virtual "measuring point" is obtained by evaluating "real" meas-
ured values of devices connected to the CP700 logically or numerically.
Manage Modbus devices
– Adding/deleting devices to/from the bus overview. – Creating a template with selected measured values
– Fast and simple visualisation without any programming. Measured values or alarms can be
displayed in front of a graphic (system diagram, room plan). – Displaying an overview page. Click to jump to another view. Return to the overview page.
From an external application (e.g. visualisation software) commands can be sent to BMS devices. The "Modbus control commands" menu provides Modbus control commands for selected BMS commands. These commands can be copied to the clipboard of the PC and then included in the programming for external application.
A graphical representation for the CP700 data logger and compatible Bender devices is avail-
able. The time axis can be varied to view different periods.
Product description
System visualisation: Displaying several gateways (COM460IP, CP700) on one website. Display-
ing common alarms of the devices. Clicking on a device being displayed will open its web user interface.
Displaying the CP700 operating manual

3.5 Software products used

MIT license (
– jQuery-Scrollbar –jQuery Timer Plugin – jQuery NiceScroll Plugin – jsmn JSON parser (
FJCore and jqPlot under the MIT license ( AES256 implementation:
– Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Ilya O. Levin, ? – Other contributors: Hal Finney(modified to AES128)
Silk icons. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
[ ]
GPLv2 license (
mongoose web server (
GPL 3 ( 2008 Kishore Nallan for DesignShack
(… (jquery Keyboard (modified))

4. Installation, connection and commissioning

If you are familiar with the configuration of computer networks, you can carry out the connection of the CP700 yourself. Otherwise please contact your EDP

4.1 Preliminary considerations

1. Have all the questions as regards the installation been answered by the technician responsible for the installation?
2. Do you know the BMS address to be set? Can CP700 be operated as the master (BMS address 1)? If apart from the CP700, an alarm indi­cator and test combination MK800 is connected to the internal bus, the CP700 must not have address 1 (Master). You will find more detailed information on the BMS topic, in particular about the wiring of bus devices, in the separate document "BMS bus". You can download the document from the download area of the website
3. Does the computer network comprise a DHCP server? Otherwise, the network data such as the IP address and netmask allocated by the person responsible for the electrical installation have to be set manually.
4. Ask for the IP address of the NTP server, which is required for automatic time setting.
5. Are suitable PC hardware and software available for commissioning? Minimum system requirements: 1.6-GHz prozessor/512 MB RAM/Windows XP/Vista/7/web browser with Microsoft Silverlight System requirements (recommended): Dual-Core processor/1024 MB RAM/ Windows XP/Vista/7/web browser with Microsoft Silverlight
For initial connection, the basic configuration of the CP700 is to be undertaken outside the installa­tion, depending on the specific situation.
(version 5.0 or higher).
(version 5.0 and higher)

4.2 Installing the device

4.2.1 Essential information on mounting

Mounting is to be carried out with suitable equipment and tools according to the documenta-
The device must only be installed by appropriately qualified personnel in de-energised state.
Disconnect the switchboard cabinet from the power supply and protect the system against accidental switch-on.
The general safety conditions as well as the prevailing national accident prevention regulations
are adhered to. Electrical installation is to be carried out according to all applicable local laws (e.g. wire cross section, protection, PE connection).
The climatic conditions must be complied with. The device is only permitted to be used in
enclosed rooms. The device must not be exposed to direct sunlight.
Installation, connection and commissioning
The device must be installed on a flat surface. While tightening the screws, irregularities may
damage the display.
The ventilation holes must not be covered.When installing the device, the permissible mounting positions are to be observed.Take into consideration that the wall or the sheet metal of the switchboard cabinet can hold
four times the total weight of the device.
When connecting the cables it is essential to note the bending radius.The device should be positioned in such a way that it is visible for the user and that reflexions
on the screen are avoided as far as possible.

4.2.2 Type of installation

The CP700 is preferably installed into consoles and control panel doors using the mounting brackets supplied with the device. Strength of the material to be clamped: minimum 2 mm, maximum 6 mm.

4.2.3 Practice

1. Insert the device frontally into the prepared, plane and smooth installation cut-out. The dimen­sions for the installation cut-outs can be found on page 161.
2. Attach the mounting brackets to the CP700. For this purpose, insert all mounting brackets into the slots (marked with orange circles) at the CP700 and slide them down.
Installation, connection and commissioning
3. Fix the mounting brackets to the wall resp. to the sheet metal of the switchboard cabinet by tightening the screws using a large flat-tip screwdriver. A tightening torque of approx. 0.5 Nm is recommended.

4.3 Connection of the device


4.3.1 Overview of the bus device interfaces

Installation, connection and commissioning
Modbus/RTU interface. (cable included in the scope of delivery)
Switch for terminating resistor/bus bias voltage for Modbus/RTU interface.
BMS bus (Bender measuring device interface, cable included in the scope of delivery)
Switch for BMS bus termination/bus bias voltage.
USB interface, is not used
Connection to the supply voltage,
"see chapter "DC 24 V power supply" on page 21 Functional earth, see chapter "Earthing" on page 21
USB interfaces, are not used
Ethernet 10/100/1000, RJ45 socket for connection to a personal computer or to the local
network (hub, switch, router) RS-232 interface, is not used
Details on the items 2 and 4:
"Terminating resistor/bus bias voltage" switch for Modbus/RTU interface:
Communication mode
MASTER left activated on
Switch position
Terminating resistor/
bus bias voltage
"Terminating resistor/bus bias voltage" switch for BMS interface.
Communication mode
MASTER left activated on
Slave right deactivated off
Switch position
Terminating resistor/
bus bias voltage
Installation, connection and commissioning
1 2 3

4.3.2 DC 24 V power supply

The 3-pole plug required for the connection of the power supply is included in the scope of delivery.
The pin assignment is shown in the following table or is printed on the enclosure. The supply voltage is internally protected by a permanently soldered fuse (10 A, fast-acting), so that in case of overload (replacement of the fuse required) or wrong connection of the supply voltage the device will not be damaged. If the fuse is damaged due to a fault, the device has to be returned to Bender for repair.
Pin Description
1 +
2 Functional earth
Recommended power supply units:
Material number/Type
0PS1025.2 B&R DC 24 V power supply unit, 2.5 A,
0PS1020.0 B&R DC 24 V power supply unit, 2 A,
1SVR427044R0200/ CP-D 24/2.5 EAN: 4016779661188
DIN rail mounting/wall mounting
ABB Power supply unit
In: AC 100…240 V Out: DC 24 V/2.5 A,
input AC 100…240 V,
WxHxD: 72 x 90 x 61 mm
input AC 100…240 V,
DIN rail mounting
WxHxD: 45 x 99 x 107 mm
DIN rail mounting
WxHxD: 71 x 91 x 57.5 mm

4.3.3 Earthing

Connect the functional earth (Pin 2) to the earth connection (e.g. switchboard cabinet) using a cable as short as possible. Use the largest possible conductor cross section that is permitted for the supply plug.
In addition, the earthing connection on the rear of the device has to be connected as follows.
Installation, connection and commissioning
15 69
15 69
D- D+D- D+ D- D+
BMS bus
An earthing connection (1) is located at the rear of the CP700 for connection to a central earthing point in the switchboard cabinet or the system where the device is to be installed. The largest possi­ble wire cross section (minimum 2.5 mm²) should be used.

4.3.4 BMS bus, Modbus/RTU

Two connecting cables (RS-485 cable) are included in the scope of delivery. The double cable ends facilitate the connection of the device if it is arranged in the middle of the bus. Both cables have the same pin assignment.
Plug connector
Bridge 4--9
Bridge 1--6
Not connected shield black shield shield
Loose cable ends
A1 white
A2 yellow
B1 brown
B2 green
Core colour
Connection to the BMS bus
Connection to Modbus
Wiring examples
Installation, connection and commissioning

4.4 Commissioning

1. Switch the supply voltage on. - The "Settings" > "Interface" menu appears on the touch screen (for details and factory settings refer to page 29). Click on "Login" enter the settings.
2. Set the IP address. If the connected computer network contains a DHCP server, activate the "DHCP" button. An IP address is automatically assigned and displayed.
If the computer network does not include a DHCP server, the IP address, network mask (SN) and standard gateway must be specified by the EDP administrator. An IP address has been permanently assigned to the device. Therefore, deactivate the "DHCP" button.
3. Set the BMS bus address for the CP700.
4. Set the baud rate and parity for the Modbus/RTU.
5. Set the display timeout. If no entry is made via the touchscreen of the CP700 for a predefined time (e.g. five minutes), the screen is blanked. The touch screen will be activated again when
– a new alarm occurs – the number of alarms changes – the screen is touched
6. Deactivate the "Show at startup" button. The "Settings" > "Interface" menu will no longer be displayed during startup.
7. Confirm the changed settings with "OK". Tap on "Log out" when no more settings are to be changed (not logged in).
Installation, connection and commissioning

5. Display and operating elements


5.1 Operating elements at the rear of the device

LED "Run"
LED "Link"
LED "Power".
"Reset" button,
operation is not required. CP700 starts as soon as supply voltage is applied. When the "Reset" button is pressed, a hardware reset will be initiated. The device restarts (cold
start). A system reset may result in data loss! "Power" button“, operation not required. CP700 starts as soon as supply voltage is applied.
The function of the "Power" button is identical to that of a mains switch of current desktop per­sonal computers: Pressing the button for a short timewill switch the device on resp. will shut the operating system down and switch the device off. Pressing the button for a long timewill switch the device off without shutting down the operat­ing system (Risk of data loss!)
"Mode/Node x16" switch, has no function
"Mode/Node x1" switch, has no function
SD memory card slot, has no function. Must not be used!
CompactFlash Slot. Must not be removed.
Battery, see chapter "Battery" on page 26
Display and operating elements
LED Color Status Meaning LED indicator
On Supply voltage OK
The device has booted, the battery status is "BAD".
For more information, see see " Battery" on page 33.
On The system is in standby mode (S5: soft-off mode or S4: hiber-
nate mode - suspend-to-disk)
Blinking The MTCX is running, the battery status is "BAD". The system
is in standby mode (S5: soft-off mode or S4: hibernate mode ­suspend-to-disk)
Faulty or incomplete BIOS, MTCX or I/O FPGA update, battery status OK, power supply OK
Faulty or incomplete BIOS, MTCX or I/O FPGA update, battery status OK, standby mode (S5: soft-off mode or S4: hibernate mode - suspend-to-disk)
Faulty or incomplete BIOS, MTCX or I/O FPGA update, battery status BAD, power supply OK
Faulty or incomplete BIOS, MTCX or I/O FPGA update, battery status BAD, standby mode (S5: soft-off mode or S4: hibernate mode - suspend-to-disk)
Red / green Blinking
An update must be performed again.
CF Yellow On Indicates IDE drive access (CF)
On Indicates an active SDL connection on the panel plug.
An active SDL connection has been interrupted by a loss of power in the display unit.
Link Yellow
Check the power supply / power connector of the connected display unit.
Green Blinking Automation Runtime booting
Handled by Automation Runtime (ARemb and ARwin).
Green On Application running
Handled by Automation Runtime (ARemb and ARwin).
Red On Application in service mode
Handled by Automation Runtime (ARemb and ARwin).

5.1.1 Status LEDs

For the status LEDs (Power, CF, Link, Run), the following time frame is being used: Box width: 250 ms Interval: 500 ms; Hence, 2 boxes correspond to one interval

5.1.2 Battery

The lithium battery (3 V, 950 mAh) buffers the internal real-time clock (RTC) and is located behind the black cover. The duration of the battery is at least four years (at 50 °C, 8.5 μA current requirements of the supplied components and a self-discharge of 40 %). The battery is subject to wear and should be replaced regularly (at least following the specified life span) (see chapter "Battery change" on page 165).

5.1.3 CompactFlash card

Do not remove the CompactFlash card in order to ensure that all device proper­ties are available! If a replacement of the CompactFlash card becomes necessary, you have to dis­connect the device from the power supply.
Display and operating elements

5.2 Touchscreen

Do not apply excessive force to the screen. Do not use a ballpoint pen, a pencil or other sharp objects to operate the touch screen. This may damage or destroy the touch screen.
The integrated 7 inch touch screen is used at the same time for indication and operation. This is a resistive touch screen which responds to pressure.
For operation solely use finger or a touch pen. When sliding your finger over the display (e.g. when scrolling through the language selection), apply the necessary pressure to the display.
Display and operating elements

5.3 Operation via touch screen

After the initial power-up, the CP700 enters the "Settings" > "Interface" menu. By tapping the " " button you will access the main menu. If no entry has been made via the touch screen for several minutes and the touch screen has switched to standby mode, the CP700 will automatically switch to the main menu.

5.3.1 Main menu

The CP700 is equipped with a touch screen. That allows intuitive operation using your finger or a special touch screen stylus.
"Bus overview" button. Shows a list of the bus devices for selection, querying and parameterisa-
tion. BMS-bus device, Modbus/RTU devices, Modbus/TCP devices and virtual devices are dis­played in the same list.
"Alarms" button. Shows a table of the pending alarms.
The background of the button
- is red when an alarm exists
- is white when no alarm exists. "Settings" button. Allows the setting of the interface and the operation language of the device.
"Back" button. One operating step back.
" " button. Return to the main menu. Device type or an individually entered text in the web user interface.
Date and time display.
Display "Logged in". Settings in the "Interface" menu can only be carried out after "Login". This
login applies to the operation of the touch screen only. "Alarms" button. Shows a table of the pending alarms.
The same function as "2", but accessible from each submenu.
Display and operating elements

5.3.2 "Settings" menu

Interface Interface parameter setting
Language Selection of the operation language for the CP700 "Interface" menu
Display settings
The existing settings will be displayed.
If you have not logged in, you cannot change the settings. Therefore the buttons for the setting val­ues are not active (greyed out).
Display and operating elements
Changing settings
The settings can only be changed in the "Logged in" mode. Tap on the "Login" button. A password can be set in the "Bus overview > "Settings" > "Password" menu via the web user inter­face. The password consists of a 3-digit number. If a password has been set and activated (status "on"), the following entry field will appear:
Enter the password. Then tap on "OK". The status "Logged in" is displayed.
If no password has been set, the status "logged in" will be displayed immediately.
Tap on the entry to be changed. An entry field appears. Enter the new value and Tap on "Close".
CP700 will check the settings:
identifies a permissible setting value
identifies an impermissible setting value or a setting value that makes no sense
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