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Preparing for Buffet Service
1. If food to b e serve d has bee n previously pre pared an d then refrigerated, warm food uncovered in
its copper met al pot over m edium heat on the st ovetop. A dd liquid and stir as needed.
2. When temp erature of the fo od is suit able for s ervin g, add foo d to the cooking po ts, rep lace co oking
pots int o the Triple Slow C ooker ba se.
3. Add serving spo ons and gla ss lids to e ach coo king pot. Then turn each OFF/LOW/ HIGH/ WARM
dial(s) to WARM.
NOTE: Th e WARM set ting is not suitabl e for rehe ating fo ods. WARM is ONLY for keepin g alread y
cooked f ood warm. DO NOT coo k on the WARM settin g.
Hints for Slow Cooking
• After co oking and serving, thes e versa tile cop per met al pots c an be use d to store food in the
refrig erator, the n rehea t on a stovetop, in any oven, or in the bas e unit.
• High fat mea ts can re sult in dishes with less avor. Pre- cooking or brown ing will help reduc e the
amount of f at and help to prese rve the c olor. The hig her the fa t content, the le ss liquid n eeded .
If cooking meat w ith a high fa t conte nt, use thick onion s lices or large cut vegetables und er it so
that the me at will no t sit and cook in the fa t.
• Meats will n ot brown d uring the s low cook ing process. If you desire brown ing, ref er to BROWNING,
SEARING AND ROAST ING sec tion of this instr uction manual.
NOTE: Dredgin g meat in o ur befor e browning thicke ns the cooking liq uid for a wonderful sauce .
IMPORTANT: Skim fat and season before ser ving. If necessary, use a slice of bread, a spo on, or a
straining spoon t o skim of f exces s fat fro m top of foo ds befo re ser ving.
• Whole herb s and spic es avor b etter in slow cooking than crushe d or ground .
• If a recipe r esult s in too much liquid at the end of the c ooking time, rem ove the glass lid and pl ace
copper m etal cooking p ot direc tly on the stovetop. Turn burner heat to me dium-high and cook until
liquid is re duced . Season to tast e afte r the redu ction.
User Maintenance Instructions
This appliance requires little maintenance. It contains no user serviceable parts. Do not try to repair it
yourself. Any servicing requiring disassembly other than cleaning, must be performed by a qualied
appliance repair technician.
1. Avoid sudde n, extr eme temp erature changes. For example, do n ot place a hot glass l id into cold
water or on to a wet sur face.
2. Avoid hitt ing the st eel coo king pot o r glass lid a gainst t he faucet or other hard sur faces.
3. Do not use an y steel c ooking pot or glas s lid if chip ped, cr acked, o r severely scra tched.
Cleaning Instructions
1. Always unplug and allow to cool c ompletely bef ore cleaning.
2. All stee l cooking pots an d glass lids and lid re sts may be clean ed in the dishwashe r. To clean by
hand, wash in warm, soapy water.
3. If food st icks to the cooking pot(s), ll w ith warm s oapy wat er and allow to soak be fore cleaning
with a plastic sc ouring pa d. Rinse and dry th oroughl y.
4. Wipe inte rior and ex terior of the base un it with a soft, slightly damp cloth o r sponge . Never us e
abrasive cleans ers or sc ouring p ads to cle an the bas e unit, as t hey may dam age the surfac es.
Storing Instructions
1. Be sure all parts ar e clean an d dry be fore st oring.
2. Store appliance in i ts box or in a clean, dr y place .
3. Never store the Triple Slow Cooker w hile it is hot or wet.
4. To st ore, place all coo king pots insid e the base unit. Rem ove and store lid re sts inside the c ooking pots.
To protect the glass lids, wrap e ach lid with a sof t cloth an d place upside down over eac h cooking pot.
5. Never wrap cord tightly arou nd the appliance; ke ep it loosely coiled.
With 3 individual cook ing pot s, everyone can have their choice of meat, me atless, frui t… Before
going to sleep, simply prepare up to 3 individual servings of creamy, luxurious oatmeal. The
next day, ad d your favorite fruits and to pping s and enjoy!
Loaded Slow Cooker Oatmeal for 3 x 3 ways
• 3 slices map le bacon and/or
• 3 pork sausage pat ties and/or
• 3 meatles s morning sausage pattie s and/or
• 1 tablesp oon but ter or oil
Per each individual cooking pot:
• 1 cup rolled oats (not steel cut)
• 3 cups water
• 1 cup almond milk, half-and-half, whole milk,
• 1 capful vanilla
Load -Ins (your choice):
• 1/4 cup maple syrup
• 1/4 cup brown sugar
• 1/4 cup raisins
• 1 banana, sliced
• 1 apple, cored, peeled, chopped
• 1/4 cup chopped walnuts
1. Depending on your choice(s) of protein, remove 1 to 3 copper metal cooking pots as needed.
Spray or add a small amount of butter or oil to each cooking pot.
2. Preheat burner to medium or medium-high.
Place the copper cooking pots directly onto the heated stove top burner.
3. Cook bacon or sausage patties, turning as needed, until golden brown.
Remove to a plate covered with paper towels to absorb excess grease.
Crumble the bacon and/or sausage. Coverand refrigerate until morning.
4. Before going to bed, add oats, water, almond milk, salt and vanilla to each cooking pot.
Stir to combine.
5. Cover and cook on WARM for 10 hours.
6. In the morning, add fruit and sprinkle brown sugar over the top.
Add bacon or sausage crumbles and stir oatmeal until warm.
7. Drizzle maple syrup over the oatmeal and serve.
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