Belkin F6C800-UNV, F6C120-UNV, F6C100 User Manual

1. The UPS is on battery
2. Bat te r y is lo w. T he UPS
Laser Printer
Please save this manual!
It contains important operating instructions and warranty information pertaining to your UPS.
Please save or recycle the packaging materials!
The UPS packaging was designed with great care to provide protection during shipment and delivery. These materials are invaluable if you ever have to return the UPS for service. Damage sustained during transit is not covered under the warranty.
Federal Communications Commission Interference Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. To assure continued compliance, use only shielded interface cables when connecting to computer or peripheral devices. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
You should have received the following: 1 – UPS unit 1 – Bulldog Plus Shutdown Software 1 – USB Cable 1 – Serial Cable 1 – Phone Line Cable
Before installation, please inspect the UPS upon receipt. Make sure that nothing is damaged.
Your UPS features 3 LED indicators which specify’s certain functions on your UPS. Please review the Front Panel diagram and with this chart, as it will assist you in the use of your UPS.
Indicator Condition
(Green LED)
(Yellow LED)
_ Solid Green
_ Flashing Green AVR is active
_ Flashing Yellow LED with Audible
Alarm (Beeping)
_ Solid Red
_ Flashing RED
_ Solid Red
AC Power is on
This condition for the On­Battery LED can indicate 1 of 2 problems:
backup and an intermittent audible alarm is on. The UPS will begin shutdown procedure.
will sta rt sh ut d own. T he b uzze r sou n ds a n a ud ible a la rm .
The Fault/Overload can indicate 1 of 2 problems.
1. There is a problem with the UPS. The LED will be lit continuously, and the unit will sound an audible alarm for 10 seconds.
2. Battery is weak or bad, the battery needs to be replaced.
Battery output is drawing more power than the UPS can provide.
There is either no ground circuit or a reversed polarity in the building wiring.
F6C800-UNV F6C100-UNV F6C120-UNV
Battery BACK UP (Slow Alarm)
When in the UPS is in battery BACK-UP mode, the On Battery (Yellow LED) illuminates and the UPS sounds an audible alarm. The alarm stops when the UPS returns to normal ON LINE operation.
Low Battery (Rapid Alarm)
When the UPS is in battery BACK-UP mode and the battery energy begins to run low, the UPS will beep rapidly until it shuts down from a depleted battery or returns to ON LINE normal operation.
OVERLOAD (Continuous alarm)
When the UPS is overloaded (the connected loads exceed the maximum rated capacity), the UPS emits a continuous alarm to warn of an overload condition. Disconnect nonessential equipment. from the UPS to eliminate the overload.
FAULT (10 Seconds Continuously)
When the output is shorted, the UPS emits a 10 seconds continuous alarm to warn of a short condition. Disconnect the equipment from the UPS prior to checking the equipment.
Rear Panel
Internet/ Phone/ Fax/ DSL and Network Protection
Interface Port (USB¡@Port)
Battery Back up outlets
Surge-only Protected Outlets
Interface Port (RS232 Port)
Site Wiring Fault Indicator
AC Input Breaker
AC Input Power Cord
The internet/phone/fax/DSL/network lines are surge protected and provide complete safety for line connection.
The UPS provides both a USB and RS232 port for you use with your computer. NOTE: Choose one port only.
Only data sensitive equipment such as a computer, monitor and external drive should be plugged into these outlets. Battery power is automatically provided in case of a power outage. Power (AC or battery) is not supplied to these outlets when the UPS is switched off. (Do not plug surge protectors or power strips into the battery back up outlets).
Equipment such as a printer, fax machine, scanner, or a desk lamp can be plugged into these outlets. These outlets do not provide power during a power outage. These outlets are always on (when AC power is available) & are not controlled by the front panel switch.
The circuit breaker button will be triggered if an overload condition forces the UPS to disconnect itself from utility power. If the button sticks out, disconnect nonessential equipment and depress breaker.
The Site Wiring Fault LED will illuminate when one of the following conditions exist:
1. Open or high-resistance ground
2. Hot and neutral polarity reversal
3. Overloaded neutral circuit
System Requirements
The UPS can be used without the software and can be used with any computer using upto a 21” monitor or a flat panel screen. Also, you do not have to have the software installed to utilize the battery backup outlets.
To fully utilize the UPS and its software, your computer must be able to operate the following operating systems: 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP & Novell
3.X & Higher and have a Serial or USB port.
Before installation, please inspect the UPS Upon receipt. Make sure that the UPS is not damaged.
Connect to AC Utility Power
Connect the AC inlet to utility power via the power cord. Check whether the Site Wiring Fault indicator is lit or not. If so, please check the utility wiring.
Charging the Battery
For best results, charge the battery for 6 hours prior to initial use. The UPS must be turned on to charge. The UPS charges its battery whenever it is connected to the utility power. Should you see the red battery light come on, the battery may need immediate charging.
Plug in Power Devices
Plug your devices into the AC outlets on the top of the UPS. To use the UPS as a master on/off switch, make sure all of the loads are switched on.
Caution: Never connect a laser printer or scanner to the backup outlets of UPS with other computer equipment. A laser printer or scanner draws significantly more power when in use than when idle. This may overload the UPS.
Turning on the UPS
Turn on your UPS by pressing and holding the On/Off/Test button for approximately 3 seconds until the “ON LINE” Green comes on. The
UPS will perform a self-test each time the UPS is switched on.
Note! The UPS maintains the battery charge when in the off position and will respond to commands received through the computer interface port.
Turning off the UPS
Turn off the UPS by pressing and holding the On/Off/Test button for more than 3 seconds until the “ON LINE” or “ON BATTERY” LED goes off.
To Conduct a Self Test
Use the self-test to verify both the operation of the UPS and the condition of the battery. In normal utility power, push the On/Off/Test button less than 2 seconds and the UPS performs a self-test function. During the self-test, the UPS operates in back-up mode.
Note! During the self-test, the UPS briefly operates on- battery backup power (the on-battery LED comes on). If the UPS passes the self -test, it returns to on-line operation. If the UPS fails the self-test, it immediately returns to on-line operation and lights the replace battery LED. The loads are not affected. Recharge the battery overnight and perform the self- test again. If the replace battery LED is still on, the battery will need to be replaced.
To Silence Audible Alarm
While in battery BACK-UP mode, push on/off/test button less than 2 seconds to silence the audible alarm. (This does not work if the UPS is under LOW BATTERY or OVERLOAD condition.
All equipment must be turned off prior to hardware installation.
Connect the phone/fax/modem/network lines
Connect a single Internet/ phone/ fax/ DSL/network line into the surge­protected sockets on the back of the UPS. The RJ-11/RJ-45 modular sockets accepts standard single line telephone connections. The connection will require another length of telephone cable, which is supplied.
Telephone Socket
Modem/ Fax
Note! This connection is optional but highly suggested as Internet/
phone/ fax/modem/ DSL/network lines often carry dangerous surges and spikes. The UPS works properly without a phone/ fax/ modem / DSL connection. Caution! The Internet/ phone/ fax/modem/ DSL/network protection feature could be rendered inoperable if improperly installed. Make sure that the telephone line from the wall is plugged into the connector marked “IN”, and the device to be protected is plugged into the connect or marked “ OUT”.
Serial or USB Communication Port (Installation Optional)
To fully utilize the Bulldog Shutdown Software; you will need to connect the UPS to your computer.
The communication port will provide the following features:
1. Monitoring charger status
2. Monitoring UPS status
3. Monitoring battery status and condition
4. Monitoring the utility status
5. Use the ON/OFF/TEST UPS power switch function to schedule
6. UPS for power saving You may connect the UPS to your computer by choosing either the
Serial or USB ports. Note: Choose one port only. Do not connect
your computer through both ports.
( on battery)
Back up time
0~85% humidity non-condensing, 0~35_
(W X D X H)
Net weight
Using the serial or USB cable (provided), connect the cable to your UPS then connect the other end to the USB port on your computer.
Caution: Use only the factory-supplied UPS monitoring cable.
USB : HID Windows Setup Procedure
1. When the USB cable is first connected to a USB port on your computer, the Windows® 98 dialog called ADD NEW HARDWARE WIZARD should automatically appear. (To display this dialog manually, click the START button and choose SETTING to access the control panel, and double-click on ADD NEW HARDWARE.)
2. The ADD NEW HARDWARE WIZARD will guide you through the installation process. Click Next.
3. A dialog states, “Windows will now search for any new Plug­and-Play devices on your system.“ Click Next.
4. A subsequent dialog gives you these options: “Search for the best driver for your device (recommended) and display a list of all drivers in specific location. This enables you to select the driver you want. “Please accept the recommended choice by clicking NEXT.
5. The Wizard will then search your hard drive for a file called “\INF\ hidden.inf”. This file contains all the information that Windows® OS needs to install the correct device drivers.
6. The wizard might ask for the Windows OS CD-ROM. Place the CD into the CD-ROM drive & select OK.
7. The installation process will continue to run until a dialog display shows that the drivers have been installed. Select the FINISH button and your drivers are installed.
G) Install the Software (Optional)
a)To fully utilize the UPS and its software, your computer must be
able to operate the following operating systems: 95OSR2 / 98 / ME / NT4 /2000/XP & Novell 3.X & Higher and have a USB port.
b)Your UPS features the Bulldog Plus Shutdown Software. This
allows you to protect and save your data should a power outage occur, as well as safely shutdown your computer in your absence. Please be sure to close out of all applications prior to installing the software.
1. To install the software, please place the CD into the CD drive
of your computer.
2. Your computer should autorun the CD. If this does not occur,
go to the Run feature on your Start icon (lower left corner) on your screen. Please enter the CD drive, it may be D: Upon entering the drive Run setup.exe. to execute the software. Should you continue to have a problem, please refer to your computer’s owner’s manual for the correct drive.
3. The “Welcome to the Belkin Bulldog Plus Product Installation
Browser” will appear. Please click Install.
4. Upon clicking Install, the Bulldog Plus Installation window will
appear. Please choose the appropriate software to install
5. InstallShield Wizard will appear onscreen, click Next.
6. Please read the License Agreement and click Yes.
7 On Setup Type, ALL (Standalone) is the default. Standalone is
for UPS management for your computer only. Networking management is for administrators who need to manage several UPSes in a workstation environment. You should not install the networking files unless you are technically qualified to use these features. For more information on networking, please refer to the software user’s manual.
8. On Choose Destination Folder, you have the option to choose
the location of where you would like the Software located on your computer. We recommend using the default option as shown on screen. To use the default option, click Next.
9. On Select Program Folder, you have the option to choose the
program folder for your Software. We recommend using the default option as shown on screen. To use the default option, click Next.
10. On the Select Language screen, please select your language
11. The software will now be installed. Once completed, please
click Finish.
Please refer to the help feature found on the Belkin On-line Screen. To access this screen, please click the Belkin shield found in the lower right corner on your task bar of your screen.
Once the Belkin On-line screen appears, choose help. The Bulldog Online Help screen will appear. You may use the Contents, Index or Search tabs to assist you with your help issues and to get more information on the specific features and functions of the software.
H) User Manual Installation
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to review the User’s Manuals. If you do not have the reader, please goto to download a free version of the software.
1. From the “Welcome to the Belkin Bulldog Plus Product Installation Browser” window, locate and choose User Manual’s.
2. The “ Bulldog Plus User Manuals” window will appear. Please move your pointer to the manual you wish to open and click.
3. An Adobe pdf file will be opened. To save a copy to your hard drive, you will need to goto “File” on your menu bar and choose “Save a copy”.
4. On the Save a Copy window, please choose a destination folder for the manual.
I) Uni nstal l for Wind ows 9 5/98/ Me/NT 4/200 0/XP
The re ar e two options t o uninstall the Belkin Shutdo wn So ftwar e.
Opt ion 1
1. Click th e Sta rt icon in the lower left hand corn er of your scre en an d got o the Prog rams folde r. Scroll to th e Belkin Bulldo g Plu s folder and ch oose set up. Insta ll Wizard will appea r.
2. Cho ose Remove and click Next .
3. The Prog ram Files and Audio Files will be checke d. If they are not, ple ase check them. Click Next. Th e uninstall pro cedur e will beg in.
4. Click Finish when complete.
Opt ion 2
(No te: Windows XP users, cho ose the Co ntrol pane l fun ction from your Sta rt icon an d the n got o to step 2.)
1. Click th e Sta rt icon in the lower left hand corn er of your scre en an d got o the Sett ings icon. Goto and choose the Cont rol Panel folde r. Th e Con trol Pan el window will appea r.
2. Locate a nd click t he Add /Remo ve Pro grams icon . The Add /Remo ve Pro grams wind ow will ap pear.
3. Locate and ch oose the Belkin Bulldog Plus softwa re. Click the Cha nge/Remove butt on on the right . Install Wizar d will app ear.
4. Cho ose Remove and click Next .
5. The Prog ram Files & Aud io Files will be che cked. If they are no t, please che ck th em. Click Next. The uninstall proce dure will begin .
6. Click Finish when complete.
Please visit for the latest software upgrades and information on your belkin ups.
Capacity 800VA /450W
F6C800-UNV F6C100- UNV
1000VA /
Frequency 60HZ ( ±3HZ )
Voltage Simulated sine wave, 120vac ±10%
60HZ ( ±1HZ )
Full / half
3-8 min 3-8 min 3-7 min
_ 12hours recover 85% capacity
Safety UL / C-UL, meet FCC class B
Meet IEEE C62.41 Category A standard,
120mm X 300mm X 190mm (4.72” X 11.81”
11.4KGS/25.13 LBS
13.5KGS/29.7 5LBS
All specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
Storage Conditions
Store the UPS covered and upright in a cool, dry location with its battery fully charged. Before storing, charge the UPS for at least four hours. Disconnect any cables connected to the computer interface port to avoid unnecessary drainage of the battery.
Extended Storage
During extended storage in environments where the ambient temperature is +5 oF to +86 oF, charge the UPS battery every six months. During extended storage in environments where the ambient temperature is +86
F to +113 oF, charge the UPS battery every three months.
Belkin Components User License Agreement
Away from sunlight Away from heat Away from water
Belkin Components (Belkin”) thanks you for choosing one of our products. This User License Agreement (Agreement”) contains the terms and conditions under which limited use of the product is licensed to you. PLEASE READ THIS NOTICE CAREFULLY. DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE OR PRODUCT UNTIL YOU HAVE READ AND AGREED TO THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU USE THE SOFTWARE AND PRODUCT, YOU ARE AGREEING TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET OUT IN THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, YOU MUST RETURN THE UNOPENED PRODUCT WITH THE DISKS INSIDE TO THE PARTY FROM WHOM YOU RECEIVED IT. SCOPE OF USE: In this Agreement, software means all machine­readable software programs and associated files in this package. All modified versions of and upgrades or improvements to such programs and all copies of such programs and files. You, a single user opening this envelope (You or our), may use the software on a single central processing unit. You may not rent it, loan it out, or lease it, nor use it on a multi-user system.
LICENSE: You have the non-exclusive right to use the software. You are not permitted to copy, modify or transfer the software or documentation. You may not compile, disassemble or otherwise reverse engineer, breakdown, analyze or modify the software. USE AND RESTRICTIONS: You are permitted to make backup copies of all the software disks for archival purposes only. You must reproduce the proprietary notice set forth on the disks and affix them to all backup copies. You are not permitted to use these programs in connection with a computer service, or to use the backup copies other than as a replacement for the original copy. TERM: This license is effective upon acceptance by opening this envelope or in any other way using the enclosed software, which will constitute your acceptance of, and agreement to, this Agreement, and is effective until terminated. The limited license in this Agreement will be automatically terminated if you fail to comply with any of the Terms and conditions in this Agreement. You agree that upon such termination you will immediately destroy all programs and documentation, including all copies made or obtained by you. SOFTWARE, PROGRAM, DOCUMENTATION, AND ANY RELATED INFORMATION, GOODS OR SERVICES ARE PROVIDED WITH NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND WHAT SO EVER. BELKIN HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The entire risk of the use, results and performance of the software, program and documentation is borne by you. Should any or all of the product, software, program, documentation, or related information, goods or services be defective, misused, unsuitable or cause or give rise to any harm or liability whatsoever, you, not Belkin or its associates, dealers or agents, assume the entire liability, cost of repair, correction or any payment or other remedy whatsoever. Furthermore, no warranty or guarantee is made regarding the use or results of the product, software, program, documentation, or any related information, goods or services in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, timeliness or otherwise. You use and rely on the program at your own risk. The following is the only and exclusive warranty and remedy of any kind: Belkin does warrant that the program disks are free from physical defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase, as evidenced by a copy of the sales receipt. Return the defective disk or documentation with your receipt directly to Belkin for a replacement. DISCLAIMER: Belkin or its associates will in no event be liable (i) in any amount for lost profits or special, incidental, punitive or consequential damages, or (ii) for any claim or damage of any nature, or under any theory, whatsoever, in any amount in excess of the purchase price you paid for the product. The warranties and remedies here set forth are exclusive, and in lieu of all others oral or written, express or implied. Some jurisdictions do not allow exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or of liability for incidental damages, so the foregoing limitations or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. HOWEVER, YOU WAIVE SUCH RIGHTS, EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW. The license is governed by the laws prevailing in the State of New York, without regard to its conflicts of laws principles.
By opening the package on which this Agreement is printed, or through which it is visible, you acknowledge that you have read this Agreement, understand it, and agree that this agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of agreement between yourself and Belkin and supersedes any prior agreements, oral or written, and any other communications relating to the subject matter of this Agreement.
Any term or provision of this Agreement or any application thereof, which may be prohibited or unenforceable by law in a particular jurisdiction, shall be interpreted and enforced to the maximum extent allowed in such jurisdiction (which the parties acknowledge could mean severing the provision from this Agreement or, if allowed, enforcing it in a narrower form), without affecting the remainder of this Agreement, or any other application of such term or provision in such jurisdiction, or application of such term or provision in any
Safety Information
l Internal battery voltage is 12V DC. l The unit is intended for installation in a controlled environment
(temperature controlled, indoor area free of conductive contaminants).
l All batteries used are Sealed Lead Batteries. Batteries must be
Recycling Information
Your UPS contains a Non-spillable Sealed Lead Battery. On the battery, you will find the battery name. Please reference the chart below for recycling information.
Battery Name Recycling Inside
the USA
Recycling Outside the USA
BB Battery (800) 278-8599 N/A CSB Battery (800) 738-7372 1 (817) 244-4415 VISION Battery (973) 726-5323 N/A
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