Bender COMTRAXX COM462RTU User Manual



BMS-Modbus RTU gateway for the connection of BMS-capable Bender devices to the Modbus RTU Software version: D415 V1.2x
Bender GmbH & Co. KG
P.O. Box 1161 • 35301 Grünberg • Germany Londorfer Str. 65 • 35305 Grünberg • Germany Tel.: +49 6401 807-0 • Fax: +49 6401 807-259 E-mail: •
© Bender GmbH & Co. KG
All rights reserved. Reprinting and duplicating only with permission of the publisher.
Subject to change!
Photos: Bender archives
Table of Contents
1. Important information .................................................................................... 7
1.1 How to use this manual ................................................................................. 7
1.2 Technical support: Service and support .................................................. 8
1.2.1 First level support ............................................................................................. 8
1.2.2 Repair service ..................................................................................................... 8
1.2.3 Field service ........................................................................................................ 9
1.3 Training courses ................................................................................................ 9
1.4 Delivery conditions .......................................................................................... 9
1.5 Inspection, transport and storage ........................................................... 10
1.6 Warranty and liability ................................................................................... 10
1.7 Disposal ............................................................................................................ 11
1.8 Quick-start guide ........................................................................................... 11
2. Safety instructions ......................................................................................... 13
2.1 General safety instructions ........................................................................ 13
2.2 Work activities on electrical installations ............................................. 13
2.3 Intended use ................................................................................................... 14
2.4 Address setting and termination ............................................................. 14
3. Product description ....................................................................................... 15
3.1 Scope of delivery ........................................................................................... 15
3.2 Short description ........................................................................................... 15
3.3 Device features .............................................................................................. 15
3.4 Possible applications ................................................................................... 15
3.5 Details about the Modbus RTU ................................................................ 16
4. Installation, connection and commissioning ........................................... 17
4.1 Preliminary considerations ........................................................................ 17
4.2 COM462RTU on the internal BMS bus ................................................... 18
Table of Contents
4.3 Installing the device ..................................................................................... 19
4.4 Connecting the device ................................................................................ 20
4.5 Commissioning .............................................................................................. 22
5. Operation and configuration ...................................................................... 23
5.1 Display and operating elements .............................................................. 23
5.1.1 Automatic contrast setting for the display .......................................... 24
5.1.2 Display in standard mode .......................................................................... 24
5.1.3 Display in menu mode ................................................................................ 25
5.2 Factory settings .............................................................................................. 25
5.3 Settings on the device ................................................................................. 26
5.3.1 Operating example: Setting BMS address ............................................ 26
5.4 Display INFO list ............................................................................................. 28
6. Data access using Modbus RTU protocol .................................................. 29
6.1 Exception code ............................................................................................... 29
6.2 Modbus requests ........................................................................................... 30
6.3 Modbus responses ........................................................................................ 30
6.4 Structure of the exception code .............................................................. 31
6.5 Modbus address structure for BMS devices ......................................... 31
7. Modbus process image in the memory of the COM462RTU ................. 33
7.1 Querying data ................................................................................................. 33
7.1.1 Modbus function code ................................................................................ 33
7.1.2 How are the memory areas organised? ................................................ 33
7.2 Memory scheme of the process image ................................................. 35
7.2.1 BMS device address assignment on the Modbus .............................. 35
7.2.2 Memory scheme of an individual BMS device .................................... 36
7.2.3 Device type ...................................................................................................... 38
7.2.4 Timestamp ....................................................................................................... 39
7.2.5 Common alarm and device failure .......................................................... 39
7.2.6 Channels 1 to 32 with analogue and/or digital values .................... 40 Float = Floating point value of the BMS channels .................... 40
Table of Contents AT&T = Alarm type and test type (internal/external) .............. 41 R&U = Range and unit ......................................................................... 43 Channel description ............................................................................ 45 Channel 33 to 64 ................................................................................... 46
7.3 Reference data records of the process image .................................... 47
7.3.1 Address assignment of the reference data record ............................ 47
7.3.2 Reference value on channel 1 ................................................................... 48
7.3.3 Reference value on channel 2 ................................................................... 49
7.3.4 Explanation of how to access floating point values ......................... 49
7.4 Channel descriptions for the process image ....................................... 51
7.5 Modbus control commands ...................................................................... 63
8. Technical data ................................................................................................. 67
8.1 Tabular data .................................................................................................... 67
8.2 Dimension diagram ...................................................................................... 69
8.3 Standards, approvals, certifications ........................................................ 69
8.4 Ordering details ............................................................................................. 70
9. Troubleshooting ............................................................................................ 71
9.1 Malfunctions ................................................................................................... 71
9.1.1 What should be checked? .......................................................................... 71
9.1.2 Where to find help? ...................................................................................... 71
INDEX ..................................................................................................................... 73
Table of Contents

1. Important information


1.1 How to use this manual

This manual is intended for qualified personnel working in electrical engineering and electronics!
Always keep this manual within easy reach for future reference.
To make it easier for you to understand and revisit certain sections in this man­ual, we have used symbols to identify important instructions and information. The meaning of these symbols is explained below:
This signal word indicates that there is a high risk of danger, that will result in death or serious injury if not avoided.
This signal word indicates a medium risk of danger that can lead to death or serious injury, if not avoided.
This signal word indicates a low-level risk that can result in minor or moderate injury or damage to property if not avoided.
This symbol denotes information intended to assist the user in making optimum use of the product.
Important information
This manual has been compiled with great care. It might nevertheless contain errors and mistakes. Bender cannot accept any liability for injury to persons or damage to property resulting from errors or mistakes in this manual.

1.2 Technical support: Service and support

For commissioning and troubleshooting Bender offers you:

1.2.1 First level support

Technical support by phone or e-mail for all Bender products
 Questions concerning specific customer applications  Commissioning  Troubleshooting
Telephone: +49 6401 807-760* Fax: +49 6401 807-259
In Germany only: 0700BenderHelp (Tel. and Fax) E-mail:

1.2.2 Repair service

Repair, calibration, update and replacement service for Bender products
 Repairing, calibrating, testing and analysing Bender products  Hardware and software update for Bender devices  Delivery of replacement devices in the event of faulty or incorrectly
delivered Bender devices
 Extended guarantee for Bender devices, which includes an in-house
repair service or replacement devices at no extra cost
Telephone: +49 6401 807-780** (technical issues)
+49 6401 807-784**, -785** (sales)
Fax: +49 6401 807-789 E-mail:
Important information
Please send the devices for repair to the following address:
Bender GmbH, Repair-Service, Londorfer Straße 65, 35305 Grünberg

1.2.3 Field service

On-site service for all Bender products
 Commissioning, parameter setting, maintenance, troubleshooting for
Bender products
 Analysis of the electrical installation in the building (power quality test,
EMC test, thermography)
 Training courses for customers
Telephone: +49 6401 807-752**, -762 **(technical issues)
+49 6401 807-753** (sales)
Fax: +49 6401 807-759 E-mail: Internet:
*Available from 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. 365 days a year (CET/UTC+1) **Mon-Thurs 7.00 a.m. - 8.00 p.m., Fr 7.00 a.m. - 13.00 p.m.

1.3 Training courses

Bender is happy to provide training regarding the use of test equipment. The dates of training courses and workshops can be found on the Internet at -> Know-how -> Seminars.

1.4 Delivery conditions

Bender sale and delivery conditions apply.
Important information
For software products, the "Softwareklausel zur Überlassung von Standard­Software als Teil von Lieferungen, Ergänzung und Änderung der Allgemeinen Lieferbedingungen für Erzeugnisse und Leistungen der Elektroindustrie" (software clause in respect of the licensing of standard software as part of de­liveries, modifications and changes to general delivery conditions for prod­ucts and services in the electrical industry) set out by the ZVEI (Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V.) (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association) also applies. Sale and delivery conditions can be obtained from Bender in printed or elec­tronic format.

1.5 Inspection, transport and storage

Inspect the dispatch and equipment packaging for damage and compare the contents of the package with the delivery documents. In the event of damage in transit, please contact Bender immediately. The devices must only be stored in areas where they are protected from dust, damp, and spray and dripping water, and in which the specified storage tem­peratures can be ensured.

1.6 Warranty and liability

Warranty and liability claims in the event of injury to persons or damage to property are excluded if they can be attributed to one or more of the follow­ing causes:
 Improper use of the device.  Incorrect mounting, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the
 Failure to observe the instructions in this operating manual regarding
transport, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the device.
 Unauthorised changes to the device made by parties other than the
 Non-observance of technical data.  Repairs carried out incorrectly and the use of replacement parts or
accessories not approved by the manufacturer.
Important information
 Catastrophes caused by external influences and force majeure.  Mounting and installation with device combinations not recom-
mended by the manufacturer. This operating manual, especially the safety instructions, must be observed by all personnel working on the device. Furthermore, the rules and regulations that apply for accident prevention at the place of use must be observed.

1.7 Disposal

Abide by the national regulations and laws governing the disposal of this de­vice. Ask your supplier if you are not sure how to dispose of the old equip­ment. The directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE directive) and the directive on the restriction of certain hazardous substances in electri­cal and electronic equipment (RoHS directive) apply in the European Commu­nity. In Germany, these policies are implemented through the "Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act" (ElektroG). According to this, the following applies:
 Electrical and electronic equipment are not part of household waste.  Batteries and accumulators are not part of household waste and must
be disposed of in accordance with the regulations.
Old electrical and electronic equipment from users other than private
households which was introduced to the market after 13th August 2005
must be taken back by the manufacturer and disposed of properly. For more information on the disposal of Bender devices, refer to our homepage at -> Service & support.

1.8 Quick-start guide

Connection of the COM462RTU
If you are familiar with the installation and connection of electrical devices, particularly with Modbus RTU, you can start right away with the wiring dia­gram on page 20. It may also be helpful to refer to the block diagrams representing an applica­tion example with an internal BMS bus (BMS=Bender measuring device inter­face) on page 18.
Important information
Using the Modbus RTU functions
Information about this field can be found from page 29 onwards.

2. Safety instructions


2.1 General safety instructions

Part of the device documentation in addition to this manual is the enclosed " Safety instructions for Bender products".

2.2 Work activities on electrical installations

Only qualified personnel are permitted to carry out the work necessary to install, commission and run a device or system.
Risk of electrocution due to electric shock!
Touching live parts of the system carries the risk of:
 An electric shock  Damage to the electrical installation  Destruction of the device
Before installing and connecting the device, make sure
that the installation has been de-energised. Observe the rules for working on electrical installations.
If the device is used outside the Federal Republic of Germany, the applicable local standards and regulations must be complied with. The European stand­ard EN 50110 can be used as a guide.
Safety instructions

2.3 Intended use

The BMS-Modbus RTU gateway COM462RTU connects the serial Bender BMS bus to the serial Modbus RTU. The gateway converts alarms, measured values and statuses from the BMS bus to Modbus RTU. Control commands can be converted from Modbus RTU to BMS bus. This allows connection to Modbus networks. The gateway is operated on the internal BMS bus.

2.4 Address setting and termination

In order to ensure proper functioning of the BMS-Modbus RTU gateway COM462RTU, correct address assignment and termination of the BMS bus and the Modbus RTU is of utmost importance.
Assigning addresses that are already used by existing devices in the BMS or Modbus RTU networks concerned may cause serious malfunctions.
Ensure correct address setting and termination of the COM462RTU. For details refer to "Commissioning" on page 22.
Interface on the Modbus RTU side
The COM462RTU is always operated as slave on the Modbus RTU side. Therefore, the COM462RTU and its Modbus RTU has to be communicated to the Modbus RTU master.
Interface on the BMS side:
COM462RTU can be operated as master or slave.

3. Product description

3.1 Scope of delivery

You will receive:
 the COM462RTU  an operating manual

3.2 Short description

The BMS-Modbus RTU gateway COM462RTU contains a Modbus RTU slave that converts BMS data for a Modbus master. A setting menu makes it possible to configure the COM462RTU using the set­ting menu (see "Commissioning" on page 22).

3.3 Device features

 Setting of address data for the BMS bus and Modbus RTU and date and
time setting using the internal operating menu.
 Time synchronisation for all BMS bus devices  Operation on the internal BMS bus  Modbus RTU data access to the internal BMS bus, max. 150 BMS
 Commands can be sent from an external application (e.g. visualisation
software) to BMS devices and measured values read.

3.4 Possible applications

 The use of professional visualisation programs by converting BMS data
to Modbus RTU protocols.
 Observing and analysing Bender products that support communica-
tion, such as RCMS, EDS and MEDICS® systems.
Product description

3.5 Details about the Modbus RTU

The Modbus RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) field bus has been specified by Mod­icon, a company under the Schneider Automation brand and made available to the market license-free. Modbus uses the serial hardware interface RS-485 and communicates via a two-wire, twisted copper wire. A transmission rate of 19200 baud is s tandard. Key data:
 Master-slave communication  Up to 32 bus devices per network, or up to 247 bus devices (with
 Baud rate between 1200 and 57600 bit/s  Diagnostics mechanisms

4. Installation, connection and commissioning

Only qualified personnel are permitted to carry out the work necessary to install, commission and run a device or system.
Risk of electrocution due to electric shock!
Touching live parts of the system carries the risk of:
 An electric shock  Damage to the electrical installation  Destruction of the device
Before installing and connecting the device, make sure
that the installation has been de-energised. Observe the rules for working on electrical installations.
If you are familiar with the configuration of Modbus RTU networks, you can carry out the connection of the COM462RTU by yourself. Otherwise please contact your
EDP administrator!

4.1 Preliminary considerations

1. Have all the questions as regards the installation been answered by the technician responsible for the installation?
2. The device is operated on the internal bus. Is the BMS address to be set known? If, apart from the COM462RTU, an alarm indicator and test combination MK800 is connected to the internal bus, the COM462RTU must not have the address 1 (master). You will find more detailed information on the BMS topic, in particular about the wiring of bus devices, in the separate document "BMS bus".
Installation, connection and commissioning
D+ D- D- D-D+ D+
Modbus RTU
You can download the document from the download area of the web­site
3. Is the Modbus RTU address to be set known?

4.2 COM462RTU on the internal BMS bus

Bender systems such as EDS46x/49x, RCMS46x/49x and MEDICS communi­cate with each other via the Bender measuring device interface BMS. The BMS-Modbus RTU gateway COM462RTU provides the coupling between the BMS bus and Modbus RTU networks. The following block diagram illus­trates the operation of the gateway in an internal BMS bus.
Fig. 4.1: Block diagram of a coupling between an internal BMS bus
and Modbus RTU
Installation, connection and commissioning
Internal and external BMS bus
The majority of Bender devices communicate via the interna l BMS bus. Individual devices, such as MK800, TM800 or Bender panels can communicate via both the internal BMS bus (BMS i) and the external BMS bus (BMS e). The BMS-Modbus RTU gateway COM462RTU can only communicate via the internal BMS bus (BMS i).

4.3 Installing the device

Possible methods of mounting:
 DIN rail mounting  Screw mounting with 2 x M4 (dimension diagram on page 69)
When installing the device, please take into consideration that the device is only to be used in locations that are protected from unauthorised entry! This can be installation in a switch cabinet, for example.
Installation, connection and commissioning

4.4 Connecting the device

For UL applications, the following is to be observed:
– Supply voltage U – Maximum ambient temperature: 55°C – For use in pollution degree 2 environments – Use 60/70 °C copper lines only – Tightening torque for terminals: 0.5…0.6 Nm
Connect the terminals and sockets on the COM462RTU according to the wir­ing diagram.
: see nameplate and ordering details
6 A
6 A
A1 A2
Modbus RTU
Installation, connection and commissioning
Terminal Description
A1, A2
A, B
(A, B)
IN1, GND1/2, IN2
11, 14
IN3, GND3/4, IN4
Connection to the supply voltage, 6 A fuse recommended, two-pole fuses should be used in IT systems. For UL and CSA applications, it is mandatory to use 5 A fuses.
Connection to the BMS bus (internal) with shielded cable (e.g. J-Y(St)Y 2x0.8).
Connection Modbus RTU with shielded cable (e.g. J-Y(St)2x0.8).
Switch for BMS bus termination. When the device is installed at the end of the bus, set the terminating switch to "on".
Switch for Modbus RTU termination. When the device is installed at the end of the bus, set the terminating switch to "on".
Currently has no function (digital inputs)
Currently has no function (alarm relay K1)
Currently has no function (digital inputs)
Installation, connection and commissioning

4.5 Commissioning

1. Apply the supply voltage to the COM462RTU. The green "ON" LED lights up.
2. Set language and time.
3. Set the BMS bus. The COM462RTU is operated on the internal BMS bus.
4. Set the Modbus RTU.
For details about the settings, refer to the chapter "Settings on the device" on page 26.

5. Operation and configuration


5.1 Display and operating elements

"ON“ LED lights when supply voltage is applied.
"COM" LED lights when the gateway is responding to BMS
requests. "ALARM“ LED, lights to signal an internal device error on the
COM462RTU. "INFO" button, to query the COM462RTU for device-specific infor-
mation. "ESC" button to exit the menu function without changing parameters.
"" button: to move up in the menu, to increase values
"" button: to move down in the menu, to decrease values
"MENU" button for starting and exiting the menu.
" button to confirm parameter change.
LC display for standard and menu mode.
+ 53 hidden pages