AT&TCo Standard Issue 2, September 1982
1. GENERAL dialers cannot be used where A lead control is re-
1.01 This section contains information on the
TOUCH-A-MATIC 12 automatic dialer (Fig. 1 1.04 These dialers are available in the colors shown
and 2), coded 1200AR1 and 1200AT1 dials. Informa- in Table A. The faceplate provided with each
tion on the 1200AR1 dial was formerly found in Sec- dialer is silver.
tion 501-164-204.
Warning: This equipment generates,
uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy and if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions manual,
may cause interference to radio commu-
nications. It has been tested and found to
comply with the limits specified for Class
B computing devices persuant to Subpart
J of Part 15 of Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) Rules, which are de-
signed to provide reasonable protection
against such interference when operated
in a commerical environment. Operation
of this equipment in a residential area is
likely to cause interference in which case
the user at their own expense will be re-
quired to take whatever measures may Fig. 1--1200AR1 Automatic Dialer and AssociatedRo-
be required to correct the interference, tary Service Telephone Set
quired, but can be used on party-line service.
1.02 The reasons for reissuing this section are
listed below. Since this reissue is a general 2. IDENTIFICATION
revision, no revision arrows have been used to denote
significant changes. 2.01 Each dialer provides automatic dialing of up
• Add warning notice in compliance with FCC length can be stored.
ruling, paragraph 1.01
• Include information on 1200AR1 dial.
1.O3 These dialers are factory-wired to interface • Modular unit.
with a modular single line or two line (first
line only) telephone set. The 1200AR1 dial is used for • Solid-state circuit memory.
rotary or TOUCH-TONE ® service, and the 1200AT1
dial is used only with TOUCH-TONE service. These • Will automatically dial 12 stored numbers.
Not for use or disclosure outside the
Bell System except under written agreement
Printed in U.S.A. Page 1
to 12 numbers. A number up to 16 digits in
2.02 Design features are as follows:
pressed places dialer in the record mode, subse-
quent operation terminates the recording mode.
2.04 Ordering guide is as follows:
(a) The 1200AR1 dial is a modular type dialer and
may be ordered as follows:
(1) Dial, 1200AR1- (refer to Table A for color
suffix) which includes the following:
(a) Faceplate, 1200A1-122 (silver)
(b) Customer Instruction Booklet, CIB-2502
(c) Battery, KS-21618L2 (9-volt)
(d) Cord, Mounting, D4BU-29 (2-foot)
Fig. 2--1200AT1 Automatic Dialer and Associated (e) 841386352 Directory Marker (color dots
TOUCH-TONEServiceTelephoneSet and emergency symbols)
(f) 841397938 Directory Sheet (double-
• Will store up to 16 digits per number, sided).
• Capability to record, change, or delete num- (b) The 1200AT1 dial is a modular type dialer and
bers in memory, may be ordered as follows:
• Single button dialing and directory space for (1) Dial, 1200AT1- (refer to Table A for color
each number, suffix) which includes the following:
• Has an internal S1 sounder unit which pro- (a) Faceplate, 1200A1-122 (silver)
vides tones for dialing, indicating proper re-
cording procedures, and for checking the (b) Customer Instruction Booklet, CIB-2502
battery. (c) Battery, KS-21618L2 (9-volt)
• Battery powered (customer replaceable). (d) Cord, Mounting, D4BU-29 (2-foot)
• Recording can be done with handset on- or
off-hook. Off-hook recording does not inter- (e) 841386352 Directory Marker (color dots
fere with conversation, and emergency symbols)
• Record button protected during normal use (f) 841396559 Directory Sheet (double-
by faceplate to prevent inadvertent erasure sided).
of stored numbers.
• Can be used as a data input device for end-to-
end signaling (1200AT1 only). • Alkaline Battery, 9-volt (subscriber replace-
2.03 Operating features are as follows:
(a) 12-button memory field with low force, short
travel, nonlocking buttons • Faceplate, 1200A1-122 (silver)
(b) RECORD ON/OFF button (top button when • 841397938 Directory Sheet (double-sided),
faceplate is removed), when momentarily de- 1200AT1
(c) Replaceable components are as follows:
ment only)
• Cord, Mounting, D4BU-29 (2-foot)
ISS2, SECTION501-164-203
• 841397559 Directory Sheet (double-sided),
• Cover, Battery (Table A).
Black -03 841399264
Ivory -50 841399272
Green -51 841399280
Red -53 841399298
Yellow -56 841399306
White -58 841399256
Beige -60 841399314
Blue -62 841399322
Brown -104 841399330
Rust -124 841399348
3.01 There are two types of installations: standard
and special.
A. Standard Installation block from central office (CO). Plug one end of the 2-
3.02 Assure that the CO line is terminated into a with the dial) into the PHONE jack on dialer and
connecting block which will accept a standard plug other end of the cord into the telephone set
modular D4BU mounting cord. mounting cord jack (Fig. 4 or 5).
3.03 These dialers are shipped with a 9-volt alka-
line battery which is to be connected at the 3.05 Dress the two (2) cords flatwise in the cord
time of installation. Remove the battery cover lo- channel under the cord retaining tab and re-
cated on bottom side of dial and make the necessary
connection (Fig. 3). The battery should last a year
under normal telephone usage. 3.06 For proper illumination of incandescent dial
Note: All subsequent batteries will be pro- length of modular mounting cords may be limited.
vided and installed by the subscriber. If service Refer to Section 502-303-101 for TRIMLINE ® tele-
is discontinued, disconnect and discard the bat- phone sets and Section 502-703-101 for PRINCESS ®
tery. telephone sets.
cover of the dialer and other end into connecting
foot D4BU telephone set mounting cord (furnished
place the battery cover (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3--Location of Battery and Cords
lamp in associated telephone set, the total
Caution: If the mounting cords are re- _ B. SpecialInstallation
versed at the dialer, you cannot break
dial tone from the dialer. 3.07 If an RJ32X USOC arrangement using a 635A
3.04 Plug one end of the standard D4BU mounting necting block is available, the dialer can be directly
cord into LINE jack located under battery connected using a D8AA mounting cord from the con-
manufacture discontinued (MD) or 635B con-
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