Thank you fo r purcha sing the Belk in Wirel es s G USB Networ k
Adapte r ( the Adap te r). Now you ca n t ake adva ntage of this gr eat
new techn ology an d g ain the freed om to netwo rk your home and
office co mputers wi reles sl y. This Ada pter allow s y ou to conne ct a
deskto p o r n otebo ok compute r t o y our netw or k. The easy in stallat ion
and setup wi ll have you ne tworkin g w irele ss ly in minut es. Please
be sure to re ad through th is User Man ual comple tely, and pay
specia l a ttentio n t o the secti on entitle d “ Place me nt of your Wir eless
Networ king Hardw are for Opt imal Perfo rmance” on pa ge 2.
Benefi ts of a Home Netw ork
Your Belk in Home Net work will all ow you to:
• Share on e h igh-s pe ed Inter net connec tion with a ll the comput ers in
your home
• Share re sources , s uch as file s, and hard dr ives among al l t he
connec ted comput ers in your ho me
• Share a s in gle prin ter with the e nt ire fami ly
• Share do cuments , m usic, vi deo, and digi tal pict ur es
• Store , r etrieve , a nd copy fil es from one co mputer to ano ther
• Simul taneous ly play gam es online, ch eck Intern et email , a nd chat
Advant ages of a Wire less Netwo rk
Here are some of the advantages of setting up a Belkin wireless network:
• Mobi lity – you no lon ger need a ded ic ated “co mputer
room”— you can wor k o n a ne tworked la ptop or des ktop
comput er anywher e w ithin yo ur wireles s r ange
• Easy in stallat ion – Belki n E asy Instal lation Wiz ards mak e
setup sim ple
• Flex ibility – set up and access pr inters, co mpute rs , and other
networ king devic es from any where in your ho me
• Easy ex pansion – t he wide range of Be lkin net working pr oducts
lets you e xp and your ne twork to in cl ude devi ces such as prin ters
and gamin g c onsol es
• No cabl ing requir ed – you can spar e t he expen se and hassle of
retrof itting Eth ernet ca bl ing thro ughout the ho me or offic e
• Wide spread ind ustry acce ptance – ch oose from a wide ra nge
of intero perable ne twork in g produc ts