For th e best resul ts, p la ce th e Rou ter n ext t o your m od em in
an open location away from large metal objects and magnets
suc h as th ose found in sp eaker s. Ra ising t he Ro uter above
floor level can improve the strength of your wireless signal.
How to Set It Up
1. Co nn ec t your R outer ’s Eth er net c able to your mo dem’s Eth er net
por t (on the back of your m odem). Th is port m ight be labe le d
dif ferently on y our p ar ti cular m odem. If you ar e a dding a
Rou ter for the f ir st ti me, this p or t may be c onnecte d to you r
computer by an Ethernet cable. It is OK to disconnect your
computer and plug the Router into the modem instead.
2. Plug the Router’s power supply into a wall outlet.
3. Put the CD i nto your comput er. If th e CD doesn ’t
ope n aut omati ca ll y, p lease b row se to yo ur CD driv e
and double- click on the Belkin Setup CD icon.
4. Click the Setup icon on the CD menu.
5. Afte r a b ri ef in stallat ion, the s etup soft ware will as k y ou
for th e net work name and p as swo rd fr om th e net work
informat io n car d tha t is at tached to your Route r. S tore the
card under the base of your Router for future reference.
6. A progres s scree n wil l app ea r whi le ad ditiona l sof tware is
ins ta lled. This may take a few minut es to comp lete. Once
fin ished, a “ Su cc es s” me ss age w ill a pp ear i ndicati ng th at you
are connected to the Internet via your new Belkin Router.
During setup you may be asked for additional information.
You m ay ne ed to en ter a user na me an d pas sword prov ided
by you r ISP. T his u sername and passwor d i s likely to b e
found on materials that came f rom your ISP when you
sig ne d up for ser vi ce. If n ec essary, you m ay ne ed to cont act
your ISP to retrieve your username and password.
If you have a stati c IP addre ss, y ou may n ee d t o enter
additional information also provided by your ISP.
If you r compu ter d oesn’ t have a wire le ss ad apter, or the
set up so ft ware is unabl e to contr ol it, you may be as ked to
connect your computer to the Router with a network cable.
Advanced Tools & Settings
After the initi al setup i s compl ete, you have th e o pt ion to
change settings like your network name, security type, and
pas sword . To ma ke these changes and others, cli ck on t he
Advanced Tools ic on at the CD Setup menu and se lect on e
of the following set tings that you would like to change:
Network Name & Se curit y – Person al ize your networ k nam e
(SSID), password, and strength of wireless security.
Internet Service Provider & Login Settings – Ha ve
you moved or changed Internet Service Providers?
If you ’d like t o cha ng e the se se tt in gs wi th out r unning
through the setup process again, this is the place.
Router Settings
User Manual
USB Print & Storage Manager
Memory Safe: Get Started!
Check for Updates
The Belkin Router Manager
The Belkin Router Manager appears in your system tray
(Wind ows) or m en u bar (M ac). It s icon indicat es th e cur re nt
sta tus o f your R outer and al so al lows you to access your
Rou ter’s sett ings to ma ke ch anges. It also provide s qui ck
access to software that came bundled with your Router.
To access the Router set tings, click on the icon
and select from the menu that appears.
The status of your Router is shown by the Belkin Router Manager
icon, which closely mimics the light on the front of the Router.
Green: You a re co nn ec ted to your Belkin Rout er
and it is connected to the Internet.
Amber: You a re co nnected to your Belk in Ro uter,
but it is not connected to the Internet.
Manual Setup Using Your Browser
In you r bro wser, type “http://ro uter ” (you d o not need to t yp e
in any thing else such a s “w ww”). Then press the Enter key. If
you’re st ill h aving troubl e runni ng th e manua l set up op tion, t yp e
“” i n your b rowse r (yo u do not need to t yp e in anything
else such as “http://” or “w ww”). Then press the Enter key.
Adding Computers to Your Network
Wir eless d evice s such as co mp uters , net work printers, and g aming
systems can connect to your Router with a few simple steps.
Using the CD
1. Pu t the Setu p CD into you r com pu ter. If t he CD
doe sn’t op en au tomat ic ally, bro wse to your CD
drive and open the Belkin Setup CD icon.
2. Click the Setup icon on the CD menu.
3. After a brief installation, the setup software will ask you for the
net wo rk na me an d password from t he ne twork i nform ation c ard
tha t cam e with you r Rou ter. This c ard i s mos t likely n ow lo cated
underneath the foot of your Router in the provided card slot.
4. A progres s scree n wil l app ea r whi le ad ditiona l sof tware is
ins ta lled. This may take a few minut es to comp lete. Once
fin ished, a “ Su cc es s” me ss age w ill a pp ear i ndicati ng th at you
are connected to the Internet via your new Belkin Router.
Note: Th e set up so ft ware run s onl y on
Windows and Mac OS X systems.
If you choose not to use t he in cl uded Setup CD for
add ing a ddition al comp uters or w ireless devi ce s, you
can manually add these items to your network.
1. Lo ca te the w ireless-net work- co nnections opti on
on your computer or wireless device.
2. Select your Belkin Router f rom t he li st of available networ ks. You
can identi fy your Belk in Router by lo ca ting the n et work name
(SSID) from the card located underneath the foot of your Router.
3. Enter your networ k password (located on
your network information card).
Your wireless device will take a few moments to connect to your
network. If the connection is not made the first time, try this
pro ce ss ag ain. If yo u sti ll have difficult y con necting to your networ k
after trying t his p rocess a few ti mes, see t he “Troublesh ooting”
section in this manual for help with connecting to your network.
Note: In some cases you may be prompted to select the
security type. It is printed on the card for your convenience.
Using the WPS But ton
1. St ar t WPS Pu sh Bu tton Co nn ec tion (W PS PBC) o n you r
com pu ter or o ther Wi -F i device t hat you would like to connec t
wir elessly to your Router. Of ten ther e wil l be a but ton fo r this
pur po se in software that came with the device, or a physica l
“WPS,” “PBC,” or “Security” button on the device itself.
2. Within two minutes, press the WPS button on your Router.
The WPS light (small light above WPS button) wi ll bl ink g reen while
it liste ns for y our W i- Fi device. Once a conn ec ti on is esta bl ished, the
lig ht wi ll tu rn gree n and then go o ut . If a c on nection is n ot es ta blished ,
the light will blink amber. You may repeat the process to try again.
You can repeat this process for each WPS-enabled
device you’d like to add to your network.
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