Bell & Gossett S14367B User Manual

Technologic® Constant Speed Pump Controller
It does not relieve the user of the responsibility to adhere to local codes and ordinances and the use of accepted practices in the installation, operation and maintenance of this equipment.
Further information pertaining to the installation, operation and maintenance of your Technologic Constant Speed Pump Controller can be found in the instruction manuals for the associated equipment provided. See Section 1.1, Maintenance, for a list of relevant manuals.
Table of Contents
Section 1 — General
1.1 Purpose of Manual …………………………………………………………………………… 6
1.2 Safety …………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
1.2.1 Safety Alert Symbol …………………………………………………………………………… 6
1.2.2 Safety Instruction Decal ……………………………………………………………………… 6
1.2.3 Hazardous Voltage …………………………………………………………………………… 6
1.2.4 Pump/Motor Safety …………………………………………………………………………… 6
1.2.5 Closed System Safety Measures …………………………………………………………… 6
1.3 Storage ………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
1.4 Handling ………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
1.5 Foundation ……………………………………………………………………………………… 7
1.6 Leveling ………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
1.7 Location ………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
1.8 Piping …………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
1.9 Temperature and Ventilation ………………………………………………………………… 7
1.10 Incoming Power and Ground Wiring ………………………………………………………… 7
Section 2 — Operator Interface Panel
2.1 Key Functionality ……………………………………………………………………………… 8
2.2 LEDs …………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
2.3 I/O ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
2.3.1 Analog Inputs …………………………………………………………………………………… 9
2.3.2 Powered Analog Inputs ………………………………………………………………………… 9
2.3.3 RTD Inputs ……………………………………………………………………………………… 9
2.3.4 Digital Inputs …………………………………………………………………………………… 9
2.3.5 Relay and Power Monitor Rack ……………………………………………………………… 10 Digital Output Module ………………………………………………………………………… 10 Power Measurement Module ………………………………………………………………… 10 Current Transformer …………………………………………………………………………… 10
Section 3 — Operation
3.1 Power-Up ……………………………………………………………………………………… 10
3.2 Basics of Screen Navigation and User Setup ……………………………………………… 10
3.3 Pump Operation ………………………………………………………………………………… 11
3.3.1 Manual Pump Operation ……………………………………………………………………… 11
3.3.2 Automatic Pump Operation …………………………………………………………………… 11
3.4 Status Screens ………………………………………………………………………………… 11
3.4.1 Tech Status ……………………………………………………………………………………… 11
3.4.2 Pump Status …………………………………………………………………………………… 11
3.4.3 Sensor Status …………………………………………………………………………………… 12
3.4.4 Staging ………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
3.4.5 Timers …………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
3.4.6 Power …………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
Technologic® Constant Speed Pump Controller Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual 3
3.4.7 Optional Sensors ……………………………………………………………………………… 13
3.5 Alarms/Events ………………………………………………………………………………… 13
Section 4 — Setup Menu
4.1 Sensor Setup …………………………………………………………………………………… 15
4.2 Pump Setup Menu ……………………………………………………………………………… 15
4.2.1 Number of Pumps ……………………………………………………………………………… 15
4.2.2 Pump Nameplate Data ………………………………………………………………………… 15
4.3 System Setup Menu …………………………………………………………………………… 16
4.3.1 Stage Menu …………………………………………………………………………………… 16 Primary Staging ………………………………………………………………………………… 16 Secondary Staging …………………………………………………………………………… 17 Force Destage/Minimum Pump Run Time ………………………………………………… 17
4.3.2 Alternation ……………………………………………………………………………………… 17
4.3.3 Pump Exercise ………………………………………………………………………………… 18
4.3.4 Start/Stop ……………………………………………………………………………………… 18
4.3.5 Scheduling ……………………………………………………………………………………… 19
4.3.6 Date/Time ……………………………………………………………………………………… 19
4.3.7 Password ……………………………………………………………………………………… 19
4.3.8 Relay Outputs Setup …………………………………………………………………………… 19
4.3.9 Save/Load Menu ……………………………………………………………………………… 20 Save to Flash …………………………………………………………………………………… 20 Load from Flash ………………………………………………………………………………… 20 Load Defaults …………………………………………………………………………………… 20
4.3.10 Communications ……………………………………………………………………………… 20 BACnet MS/TP ………………………………………………………………………………… 20 Metasys N2 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 21 Modbus ………………………………………………………………………………………… 21 Lonworks ………………………………………………………………………………………… 21 Analog Input Override ………………………………………………………………………… 22
4.3.11 Tech 350 ………………………………………………………………………………………… 22
4.4 Test Menu ……………………………………………………………………………………… 22
4.4.1 Digital Input Test ……………………………………………………………………………… 22
4.4.2 Digital Output Test ……………………………………………………………………………… 22
4.4.3 Analog Input Test ……………………………………………………………………………… 22
4.4.4 LED Test ………………………………………………………………………………………… 22
4.4.5 Key Test ………………………………………………………………………………………… 23
4.4.6 Display Test …………………………………………………………………………………… 23
4.4.7 Comm Test ……………………………………………………………………………………… 23
4.5 Alarms/Events Menu …………………………………………………………………………… 23
4.5.1 Pump Failure …………………………………………………………………………………… 23
4.5.2 Low System Pressure ………………………………………………………………………… 23
Table of Contents
Technologic® Constant Speed Pump Controller Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual 4
Table of Contents
4.5.3 High System Pressure ………………………………………………………………………… 24
4.5.4 Low Suction Pressure ………………………………………………………………………… 24
4.5.5 High Suction Pressure ………………………………………………………………………… 24
4.5.6 No Flow Shutdown …………………………………………………………………………… 25
4.5.7 High Temperature Cutout ……………………………………………………………………… 25
4.5.8 Low Level ……………………………………………………………………………………… 26
4.5.9 Volts Tolerance ………………………………………………………………………………… 26
4.6 EZ-Start ………………………………………………………………………………………… 26
4.7 Log Menu ……………………………………………………………………………………… 27
4.7.1 Alarm Log ……………………………………………………………………………………… 27
4.7.2 Pump Log Menu ……………………………………………………………………………… 27 Pump State Log ………………………………………………………………………………… 27 Pump Runtime Log …………………………………………………………………………… 27 Reset Pump Runtime ………………………………………………………………………… 27
4.7.3 Data Log ………………………………………………………………………………………… 27
4.7.4 Data Log Rate ………………………………………………………………………………… 28
4.7.5 Operation Log Menu …………………………………………………………………………… 28 Operation Mode Changes Log ……………………………………………………………… 28 Power Cycles Log ……………………………………………………………………………… 28 Events Log ……………………………………………………………………………………… 28 Purge Log ……………………………………………………………………………………… 28 Exercise Log …………………………………………………………………………………… 29 Operating Hours ……………………………………………………………………………… 29
4.7.6 Totals …………………………………………………………………………………………… 29
4.7.7 Reset Totals …………………………………………………………………………………… 29
4.7.8 Log Book ………………………………………………………………………………………… 29
Section 5 — Maintenance
5.1 Battery …………………………………………………………………………………………… 30
5.2 Signal Generator (analyzer) - recommended ……………………………………………… 30
5.3 Field Repair …………………………………………………………………………………… 30
5.4 Program Updating ……………………………………………………………………………… 30
5.5 Info Screens …………………………………………………………………………………… 30
5.6 Troubleshooting ………………………………………………………………………………… 31
Section A — Parameter List ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 32
Section B — BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement for BACnet MS/TP …………………… 35
Section C — Serial Communications Points …………………………………………………………………………… 37
Section D — Procedure for Field Balancing 70E/70M PRVs ………………………………………………………… 39
Section E — Electrical Wiring and Control Settings – Final Check List ……………………………………………… 39
Section F — System Piping and Unit Installation - Final Check List ………………………………………………… 40
Section G — Quick Startup Check List ………………………………………………………………………………… 40
Section H — Drawings …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 42
Technologic® Constant Speed Pump Controller Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual 5
Section 1 — General
1.1 Purpose of Manual
This m a n u al describes the op e r a t i o n of the
Technologic® Constant Speed Pump Controller for control of constant speed pump systems.
The control panel consists of an operator interface
panel (OIP), a disconnect switch, control transformer, motor starters, motor branch circuit protection including fuses or circuit breakers and thermal over­loads, a 24VDC power supply, and terminal blocks for customer connections.
Further information pertaining to the system can be
found in the following IOMs:
1. Bell & Gossett 1510 # P81673
2. Bell & Gossett 1531 # P81567
3. CLA-VAL Pressure Reducing Valve # TM90-01
4. McDonnell & Miller Series 750B and 750BM Condu c tan c e Ac t u ate d L e v el Con t r ols # MM-248(C)
5. McDonnell & Miller FS250 General Purpose Liquid Flow Switch # MM-625
6. Squa re D Differe ntial Pres sure Switche s # 65013-009-32C
7. United Electric Cont rols 54 Series Pressu re Switches # IMP54-03
1.2 Safety
1.2.1 Safety Alert Symbol
This safely alert symbol will be used in this manu­al to draw attention to safety related instructions. When used, the safety alert symbol means
1.2.2 Safety Instruction Decal
Your Technologic
should have a safety instruction dec al (part # S11550) located on the front of the enclosure near the disconnect switch. If the decal is missing or illegi­ble contact your local B&G representative for a replacement.
1.2.3 Hazardous Voltage
Only qualified electricians should perform electrical
service of any kind on the control panel or pumping system. Visually inspect the control panel for loose or stranded wires and for damaged components or wires prior to performing electrical service. Never trouble­shoot or perform service on a live control panel. Do not turn the disconnect switch on while the enclosure door is open. Live voltage is still connected to the incoming side of the disconnect switch even when the
Constant Speed Pump Controller
disconnect switch is off. Turn off and lock out the incoming power prior to troubleshooting or perform­ing service on this control panel.
WARNING: High Voltage! Do not work
on live control panels. Disconnect the incoming power prior to performing service on this unit. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THIS
1.2.4 Pump/Motor Safety
All electrical installation or service on the motors
should be performed by a qualified electrician. Ground fault protection should be sized properly. Refer to local electrical codes for sizing and selection. Refer to the I.O.M. for the motors for specific instal­lation information. Even when the Pum ps are stopped, they should be considered alive as long as its controller is energized. Keep hands away from the pumps until the power is disconnected from the pump controller.
1.2.5 Motor Control Equipment Safety
Do not install and operate a pumping package in a
closed system unless the system is constructed with properly sized safety and control devices. Such devic­es include the use of properly sized and located pres­sure relief valves, compression tanks, pressure con­trols, temperature controls and flow controls as appropriate. If the system does not include these devices, consult the responsible engineer or architect before making pumps operational.
DANGER: The heating of water and
other fluids causes volumetric expansion. The associated forces may cause failure of system components and release of high temperature flu­ids. This will be prevented by installing properly sized and located pressure relief valves and com­pression tanks. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE
1.3 Storage
For long periods of storage, the pumping package
should be covered to prevent corrosion and contami­nation from dirt. It should be stored in a clean, dry location between -20 and +60º C. The relative humidity should not exceed 95%. The unit should be checked periodically to ensure that no condensation has formed. After storage, check that it is dry before applying power.
1.4 Handling
Care should be taken to prevent damage due to drop-
ping or jolting when moving any panel or pumping package. Transportation damage should be brought to the carrier’s attention immediately upon receipt.
Technologic® Constant Speed Pump Controller Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual 6
The unit should be unloaded and handled by quali­fied personnel. A pumping package that includes this panel may be top heavy due to the position of the motors. Lift the unit with slings placed under the unit base rails. Be sure not to load the lifting mechanism beyond its rated limits. Use the motor eyebolts to sta­bilize the unit while lifting to prevent overturning.
DANGER: Heavy load, may drop if
not lifted properly. Do not load cables,
chains or hoists beyond their rated limits.
1.5 Foundation
A concrete base weighing at least 2.5 times the weight
of the pumping package is recommended. Check the shipping ticket for the unit weight. Tie the concrete pad in with the finished floor. Use foundation bolts and larger pipe sleeves to give room for final bolt location.
1.6 Leveling
Place the pumping package on its concrete founda-
tion, supporting it with steel wedges or shims totaling 1” in thickness. These wedges or shims should be put on both sides of each anchor-bolt to provide a means of leveling the base.
1.7 Location
Install the pumping package appropriately for ease of
inspection, maintenance and service. Observe local electrical codes concerning control panel spacing.
1.8 Piping
Be sure to eliminate any pipe strain on the pumping
package. Support all pipes independently by use of pipe hangers near the unit. Ordinary wire or band hangers are not adequate to maintain alignment. It is very important to provide a strong, rigid support for the suction and discharge lines. A saddle hanger is recommended. Do not attempt to force the suction or discharge lines into position. Refer to the assembly drawing for customer piping connections.
Inspect all unit piping connections. Joints may also
become loose during transit due to vibration and shock. All joints should be checked for tightness. Flanged joints should be checked for proper torque of all flange bolts prior to filling the system with fluid.
Eccentric increasers may be used in the suction lines
when increasing the pipe size, with the straight sides of the increaser on top to eliminate air pockets.
For critical installations, equipment for absorbing
expansion and vibration should be installed in the inlet and outlet connections of the unit.
Drain plugs are placed in a cloth bag and secured to
the unit prior to shipping from the factory. Reinstall the drain plugs prior to filling the system with fluid.
On an open system with a suction lift, use a foot
valve of equal or greater area than the pump suction piping. Prevent clogging by using a strainer at the suction inlet next to the foot valve. The strainer should have an area three times that of the suction pipe. Provisions must be made to prime the pump suction piping on start up. Do not start the pump unless all suction piping is full of water.
A thermal relief valve is installed on the discharge
header to prevent potentially dangerous thermal buildup in the package. This valve acts as a safety device and it should never be removed or tampered with. It is factory set to open and discharge when the water temperature in the discharge header exceeds 125°F. The 3/8” NPT opening of this valve must be piped to a floor drain.
Before starting, all pumps and motors should be
checked for proper lubrication.
1.9 Temperature and Ventilation
The operating temperature range for this unit is 0 to
50°C. The relative should be kept between 10% and 90% non-condensing. The unit should not be operat­ed outside these extremes.
1.10 Incoming Power and Ground Wiring
A qualified electrician should bring incoming power
and ground wiring to the disconnect switch. If holes are drilled in the control panel, be sure to not con­taminate electrical components with metal filings. A grounding terminal is provided next to the discon­nect switch for an incoming ground wire connection. Wire types and sizes must be selected according to the National Electrical Code and all local codes and restrictions. Refer to the input current and voltage as listed on the nameplate on the enclosure door when sizing the power wires. Only copper (Cu) wire rated for 75°C (minimum) may be used for the power con­nections. The voltage tolerance is +10/-5% and phase to phase voltage must not have an imbalance greater than 5 VAC.
WARNING: Prevent electrical shocks.
Disconnect the incoming power supply to the control panel before beginning installation.
WARNING: Conduit grounds are not
adequate. A separate ground wire must be attached to the ground lug provided in the enclo­sure to avoid potential safety hazards. FAILURE
Technologic® Constant Speed Pump Controller Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual 7
2 3
7 8
Tec hnolog ic® Const ant Sp eed Pu mp Con troll er
Start /
Pump 1
Pump 2 Enabled
Pump 3 Enabled
Reset / Silence
Auto /
Pump 4
Pump 5 Enabled
Pump 6 Enabled
Section 2 — Operator Interface Panel
The OIP consists of a 4 x 20 character LCD screen
and a 26 button keypad with LEDs which display sys­tem status. It also is equipped with onboard I/O including (16) 24VDC digital inputs, (4) 4-20mA analog inputs, (2) PT100 RTD inputs, and an RS232/ RS485 serial port for communications all mounted on the back of the OIP. The OIP communicates through a CAN bus to the relay and power monitor rack.
2.1 Key Functionality
The names of the keys on the Operator Interface
Panel (OIP) are shown as CAPITAL LETTERS in this manual. Table 1 shows the functionality of the keys on the OIP.
Note: The contrast can be adjusted from any screen
by pressing the UP and DOWN arrows while holding the ENTER key.
Key Name Functionality
START/STOP Starts or stops the system. When
the Start/Stop method is not “Keypad”, pressing the START/ STOP key will toggle between “Ready” and “Stop”. “Ready” indicates the system is waiting for a remote signal to start.
AUTO/ Toggles the operation mode. The
MANUAL system must be stopped to change the operation mode.
PUMP 1-6 Enables or disables the
ENABLE corresponding pump. Pumps cannot be disabled while they are failed.
RESET/ This key is used to reset pumps
Technologic® Constant Speed Pump Controller Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual 8
SILENCE and alarms. When the A/V Alarm relay output (section 4.3.8) is set, initial pressing of this key opens the relay to silence the horn or turn off the pilot light. Pressing a second time resets the pumps and alarms.
Key Name Functionality
HELP Press the HELP button, from the
status screens, to view alarms or events while the HELP LED is flashing. While in the Alarm screen, press the HELP button again to view help messages for active alarms. Press HELP any other time to view screen specific help messages.
YES/1 Press YES at OK prompts to
accept values and proceed
SETUP/3 Press SETUP, from the status
screens, to bring up the Setup Menu shown in section 4
NO/4 Press NO at OK prompts to edit
the parameters
LOG/5 Press LOG, from the status
screens, to bring up the Log Menu, shown in section 4.7
INFO/8 Press INFO, from the status
screens, to bring up the Info screens, shown in section 5.5
ALT/9 Press ALT, from the status
screens, to manually alternate the pump staging sequence, see
section 4.3.2 ENTER Confirms entries CLEAR Clears entries or used to exit
some screens PREV () Navigates to neighboring screens NEXT () Navigates to neighboring screens UP () Used to modify values and
navigate to neighboring screens DOWN () Used to modify values and
navigate to neighboring screens
Table 1: Key Functionality
2.2 LEDs
Table 2 gives the meaning of the LED states.
LED Description
START/STOP On = Start Off = Stop Blink Slow = Ready (waiting for
remote method)
AUTO/ On = Auto MANUAL Off = Manual
PUMP 1-6 On = Pump On Off = Pump Disabled Blink Slow = Pump Ready Blink Fast = Pump Failed
RESET/ Off = OK SILENCE Blink Slow = Reset Required Blink Fast = A/V Alarm output
is active
LED Description
HELP Off = OK Blink Slow = Event (press HELP
from the status screens to view)
Blink Fast = Alarm (press HELP
from the status screens to view)
Table 2: LED Functionality
2.3 I/O
2.3.1 Analog Inputs
The Technologic
is equipped with 4 analog input channels. The analog inputs must provide a 4-20mA signal. Typically, ana­log inputs will be powered by the 24V power supply within the panel. For analog inputs which source their own power, see the following section. See sec­tion 4.1 for more information on sensor setup.
Shielded 22 AWG cable should be installed for all
analog input wiring. The shield must be terminated in the Technologic Do not connect the shield at the other end of the cable! Insulate the shield so that no electrical connec­tion is made at the other end of the cable. A twisted pair of #22 AWG conductors can be used in place of shielded cable. The cable length must be limited to 5,000 feet for #22 AWG wire.
Constant Speed Pump Controller
Constant Speed Pump Controller.
Operator Interface Panel
1) Turn off all power to the Technologic Speed Pump Controller.
2) Refer to the appropriate controller wiring diagram that was shipped with unit. Locate the analog input sensors on the wiring diagram that will be rewired. They are labeled AI1 – AI4.
3) Remove the 24 VDC positive (+) wire from TB 40 for the respective analog input sensor connection. This wire needs to be removed completely or ter­minated if used as a jumper. This will prevent any accidental contact with a negative (-) voltage source (i.e. control panel) and avoid becoming a short circuit. Care should be taken to ensure that 24 VDC positive (+) voltage is still provided to any remaining sensors that will be powered by the Technologic
Constant Speed Pump Controller.
4) Remove the 24 VDC negative (-) wire from TB 41 for the respective analog input sensor connection. This wire needs to be removed completely or ter­minated if used as a jumper. This will prevent any accidental contact with a positive (+) voltage source and avoid becoming a short circuit. Care should be taken to ensure that 24 VDC (-) nega­tive voltage is still provided to any remaining sen­sors that will still be powered by the Technologic® Constant Speed Pump Controller.
5) Terminate the negative (-) wire of the sensor to TB 41 of the respective analog input sensor connec­tion. Terminate the positive (+) wire of the sensor to the terminal block which is connected to the positive (+) terminal shown on the Analog input card.
Note: Be certain that the power supplied to other
terminal blocks has not been interrupted! The wires that were removed in the preceding steps may have been used as jumpers.
2.3.3 RTD Inputs
The Technologic
Constant Speed Pump Controller is equipped with (2) PT100 RTD input channels. (2) RTDs will be shipped with standard units. The sys­tem RTD will be factory mounted, on the suction header, unless the control panel is sold separate from the pump package. The suction RTD will be shipped loose inside the control panel and will need to be field mounted upstream of the suction header.
2.3.2 Powered Analog Inputs
The following steps describe the general procedure
for wiring an analog input when the sensor’s power source is not the Technologic
Constant Speed Pump
2.3.4 Digital Inputs
The Technologic
is equipped with (16) 24VDC digital input channels. This signal voltage must be obtained from the 24VDC power supply mounted to the subpanel. It is not rec-
Constant Speed Pump Controller
ommended that other power sources be used without
WARNING: Prevent electrical shocks.
Disconnect the power supply before begin-
ning installation. FAILURE TO FOLLOW
factory approval. All digital inputs are automatically assigned based on Table 3. See the typical wiring dia­gram in Appendix H.
Technologic® Constant Speed Pump Controller Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual 9
Operator Interface Panel
Functionality DI # Description
1M-6M 1-6 Motor starter feedbacks
Feedback (generate overload alarm)
Start/Stop Sw 7 Remote contact can be
used to start/stop the system. The start/stop method must be set to Remote. See section 4.3.4. “Rem” will be displayed in the Tech Status screen shown in section 3.4.1 when this method is active.
Flow Switch 8 Used for no flow shut-
down, see section 4.5.6.
Pressure Sw 9 Used to detect low suction
pressure alarm or event, see section 4.5.4.
Low Level 10 Low level relay to sense a
low level condition in a tank. All pumps will stop when active.
DP 1-6 11-16 Differential pressure
Table 3: Digital Inputs Functionalities
# 22 AWG cable should be installed for all field wir-
ing to digital inputs.
2.3.5 Relay and Power Monitor Rack
The relay and power monitor rack consists of an
EX270 CAN bus controller, a DO722 digital output module and an AI984 power measurement module. Digital Output Module
The digital output module consists of 8 normally
open single pole single throw relays rated at 2.5A at either 240VAC or 24VDC. One relay will be used to energize the coil of each motor starter. These will be factory wired. Customer connections are made direct­ly to the terminals mounted on the digital output module. If a relay is defective, the digital output module must be replaced. Refer to section 4.3.8 for relay output setup. Power Measurement Module
The power measurement module calculates total
power by measuring the incoming voltage and the total current from the current transformer. Current Transformer
The current transformer (ct) comes in three different
sizes measuring up to 40A, 150A, or 400A. It plugs directly into the AI984 module on the relay and power monitor rack. The ct measures the total amp draw of all motors in the system. The four digit hex numbers displayed on the label on the current trans­former are calibration values, unique to each ct, that have been input into the controller prior to shipment. See section 5.5 to view the values used.
Section 3 — Operation
3.1 Power-Up
Turn the disconnect switch “ON” to power up the controller.
WARNING: Electrical shock hazard.
Inspect all electrical connections prior to powering the unit. Wiring connections must be made by a qualified electrician in accordance with all applicable codes, ordinances and good practic­es. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUC-
In order to recover from a power loss, the controller
will start up in the operating mode that it was in prior to the last shutdown. On power up, the con­troller will display the Tech Status screen shown in section 3.4.1.
Technologic® Constant Speed Pump Controller Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual 10
3.2 Basics of Screen Navigation and User Setup
Numeric inputs (represented by the # symbol) must
be input from the numeric keypad. Text fields (repre­sented by the $ symbol) must be modified by using the UP and DOWN arrow keys. For numeric or text fields, ENTER must be pressed to confirm values.
The arrow keys are also be used to navigate to neigh-
boring screens. Flashing arrows shown on the display indicate when the corresponding arrow keys are active.
An OK prompt is used in most user setup screens.
Press NO (the number 4 key) followed by ENTER at the OK prompt to edit the parameters shown, or press YES (the number 1 key) followed by ENTER to accept the values and exit the screen.
The YES/1 and NO/4 keys are also used for text
inputs for some parameters. They will appear as “Y” or “N” when a text input is required.
The CLEAR key is also used to exit some screens
including: Log screens, Test screens, Info screens, and the Alarm screen.
3.3 Pump Operation
The pumps can be controlled manually or automati-
cally. See the following sections for instructions on both types of operation.
3.3.1 Manual Pump Operation
To manually control the pumps with the controller,
the operation mode must be set to Manual by press­ing the AUTO/MANUAL key. Note that this key is not allowed unless the system is stopped. The Auto/ Manual LED will be off to indicate manual opera­tion. The system must also be started by pressing the START/STOP key. The Start/Stop LED will be on to indicate the system is started.
Pumps are automatically disabled when operation
mode is changed to manual. Press the corresponding PUMP ENABLE keys to start or stop pumps. The corresponding LED will turn solid green to indicate a pump is on.
3.3.2 Automatic Pump Operation
To automatically control the pumps with the control-
ler, the operation mode must be set to Auto by press­ing the AUTO/MANUAL key. Note that this key is not allowed unless the system is stopped. The Auto/ Manual LED will be on to indicate automatic opera­tion. The system must also be started by pressing the START/STOP key. The Start/Stop LED will be on to indicate the system is started.
During automatic pump operation, the pumps will
turn on or off based on the primary staging method. If more pumps are required to meet the system demand, they will stage on as required. When the system demand is met, and the minimum pump run timer is met, the pumps will destage until only one pump is running. When there is no demand in the system, the no flow shutdown alarm or event will occur, shutting down the last running pump. During this sequence, alarms may occur that shut down a specific pump or all of the pumps. Various automatic pump alternation methods may be used to alternate the pump sequence at any time.
View the status screens, shown in section 3.4, to get
system information including on/off or auto/manual status, pump status, sensor values, or staging status.
3.4 Status Screens
The status screens are the main level in screen naviga-
tion and show most of the relevant system informa­tion. The status screens can be scrolled by pressing PREV or NEXT.
The Setup Menu(3), Log Menu(5), Info screens(8),
Ma n ua l Al t er na ti on scr ee n( 9) , and Ala r m screen(HELP) are only accessible from the status screens.
All of the status screens will display “Alm”, “Evt”, or
“NFSD” in the lower right corner if an alarm or event or NFSD condition exists. If this message is flashing, press the HELP key for more details.
3.4.1 Tech Status
The Tech Status screen, shown below, is the first of
the status screens. This screen is displayed on power up. See Table 4 below for a description of the Tech Status variables.
← TECH STATUS HH:MMam MM/DD/YY Stop :(Method) Manual Alm
Variable Description
Start/Stop/ Stop: System is stopped. Pumps
Ready will not start.
Start: System is started. The
pumps can be controlled manually or automatically.
Ready: System is waiting for
remote start/stop method, see section 4.3.4.
Press the START/STOP button
to toggle.
Method System Start/Stop Method, see
section 4.3.4.
Key: Keypad Rem: Remote contact Sch: Scheduled start/stop Ser: Serial Communications
Auto/Manual Manual: System is in manual
operation mode. The user can manually start and stop the pumps by pressing the corresponding Pump On/Off key.
Auto: The system is in automatic
operation mode. The pumps will be controlled automatically based on the user setup info.
Press the AUTO/MANUAL key
to toggle.
Table 4: Tech Status Variables
3.4.2 Pump Status
Pressing NEXT, the controller will display the Pump
Status screen shown below. See Table 5 for a descrip­tion of the Pump Status variables.
← PUMP STATUS 1:On 2:On 3:Off 4:Rdy 5:Fail 6:Rdy Alm
Technologic® Constant Speed Pump Controller Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual 11
Variable Description
P1-P6 On: pump is running Off: pump is disabled from the
Rdy: pump is enabled but not
Fail: pump is failed
Table 5: Pump Status Variables
3.4.3 Sensor Status
Pressing NEXT, the controller will display the Sensor
Status screen shown below. See Table 6 for a descrip­tion of the Sensor Status variables.
 ←Suc Press= ###→ Sys Press= ### Suc Temp=###.# Sys Temp=###.# Alm
Variable Units Description
Suc Press PSI Suction Pressure Sys Press PSI System (discharge) Pressure Suc Temp °F Suction Temperature
(mounted upstream of the suction header)
Sys Temp °F System Temperature
(mounted on the suction header)
Table 6: Sensor Status Variables
3.4.4 Staging
Pressing NEXT, the controller will display the Staging
screen shown below. See Table 7 for a description of the Staging variables.
 ←STAGING: (Type)→ Stg Seq:1-2-3-4-5-6 Dstg: #### Stg: #### Actual: ###.# Alm
Variable Description
Type Type will display the active staging
Stg Seq Pump staging sequence from left
to right. A 0 indicates that a pump is failed or disabled. See section
4.3.2 for information on alternat­ ing the staging sequence.
Stg Next staging value (N/A indicates
end of staging sequence or no staging values set up)
Variable Description
Dstg Next destaging value (N/A indi-
cates end of destaging sequence or no destaging values set up)
Actual Current value of the staging
Table 7: Staging Variables
Note: “Stg” and “Dstg” will be displayed in units of
the active staging method shown in the “Type” field. To change the staging type or values, see section
3.4.5 Timers
Pressing NEXT, the controller will display the Timers
screen shown below. The numeric values on the left are elapsed times, and the numeric values on the right are the limits that they must reach prior to perform­ing their respective action. See Table 8 for a descrip­tion of the Staging variables.
 ←Pump MnRn:##/##m→ NFSD MnRn:###/###m Stg PT:##/## Dstg PT:##/## Alm
Variable Units Description
Pump Min Minutes Pump minimum run time,
Run see section When the timer reaches its limit pumps will be allowed to destage.
NFSD Minutes No flow shutdown minimum
MnRn run time, see section 4.5.6. When the timer reaches its limit, a no flow shutdown will be allowed to occur. Note that the timer immediately resets to zero after expiring.
Stg PT Seconds Staging proof timer, see
section When the timer reaches its limit, another pump will stage on.
Dstg PT Seconds Destaging proof timer, see
section When the timer reaches its limit, a pump will stage off.
Table 8: Timers Variables
3.4.6 Power
Pressing NEXT, the controller will display the Power
screen shown below.
 ← POWER→ HP= ###.# PF= #.## Volts= ###.# Amps = ###.# Alm
Technologic® Constant Speed Pump Controller Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual 12
Variable Units Description
HP Horse- Total power measured by
power the power module
Volts Volts Average voltage measured by
the power module
Amps Amps Total current measured by the
power module
PF N/A Power factor measured by the
power module
Table 9: Power Variables
3.4.7 Optional Sensors
Pressing NEXT, the controller will display the
Optional Sensors screen shown below if any optional sensors are set up. If they are not, the Optional Sensors screen will be skipped. See section 4.1 for information on sensor setup.
 ←OPTIONAL SENSORS→ Temp =### Flow=##### Diff Temp= ### Pressure = ### Alm
Variable Units Description
Temp °F Optional temperature Diff Temp °F Optional differential
temperature Pressure PSI Optional pressure Flow GPM Optional flow
Table 10: Optional Sensor Variables
3.5 Alarms/Events
Some conditions can be defined as alarms or events,
while others are predefined to be alarms. See section
4.5 for alarm setup. Alarms are logged in the Alarm Log and events are logged in the Events Log. See sec­tion 4.7 for logging. An alarm triggers the General Alarm serial communications point and the A/V Alarm relay output. An event will not trigger either of these. See Appendix C for the serial communica­tions points list and section 4.3.8 for relay outputs setup.
Some alarms or events will cause one or all of the
pumps to shut down. For Low System Pressure, the user can define if the pumps will shut down or not.
All alarms or events require either a manual or auto-
matic reset. The RESET/SILENCE LED will flash when a manual reset is required. Press the RESET key to manually reset the system.
The values in parentheses in Table 11 are the default
Technologic® Constant Speed Pump Controller Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual 13
Description Alarm or Event Pump Shutdown Reset Conditional Upon Help Message
Pump 1-6 DP Alarm Individual Manual Started Check DP switch, im­ Fail peller, coupler, motor
Pump 1-6 Alarm Individual Manual Started Check motor amp Overload Fail draw and use manual reset if ok
Low System User Defined User Defined (No) Auto always active, Started and Auto Check PRV setting Pressure (Event) Manual reset is and trip point allowed if Stop Pumps or Alarm is set to “Y”
High System Alarm Yes Manual Started and Auto Check PRV setting Pressure and trip point
Low Suction User Defined Yes Manual always Started and Auto Check suction pressure Pressure (AI) (Event) active, auto reset is and trip point allowed if “Auto Reset” is set to “Y”
Low Suction User Defined Yes Manual always Started and Auto Check suction pressure Pressure (Sw) (Event) active, auto reset is and trip point allowed if “Auto Reset” is set to “Y”
High Suction User Defined Yes Auto Started and Auto Check suction pressure Pressure (Event) and trip point
No Flow Shut User Defined Yes Auto Started and Auto and NFSD is active, check Down (AI) (Event) only 1 pump on restart pressure
No Flow Shut User Defined Yes Auto Started and Auto and NFSD is active, check Down (Sw) (Event) only 1 pump on restart pressure
High Alarm Yes Auto Started and Auto Check water temp­ Temperature erature and trip point
Low Level Alarm Yes Auto Started and Auto Check water level in holding tank
AI 1-4 Fail Alarm No Auto Always active Check wiring, piping, polarity and continuity
RTD 1-2 Fail Alarm No Auto Always active Check wiring and continuity
Battery Alarm No Auto Always active Replace OIP battery CAN Fail Alarm No Auto Always active Set EX270 switches
C (top), 2 (bottom), check wiring
Volt Tol. Alarm Yes Auto Always active Check voltage reading and trip point
Voltage Alarm No Auto Always active Check AI984 connec­ tion and voltage inputs
Table 11: Alarms/Events
The LED on the HELP key will flash to indicate that an alarm or event exists. The Status screens will also flash “Alm”,
“Evt”, or “NFSD” in the lower right corner to indicate that an alarm or event exists. Pressing the HELP key, while in the status screens, will display all of the active alarms or events as shown in the screen below. Blinking arrows will indicate UP/DOWN can be pressed to view more alarms or events. Press CLEAR to exit this screen, or press HELP again while in the Alarms screen to view help messages for each alarm.
Pump1 Ovld Press AI#1 Fail Clear to Pump2 Fail Exit Hi Sys Pr
Technologic® Constant Speed Pump Controller Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual 14
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