Bell & Gossett HS-203C Engineering Data Manual

• Application
• Selection
• Piping Diagrams
Hoffman Specialty® Steam Traps
Steam Trap Functional Requirements 4 Operation, Advantages, Disadvantages
and Primary Applications 5
Chapter 1
Selection Guide Chart 10 4-Step Method for Sizing 11 Helpful Hints, Formulas and Conversion Factors 12 Properties of Saturated Steam 13 Steam Flow in Pipes 15 Condensation in Pipes 15
Chapter 2
Flash Steam Explanation and Calculation 16 Operating Pressure Limits 17 Installation and Calculating Differential Pressure 18 Drip Traps for Distribution Pipes 20
Chapter 3
Selecting Traps for Heat Exchangers 24 Lock-out Traps for Start-up Loads 27 Draining Condensate to Overhead Returns 28 Draining Submerged Coils 29 Jacketed Kettles 30 Cylinder Dryers 31 Unit Heaters 31 Steam Radiators 32 Typical Piping for Steam Heating 33 Trapping Steam Tracer Lines 39
Chapter 4
4-Step Method for Sizing Steam Lines 40 4-Step Method for Sizing Return Lines 42
Chapter 5
Testing Steam Traps 43
Chapter 6
Definition of Heating Terms 46
Steam Trap Functional Requirements
Selecting the proper type of steam trap is an important element in steam systems.
There are many types of steam traps each having its unique characteristics and system benefits. Hoffman Specialty offers thermostat­ic, thermodisc, float and thermostatic, and bucket traps which are the most commonly used types. Deciding which type of trap to use is sometimes confusing and, in many cases, more than one type can be used. The follow­ing is intended to point out system conditions that may be encountered and the characteris­tics of each type of trap.
Within steam systems, important considera­tions must be taken into account. These con­siderations include venting of air during start-up; variations of system pressures and condensing loads; operating pressure and system load; continuous or intermittent opera­tion of system; usage of dry or wet return lines; and overall probability of water hammer.
Air Venting
At start-up all steam piping, coils, drums, tracer lines, or steam spaces contain air. This air must be vented before steam can enter. Usually the steam trap must be capable of venting the air during this start-up period. A steam heating system will cycle many times during a day. Fast venting of air is necessary to obtain fast distribution of steam for good heat balance. A steam line used in process may only be shut down once a year for repair and venting of air may not be a major con­cern.
Modulating Loads
When a modulating steam regulator is used, such as on a heat exchanger, to maintain a constant temperature over a wide range of flow rates and varying inlet temperatures, the condensate load and differential pressure across the trap will change. When the conden­sate load varies, the steam trap must be capable of handling a wide range of condi­tions at constantly changing differential pres­sures across the trap.
Differential Pressure Across Trap
When a trap drains into a dry gravity return line, the pressure at the trap discharge is nor­mally at O psig. When a trap drains into a wet return line or if the trap must lift condensate to an overhead return line, there will normally be a positive pressure at the trap discharge. To assure condensate drainage, there must be a positive differential pressure across the trap under all load conditions.
Water Hammer
When a trap drains high temperature conden­sate into a wet return, flashing may occur. When the high temperature condensate at saturation temperature discharges into a lower pressure area, this flashing causes steam pockets to occur in the piping, and when the latent heat in the steam pocket is released, the pocket implodes causing water hammer. Floats and bellows can be damaged by water hammer conditions.
When traps drain into wet return lines, a check valve should be installed after the trap to prevent backflow. The check valve also reduces shock forces transmitted to the trap due to water hammer. Where possible, wet returns should be avoided.
The design of the equipment being drained is an important element in the selection of the trap. Some equipment will permit the conden­sate to back up. When this occurs the steam and condensate will mix and create water hammer ahead of the trap. A shell and tube heat exchanger has tube supports in the shell. If condensate backs up in the heat exchanger shell, steam flowing around the tube supports mixes into the condensate and causes steam pockets to occur in the conden­sate. When these steam pockets give up their latent heat, they implode and water hammer occurs, the water hammer often damages the heat exchanger tube bundle. The trap selec­tion for these types of conditions must com­pletely drain condensate at saturation temperature under all load conditions.
Steam mains should be trapped to remove all condensate at saturation temperature. When condensate backs up in a steam main, steam flow through the condensate can cause water hammer. This is most likely to occur at expan­sion loops and near elbows in the steam main.
Applications such as tracer lines or vertical unit heaters do not mix steam and conden­sate. In a tracer line, as the steam condens­es, it flows to the end of the tracer line. Back up of condensate ahead of the trap does not cause water hammer. Steam does not pass through condensate.
Vertical unit heaters normally have a steam manifold across the top. As the steam con­denses in the vertical tubes, it drains into a bottom condensate manifold. Because steam does not pass through the condensate, water hammer should not occur.
The condensate port is normally closed during no load. As condensate enters the float cham­ber, the seat opens to provide drainage equal to the condensing rate.
Primary Applications
Heating main drip traps. Shell & tube heat exchangers. Tank heaters with modulating temperature
regulators. Unit heaters requiring fast venting. Steam humidifiers. Air blast heating coils. Air pre-heat coils. Modulating loads. Fast heating start-up applications.
A review of the trap operating principle will show how various types of traps meet the dif­ferent system characteristics.
Float & Thermostatic Traps
Completely drains condensate at satura­tion temperature.
Modulates to handle light or heavy loads, continuous discharge equal to condensing load.
Large ports handle high capacities. Separate thermostatic vent allows fast
venting of air during start-up. Modulating ports provide long life. Cast iron bodies.
Float or bellows may be damaged by water hammer.
Primary failure mode is closed. Does not withstand freezing temperatures. Pressure limit of 175 psig.
During start-up the thermostatic vent is open to allow free passage of air.
The thermostatic vent will close at near satu­ration temperature. The balanced design will allow venting of noncondensables that collect in the float chamber, when operating at design pressure.
Operation, Advantages, Disadvantages, and Primary Applications
Bucket Traps
Completely drains condensate at saturation temperature.
Open bucket will tolerate moderate water hammer.
Available in pressures up to 250 psig. Normal failure mode is open. Cast iron bodies.
Marginal air handling during start-up. Cycles fully open or closed. May lose prime during light loads and blow
live steam. Requires manual priming to provide
water seal. Does not withstand freezing temperatures.
Primary Applications
Process main drip traps. Where condensate is lifted or drains into wet
return line. Drum type roller dryers. Steam separators. Siphon type or tilting kettles.
The trap body must be manually primed at ini­tial start-up. Under operation the body will remain full of condensate.
During start-up, air is vented through the bleed hole in the top of the bucket into the return line.
Condensate entering the trap will flow around the bucket and drain through the open seat.
As steam flows into the trap it collects in the top of the bucket. The buoyancy of the steam raises the bucket and closes the seat.
An optional thermal vent installed in the buck­et allows faster air venting during start-up.
Radiators, convectors, unit heaters. Cooking kettles. Sterilizers. Heating coils. Tracer lines. Evaporators.
NOTE: A solid fill expansion element (see Hoffman Specialty 17K) thermostatic trap should be used where water hammer (cavita­tion) may occur.
Thermostatic Bellows Type Trap
Sub-cools condensate usually 10° to 30°F. Normally open at start-up to provide fast
air venting. Follows steam saturation curve to operate
over wide range of conditions. Brass bodies. Self draining. Energy efficient. Compact size and inexpensive. Fast response to changing conditions. Fail open models.
Water hammer can damage bellows. Superheat can damage bellows if it
exceeds trap temperature rating. Pressure limit of 125 psig. Cooling leg required in some applications.
Thermostatic traps are normally open. This allows fast venting of air during start-up.
Cold condensate during start-up drains through the trap. As temperatures reach 10° to 30° F of saturation, the trap closes.
During operation, thermostatic traps find an equilibrium point to drain condensate approxi­mately 10° to 30°F below saturation at a con­tinuous flow.
Disc Traps
Completely drains condensate at satura­tion temperature.
May be installed vertically, to drain trap body when steam is off, to prevent freezing.
Compact size. Easily serviced in line, replaceable seat
and disc (some models). All stainless steel. Will tolerate water hammer and superheat.
Noise. Sensitive to dirt, prevents tight closing
of disc. Available in sizes up to 1” only.
Steam tracer lines where maximum tem­perature is required.
Outdoor applications including drips on steam mains.
Drying tables. Tire mold press and vulcanizing equipment Dry kilns. Pressing machines. Rugged applications (superheat & water
Thermodisc steam traps provide dependable performance for applications with light to moderate condensate loads. Thermodisc traps are excellent for high pressure drip and steam tracing applications.
Because the disc is the only moving part, the traps are rugged and resistant to dam­age. However, if the seat and disc require servicing they may be easily replaced with­out removing the trap body from the piping.
Orifice Traps
No moving parts to wear.
Does not close against steam. Small hole easily plugs due to dirt. Backs up condensate on heavy loads and
during start-up. Does not respond to modulating loads. Does not vent air when handling conden-
sate—causes slow system start-up and may cause water hammer.
Not easily recognized as trap during energy survey.
Built-in small screen plugs easily. Discharges condensate at saturation
temperature with some live steam, often causes excessive condensate tempera­tures and cavitation at condensate pumps.
Waste energy. Sizing critical.
Should be limited to constant load continuous operation.
The disc is pushed off the seat by the inlet pressure and is held open by the impact force of the condensate hitting the disc.
As the condensate nears saturation tempera­ture, greater amounts of flash steam will appear. Some of the flash steam escapes to the area above the disc, causing the pressure above the disc to increase, pushing the disc closer to the seat.
When all the condensate is discharged, flash steam enters the seat-disc chamber at high velocity. This high velocity causes a sudden pressure drop at the lower side of the disc and it snaps closed against the seat.
At the instant the disc snaps closed on the seat, the pressure above the disc is approxi­mately equal to the upstream line pressure. The disc is held closed because the pressur­ized area above the disc is much larger than the inlet area. The pressure above the disc decreases either by steam condensation or by non-condensables being removed via the micro-bleed on the disc. When the pressure is low enough, the disc is pushed off the seat and the process is repeated.
Disc Trap Operation
Selection Guide Chart
The proper type of steam trap selected is an important consideration in steam systems. There are many types of steam traps. Each has unique characteristics and system bene­fits. Hoffman Specialty offers thermostatic, float and thermostatic, bucket
and disc traps. This line chart points out sys­tem conditions that may be encountered and suggests a trap that may best handle the requirement. Several types of traps may be used for a specific application. The line chart should be used only as a guide.
Chapter 1
Condensate must be completely
removed at saturation condition
to prevent water hammer
Type of Steam Trap Required Based on System Conditions
Modulating load,
wide range of
condensate load
Water hammer
due to
wet returns or lifts
Float and
Bucket trap
with thermal
Outdoor location
Super heat or
water hammer
Fast air venting
Air vent
rate not
Fast air venting
Condensate may be sub-cooled
ahead of trap to improve
operating efficiency of system
Varying pressure and load where fast
response is required
up to 125 psig
Thermostatic bellows type trap
over 175 psig
Step 1: Collect All Required Information.
A. Determine maximum condensate load in
Lbs./Hr. (Pounds per Hour). See “Helpful Hints—Approximating Condensate Loads” on page 12.
B. Inlet pressure at steam trap. It could be
different than supply pressure at boiler. Heat exchanger applications with modulat­ing control valves are good examples.
C. Back-pressure at steam trap. Pressure
against outlet can be due to static pres­sure in return line or due to lifting to overhead return.
D. Determine Pressure Differential.
Inlet pressure (B) - Back-pressure (C) = Differential Pressure.
Step 2: Select Proper Type ot Trap.
A. Other Things to Consider.
1. Condensate Flow—Fluctuate?
1. Continuous?
2. Large Amount of Air?
3. Pressure—Constant? Fluctuate?
B. Application.
1. Main.
2. Drip Leg.
3. Process Heat Exchanger.
4. Other.
C. Critical Process.
1. Fail Cold.
2. Fail Hot.
Step 3: Apply Safety Factor.
A. SFA Recommended.
1. Float & Thermostatic Trap 1.5 to 2.5.
2. Bucket Trap 2 to 4.
3. Thermostatic 2 to 4.
4. Disc Traps 1 to 1.2. See specific applications.
B. The SFA Will Depend On Degree of
Accuracy at Step 1.
1. Estimated Flow.
2. Estimated Pressure—Inlet.
3. Estimated Pressure—Back.
Step 4: Select Correct Trap Size.
A. Use manufacturer’s capacity table to size
trap. Capacity tables should be based on hot condensate (some specified tempera­ture below saturation) rather than cold water rating. Hoffman Specialty published actual test data, unless stated, is 10°F. below saturation.
B. The trap seat rating must always be
higher than the maximum inlet pressure specified.
C. When inlet to equipment is controlled by a
modulating control valve, the trap size should be selected with a pressure rating greater than the maximum inlet pressure at the trap. The capacity should be checked at the minimum differential pres­sure to assure complete condensate removal under all possible conditions.
4 Step Method for Sizing
3. Steam heats a solid or slurry indirectly through a metallic wall.
—Clothing press, cylinder driers, platen
Lbs./hr. condensate = 970 x (W
1-W2) + W1 x (T2-T1)
L x T
= Initial weight of product
= Final weight of product
= Initial temp.
= Final temp. L = Latent heat in Btu/lb. T = Time required for drying (hours).
Note: 970 is the latent heat of vaporization at atmospheric pressure. It is included because the drying process requires that all moisture in the product be evaporated.
4. Steam heats a solid through direct contact.
—Sterilizer, autoclave Lbs./hr. condensate =
W = Weight of material being
heated in Ibs.
= Specific heat of material
being heated.
= Initial temp.
= Final temp. L = Latent heat Btu/lb. T = Time to reach final temp. (hours)
Conversion Factors
One Boiler Horsepower = 140 sq. ft. EDR or 33,475 Btu/hr. or 34.5 Ibs./hr. steam at 212° F.
1,000 sq. ft. EDR yields .5 gpm condensate. To convert sq. ft. EDR to Ibs. of condensate—
divide sq. ft. by 4. .25 Ibs./hr. condensate = 1 sq. ft. EDR. One sq. ft. EDR (Steam) = 240 Btu/hr. with
215°F. steam filling radiator and 70°F. air surrounding radiator.
To convert Btu/hr. to Ibs./hr.— divide Btu/hr. by 960.
One psi = 2.307 feet water column (cold). One psi = 2.41 feet water column (hot). One psi = 2.036 inches mercury. One inch mercury = 13.6 inches water column. Size condensate receivers for 1 min. net
storage capacity based on return rate. Size condensate pumps at 2 to 3 times
condensate return rate.
W x S
h x (T2-T1)
L x T
Helpful Hints, Formulas and Conversion Factors
Helpful Hints
Approximating Condensate Loads
Heating Water with Steam
lbs./hr. Condensate =
x Temperature Rise °F.
Heating Fuel Oil with Steam
lbs./hr. Condensate =
x Temperature Rise °F.
Heating Air with Steam Coils
lbs./hr. Condensate =
x Temperature Rise °F.
SHEMA Ratings
Thermostatic traps and F & T traps for low pressures may be rated in accordance with the Steam Heating Equipment Manufacturers Association (SHEMA). SHEMA ratings have a built-in safety factor.
1. Steam heats a liquid indirectly through a metallic wall.
—Cooking coils, storage tanks, jacketed
kettles, stills.
Lbs./hr. condensate = Q
l x 500 x Sg x Sh x (T2-T1)
= Quantity of liquid being
heated in gal/min
= Specific gravity
= Specific heat
L = Latent heat in Btu/lb
500 = Constant for converting
gallons per minute to pounds per hour.
= Final temperature
= Initial temperature
2. Steam heats air or a gas indirectly through a metallic wall.
—Plain or finned heating coils,
unit space heaters.
Lbs./hr. condensate = Q
g x D x Sh x (T2-T1) x 60
= Quantity of air or gas in ft3/min.
D = Density in Ib/ft
Sh= Specific heat of gas being heated.
= Initial temp.
= Final temp.
L = Latent heat in Btu/lb
60 = Minutes in hour
The Properties of Saturated Steam table provides the relationship of temperature and pressure. The table also provides Btu heat values of steam and condensate at various pressures and shows the specific volume of steam at various pressures.
Saturated Steam:
Pure steam at the temperature corresponding to the boiling point of water.
Pressure psig:
Gauge pressure expressed as Ibs./sq. in. The pressure above that of atmosphere. It is pres­sure indicated on an ordinary pressure gauge.
Sensible Heat:
Heat which only increases the temperature of objects as opposed to latent heat. In the sat­uration tables it is the Btu remaining in the condensate at saturation temperature.
Latent Heat:
The amount of heat expressed in Btu required to change 1 Ib. of water at saturation temper­ature into 1 Ib. of steam. This same amount of heat must be given off to condense 1 Ib. of steam back into 1 Ib. of water. The heat value is different for every pressure temperature combination shown.
Total Heat:
The sum of the sensible heat in the conden­sate and the latent heat. It is the total heat above water at 32° F.
Specific Volume Cu. Ft. Per Lb.:
The volume of 1 Ib. of steam at the corre­sponding pressure.
See Properties of Saturated Steam table on the following page.
Properties of Saturated Steam
Properties of Saturated Steam
Heat Content
Vacuum Saturated Volume
Btu per Ib.
Heat of
Inches of Temp Cu. ft. Saturated Saturated Vaporization
Mercury °F. per Ib. Liquid Vapor Btu per Ib.
29 79 657.0 47 1094 1047 27 115 231.9 83 1110 1027 25 134 143.0 102 1118 1017 20 161 74.8 129 1130 1001
15 179 51.2 147 1137 990 10 192 39.1 160 1142 982
5 203 31.8 171 1147 976 1 210 27.7 178 1150 971
Heat Content
Pressure Saturated Volume
Btu per Ib.
Heat of
PSI Temp Cu. ft. Saturated Saturated Vaporization
(Gauge) °F. per Ib. Liquid Vapor Btu per Ib.
0 212 26.8 180 1150 970 1 215 24.3 183 1151 967 2 218 23.0 186 1153 965 3 222 21.8 190 1154 963 4 224 20.7 193 1155 961 5 227 19.8 195 1156 959
6 230 18.9 198 1157 958 7 232 18.1 200 1158 956 8 235 17.4 203 1158 955
9 237 16.7 205 1159 953 10 239 16.1 208 1160 952 11 242 15.6 210 1161 950
12 244 15.0 212 1161 949 13 246 14.5 214 1162 947 14 248 14.0 216 1163 946 15 250 13.6 218 1164 945 16 252 13.2 220 1164 943 17 254 12.8 222 1165 942
18 255 12.5 224 1165 941 19 257 12.1 226 1166 940 20 259 11.1 227 1166 939 25 267 10.4 236 1169 933 30 274 9.4 243 1171 926 35 281 8.5 250 1173 923
40 287 7.74 256 1175 919 45 292 7.14 262 1177 914 50 298 6.62 267 1178 911 55 302 6.17 272 1179 907 60 307 5.79 277 1181 903 65 312 5.45 282 1182 900
70 316 5.14 286 1183 897 75 320 4.87 290 1184 893 80 324 4.64 294 1185 890 85 327 4.42 298 1186 888 90 331 4.24 301 1189 887 95 334 4.03 305 1190 884
100 338 3.88 308 1190 882 105 341 3.72 312 1189 877 110 343 3.62 314 1191 877 115 347 3.44 318 1191 872 120 350 3.34 321 1193 872 125 353 3.21 324 1193 867
130 355 3.12 327 1194 867 135 358 3.02 329 1194 864 140 361 2.92 332 1195 862 145 363 2.84 335 1196 860
Heat Content
Pressure Saturated Volume
Btu per Ib.
Heat of
PSI Temp Cu. ft. Saturated Saturated Vaporization
(Gauge) °F. per Ib. Liquid Vapor Btu per Ib.
150 366 2.75 337 1196 858 155 368 2.67 340 1196 854 160 370 2.60 342 1196 854 165 373 2.53 345 1197 852 170 375 2.47 347 1197 850 175 378 2.40 350 1198 848
180 380 2.34 352 1198 846 185 382 2.29 355 1199 844 190 384 2.23 357 1199 842 195 386 2.18 359 1199 840 200 388 2.14 361 1199 838 210 392 2.05 365 1200 835
220 396 1.96 369 1200 831 230 399 1.88 373 1201 828 240 403 1.81 377 1201 824 250 406 1.75 380 1201 821 260 410 1.68 384 1201 817 270 413 1.63 387 1202 814
280 416 1.57 391 1202 811 290 419 1.52 394 1202 807 300 421 1.47 397 1202 805 325 429 1.37 405 1202 797 350 436 1.27 412 1202 790 375 442 1.19 419 1202 782
400 448 1.09 426 1202 774 425 454 1.06 432 1202 770 450 459 .972 438 1202 761 475 465 .948 444 1202 757 500 469 .873 449 1201 748 525 475 .850 455 1201 746
550 480 .820 461 1200 740 575 485 .784 466 1200 734 600 490 .733 472 1199 727 625 493 .721 476 1198 723 650 498 .692 481 1197 718 675 502 .645 485 1197 712
700 505 .642 490 1195 703 750 513 .598 498 1195 697 800 520 .555 514 1194 680 850 527 .521 523 1193 670 900 534 .489 532 1192 661 950 540 .462 540 1191 651
1000 548 .435 547 1189 642 1050 553 .413 550 1187 637 1100 558 .390 564 1185 621 1150 563 .372 572 1183 612 1200 567 .353 579 1182 603 1300 579 .322 593 1176 583
1400 588 .295 606 1172 565 1500 597 .271 619 1167 548 1570 604 .2548 624 1162 538 1670 613 .2354 636 1155 519 1770 621 .2179 648 1149 501 1870 628 .2021 660 1142 482
1970 636 .1878 672 1135 463 2170 649 .1625 695 1119 424 2370 662 .1407 718 1101 383 2570 674 .1213 743 1080 337 2770 685 .1035 770 1055 285 2970 695 .0858 801 1020 219 3170 705 .0580 872 934 62
Steam Flow in Pipes
REASONABLE VELOCITIES for fluid flow through pipes
Pipe Size, Inches
4 111⁄4 11⁄2 221⁄2 331⁄2 441⁄2 5678910
Capacity Factor 2.0 3.5 5.5 10.0 13.5 22.5 31.5 48.5 65.0 84.0 105. 131.5 190. 255. 329. 430. 539.
COMPARATIVE CAPACITIES of different sizes of pipe
Pounds Condensed Per Hour, Per Lineal Foot of Pipe
.11 .13 .14 .14 .15 .15 .16 .18 .20 .22 .26 .29 .32 .35 .40 .15 .15 .16 .16 .17 .18 .20 .23 .25 .27 .31 .35 .39 .42 .49 .21 .21 .22 .23 .23 .24 .28 .33 .36 .39 .45 .50 .55 .60 .69 .24 .25 .26 .27 .27 .29 .33 .38 .42 .46 .54 .61 .68 .74 .81 .30 .31 .32 .33 .34 .36 .41 .46 .51 .55 .65 .73 .81 .88 .97 .38 .39 .40 .41 .43 .44 .50 .56 .61 .66 .77 .86 .94 1.03 1.19 .46 .47 .48 .49 .51 .53 .61 .68 .76 .83 1.04 1.11 1.23 1.33 1.50 .55 .56 .59 .60 .62 .64 .74 .83 .91 1.00 1.24 1.32 1.46 1.59 1.81
.34 .35 .36 .37 .39 .41 .47 .53 .59 .65 .73 .81 .90 1.00 1.15
CONDENSATION RATES at 70°F. (for bare steel pipe with natural movement of air)
Pipe Size
1 1
2 2
3 4 5
Per Sq. Ft.
Heat. Surface
Sq. Ft. of
Surface = to 1 Lineal Ft. of Pipe
.275 .345 .497
.752 .917
EXAMPLE: To get size of pipe to serve a
2" and 3⁄4" pipe, add factors: 1⁄2" factor (2) + 3⁄4" factor (3.5) = 5.5 (1" factor).
Condensation in Pipes
Fluid Pressure PSI (Gauge) Service Velocities—FPM
SATURATED STEAM 0-15 Heating Mains 4000-6000 SATURATED STEAM 50-up Miscellaneous 6000-8000 SUPERHEATED STEAM 200-up Turbine and Boiler Leads 10000-15000
WATER 25-40 City Service 120-300 WATER 50-150 General Service 300-600 WATER 150 Boiler Feed 600
Pipe Size
(Inches) 5 10 15 30 50 75 100 125 200 250
2 30 40 45 60 90 120 150 180 270 330
4 55 70 80 110 160 220 280 340 510 620 1 90 110 125 180 270 390 460 560 840 1020 11⁄4 160 200 225 325 480 650 820 990 1490 1830 11⁄2 220 270 300 450 650 900 1100 1300 2060 2550
2 370 455 520 750 1100 1500 1900 2300 3450 4200 2
2 525 650 750 1050 1600 2175 2750 3300 4950 6050 3 800 950 1350 1600 2500 3350 4250 5150 7700 9450 31⁄2 1100 1350 1550 2200 3300 4550 5700 6900 10200 12700 4 1450 1800 2000 2900 4300 5850 7400 8900 13450 16400
5 2300 2800 3200 4600 6900 9300 11700 14100 21200 26000 6 3200 3900 4500 6400 9800 13200 16800 20300 30800 36900 8 5700 7000 8000 11400 17200 23300 29300 35400 53100 65200
10 9300 11400 13000 18900 28200 38000 48100 58100 87100 106500 12 13500 16600 18900 27000 40800 55300 69700 84200 126500 154700
SATURATED STEAM (lbs/hr) at 6000 ft/min (velocity) in iron or steel pipe
4 111⁄2 221⁄2 345681012
233445678111315 233445679111415 3344556710121417 3344557911131518 33455581012151821 34556791113162024
CONDENSATION (lbs/hr) per 100 ft. pipe with 2-in. thick 85% magnesia insulation
1 3
5 10 20 30
4 111⁄2 221⁄2 345681012
445679111316192428 4567810131518222732 5578912151820253137 5678913161922283541 66891014172124313845 67891115192428354451
70 100 125 150 200
Condensation in 3" and larger pipe are corrected for heat loss due to friction. Velocity taken at 8000 ft./min. Based on standard formulas.
Flash Steam Explanation and Calculation
Flash Steam
When hot condensate above the saturation temperature under pressure, is released to atmospheric pressure, the excess heat is given off by reevaporation or what is common­ly referred to as flash steam.
Flash steam is important because it contains heat which can often be utilized for economy. It is necessary to know how it is formed and how much will be formed under given condi­tions.
The Btu values given in the Properties of Saturated Steam tables provide the neces­sary data for calculating energy loss due to flash steam.
Float and thermostatic traps, bucket traps, and disc traps discharge condensate at approximately saturation temperature. Thermostatic traps discharge condensate 10° to 30°F. below the saturation temperature.
Flash Steam Heat Loss Calculation
The form provided to the right will allow you to easily calculate the flash steam loss and associated energy cost.
Lines A, B, C, D, and E are based on the actu­al operating conditions. It may be necessary to estimate the average conditions when loads fluctuate.
Lines F, G, H and I can be filled in using the values from the Properties of Saturated Steam table.
The calculation for flash loss may now be made with the annual loss determined.
The calculation of energy cost may now be made to determine the flash loss and required heating of make-up water to replace the flash loss.
The amount of make-up water and water cost can also be determined using this form.
How to Calculate Your Own Flash Steam and Energy Loss
List Operating Conditions:
A. ____Initial Saturation Pressure. B. ____Reduced Pressure. C. ____System Load in Lbs. Per Hr.. D. ____Cost of Steam Per 1,000 Lbs. E. ____Make-up Water Temperature ° F.
From Properties of Saturated Steam Table:
F. ____Btu/Lb. in Condensate at Initial
F. ____Pressure.
G. ____Btu/Lb. in Condensate at Reduced
G. ____Pressure.
H. ____Btu/Lb. Latent Heat in Steam at
H. ____Reduced Pressure.
I._____Btu/Lb. in Make-up Water.
Calculation of Flash Steam Loss
F – G
x 100 = % flash loss
______ x 100 = ______% of flash loss
C x % flash loss = lbs. per hr. loss
To obtain annual loss multiply Ibs. per hr. Ioss x hr. per day x days per year process operates = Ib. of flash steam annually.
Calculation of Energy Loss:
This calculation must take into consideration that, not only are we reducing the tempera­ture of the returns, but that the condensate removed in the form of flash steam must be replaced with cooler make-up water.
% of returns x system load Ibs./hr. x (F - G) = Btu/hr. condensate cooling.
% of flash loss x system load Ibs./hr. x (F - I) = Btu/hr. make-up water loss.
Btu condensate cooling + make-up loss = Btu/hr. Ioss.
Btu/hr. Ioss x hr. per day x days per year = annual Btu loss.
Btu annual loss ÷ H = equivalent Ib./yr. Ioss.
Lb./hr. Ioss ÷ 1,000 x D
= annual cost of flash steam loss.
Lb./Year Flash Loss ÷ 8.33
= Gallons per year make-up water.
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