Belkin P75125au User Manual

ADSL2+ Modem with Wireless G+ MIMO Router
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Belkin Tech Support
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© 2006 Belkin Corporation. All rights reserved. All trade names are registered trademarks of respective manufacturers listed. Apple, AirPort, Mac, Mac OS, and AppleTalk are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. The mark “Wi-Fi” is a registered mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. .
Network your
computers and share your ADSL Internet access
ADSL2+ Modem with Wireless G+ MIMO Router
User Manual
Table of Contents
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Benefits of a Home Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Advantages of a Belkin Wireless Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Make Sure You Have the Following . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Package Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Internet Connection Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Knowing your Modem/Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Connecting your Modem/Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Positioning your Modem/Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Connecting your Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Connecting your ADSL Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Powering Up your Modem/Router. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5 Setting Up your Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Manually Configuring Network Adapters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Recommended Web Browser Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6 Configuring your Modem/Router with the Setup Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Running the Setup Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
7 Manually Configuring Your Modem/Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Understanding the Web-Based User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Changing LAN Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
DHCP Client List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Internet WAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Setting your ISP Connection Type to PPPoE or PPPoA . . . . . . . . . . 30
Wireless. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Encryption/Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
WEP Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
WAP Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Configuring your Computer’s Network Adapter to Use Security . . . . 46
Wireless Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Firewall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 Technical Support Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
10 Appendixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Appendix A: Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Appendix B: Important Factors for Placement and Setup. . . . . . . . . 83
Appendix C: Internet Connection Setting Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
11 Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
23 23
1 1
2 2 2 2
6 6 7 8
Thank you for purchasi ng the Be lkin AD SL Mo de m wit h G + M IM O Wireless R outer ( the M od em/Ro ut er). In minu te s you w ill b e able to share yo ur Inte rnet connect ion and networ k your compute rs with your new Mo dem/Rou ter. Th e follo wi ng is a list o f fea tu re s that make yo ur Modem/ Router an idea l solut ion for your h ome or small o ff ic e net wo rk. Please be sure to read throu gh this User M anual c omplete ly, a nd pay sp ecial a ttentio n to Ap pendix B entit led “Im portant Factor s for Placem ent and Setup” .
Benefits of a Home Network
By follow ing our sim ple setup ins tructio ns, you wil l b e a ble to use your Belk in home net wo rk to:
Share o ne high-sp eed Inte rnet con nection wi th all the com puters in your ho me
Share res ou rc es, such as fi les, and hard driv es among al l t he connec ted comput ers in your ho me
Share a si ngle pri nt er with the en tire family
Share d ocument s, music, v id eo, and dig ital pictu re s
Store, re tr ieve, an d c opy files f rom one co mpute r t o a nother
Simultane ously play ga mes onli ne, check Int ern et email, and chat
sectio n
Advantages of a Belkin Wireless Network
Mobility – you’ll no longer need a dedicated “computer room”— now you
can work on a networked laptop or desktop computer anywhere within your wireless range
Easy installation –
Flexibility – set up and access printers, computers, and other
networking devices from anywhere in your home
Easy expansion – the wide range of Belkin networking products let
you expand your network to include devices such as printers and gaming consoles
No cabling required – you can spare the expense and hassle of
retrofitting Ethernet cabling throughout the home or office
Widespread industry acceptance – choose from a wide range of
interoperable networking products
Belkin’s Easy Installation Wizard makes setup simple
Make Sure You Have the Following
Package Contents
ADSL2+ Modem with Wireless G+ MIMO Router
RJ11 Telephone Cord
RJ45 Ethernet Networking Cable
Power Adapter
User Manual CD
System Requirements
An active ADSL service with a telephone wall jack for connecting the
Modem/ Router
At least one computer with a Network Interface Card (NIC) and Internet browser installed and correctly configured
TCP/IP networking protocol installed on each computer connected to the
Modem/ Router
No other DHCP server on your local network assigning IP addresses to computers and devices
Internet Connection Settings
Please collect the following information from your Internet Service Provider (ISP) before setting up the ADSL Modem Wireless G Router.
Internet connection protocol: _________ (PPPoE, PPPoA, Dynamic IP, Static IP)
Multiplexing method or Encapsulation: __________ (LLC or VC MUX)
Virtual circuit: VPI (Virtual Path Identifier) __________ (a number between 0 and 255)
VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier) __________ (a number between 1 and 65535)
For PPPoE and PPPoA users: ADSL account user name _____________ and password _______________
For static IP users: IP Address ___ . ___ . ___ . ___ Subnet Mask ___ . ___ . ___ . ___ Default Gateway Server ___ . ___ . ___ .
IP address for Domain Name Server ___ . ___ . ___ . ___ (If given by your ISP)
Note: See Appendix C in this User Manual for some common DSL Internet
setting parameters. If you are not sure, please contact your ISP.
Knowing your Modem/Router
The Mo dem/Rou ter is designed to be placed on a desktop. All of the cables exit from the rear of the LED indicators are easily visible on the front of the Mod em/Rout er to provide you with information about network activity and status.
Front Panel
1. Power LED
When you apply power to the M odem/Ro uter or restart it, a short period of time elapses while the Modem /Router boots up. When the Modem/ Router has completely booted up, the Power LED becomes a GREEN light, indicating the M odem/ Ro uter is ready for use.
2. LAN Status LEDs
These LAN Status LEDs are labeled 1–4 and correspond to the numbered ports on the rear of the Mod em/Rout er. When a computer is properly connected to one of the LAN ports on the rear of the Modem /Router the LED will light. Solid GREEN means a computer or a network-enabled device is connected. When information is being sent over the port, the LED blinks rapidly. ORANGE indicates a 10Base-T connection.
OFF No device is connected
Orange Ether ne t link is up an d 1 0Base-T
Orange - b li nking When 10Base- T d evice tr ansmitt ing
Gre en Ether ne t link is up an d 1 00Base- T
Gre en - blinki ng When 100Base -T devic e
Modem/ Router
(1) (4) (3)(5)(2)
OFF Router is OF F
Gre en Router is ON
Red Router fa iled to sta rt
for better organisation and utility. The
device co nnected
or receivin g d ata
connec ted
transm itting or recei ving data
sectio n
Knowing your Modem/Router
3. WLAN Status LED
The WLAN S ta tus LED is sol id GREEN wh en you enable th e w ireless LAN funct ion. It fla shes when the Mo dem/Rou ter is tran smittin g o r rec eivin g d ata wireless ly.
OFF WLAN is o ff
Gre en WL AN is up and conn ec ted
Gre en - blinki ng When t ra nsmit ti ng or re ceivi ng data
The ADSL L ED flashes GR EEN during ne gotia ti on with you r I SP. It stays G RE EN when the Mo dem/Rou ter is conn ec ted properly to your ADSL se rvice .
OFF No ADS L c on necti on
Gre en ADSL l in k i s up and conne cted
Gre en -
5. Internet LED
The Inter net LE D s hows you wh en the Modem/ Router is c on necte d to the Int er net . W hen the LED is OF F, the Mo dem/Rou ter is NOT connec ted to the Int ernet . W hen the LED is so lid GREE N, the Modem/ Router is c on necte d t o t he Inter net. Whe n t he LED is blinki ng, the Mod em /Rout er is transmi tting or receiv ing data from the Inter net .
OFF No Int er net co nnectio n
Gre en Conne cted to the In terne t
Gre en -
Red Faile d t o g et IP
blinki ng negot iating c on necti on
blinki ng When t ra nsmit ti ng or re ceivi ng data
Knowing your Modem/Router
Back Panel
6. DSL Line
This p or t i s for conne ction to yo ur ADSL line. Co nnect yo ur ADSL line to th is port.
7. Ethernet Ports
The Et he rne t p orts are RJ45, 10/ 100 auto -n egoti at ion. The po rts are labell ed 1 t hrough 4. The se ports corres po nd to the numb ered LEDs on the front of th e M odem/Ro uter. Conn ect your netw ork-ena bled comput ers or any net working de vices to on e o f t hese ports .
8. Reset Button
The “R es et” butt on is used in rare cas es wh en the Mode m/Route r may funct ion improper ly. Rese tting th e M odem/Ro uter will resto re the Modem /Router ’s nor ma l operat ion while mai ntainin g t he pro gramm ed setting s. You can al so re store the fac to ry defau lt settin gs by using th e R eset butto n. Use the resto re opti on in instan ces where you may h av e forgo tten you r c ustom pass word.
a. Resetting the Modem/Router
b. Restoring the Factory Defaults
9. Power Plug
Connec t t he inclu de d 15V DC power su pply to thi s i nlet. Usin g t he wro ng type of pow er adapt er may cause dam age to your Router
Push a nd ho ld the Rese t b utton fo r o ne second the n rel ease it. When the P ow er/Re ad y light bec omes solid ag ain, the rese t i s comple te.
Press and hol d t he Reset bu tton for fi ve se conds th en re lease it. When t he Power/R eady light be comes so li d again, th e res tore is compl et e.
(7) (8) (9)
sectio n
Connecting your Modem/Router
Positioning your Modem/Router
Your w ireless conn ection wil l b e stronger th e c loser your co mputer is to your Mo dem/Rou ter. Typical indo or opera ti ng range fo r y our wireless de vices is betw een 30 and 60 met re s. In the same wa y, your wireless co nnectio n a nd perform ance wil l d egrade som ewhat as th e distan ce between yo ur Modem /R outer co nnected de vices increa ses. This may o r m ay not be noti ce able to you . A s y ou move fur ther from your Mode m/Route r, connect ion speed m ay decrease. Fa ct ors that can weake n s ignal s s imply by gett ing in the way of yo ur netwo rk ’s radio wav es are m etal app li ances , o r o bstruct ions, and w al ls. Plea se see “Appe ndix B: Imp ortant Fac tors for Pl ac ement an d S etup” in this User Manu al for more guid el ines.
If you hav e c oncer ns about yo ur network ’s perfo rmance t ha t might be rel ated to ran ge or obstr uc tion fac tors, try mov ing the com puter to a positi on between 1. 5 metres and 3 metres from th e M odem/Ro uter, in ord er to see if di st ance is the prob lem. If difficu lties pers ist even at close ran ge, plea se see the Troublesh ooting s ec tion for so lutions .
Connecting your Modem/Router
Connecting your Computers
1. Po we r off yo ur compu ters and netw orking e qu ipmen t.
2. Co nn ect your co mputer to o ne of the YELLOW RJ 45 ports on th e
rea r of the Route r l abell ed “connec tions to your co mpute rs ” by using an E th ern et network ing cable ( on e Ethernet net wo rk cable is suppli ed).
sectio n
Connecting your Modem/Router
Connecting your ADSL Line
Connec tion for th e M od em/Ro ut er to the ADSL li ne varie s b y c ountry and region. Typica lly it invo lv es a microfil ter or a microfilt er with bui lt ­in splitt er to allow si multane ous use of ADS L s ervice and te lephone servic e o n t he same tel ephone lin e. Pleas e read t he followi ng steps carefull y a nd select app ro priate met hod.
1. I f y our teleph one servic e a nd ADSL ser vice are on the sam e
teleph one line, A DS L microfilte rs are n eeded fo r e ach teleph one and devic e, such as ans wering mac hine, fa x m achine, an d c aller ID displa y. Add it ional sp litters ma y b e u sed to sepa rate telep hone lines for te lepho ne and the Modem /Router .
Note: Do no t connec t t he ADSL mic rofi lter bet we en the wall ja ck and the Mo de m/Rou te r—thi s w ill pre vent ADS L s ervice from rea ching th e M odem/Ro uter.
2. If yo ur telepho ne service an d ADSL serv ice are on the same
teleph one line an d y ou are u sing an ADSL m ic ro filter wit h b uilt- in splitt er, connec t t he splitte r t o the telep hone wall j ac k pro viding ADSL serv ice. The n, connect th e t elephon e c ord f ro m t he ADSL microfil te r RJ11 port ge nerally la beled “D SL” to the grey RJ11 port labe lled “DS L l ine” on the ba ck of your Modem /Router . Connec t t elephon y d evice to th e o ther por t o n t he ADSL split ter common ly labelle d “ Phone ”. An additio nal ADSL mi crof ilter is needed fo r a nothe r t elephon e a nd device o n t he same line.
Connecting your Router
Note: One RJ 11 telep hone cord is suppl ied. When i ns ertin g a n RJ11 plug , b e sure t he tab on the p lu g clicks in to positio n t o ensure that it is prop erly seate d.
sectio n
3. If yo u h ave a dedic at ed ADSL ser vice telep hone lin e w ith an RJ11
wall jack , s imply co nnect a telep hone cord from the wall ja ck to the grey RJ11 p or t labell ed “DSL line” on the back of your Modem/ Router.
4. If yo u h ave an RJ45 wa ll jack for yo ur ADSL servi ce, connec t a n
RJ45-t o-RJ11 con verter t o t he wall jack. Th en conne ct one end of a telepho ne cord to the conv er ter and the ot her end to the grey RJ11 port la belle d “ DSL line” on t he back of your Mod em/Rout er.
Connecting your Modem/Router
Powering Up your Modem/Router
1. C on nect the su pplied pow er adapt er to the Modem/ Router
power-i np ut plug lab elled “Pow er”.
Note: Fo r s afety an d p erforma nce reasons, on ly use the sup plied power ada pter to prevent da mage to the Mo dem/Rou ter.
2. After connecting the power adapter and the power source is turned on,
the Modem/Router’s power icon. might take a few minutes for the Modem/Router to fully start up.
on the front panel should be on. It
3. Tur n on your co mputers . A fter you r c omputer s b oot up, the LA N
status LE D on the fro nt of the Mode m/Route r w ill be on for each port to which a wired comp uter is con ne cted. Th ese lights show you t he connect ion and activ ity stat us . Now you are re ady to config ure t he Modem/R outer fo r A DSL connec tion.
Setting Up your Computers
In order for your computer to properly communicate with your Mod em/ Router , you will need to change your computer’s “TCP/IP Ethernet” settings to “Obtain an IP address automatically/Using DHCP”. This is normally the default setting in most home computers.
You can set up the computer that is connected to the ADSL M odem/ Router FIRST using these steps. You can also use these steps to add computers to your Mode m/ Route r after the Modem/R outer has been set up to connect to the Internet.
Manually Configuring Network Adapters in Windows XP, 2000, or NT
Click “Start”, “Settings”, then “Control Panel”.
2. Double-click on the “Network and dial-up connections” icon
(Windows 2000) or the “Network” icon (Windows XP).
3. Right-click on the “Local Area Connection” associated with your
network adapter and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu.
4. In the “Local Area Connection Properties” window, click “Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP)” and click the “Properties” button. The following screen will appear:
sectio n
5. If “Use the following IP address” (2) is selected, your Modem /Router
will need to be set up for a static IP connection type. Write the address information in the table below. You will need to enter this information into the Mo dem/Rou ter.
6. If not already selected, select “Obtain an IP address automatically”
(1) and “Obtain DNS server address automatically” (3). Click “OK”.
Your network adapter(s) are now configured for use with the Mode m/ Route r.
Setting Up your Computers
Manually Configuring Network Adapters in Windows 98SE or Me
1. Right-click on “My Network Neighborhood” and select “Properties” from
the drop-down menu.
2. Select “TCP/IP -> settings” for your installed network adapter. You will see
the following window.
3. If “Specify an IP address” is selected, your Modem/R outer will need to
be set up for a static IP connection type. Write the address information in the table below. You will need to enter this information into the M odem/ Router.
4. Write the IP address and subnet mask from the “IP Address” tab (3).
5. Click the “Gateway” tab (2). Write the gateway address down in the chart.
6. Click the “DNS Configuration” tab (1). Write the DNS address(es) in the
7. If not already selected, select “Obtain an IP address automatically” on the
IP address tab. Click “OK”.
8. You will also need to delete the Gateway address from the Gateway tab
and DNS Configuration entries in order to properly be configured for connection to the Belkin Mo dem/Rou ter.
Restar t t he compu te r. When the co mputer resta rt s, your net work adapte r(s) are now confi gured for use wi th the Modem/ Router
Setting Up your Computers
Set up the co mputer tha t i s c onnec te d to the DSL Mode m/Route r by FIRST u si ng these st eps. You c an also use th ese step s t o a dd comput ers to your Mo de m/Rou te r after the Mo dem/Rou ter has bee n set up to con nect to the In te rne t.
Manually Configuring Network Adapters in Mac OS up to 9.x
In order for your computer to properly commun icate wi th your Mod em / Router , you will need to change your Mac com puter’s TC P/IP set tings to DHCP.
1. Pu ll down the Appl e m enu. Sel ect “Control Pa nels” and
select “T CP/IP”.
2. You w ill see the TC P/ IP control pa nel. Selec t “ Ether net Buil t-In”
or “Ether net ” i n t he “Connec t v ia:” drop- do wn menu (1).
3. Next to “Co nfigure” (2), i f “ Manuall y” is selecte d, your Mod em/
Router wi ll need to be set up for a static IP c on necti on type. Wri te the addres s i nformat ion in the tab le below. You will need t o enter thi s i nform at ion into th e M odem/Ro uter.
sectio n
Setting Up your Computers
4. If not al read y s et, at “Con figure:”, ch oose “Usin g D HCP Serv er ”.
This will te ll the comp uter to obt ai n an IP address from the Modem/ Router.
5. Clo se the window. If yo u made any cha nges, th e f ollowin g
window wi ll appea r. Cl ick “Sav e” .
Resta rt the comp ut er. When th e c omputer rest arts, your ne twork
settin gs are n ow configu re d f or use with th e M odem/Ro uter.
Setting Up your Computers
Manually Configuring Network Adapters in Mac OS X
Click on th e “ Syste m P refe re nces” icon .
2. S elect “N etwork” (1) f rom t he “System Pref eren ces” menu.
3. S elect “B uilt-in Et her ne t” (2) next to “S how” in the Ne tw ork menu .
sectio n
Setting Up your Computers
4. Se le ct the “TCP /IP” tab (3). Ne xt to “Conf igure” (4), you sh ou ld
see “Manu ally” or “U sing DHCP” . I f y ou do not, che ck the PPPoE tab (5) t o m ake sure that “C onnect usi ng PPPoE” i s NOT selec ted. If it is, yo u w ill need to co nfigure your Mo dem/ Router fo r a PPPoE conn ection typ e u sing you r u ser name and passwo rd .
5. If “M anually ” i s s elected , y our Mode m/Route r w ill need to be se t
up for a stat ic IP connect ion type . Write th e address inf or matio n in the tab le below. You will need to e nt er this inf ormatio n i nto the Modem/ Router.
6. If not al read y s elect ed , select “U sing DHCP” ne xt to “Conf igure”
(4), then cl ick “Apply No w”.
Your n etwork a da pter( s) are n ow configu re d f or use with the Modem/ Router.
Setting Up your Computers
Recommended Web Browser Settings
In most ca se s, you will no t n eed to make an y c hanges t o y our web bro wser’s settin gs. If you are having trou ble acce ss ing the Int ernet or the advan ced web- ba sed user in terface , t hen chan ge your browser ’s settin gs to the recommen ded sett in gs in this sec tion.
Internet Explorer 4.0 or Higher
Sta rt your web brow se r. Selec t
“Tools” then “ In ter net Option s”.
2. In the “Int ern et Options ” s cree n,
there are t hree selecti ons: “Never di al a connec tion”, “Di al whenev er a n etwor k c onnecti on is not present ”, and “Alw ay s dial my defaul t c onnec ti on”. If you can make a se lection , s elect “Never di al a connec tion”. If you cannot ma ke a select ion, go to the next s te p.
3. Under th e “ Inter net Opti ons”
screen, cli ck on “Connec tions” a nd select “LA N S ettings …”.
sectio n
Setting Up your Computers
4. Make sure the re are no che ck marks next to an y o f the displ ayed
option s: “Automa tically de tect set tings”, “U se automat ic config uration sc ript”, a nd “Use a proxy serve r”. Click “ OK ”. Then click “OK ” a gain in the “I ntern et Optio ns” page.
Netscape Navigator 4.0 or Higher
Sta rt Netsc ap e. Click on “E dit” the n “ Pref erences”.
2. In the “Prefe renc es” window, cl ick on “Adv anced” the n s elect
“Proxies ”. In the “Proxies ” w indow, sele ct “Direct conn ection to the Inter net ”.
Configuring your Modem/Router with the Setup Wizard
Running the Setup Wizard
1. You can acc ess the web -b ased man agement us er interfa ce of
the Modem /Router us ing the Int ernet brow ser on a compu ter connec ted to the Mod em /Rout er . Type “ 192.168 .2.1” (d o n ot type in anythi ng else suc h a s “ http:// ” o r “www”) in yo ur browser’s address bar. T hen pre ss the “Ent er” key.
Note: It is stro ngly recomme nded tha t y ou use a compu te r physic ally conne cted to the Mo dem/Rou ter with an RJ 45 cable for initi al setup . U sing a wireless ly connect ed compute r f or initi al setup is n ot reco mmended .
2. T he followi ng scre en will app ear in your browse r t o pro mpt you
to login. Th e M odem/ Ro uter shi ps with no pas sw ord e ntered. In the login sc re en, leave t he password bla nk and click the “S ubmit ” button to lo g in.
sectio n
Note: It is stro ngly recomme nded tha t y ou change the pa ssword to your ow n f or increased se curity. Please read the fo llowing sectio n, entitle d “ Manua ll y Config uring your Mo dem/Rou ter”, for detail s o n h ow to chang e y our pass wo rd an d t o ref erence other securi ty features.
Configuring your Modem/Router with the Setup Wizard
3. T he Setup Wiza rd wi ll start auto matical ly for express
config uration (rec ommende d), click “Ne xt” to cont inue.
4. T he first step is to select you r c ountry a nd ISP,
and click “N ext”. If yo ur country an d/or ISP is no t listed , s elect “O th er Count ry” or “Other IS P.”
5. N ow fill in the us er nam e a nd passw ord you we re su pplied
by your In te rne t S ervice Provi der (ISP) i n t o t he blank fiel ds. It is impo rt ant that th e c orrect user nam e a nd passw ord are entered othe rw ise the con nection wi ll fail. Your ISP will be ab le to confirm yo ur user nam e a nd password.
Note: For more detailed instruction on other connection types, please refer to the “Manually Configuring your Modem/Router” section of this User Manual.
Configuring your Modem/Router with the Setup Wizard
6. N ow the Wireless LA N S etup screen wil l b e d ispla ye d. You
can conne ct to the Mode m/Route r v ia a w ireless-L AN-enab led comput er with the fo llowing de fault wirele ss LAN settin gs:
SSID = Bel ki n G+ MIMO ADSL
Wireless Ch annel = Aut o
Securi ty = o ff
Note: Belkin strongly recommends that you enable wireless security
to WEP or WPA and change SSID to something of your own. Please read the User Manual for details on levels of wireless security and how to change your security settings
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Configuring Your Router with the Setup Wizard
7. D ou ble-c he ck the sett ings shown on the follow ing screen.
You ca n c lick “Ba ck” to change th e settin gs or click “N ex t” to confir m
Note: You can always restart the Setup Wizard or use the Navigation Menu on the left to change your setting.
Manually Configuring your Modem/Router
Understanding the Web-Based User Interface
The home p ag e shows you a q ui ck view of the Mo dem/Rou ter’s st atus and setti ngs. All ad va nced set up pages can be reach ed from this page.
1. Quick-Navigation Links
You c an go directl y t o a ny of the Mode m/ Route r’s UI page s b y
clicki ng directly on the se links . T he links are divid ed into log ic al catego ries and groupe d b y t abs to make fi nding a par ticular settin g e asier. Cli cking on th e h eader of each ta b will show yo u a short des criptio n o f the tab’s functio n.
2. Home Button
The “Home ” b utton is av ailable in ev ery page of th e U I. Pressing
this butt on will tak e y ou back to the ho me page.
3. Help Button
The “Help ” b utton gi ves you acces s t o the Modem /Router ’s help
pages. He lp is also ava ilable on m an y pages by cli cking “more info” nex t t o certai n s ections of ea ch page.
4. Login/Logout Button
This butt on enabl es you to log in and ou t o f t he Modem /R outer
with the p ress of on e button . W hen you are logged in to the Modem/ Router, th is button wil l c hange to read “L ogout”.
(2) (5)(4)(3)
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Manually Configuring your Modem/Router
Loggin g i nto the Mod em /Rout er will take you to a s eparate lo gin page where you wi ll need to ent er a p asswo rd. Whe n y ou are logged in to the Mode m/ Route r, you can make c ha nges to the settin gs. When yo u a re fi ni shed mak ing change s, you can log out of the Mo de m/Rou te r by clicki ng the “Log ou t” butto n. For more inform ation abou t l ogging i nt o the Modem /Router , s ee the sectio n c alled “L og ging int o t he Modem/R outer”.
5. Internet Status Indicator
This i nd icato r i s v isible in all pa ges of the Mod em/Rout er,
showin g t he conne ct ion stat us of the Modem/ Router. Wh en the indica tor says “c on necti on OK” in GREEN, th e M odem/ Ro uter is connec ted to the Int ernet . W hen the Mod em/Rout er is not connec ted to the Int ernet , t he indic at or will read “no co nnectio n” in RED. Th e i ndicato r i s a utomati cally up da ted when yo u m ake change s t o t he setti ngs of the Modem /Router .
6. LAN Settings
Shows yo u t he setti ngs of the Loc al Area Ne twork (L AN) side
of the Mod em /Rout er . Change s c an be made to the se ttings by clicki ng the “LAN ” “ Quick Navi gation” li nk on the left si de of the screen.
7. Features
Shows th e s tatus of th e M odem/Ro uter’s U PnP, NAT, and fi rewa ll
features . C hanges can be ma de to the sett ings by cli cking on any one of the li nks or by clic ki ng the “Qui ck Navigat ion” links on the left side of the screen.
8. Internet Settings
Shows th e s ettin gs of the Internet/ WAN sid e o f t he Modem /
Router th at conne ct s to the Inter net . C hanges to any of these settin gs can be made by cl icking o n t he “Internet/WAN” “Q uick Naviga tion” link on the left side of the screen.
9. Version Info
Shows th e f irmwa re ve rs ion, boo t-code ver sion, hardwa re
versio n, and seri al number of the Mo dem/Rou ter.
10. Page Name
The page y ou are o n c an be identif ied by this na me. This ma nu al
will some times refer to p ag es by name. Fo r i nstan ce , “LAN > LAN Settin gs” refers to the “ LA N Settin gs” page.
Manually Configuring your Modem/Router
Changing LAN Settings
All setti ngs for the in terna l L AN setup of th e M odem/ Ro uter can be viewed an d c hange d h ere.
Clicki ng on the head er of the LAN tab (1) wi ll take you to th e L AN tab’s h eader pa ge . A quick desc ription of the functi ons can be found here. To view th e s ettings or ma ke chang es to any of the LAN settin gs, click o n “ LAN Settin gs” (2) or to view the li st of conne cted comput ers, click on “DHCP Clie nt List” (3).
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