Warranty | 11
What th is warrant y covers.
Belkin Corporation warrants to t he original p urchaser of th is Belkin pr oduct that th e product s hall be
free of defects in design, asse mbly, material, or workmansh ip.
What th e period of coverage is.
Belkin Corporation warrants the Belkin pro duct for thre e years.
What wi ll we do to co rrect prob lems?
Product Wa rranty.
Belkin will repair o r replace, at its option, a ny defective product fr ee of charge ( except for sh ipping
charges for the produ ct).
What is not covered b y this warra nty?
All above warranties a re null and voi d if the Belk in product is not provide d to Belkin Co rporation
for insp ection upo n Belkin’s req uest at the so le expense o f the purchase r, or if Belki n Corporatio n
determi nes that the Be lkin produc t has been i mproperly i nstalled, al tered in any wa y, or tampered with.
The Bel kin Product Warranty do es not protec t against ac ts of God (o ther than lig htning) such as flood,
earthq uake, war, vanda lism, theft , normal-u se wear and tea r, erosion, dep letion, obso lescence, ab use,
damage d ue to low volt age disturba nces (i.e. br ownouts or s ags), non -authorized program, or system
equipm ent modific ation or alte ration.
How to ge t service .
To get ser vice for your Belkin prod uct you must take the follo wing steps :
1. Contac t Belkin Custo mer Servi ce (see deta ils on page 13) , within 15 days of the Occurrenc e.
Be prep ared to provid e the followi ng informatio n:
a. Th e part numb er of the Belk in product .
b. Where yo u purchased t he product.
c. W hen you purch ased the prod uct.
d. Copy of o riginal recei pt.
2. Your Be lkin Customer Service Re presentative will then inst ruct you on how to forwar d your receipt
and Bel kin product and how to pro ceed with you r claim.
Belki n Corporation Limited 3-Year Prod uct Warranty